Random Gripes

Started by Irrationally Angry Kank, August 24, 2005, 12:23:18 PM

When I'm travelling I often spend days living in airports (I'm poor, it works).  This means I live from my backpack, not a huge camping pack, but an ordinary backpack. I carry my backpack with me everywhere, it has spare clothes, it has toiletries, it has food, drink, books, pens, writing things, another set of shoes, a towel. I have a little pouch with phone, money, documents, makeup, keys and camera.

Uncomfortable, yah, but I lugged that sucker on buses, planes, through airports, sitting in bars, restaurants, takeaways, the beach, shopping malls and parks.

I figure if I'm going to carry that much junk around with me for a few days trip because I don't have some safe place to keep it, I'd surely make the effort to do so in a world where I don't have a room to sleep and every guy is looking to rip me off.
"It doesn't matter what country someone's from, or what they look like, or the color of their skin. It doesn't matter what they smell like, or that they spell words slightly differently, some would say more correctly." - Jemaine Clement. FOTC.

lawl, i agree for the most part with the original poster, though some things were naturally a little exaggerated. I am personally proud of once having a 'rinther who regularly strutted around with no hood up, and also being a hardcore mercenary with a REALLY pimped out hat, who hated to wear the damn hood because he couldn't wear his hat, too.

The hat was special. If i see you with it IG, i will have my char kill your char for it, completely OOCly. Take that as a warning. :mrgreen:

Quote from: "Agent_137"... being a hardcore mercenary with a REALLY pimped out hat, who hated to wear the damn hood because he couldn't wear his hat, too.

Actually, it wouldn't be hard to wear your nifty hat OVER your hood?  Ever think of that?  Hmm... a revelation.  Yeah, it is now and was probably often done back in the day in combat-oriented groups especially.  You just need a helm/hat that isn't too small.  That cloth hood gives some extra padding under those uncomfortable helms and protection against the elements, even if that hat you are wearing already does that.  Also, even though it looks funny, you could also wear your hood over your helm if at all possible.  Although yes, I understand that horns and other things might get in the way... in the military you still find ways to alter (i.e. cut with knife) the uniform to make it work and still be functional or even better than it was before.  Still, wearing the hood under the helm would probably make more sense in the example you described and is completely realistic.

Quote from: "Adhira"I carry my backpack with me everywhere, it has spare clothes, it has toiletries, [edited for brevity]... a towel.

Heh heh.  Always remember your towel!
quote="Larrath"]"On the 5th day of the Ascending Sun, in the Month of Whira's Very Annoying And Nearly Unreachable Itch, Lord Templar Mha Dceks set the Barrel on fire. The fire was hot".[/quote]

While we're on the subject of backpack gripes... people REALLY need to stop putting soup/stew/beverages in their packs!  :roll:

Seriously... its incredibly ridiculous.  If you don't believe me, try it for real.  I will not accept counter-arguments from anyone who hasn't.

With a Byn character I had, I saw someone put at least 3 or 4 bowls of stew into their pack.  When I asked them how they keep it from spilling, they just said they tied it down securely.  You're riding a kank, man!  Kank's don't have uber-shock absorbers of ult1m4te D00m!

Yes, anyway, putting things that can spill in your pack is stupid.  Don't do it.  Ever.  Period.  I mean it.
*blank* hmms to himself, carefully peeing across the ground.

Quote from: RaesanosI want to kill everyone.

Quote from: "Hexxaex"With a Byn character I had, I saw someone put at least 3 or 4 bowls of stew into their pack.  When I asked them how they keep it from spilling, they just said they tied it down securely.  You're riding a kank, man!  Kank's don't have uber-shock absorbers of ult1m4te D00m!

Yes, anyway, putting things that can spill in your pack is stupid.  Don't do it.  Ever.  Period.  I mean it.

there's something called a 'lid'.
A foreign presence contacts your mind.

Quote from: "Manhattan"
Quote from: "Hexxaex"With a Byn character I had, I saw someone put at least 3 or 4 bowls of stew into their pack.  When I asked them how they keep it from spilling, they just said they tied it down securely.  You're riding a kank, man!  Kank's don't have uber-shock absorbers of ult1m4te D00m!

Yes, anyway, putting things that can spill in your pack is stupid.  Don't do it.  Ever.  Period.  I mean it.

there's something called a 'lid'.

And what would this lid you propose be made out of?  How would it seal well enough to keep liquid from spilling out?  And if it seals that well, how do you get the lid off?  Is it cost effective?

Bowls of Byn stew do not come in snap-n-seal plastic containers.
quote="Larrath"]"On the 5th day of the Ascending Sun, in the Month of Whira's Very Annoying And Nearly Unreachable Itch, Lord Templar Mha Dceks set the Barrel on fire. The fire was hot".[/quote]

A piece of thin leather or animal skin to place over the top and a length of leather or sinew to tie around the edge of the bowl if the bowl has a lip on it. *shrug* That's the only way I can think of that someone could realistically do this.
Quote from: Fnord on November 27, 2010, 01:55:19 PM
May the fap be with you, always. ;D

QuoteBowls of Byn stew do not come in snap-n-seal plastic containers.

Or tupperware.

The worst I saw was a guy pulling a chalice out of his belt....Then he proceeded to drink water from it.
Quote from: AnaelYou know what I love about the word panic?  In Czech, it's the word for "male virgin".

Quote from: "Vanth"I would suggest that most clanned characters can get by with a pouched belt, in most circumstances.  But then again I have noticed that most PC Zalanthans are packrats.

I think that in order to facilitate this reality into the gameworld, the OOC item-whoring needs to stop.

You know what I'm talking about.

Pouched belts that cost 500 sid.  * the closeable ones anyway - non-closeable ones are 'of course', totally common and totally cheap.

Pouched boots that cost 500 sid.

Wrist sheaths that cost 50000000000 sid.

Wrist razors that cost 50000000000000000000000000000 sid.

There really is no IC, in-game reason why these kinds of items cost the amount they do - there's no fantastic super duper ultra sekrit technology that goes into them ICly, it doesn't take the rarest of rare materials, or maniacal, psychopathic magicker-god-king to enchant them.. you're just freaking strapping small sharp objects to your damn hand, dude.

It's just that OOCly, players want them for their OOC utility.  "Wow, with this awesome item I can now store items on my character's -ankle-!!!!11oneeleven."  And so OOCly, these items are crazily rare/overpriced, which is totally unrealistic for the gameworld.

Come on, give me a break.

ps.  A little birdie says, "You shouldn't be able to pick things up when you've got your hands codedly full.  Especially when fighting.  How about if you do, you gotta drop something from one of those hands?"

pps.  And I've always wondered why there just aren't -normal- sheaths, I mean I know people are poor, but would you want your own sword cutting up your leg while you're walking around or mudsexxing?  If you can afford a sword and a belt, can't you afford another small chunk of leather to go with it all?
Was there no safety? No learning by heart of the ways of the world? No guide, no shelter, but all was miracle and leaping from the pinnacle of a tower into the air?

Virginia Woolf, To the Lighthouse


The hood situation bothers me OOC, but I think that it's perfectly justified most of the time, IC. It's fucking HOT in Zalanthas, and a hood provides some shelter. Indoors, it's a different story. Hoods should not be worn indoors - it's impolite, IC and OOC.


'Hit each other with sticks' is no substitute for real, roleplayed-out training. Pushups, laps around the Commoner's Quarter, and lectures are all great. I wouldn't call it a necessary evil, exactly, because sparring just makes sense in character. It's not some weird convention that we have to deal with in order to increase our coded skills.

Skill-fishing: It makes me wince OOC everytime I hear 'What are you good at?' As previously mentioned though, the question is easily deflected.

Backpacks: IRL, I love backpacks. Love them. It's like a manpurse... but it's so much more.
 I really don't have a problem visualizing a bunch of hardy desert-dwellers carrying all of their belongings around on their backs, all the time. It seems natural to me.
isclaimer: Also, dwarves.

ps. A little birdie says, "You shouldn't be able to pick things up when you've got your hands codedly full. Especially when fighting. How about if you do, you gotta drop something from one of those hands?"

I've always wondered about this. Every time I've seen disarm;get sword it has always jarred me. How are you taking my/that gith's/whatever's sword when you're wielding two? It's not so much that it angers me when it happens or anything, it's just something I wouldn't do myself.
eeling YB, you think:
    "I can't believe I just said that."

Quote from: "bloodfromstone"ps. A little birdie says, "You shouldn't be able to pick things up when you've got your hands codedly full. Especially when fighting. How about if you do, you gotta drop something from one of those hands?"

I've always wondered about this. Every time I've seen disarm;get sword it has always jarred me. How are you taking my/that gith's/whatever's sword when you're wielding two? It's not so much that it angers me when it happens or anything, it's just something I wouldn't do myself.

Last word I heard on this "disarm;get sword" is a huge nono. That is, if you don't have a free hand to pick up the other weapon if I remember right.
Quote from: Fnord on November 27, 2010, 01:55:19 PM
May the fap be with you, always. ;D

Quote from: "jhunter"Last word I heard on this "disarm;get sword" is a huge nono. That is, if you don't have a free hand to pick up the other weapon if I remember right.

I have no problem with "disarm; get sword", personally.  You take an appropriate amount of risk when you dive for a weapon on the ground for me to consider this perfectly acceptable play.  And I don't consider it either an unrealistic tactic (ie. it makes sense wanting to have your opponent's weapon), nor do I consider it an unrealistic physical possibility (ie., I can conceive of situations where I could take my opponent's weapon from them during the battle)

-- X

Quote from: "Xygax"
Quote from: "jhunter"Last word I heard on this "disarm;get sword" is a huge nono. That is, if you don't have a free hand to pick up the other weapon if I remember right.

I have no problem with "disarm; get sword", personally.  You take an appropriate amount of risk when you dive for a weapon on the ground for me to consider this perfectly acceptable play.  And I don't consider it either an unrealistic tactic (ie. it makes sense wanting to have your opponent's weapon), nor do I consider it an unrealistic physical possibility (ie., I can conceive of situations where I could take my opponent's weapon from them during the battle)

-- X

Hrrrmm...I used to do this a while back and the way that I did it was this:
emote snaps his blades out in rapid arcs, moving toward ~sword and attempting to kick it away from ~dude.
get sword

Then, another imm some time ago when a discussion came up about it said that they were going to karmically rape anyone they saw using that tactic.

So is what you are saying on the subject the staff's stance on this or are people who do this risking another imm who is against it nailing them for it?
Quote from: Fnord on November 27, 2010, 01:55:19 PM
May the fap be with you, always. ;D

I'm definitely not setting or declaring staff policy on this one, but I personally have no intention of docking karma for this sort of thing.  If you can find the old thread, I'll take a look.  It's possible that the old declaration was made _before_ the code was changed to create an acceptable risk for this sort of maneuver.

-- X

So if you're tired of the same old story
Oh, turn some pages. - "Roll with the Changes," REO Speedwagon

Well, Gesht is a legend, so you don't need to worry about him "karma-slapping" you.  At any rate, we don't dock karma without at least one warning (and that IS staff policy).  We'll let you know if we think you're being a twink.

-- X

Quote from: "jhunter"
Quote from: "Xygax"
Quote from: "jhunter"Last word I heard on this "disarm;get sword" is a huge nono. That is, if you don't have a free hand to pick up the other weapon if I remember right.

I have no problem with "disarm; get sword", personally.  You take an appropriate amount of risk when you dive for a weapon on the ground for me to consider this perfectly acceptable play.  And I don't consider it either an unrealistic tactic (ie. it makes sense wanting to have your opponent's weapon), nor do I consider it an unrealistic physical possibility (ie., I can conceive of situations where I could take my opponent's weapon from them during the battle)

-- X

Hrrrmm...I used to do this a while back and the way that I did it was this:
emote snaps his blades out in rapid arcs, moving toward ~sword and attempting to kick it away from ~dude.
get sword

See the problem I have here is to me, this is tantamount to Virtual Abuse Through Code.

Let's take jhunter's example, where he emotes kicking the weapon away and picking it up.  Essentially, what he's doing is unilaterally deciding what happened as a result of a successful disarm (it doesn't always have to be after a disarm, you could just really like the look of that shiny magick rock) and totally eliminating any possibility of the opponent retrieving that weapon again by codedly picking it up.  Now virtually, at least in jhunter's mind, the weapon may not be in actual possession of the character, but 'kicked away into some irretrievable location such as a horribly deep cleft in the earth', but codedly it is - it's no longer available in the room.  To me, this is a problem and is pretty much the same as emoting a VNPC coming along and picking it up and walking merrily away.  Or a VNPC coming along, lopping off that pretty noble's head and walking merrily away.  Or.. you get the idea.  Except, it goes even beyond these virtual examples, because you actually codedly remove any opportunity for the other player to respond in a different manner to the situation.

Anyway, if people are going to be allowed to stop combat to pick something up with both hands full (are you contemplating people sheathing a weapon and picking something up 'automagickally', Xygax?  or perhaps someone leaning all the way down and solidly clenching that pretty golden sword in their teeth?), I think the penalty should be far more severe than it currently is.  Right now, if you're a better fighter or even similarly situated to an opponent, the penalty seems very small - more often than not you'd just parry aside that 'bonus' attack.  I think it should entail a much higher defense penalty (you're stopping fighting, after all, plus maybe even putting a weapon or shield away?), or maybe even an auto-hit.  Of course, there were many good suggestions in that old thread that was linked to, and I very much like 7's suggestion of the code check to see who might make it to the weapon or successfully defend it or whatever.
Was there no safety? No learning by heart of the ways of the world? No guide, no shelter, but all was miracle and leaping from the pinnacle of a tower into the air?

Virginia Woolf, To the Lighthouse

I'm all for making the penalty for picking anything up during a fight much much worse. Then if they want to retrieve their weapon after a disarm, who cares?
Quote from: Fnord on November 27, 2010, 01:55:19 PM
May the fap be with you, always. ;D

Quote from: "jhunter"I'm all for making the penalty for picking anything up during a fight much much worse. Then if they want to retrieve their weapon after a disarm, who cares?

Me too.  Currently, I don't think the penalty is as much as it is expected.
some of my posts are serious stuff

They only thing that gets me is this: My character enters a room, then everyone 'looks' at her. I know its been said several times, but I do wish look didn't echo.  Also, after I do enter, but before I get to press enter to send my emote, I get emotes and tells aimed at me.

Now, I don't have a -huge- problem with this as I love interaction and roleplay, but I just feel like my character has actaully entered a room untill I emote it. I know I don't type that slow and even if I did, my entrances are not 5 lines long.  They are just a simple:

emote enters into the tavern, holding the door open for the man behind her.

Or something similar. So after that, do what you will.

Ok, thats it.
 got caught at school with my hands down my pants and had to keep it down there for  a whole week.......What a week!
~Chris, Family Guy

Quote from: "Realedazed"They only thing that gets me is this: My character enters a room, then everyone 'looks' at her. I know its been said several times, but I do wish look didn't echo.  Also, after I do enter, but before I get to press enter to send my emote, I get emotes and tells aimed at me.

Now, I don't have a -huge- problem with this as I love interaction and roleplay, but I just feel like my character has actaully entered a room untill I emote it. I know I don't type that slow and even if I did, my entrances are not 5 lines long.  They are just a simple:

emote enters into the tavern, holding the door open for the man behind her.

Or something similar. So after that, do what you will.

Ok, thats it.

A couple of easy ways to approach this:

1. n (holding the door open for the man behind her)   I forget the exact way this would look. I'm sure others will explain.

2. n ; emote enters into the tavern, holding the door open for the man behind her.  With this, your commands are stacked so they can flow more seamlessly. I think stacking an emote with a command is a nice way to flesh things out.
Quote from: "The Philosopher Jagger"You can't always get what you want.