Am I the only one who misses the Fale

Started by Cyrian20, August 09, 2005, 10:51:23 PM

I am serious, Usually in my experiance a Fale pc was a good source of rp always waiting in the taverns or throwing parties that made good rpi's without anyone dying (Sorry Halaster). When are we going to see House Fale opened back up with a noble or two wondering the taverns?
quote="Tisiphone"]Just don't expect him to NOT be upset with you for trying to steal his kidney with a sharp, pointy stick.[/quote]
The weak may inherit the earth, but they won't last two hours on Zalanathas

I personally hope that it wont happen anytime soon.

Every Fale I saw were played like Van Wilder. If they weren't talking about parties, spice, booze, and sex. Then they didn't talk.

Zalanthas was a lot less harsh because of that and not as much fun as it is now. That is just my personal opinion.
If I saw a Fale that played the way I thought they should have been played like, then I may not hate seeing a Fale Pc.
Quote from: Shoka Windrunner on April 16, 2008, 10:34:00 AM
Arm is evil.  And I love it.  It's like the softest, cuddliest, happy smelling teddy bear in the world, except it is stuffed with meth needles that inject you everytime

I was thinking about this earlier, actually.  Generally, I'm against Fale opening, but for specific reasons.  If they were taken care of, hell yes, I'd like to have Fale come back, unless it would tax the consolidation of the playerbase anymore.

My concern (and these are all my personal views and such, by the way.  I'm not staff, this is just the way I picture it being done):
  Before it was closed, Fale was pretty much turning into a joke of a noble house.  Nobles were so desperate to entertain people that they were behaving in ways that I think would make -fools- of themselves, particularly when you take into account that the ones they'd be trying to impress are the templarate and the other noble houses (probably more the latter, due to the fact that they are the ones who dictate how much money Fale gets, through the Senate.)  Sure, they employed PC's, and put them into positions such as 'Whatsit', which, while cute, seems completely out of place in Allanak to me.  Sense of humor good, making a  -noble- house into a giant joke, tamboree circle, and punchline all at once -bad-.  In my opinion.

  Fale is supposed to be about the arts and culture, not dressing each other up in kank suits, running out into hordes of commoners, and doing everything they possibly can to make those commoners laugh.  They're still noble.  They're still better than commoners.  They still know it.  Altogether, I felt that before they were closed, they were getting -too- involved with commoners, to the point that they were basically just another commoner, but with hoarded money set aside for them and a serious social acceptance complex.  I once, with a rogue-type character, spied on a very prominent Fale noble absolutely pouring his heart out, bleeding-out-of-his-eyes in love with a commoner...sure, with reason, it's alright, but I don't really picture a noble in love with a commoner acting...quite...that...way.  That noble ended up being extremely popular on an OOC level, and it actually kind of disgusted me.

  I'd like to see Fale come back as a high-class, holier-than-though sort of family.  They're classy and they know it.  They sponsor the arts because the arts are what they appreciate, and they're very critical of them.  I don't want to see a clan that's an excuse to throw out slapstick humor all over the place, making you the laughing stock of the noble community.

  If anything...slapstick humor would be the most presentable with hired jesters, whom the family would just -love- ordering to do things that make them the village idiot/dumb fool that they're -paid- to be.  And that Jester, when not on duty, gets to brag about how much he makes doing it for a noble house, though it gets high-pressure when nobles watch and if he doesn't do it right, and no one laughs, he gets thoughts that he might be losing his tongue or some such for their own amusement. summarize...Yes, I'd like to see Fale come back.  But I'd much rather it be in a way where they aren't drastically, jarringly out of place in a place like Allanak.

Once again...these are just my opinions on the matter.  Some, perhaps most, may disagree.
She wasn't doing a thing that I could see, except standing there leaning on the balcony railing, holding the universe together. --J.D. Salinger

I want to play a Fale some day.  I think it would be fun.
Quote from: AnaelYou know what I love about the word panic?  In Czech, it's the word for "male virgin".

Edited out the accidental double post!
Quote from: AnaelYou know what I love about the word panic?  In Czech, it's the word for "male virgin".

I'll speak up here. Fale has always been kind of a sticky point with me. My first (and only as it turns out) PC was in the clan when it was new and on its first batch of nobles. When I was still involved in such things, I was also from time to time clan imm, or assistant clan imm. Or Deputy, or interim, or something. Anyway, I was involved.

My personal feeling, and one I think more or less echoed by staff who were originally involved with the clan, is that they're somewhat reminiscient of Imperial Rome at its most decadent. Sure, the nobels did some silly things, but they were silly in the way that Nero might have been silly. Maybe it was just the inbreeding, or the spice, but that silliness had a certain darkness to it. There was a callous disregard for human life that fit in well with Allanak. At the early parties, it wasn't a good party if a templar didn't die. Of course, the spice code wasn't as refined then. Someone tied to a chair and eaten alive by larvae was considered good party entertainment.

In my opinion, the house should have had the dichotomy of a little humor, coupled with the danger of a slightly insane, spiced up person who could come unhinged at any moment and who had control over your life, for all intents and purposes. The reasons why Fale is closed are legion, but I just wanted to stand up and have my say, for the benefit of the people who weren't here when it started 7 or 8 years ago, and for whom it has always been just a silly and mocked clan.


QuoteAt the early parties, it wasn't a good party if a templar didn't die

What I would give to see a log of such an event...  :shock:

Quote from: "Saikun"

My personal feeling, and one I think more or less echoed by staff who were originally involved with the clan, is that they're somewhat reminiscient of Imperial Rome at its most decadent. Sure, the nobels did some silly things, but they were silly in the way that Nero might have been silly. Maybe it was just the inbreeding, or the spice, but that silliness had a certain darkness to it. There was a callous disregard for human life that fit in well with Allanak. At the early parties, it wasn't a good party if a templar didn't die. Of course, the spice code wasn't as refined then. Someone tied to a chair and eaten alive by larvae was considered good party entertainment.

Holy crap, I miss House Fale now. Sounds like it's an amazing house.  :lol:

QuoteIn my opinion, the house should have had the dichotomy of a little humor, coupled with the danger of a slightly insane, spiced up person who could come unhinged at any moment and who had control over your life, for all intents and purposes. The reasons why Fale is closed are legion, but I just wanted to stand up and have my say, for the benefit of the people who weren't here when it started 7 or 8 years ago, and for whom it has always been just a silly and mocked clan.

This is the Fale I remember best, one reason I've been hoping they reopen with maybe two of us playing who really understand it.

Somebody recruit Malifaxis and I'll get on board too.
A gaunt, yellow-skinned gith shrieks in fear, and hauls ass.
If you -want- me to think that your character is a hybrid of a black kryl and a white push-broom shaped like a penis, then you've done a great job

Quote from: "X-D"
Somebody recruit Malifaxis and I'll get on board too.

*twitch*     *twitch*

Sitting in your comfort,
You don't believe I'm real,
But you cannot buy protection
from the way that I feel.

Can I come play in you guys' sandbox too?

Seeker would be a perfect Fale. ;)

Would there be a northern noble house that could be opened to fit into the role that Saikun described? It seems like it would fit into Tuluk more than Allanak, honestly, as Tuluk has always struck me as more "grecian" than 'nak.

The south already has three houses operating (last I checked - haven't played there in a few months) and, all "Tuluk sucks, let's nuke it!" comments aside, it seems like it would be imbalancing to open up yet another one.

But I really do like the picture Saikun painted for us. Seems like they and Kurac could be really close friends, as I've always pictured them to be the most decadant of the merchant houses.

You pictured Kurac as the most decedent?  If the God-Kings were to disappear tomorrow, Kurac would rule both cities given a little time, and the streets would run with the blood of Kadians, Salarri, and all the nobles who can't cower behind a God King anymore.  Kurac is bad ass, motivated, cunning, and about as decadent and as a crafty and pragmatic assassin.  This is just my opinion of course, but if you want to picture Kurac, imagine House Atraedes from Dune.  Some of them political types might have some class, but underneath, they are all business.  House Kurac rocks my world.  If there is one organization in the entire game that screams Zalanthas, it is Kurac.  This game needs more Kuracs and less Fales.

House Kurac, I heart you.  That goes double for Davaz, Sargax, and Devon of old.

In retrospect, maybe decadant isn't the right word, but I think it's only off by a few shades of degree. Kurac peddles drugs, alcohol, whores, and vice of all kind.

I wholly echo your love for Kurac, but I still think they'd get along very nicely with a truly decadant noble house.

It appears to me that perhaps Fale should set itself up like something similar to the Poet's circle in Tuluk.  Perhaps an art show or a new wave of thinking, music and the like.
hat frikking signature?

You Fale dream-teamers should totally do a group special ap.   I would love to see that.
So if you're tired of the same old story
Oh, turn some pages. - "Roll with the Changes," REO Speedwagon

To those that think a fale type house should be in Tuluk...

Um, No. Tuluk  tries and should be Subtle...Fale, Is Dark, and not Subtle in displays, The only subtle might in just how dark they really are...
A fale Might Throw a party where the main attraction is the VERY slow disembowelment Of somebody that neglected to bow to him/her..Of course, It would be done in an artistic manner, and the person would be wearing a smiling mask and brightly colored clothes.

No, Fale is a Nak house...and if properly played, I think they are the essence of allanak RP.
A gaunt, yellow-skinned gith shrieks in fear, and hauls ass.
If you -want- me to think that your character is a hybrid of a black kryl and a white push-broom shaped like a penis, then you've done a great job

Or the Bane of Allanaki Brutalism and Elitism, if played wrong.
Quote from: Shoka Windrunner on April 16, 2008, 10:34:00 AM
Arm is evil.  And I love it.  It's like the softest, cuddliest, happy smelling teddy bear in the world, except it is stuffed with meth needles that inject you everytime

en GDB (sauntering along casually, hands in his pockets)

look board

read fale

pem Eyes slowly widening, @ jaw drops like a stone.

think OMG...

em Raising his fist, @ quickly stuffs it most of the way into his mouth and begins to gibber and giggle madly, his little bootied feet thundering a rapid rhythm upon the dusty floor.

em Leaping into the air like a vestric on metholinoc, @ races out of the GDB, to a small, smoky room where he conspires quietly, visage mad with desire.



open door


think Damnit... what's the syntax?


en RL

look RL





kill RL
Yes. Read the thread if you want, or skip to page 7 and be dismissive.

Words I repeat every time I start a post:
Quote from: Rathustra on June 23, 2016, 03:29:08 PM
Stop being shitty to each other.

You know, I don't see why Fale couldn't be experimentaly opened like that Halfling tribe not too long ago.  Open applications for maybe 2 nobles and 2-4 aides/servants/bards.  Give it a few months of play time, then retire the clan again if things don't work out.  Seems like reopening a clan with heavy interaction potential makes much more sense than opening an isolationist clan.

Fale would unbalance the game of politcal intrigue in Allanak.

Halflings had their camp in the middle of nowhere and got slapped for interacting with PCs the wrong way, and for PCs to interact with halflings the wrong way.

contact halfling
psi I need some wood, can you forage some for me?  thx lil buddy!!! :)
New Players Guide:,33512.0.html

Quote from: Morgenes on April 01, 2011, 10:33:11 PM
You win Armageddon, congratulations!  Type 'credits', then store your character and make a new one

How can adding something that already exists (even though only virtually) unbalance things?  Shouldn't people already be palying their nobility-centered characters with Fale (and the other 5 houses) in mind?  

As others have mentioned, there are a few players that are capable of playing a Fale noble properly.

Isn't this another case of.. "I miss X because we haven't had them in game for a long while, now.." that will turn in a few months into a case of.."I wish X wouldn't be in the game because we already have enough empty clans that needs to be filled up before we add new ones?"
"When I was a fighting man, the kettle-drums they beat;
The people scattered gold-dust before my horse's feet;
But now I am a great king, the people hound my track
With poison in my wine-cup, and daggers at my back."

I personaly don't think it is...I don't miss the last few years of Fale at ALL.
That, and I think everybody who is playing that never got to see Fale when it was played by people who understood the house and played inside that understanding are really missing something.

I used to think Fale when I thought of Allanak RP...along with scary templars of course. Then the house declined into basicly a bunch of bored noble jesters...cringe...when that happened I was not upset that the house got closed finally, rather, relieved.

Next problem is figuring out which imm SHOULD run the house...hhhmmm...who are currently the most friendly seeming yet sinister imms?
A gaunt, yellow-skinned gith shrieks in fear, and hauls ass.
If you -want- me to think that your character is a hybrid of a black kryl and a white push-broom shaped like a penis, then you've done a great job

Oh, and as to numbers, I agree, few noble family and a couple aids max...keep it small, it is not a house that needs a military force or a huge number of laberers or anything...this would keep it off the scope of people going HEY, They sucking down all the PC's.
A gaunt, yellow-skinned gith shrieks in fear, and hauls ass.
If you -want- me to think that your character is a hybrid of a black kryl and a white push-broom shaped like a penis, then you've done a great job