The Kank Whisperers

Started by Angela Christine, March 14, 2005, 03:43:26 AM

Do you talk to your kank?

Yes, most or all of my characters talk to their kanks.
22 (31%)
Yes, a few of my characters talk have talked to their kanks on occasion.
42 (59.2%)
No, none of them talk to their kanks, that's just crazy!  Besides, you never know who might be listening.
5 (7%)
No, none of my characters use kanks.  Mounts are for commoners.
2 (2.8%)

Total Members Voted: 71

Voting closed: March 24, 2005, 03:43:26 AM

Talking to your kank, apparently many of us do it, but why?  Are these people really ICly prattling away to their kanks (perhaps because your kank is the only one who won't spill your secrets or stab you in the back) or is it an OOC desire to be doing something, and talking is easier than emoting?
Treat the other man's faith gently; it is all he has to believe with."     Henry S. Haskins

For me, it's easier than emoting largely because I can express a lot more by talking about thoughts (about .. anything! ) than emoting-out how exactly I'm doing whatever repetative thing it is I'm doing.  Yeay for the world of ideas!
Murder your darlings.

I see it kind of like speaking to a pet.

You stupid f'n kank! If you ever do that again, you'll be sorry!
<Blank> says, out of character:
     "OW!  Afk a moment, my chair just...broke, beneath me."

I dont have too much of a clue on how to emote riding practice. Talking to the kank makes the whole process a lot more interesting.

I've had characters speak to kanks in various different ways. There's rangers, who really need to spend less time on their own with their kank, and then there's Bynners who forgot to pick a subguild with riding. Everyone knows that if your car won't start, swearing at it is the first thing you do. I think it's instinct, or something.

Who else is there (that you can trust)?
That beauty and truth should pass utterly

Talking to your kank is like talking to your imaginary friend (though I never had one)  You talk to the kank and it always listens.  Never says "shut up already, damn you!", this is one thing.  Second, it never disagrees with you.  And finally, if it does not answer you, it does not mean anything.  If it answers you, however, it is a miracle.
some of my posts are serious stuff

Sometimes animals are better friends than people, and vice versa.  My first two characters talked to their mounts a LOT, for their own reasons of course.
Quote from: AnaelYou know what I love about the word panic?  In Czech, it's the word for "male virgin".

I've had my kank talk back to me.
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Quote from: Morgenes on April 01, 2011, 10:33:11 PM
You win Armageddon, congratulations!  Type 'credits', then store your character and make a new one

Quote from: "Jorlain"I see it kind of like speaking to a pet.

You stupid f'n kank! If you ever do that again, you'll be sorry!


Except i never buy kanks because I hate them. I think they are unbalancing and i'm waging a one man boycott of them.




Quote from: "Angela Christine"Talking to your kank, apparently many of us do it, but why?  Are these people really ICly prattling away to their kanks (perhaps because your kank is the only one who won't spill your secrets or stab you in the back) or is it an OOC desire to be doing something, and talking is easier than emoting?

Actually, I talk to my horses, I talk to my dogs, and I talk to my cows...

It's like this...if a texas long horn is trying to get up real close to you, you dont' want to be scewed by it's horns, so you say "Hey! Get outta here." But that's to scare them a little.

If you want your dog to do a trick, you say "sit" or "good job" when they do that trick. As well as many other praises and commands

When you talk to a horse, a horse can tell by the pattern of your voice, tone of your speach, and your emotions, of what you're saying. The way most people get those emotions expressed, is by speaking.

So when you're talking to your kank: "Let's go, girl. Caravan's a movin'", they can tell what you mean just by the pattern, they know what words refer to them (girl, betsy, etc) because it's used often on them. And your tone tells weather or not you're being friendly, angry, etc. Any expert will tell you that all horses have different personalities. The same with other animals, including a kank. Kanks, like horses, can be a real jerk some times, spook at certain shaped rocks, fight with other hoses, be calm and gentle, and many other emotions. And those emotions can be characterized. Some kanks are going to naturally want to fight with any authorative figure, other kanks, certain people, stuff like that. The only way we train them, is by showing that we're the boss, and that they know they can trust us. So really, talking to your mount would even help it gain trust with you and helps it to respect you.

In other words, it would seam about as crazy as someone talking to a horse is. (not all that crazy unless you're stuck up and don't believe that they have personality)
Crackageddon.... once an addict, always an addict

One char of mine talked with her kanks rather consistantly. Well, in truth, she talked rather consistantly in general, it was mostly a matter of who was there to talk to. With three kanks in three different colors, three different names, she decided to play off that they had rather different personalities as well. One was the one she bought as soon as she could afford it, so she acted as though this was the best behaved of them, one that was rather old and beaten looking, aptly named "Ugly". Old, he was a bit sluggish moving but very mild tempered. And one named for a tattoo she saw once because it shared similar colors, it was the newest of the three kanks and behaved as one would expect.
Though, she had an excellent attitude with tame and semi-tame animals, and talked with them all differently, as the situation warrented. When she was learning to ride, it was "Move you son of a bitch", when she was learning to fight while on a kank and getting bucked onto her ass constantly there was more cursing, and when she finally got the hang of it, she said it was because her kank was trained to not startle as much, and praised the animal for it. Then of course, there were the empty times when nobody else was around but her and her kank, and she'd either just blabber on at the kank like she was talking to herself, saying thoughts outloud to see if they still sounded the same as they did in her head, or play off of the kanks auto-emotes.
Quote from: jhunterI'm gonna show up at your home and violate you with a weedeater.  :twisted:

My most enjoyable solo RP of all time came from ranting at my Erdlu. Quite a few PC's noticed it and got in on the action as well, so I continued and it became one of that particular character's most enjoyable aspects.

It was a bit jarring when I noticed myself sitting for three minutes, waiting for a return emote....  :shock:

We were somewhere near the Shield Wall, on the edge of the Red Desert, when the drugs began to take hold...