
Started by Yokunama, December 31, 2004, 11:58:36 PM

QuoteBefore the attack, the attacker has more responsibility to emote, because he knows what is comming and has had time to prepare. The victim is supprised, and if both the character and the player are surprised he probably won't be thinking straight right away.

Right but the potential victim must give you the opportunity to emote. Nine times out of ten I enter a room someone else is in and they just walk away codedly immediately. Don't even get the chance to emote.
Quote from: Fnord on November 27, 2010, 01:55:19 PM
May the fap be with you, always. ;D

Thanks for the advice on conflict-emotes AC and Rhyden.  I'll be sure to use it when I'm in that sort of sitaution again.

Quote from: "jhunter"
Right but the potential victim must give you the opportunity to emote. Nine times out of ten I enter a room someone else is in and they just walk away codedly immediately. Don't even get the chance to emote.

If you are harmless, assume they wandered off before you got anywhere near them.  Wilderness rooms are big.

If you are a raider, do a better job on set-up.  Bandits usually attack in groups for a reason, if you have a group you can prevent escapes.  If you are going to try to go it alone then you need to set up an ambush.  If you can get the potential victim to walk into your room then you have the movement delay advantage. Lone highwaymen have a hard time, and rightfully so.  There is no way that one man can prevent escape from a patch of open desert.  

Personally, if someone talks to me I'll usually hear them out.  If someone charges toward me with murder in their eyes I'll run away.  That seems reasonable and even generous to me.

Treat the other man's faith gently; it is all he has to believe with."     Henry S. Haskins

I've yet to play a bandit.

All this happens with my pcs that would never attack someone unprovoked. What I'm saying is that I don't get the opportunity to interact with people in the wilds at all.
Very rarely does someone not just leave the instant I enter the room.

That's why I probably won't ever make a bandit/raider. Way too many things OOCly against you in several aspects of it.
Quote from: Fnord on November 27, 2010, 01:55:19 PM
May the fap be with you, always. ;D

Just a quick note:  had I happened on this thread earlier, I would have moderated it out of existence.  It is not appropriate to come to this board to complain about specific events which have affected your character recently in-game.  The original post was directly addressed in a format similar to "to the person who did XXXX: what you did is bad RP!"

If you want to give feedback (either positive or negative) to someone you've recently interacted with, do so by e-mailing the MUD account.

Let me reiterate:  this is not the forum for complaining about how you've been treated by other players, ICly or OOCly, or giving direct critiques of someone else's RP.  Don't do it.

Furthermore, a lot of the contributions to this thread have been on the edge of (or beyond the line) flames.  Don't do that, either.  This thread edges closer to being locked with each post I read.

If you want to offer a more vaguely worded critique, something along the lines of "I think it would really improve the game if people would take the time to emote out their acts of aggression, and here are some tips on how: ...." then that would be just the sort of conversation I feel is appropriate here.

-- X

QuoteThere is no way that one man can prevent escape from a patch of open desert.

See victims play unrealistically just to escape because they know codedly they can in some situations.


You hide in the brush/rocks or whatever alongside the road knowing your mark will be through on their return trip to the city.

Loaded crossbow in hand you wait for them.

The gangly, buck-toothed man arrives from the west atop a pink kank.

think (as the rider nears his place alongside the road) Alright...just a bit we go.

:rises up from the brush stepping quickly into the road before ~kank, leveling ~crossbow at %gangly face.

The dirty, highwayman rises up from the brush stepping quickly into the road before a pink kank, leveling his polka-dotted crossbow at the gangly, buck-toothed man's face.

say (keeping ~crossbow trained on %gangly face) Don't move! Drop your fecking pack on the road or I'll put this bolt right in your eye!

The gangly, buck-toothed man leaves west atop a pink kank.

You do not see that here.

Realistically if someone is pointing a loaded crossbow at your face, you don't fucking don't jump off your mount and attack them because you OOCly know that they cannot kill you with the one shot to the face before you can get off your kank or get away at all.

If they are thinking ICly, then it should be completely possible for a lone bandit to hold up a lone rider in the wilds.

It is the OOC knowledge that the one crossbow bolt most likely isn't going to kill them before they can get away or attack.

Basically they know that they have the advantage because the code doesn't fully support the situation as dangerously as it should be.

The reason I say this is I saw someone else do this once with a pc of mine that happened to be tailing them. Of course the hidden parts are entirely made up, I don't know what they were doing before other than they were hidden when we showed up.

People should keep in mind certain things even if the game code does not support them.
Quote from: Fnord on November 27, 2010, 01:55:19 PM
May the fap be with you, always. ;D

Not everyone will freeze up like a deer in the headlights of a car when they are confronted.  Some people's first instinct is to run like hell.  Chances are if you make your pink kank start running, the grungy raider is going to have a difficult time hitting a moving target that is galloping away into the distance.
Quote from: AnaelYou know what I love about the word panic?  In Czech, it's the word for "male virgin".

I guarantee you I can pull a trigger and get off a fatal or near fatal shot on someone before they can bolt around me.

Cuusardo what your saying is that if someone were to point a gun in your face you could easily get out of the way before they pull the trigger? C'mon, this isn't The Matrix.
Quote from: Fnord on November 27, 2010, 01:55:19 PM
May the fap be with you, always. ;D

QuoteJhunter posted=I guarantee you I can pull a trigger and get off a fatal or near fatal shot on someone before they can bolt around me.

Cuusardo what your saying is that if someone were to point a gun in your face you could easily get out of the way before they pull the trigger? C'mon, this isn't The Matrix.

I agree with him, coz that's what I said before in another thread, it's only because the code does not support one hit kills/fatalities [other than backstab/certain poisons] that results people leaving the square even when you confront them.

Do you have faith in your steel armour or do you have faith in the crossbowman?

I recall talking/threatening a person in the rinthi, like real close and I emote walking closer, with my weapons in hand, and the guy just..disappeared..snuck away apparently. right before my intent eyes looking at him. I was glad he did though, I would have trouble hitting a jozhal then. [/quote]
Lovehina- Ken Akamatsu

So you're off doing your highway man act, holding up travellers with well-crafted emotes and giving plenty of oportunity for healthy roleplay to ensue. And... Your would-be victim completely ignores your valiant attempt and simply walks off the stage.

Big fucking deal. Their loss, right? They just exchanged a potentially unique roleplay scene for the dubious privilege of keeping their worthless and easily replacable personal possessions.

What have you lost? It's not like you needed their coin, because I'm pretty sure nobody expects to get rich in the game just by raiding. Just find another victim more inclined to play along. And if you're in the business solely for the OOC goal of stealing piles of equipment, rather than for the interesting and unusual lifestyle of an outlaw bandit, you just might be playing it for the wrong reasons. Go play a hunter, they make fuckloads more coin than a raider ever will.

I'm very often playerkilled.
I very rarely playerkill.

No problems.

With a recent character I got pked by some...or ahh...was it...a lone pc...hmm ;). Anyways...I had a great expereicne...where it was maybe the third time I rped with them....and they couldve icly killed me on the first meet.   But my connection went shitty each time...and I dropped linkdead.  Several minutes wasn't an instaneous re-login...and I was still fine. They paused for me like that.

That was awesome.

And when my charcter stepped too far and my link was fine. They killed me. :)

Kinda dying does. but it was a nice experience.
I'd really like to give more details to say props to who killed me...but I'll just say if you read this maybe you'll know it was you. And props.
My stint as a dwarf was short lived.
Veteran Newbie

Quote from: "jhunter"
QuoteThere is no way that one man can prevent escape from a patch of open desert.

See victims play unrealistically just to escape because they know codedly they can in some situations.


You hide in the brush/rocks or whatever alongside the road knowing your mark will be through on their return trip to the city.

Loaded crossbow in hand you wait for them.

The gangly, buck-toothed man arrives from the west atop a pink kank.

think (as the rider nears his place alongside the road) Alright...just a bit we go.

:rises up from the brush stepping quickly into the road before ~kank, leveling ~crossbow at %gangly face.

The dirty, highwayman rises up from the brush stepping quickly into the road before a pink kank, leveling his polka-dotted crossbow at the gangly, buck-toothed man's face.

say (keeping ~crossbow trained on %gangly face) Don't move! Drop your fecking pack on the road or I'll put this bolt right in your eye!

I suspect that if this happens it may be because of player panic, or because the other player has a different vision of your relative positions.  You may believe that the guy was riding right toward you carelessly, he may believe that he was no where near you.  Some guy a mile away aims a crossbow at my face, I bet I've got a good chance of riding away.   A big open wilderness square with 3 or more exits is a HUGE space, and the different percepetion of that space accounts for many wilderness misunderstandings.  In general an open wilderness room is 1 square league, which is 9 square miles (3X3).  

Personally I think running from crossbow guy is a mistake.  You know OOCly that a single crossbow isn't going to kill your character, and he doesn't have a melee weapon ready, so why not cautiously stand there and see what he wants?  If the thug's demands are reasonable, paying him off is the easiest way of dealing with him.

Treat the other man's faith gently; it is all he has to believe with."     Henry S. Haskins

QuoteI suspect that if this happens it may be because of player panic, or because the other player has a different vision of your relative positions. You may believe that the guy was riding right toward you carelessly, he may believe that he was no where near you. Some guy a mile away aims a crossbow at my face, I bet I've got a good chance of riding away. A big open wilderness square with 3 or more exits is a HUGE space, and the different percepetion of that space accounts for many wilderness misunderstandings. In general an open wilderness room is 1 square league, which is 9 square miles (3X3).

Yeah, but in that particular situation the aggressor was hidden. I think it's perfectly acceptable to assume that if you did not see him he was however close to you he wants to be when he reveals himself and you should play it that way.
Quote from: Fnord on November 27, 2010, 01:55:19 PM
May the fap be with you, always. ;D

Hmm.. I don't think most of the players are mature enough to accept loss. That's all I can say. I can't tell a lot because it would be too IC (was IC for me before this char) but...
Let's think you have a way to skip movement delay. Unbelieveable speed. Then also you have a way to totally immobilize the victim instantly. Perfect suit for a raider eh? It's also IC for your char to raid so you start trying...
Trial #1: You see the victim from afar. So you start moving closer, then wait till you see he's doing a foraging action. You wait a little more 'think'ing about giving it some time till he gets distracted. You walk to a close road and look for the tracks on the road making sure noone has arrived lately. Eh good. You're alone...
>e (charging with an unbelieveable speed)
>emote <forgive me.. even giving the emote I do would be too IC but it's the emoting of a spell, as you may guess.)
The hoboo walks east.
>(shift+home, Del to clean the emote)think Oh, he's escaping...
... Oh... He has escaped three rooms but three rooms mean nothing for you. You dash east with three strokes on your keyboard.....
>emote <again the same emote...>
The hoboo walks east.
Last Trial: Everything's the same.. But you're so bored of folks hitting direction keys right after you do your first emote so...
>e (raising a dustcloud as he charges with an unbelieveable speed.);<Your friendly spell alias with a canned emote here.> hoboo
Thanks to the gemmed vivaduan, the _only_ person who did not instantly hit a direction key, the same person who would probably know that the spell I was casting could be a spell instantly killing. Thank you and know that you were the only one.. This is why I got bored after a few trials and gave up raiding.. It's not funnier than killing NPCs.
So; what's the point? What's the point of arguing if each of you would still simply hit a direction key right after someone walks in with an emote? Please let's lock all similar discussions including this one and keep on.
The good RPers already do respect to other folks, I believe. They stop when you start emoting. The others, I don't care whatever they say in GDB, would still instantly type 'east'. So what's the point in beating the dead horse?

You know...what I would love to see is more non-lethal endings.

Dude gets the shit kicked out him by a gang...likely if you let him live he'll try to get you killed. It'd be great if he only tried to get you beat to an inch of your life, and left it at that.

More agruments, more brawls, more humiliations, more beatings.
Less actually murders.

Now I don't mean to ask this too strongly, as of course killing is a very strong aspect of armagedoon.'d be nice to see situations that dont escalate to the extremes. So I'm not talking anything down...Im not saying htere should be change and it's bad. Just encouraging.

Anyways...I gotta pk some of all you guys just to get back up to equal. ;)
Veteran Newbie

Dracul, that would be ideal with several gangs/raiders/pkillers in general but there are those who will be twinkish and remember every detail of their attacker, leaving the raider to have to avoid cities/outposts local to the attack place.  :?

QuoteDracul, that would be ideal with several gangs/raiders/pkillers in general but there are those who will be twinkish and remember every detail of their attacker, leaving the raider to have to avoid cities/outposts local to the attack place.

Yep, them and their x-ray vision being able to recognize someone they hardly know.

I know of one player who is EXTREMELY bad about this right now and I find it disgusting.
Quote from: Fnord on November 27, 2010, 01:55:19 PM
May the fap be with you, always. ;D

I use this rule of thumb for all my pcs.
I will read the person's Desc, then read a few of the room descriptions (It doesn't matter which). Wait a few days, if I remember anything about them, That is what my pc would know.
Most of the time, all I will remember is that one odd sentence.
Quote from: Shoka Windrunner on April 16, 2008, 10:34:00 AM
Arm is evil.  And I love it.  It's like the softest, cuddliest, happy smelling teddy bear in the world, except it is stuffed with meth needles that inject you everytime

Quote from: "Xygax"Just a quick note:  had I happened on this thread earlier, I would have moderated it out of existence.  It is not appropriate to come to this board to complain about specific events which have affected your character recently in-game.  The original post was directly addressed in a format similar to "to the person who did XXXX: what you did is bad RP!"

If you want to give feedback (either positive or negative) to someone you've recently interacted with, do so by e-mailing the MUD account.

Let me reiterate:  this is not the forum for complaining about how you've been treated by other players, ICly or OOCly, or giving direct critiques of someone else's RP.  Don't do it.

Furthermore, a lot of the contributions to this thread have been on the edge of (or beyond the line) flames.  Don't do that, either.  This thread edges closer to being locked with each post I read.

If you want to offer a more vaguely worded critique, something along the lines of "I think it would really improve the game if people would take the time to emote out their acts of aggression, and here are some tips on how: ...." then that would be just the sort of conversation I feel is appropriate here.

-- X

Its been a few days since I've been around the aura of Armageddon.

Lets get started with my post....

Towards the text in red:
Actually, I really wasn't complaining about how I've been treated in the game or out of it. I was trying to point out the obvious facts. The facts that anger and frustrate most of the decent roleplayers that get PKed.

Yes, I was a bit angry that a failed PK attempt showed no hints of roleplaying, but someone needs to say something whenever things such as this start to get out of hand. I've seen it before, and it usually tends to run off most of the colorful (creative) roleplayers in the game.

Towards the text in green:
Futhermore, you should know that I am a newbie to these boards the game in general. And did not know that you "give feedback" to the players by mailing the mud.

I started this thread in hopes to get some people to give some helpful examples on how to actually PK someone and getting people to take this advice. Instead of having players thinking that it is ok to sit through 30+ rounds of combat waiting for the vitcim to fall down on their face. I know that death and playerkilling are part of the game, but doing it without roleplaying is disturbing and sickening to those who actually care.

Edited: Added

>drop pants
You do not have that item.

Here is an idea.
When you have an awesome experience, or a good experience, Email the mud to compliment that player for their good job at considering you as more than an NPC>
Quote from: Shoka Windrunner on April 16, 2008, 10:34:00 AM
Arm is evil.  And I love it.  It's like the softest, cuddliest, happy smelling teddy bear in the world, except it is stuffed with meth needles that inject you everytime

Quote from: "Maybe42or54"Here is an idea.
When you have an awesome experience, or a good experience, Email the mud to compliment that player for their good job at considering you as more than an NPC>

Right on. I've just started to take that concept into mind. Whenever I have a very enjoyable experience due to excellent role-playing, I'll email the imms about what happened and those involved. Whether they treat you as more than an NPC or their emotes are totally out of this world.

Agreed, guys, on stuff like this.. please, -PLEASE- email the Mud account and not bother us about it.. or I'm going to have to form the anti-mud mailing account assosiation, AMMAA.

Right, staff?
For FantasyWriter:
Never again will I be a fool, I will from now on, wrap my tool.