
Started by Yokunama, December 31, 2004, 11:58:36 PM

Quote from: "Yokunama"(From a source on the boards with a few of my words added)
Note: Its us newbies that are the ones who are going to try to help your playerbase if we stay. If this keeps up around us newbies we will gladly be looking forward to push Armageddon aside with all the other muds and move on to another mud.

Quote from: "Sanvean"
If you want more players, which I think most of us do (including myself), then remember that they come out of that group of newbies.  Make that first hour something other than an intimate look at the mantis head and they may stick around.  Otherwise, I don't blame them for finding a more welcoming place.

Link to the quote above:

>drop pants
You do not have that item.

25 more coolpoints awarded to Yokunama.

I personally am sick of people posting on the boards to whine every time their pc is attacked/killed.

QuoteThree, sometimes people are nasty. There are no rules against being mean to others that you meet, be it cheating, stealing, killing, swindling, or otherwise making a fool out of them as long as the meanness is in-character (IC).
Four, complaints of unfairness on the part of other players will not be given an audience. If you think another character was mean to you, you're most likely right.

The real fact of the matter is that you do not know what was behind it. The only ones who know everything that goes on are the immortals. Posting to whine on the GDB does nothing to fix any perceived problem.

If you are attacked/killed and you have a problem with it. Mail the mud because the staff are the only ones who can know whether or not something was IC or not.

Also, no amount of whining in the world will fix anything or bring back your character.

I say move on, keep playing your role to the best of your abilities and screw what everyone else does.

Someone said on here before: "You can't change how others behave, but you can control your own actions."

I think it was a pretty smart thing and I know it got me to thinking when I read it.
Quote from: Fnord on November 27, 2010, 01:55:19 PM
May the fap be with you, always. ;D

Posting to raise awareness [for the newbies] is good, posting to complain is bad. Tough decision.

There could be a lot of hidden things behind one's death, things unseen. But mine are usually clear cut.. and dumb, I hate myself.

I remember once when I was still very new and not averse to flee, walk back rescue kank and walk away, mount then nnnn. There was this rinthi on the hunt outside the city, he watched me trying to kill a jozhal and hitting like every ten tries, lousy agility. He probably realised I was a noobie coz he threw in a knife and I picked it up, when he came in and I passed it to him. LOL. Then he hit my kank after some rp, I tried to hit him, got real nervous because I have not much clue how to earn good sids to get another kank, rescue, flee wwww. I apologize for that and the attempt to get you at the tavern, rinthi. Hope I'm not that noob now, though I still do that with npcs. *sigh*

But I think this things will just keep happening, killings without apparent or maybe no rp, since there will always be an influx of new players from h/s genres.
Lovehina- Ken Akamatsu

Quote from: "SewerRat_inTheOpen"
There could be a lot of hidden things behind one's death, things unseen. But mine are usually clear cut.. and dumb, I hate myself.
::sighs:: Me too, me too.

Quote from: "jhunter"I personally am sick of people posting on the boards to whine every time their pc is attacked/killed.

FYI, my character did not die, therefore, you are not sick.

>drop pants
You do not have that item.

Notice I specifically said attacked/killed?
Quote from: Fnord on November 27, 2010, 01:55:19 PM
May the fap be with you, always. ;D

For FantasyWriter:
Never again will I be a fool, I will from now on, wrap my tool.

*uses a snowplow and buries cyberpatrol_735 under a mountain of snow*

Better now? :?
Quote from: Fnord on November 27, 2010, 01:55:19 PM
May the fap be with you, always. ;D

Nice snowplow...can I borrow it?

Yep. It's virtual so all you have to do is ask.

*passes over his virtual snowplow*

There you go.
Quote from: Fnord on November 27, 2010, 01:55:19 PM
May the fap be with you, always. ;D

>mount snowplow

>hitch snowplow

>charge jhunter

hehehe, sucker

*cackles as he points a finger at the charging snowplow, a brilliant blue and white arc of energy leaping from his finger to strike Rhyden and the snowplow, turning them both into a sizzling puddle of goo*

*urinates in the puddle of steaming goo*

*Turns back to working at his masterplan to take over the world.*
Quote from: Fnord on November 27, 2010, 01:55:19 PM
May the fap be with you, always. ;D

Burried Beneath the Snow [ U D ]
You lie under massive heaps of snow, most likely the polar icecap of
greenland. You see nothing but white snow all around you.
The obese, green mantis wearing a large red suit is here.

<prompt> Slay all

'Nough said..

Back to that example You put up Yoku... That.. wasn't good at all.. I agree.. I mean.. I got lost just reading that.. guys -EMOTE- before you do something, its like me walking in on you and you don't see me do anything, and WHAM you're dead.. it isn't right.
For FantasyWriter:
Never again will I be a fool, I will from now on, wrap my tool.

QuoteBack to that example You put up Yoku... That.. wasn't good at all.. I agree.. I mean.. I got lost just reading that.. guys -EMOTE- before you do something, its like me walking in on you and you don't see me do anything, and WHAM you're dead.. it isn't right.

Just like running away with no chance to emote or anything is wrong too.
Honestly, I've had more people give me no visible rp before leaving my area than I've had the other way around. I even enter an area where someone is without getting a chance to emote out where or not I might appear hostile or anything, and they just get up and leave with no emotes or anything.

By what you all are saying, you have to do the same from the other side.
I honestly see more potential victims do this than I do potential attackers.

I see more people leave with no emotes or anything before the movement lag has worn off on the one entering.

Your like:


emote rides along through the grasses, guiding ~kank in a wide arc around ~dude.

And you get:

*Before your emote goes off.*

Dude leaves west.

You do not see that here.

OOC: Fucking loser.

See what I mean? As the potential aggressor you don't even get the chance to make any indication one way or the other of your intentions.

Edited to add: Which contributes to the aggressors having to move in and attack without taking the time to emote in order to have any chance of doing shit to the other person.

Every bit as annoying and frustrating as the other way around, I've said it before and I'm going to say it again:

I think that the first step is for victims to give it a chance to be any sort of situation at all before the aggressors will be able to go the other way.

Shit, all you have to do as the victim if they don't give you any outside rp for your enjoyment is to flee when they attack.

It really is much easier to run away from a fight that it is to be any sort of aggressor (whether you want to turn it into coded combat or not).

I may have only wanted to try and hold you up (resorting to killing only if you force me to) if I had even gotten a chance first.

Someone mentioned it in another thread and I agree, it should be much harder to escape a fight that it currently is.

I can far excede someone in combat ablilities and all they have to do is type "flee" and they get away.

That's just plain bullshit. If your that much better than someone in combat, they should have no chance to get away unless you choose to let them go.

I've seen newer, nonwarriors flee from over 40 day warriors in melee on the first try, it's totally lame and unrealistic.
Quote from: Fnord on November 27, 2010, 01:55:19 PM
May the fap be with you, always. ;D

I once took a class where 40% of the class would fail, every time the class was given.  People would ask, "why don't you make it easier?" and the teacher replied, "Because I'd rather teach to the highest level, not the lowest denominator."

When we give up rping for a kill aren't we playing to the lowest denominator?
It takes two hands to open this safe. The manager has only one.

Other side of the token, when we give up rp to survive or keep from losing material possessions aren't we doing exactly the same?

That kank was me,whoops. :oops:
Quote from: Fnord on November 27, 2010, 01:55:19 PM
May the fap be with you, always. ;D

Do as your character would do.

If you have time to emote while doing that, great.

Quote from: "Delirium"Do as your character would do.

If you have time to emote while doing that, great.

Unless it's a link-dead newbie. In which case leave them alone.

Ask me if I'm a tree

Quote from: "Nidhogg"Unless it's a link-dead newbie. In which case leave them alone.

Well, yes.  To me, do as your character would do implies interacting with the gameworld and the (N)PCs in it, and I don't consider a link-dead newbie to be a current part of the gameworld.

Trouble does arise when you're not entirely sure if someone's linkdead or simply not responding to you, but I'm willing to give them the benefit of the doubt. Like CRW, I would hate to have a router hiccup and log in to find a beloved character dead, and so I will extend others the same courtesy I hope they would show me.

Regarding the above debate over emoting out a raiding scene, one thing I've found that comes useful is using directional emotes in place of actual emotes during combat situations, because you can usually get them out fairly quickly and, if used correctly, they can add a nice new dimension to an otherwise potentially flat scene.

>n (dashing away across the scrub)



Now, personally I don't consider myself to have very 'fancy' emotes, but I do try to bring the world and my character alive with them. Still, when I'm in the dead of combat or a chase, or if I've got several things/characters to pay attention to, or I'm tired, or being pestered at IRL, forgive me if I don't manage to illustrate the scene as fully as I usually might be able to. People behind the characters ARE human, they do get the "finger shakes", draw blanks, freeze up in startling situations, whatever, but it doesn't mean they're not trying.

This sentiment I seem to get from the GDB that you must emote to be roleplaying is bullshit. Well crafted emotes are the flavor and the spice, but they are not the meat. You died a sudden and brutal death? Sorry 'bout your luck. Not everyone gets to go out in a blaze of defiant glory, and I half think that's the real reason people get so upset over a death that wasn't fleshed out to the hilt. They wanted their beloved character's death to be special.

Well, heh. 90% of the time it's not going to be. That's the cruel beauty of Armageddon.

This current pc, I want just that.
Someone to invade my screen and all I get to see are combat messages of them destroying me.
Odd it may be. Deserved, it is. I'll leave blazes of glory to the nobles and templars. Being a commoner.
Short, bloody, and sweet. I want it that way.
Quote from: Shoka Windrunner on April 16, 2008, 10:34:00 AM
Arm is evil.  And I love it.  It's like the softest, cuddliest, happy smelling teddy bear in the world, except it is stuffed with meth needles that inject you everytime

Some of us don't emote as much as we'd like in combat because we are poor typists.  I never picked up the skill of typing fast or typing without looking at the keyboard (hunt and peck, baby).  Hell, sometimes conversations go too quick for me to do anything but the simplest of emotes while I reply.  Even though I am a fast reader, by the time I type out a long emote it is sometimes not even appropriate anymore.

I realize that a poor typist playing a MUD is like a 97-pound weakling learning to box.   A lack of intricate emotes in a fast paced situation does not make someone a twink.  The action could simply be going too fast for them to keep up with typing-wise.  I am led to believe that English is a second language for many players.  That could be another reason why combat emotes are short or even non-existant.

Don't worry about typing speed, do what you can.  A few years of mudding will do wonders for your typing speed!  I've improved much more from years of MUDding than I did in several semesters of highschool keyboarding classes.  :D

As for who has more emotive responsibility:

:arrow: Before the attack, the attacker has more responsibility to emote, because he knows what is comming and has had time to prepare.  The victim is supprised, and if both the character and the player are surprised he probably won't be thinking straight right away.

:arrow: Durring a fight responsibility is about equal, but low.  You might as well throw out short emotes or other communication durring a long combat or durring skill delays, because there isn't anything else to do anyway.

:arrow: Durring a chase the leader has more responsibility than the chaser.  The leader has the advantage of being able to use their own movement delay to compose emotes, the chaser has to keep OOCly alert or they may lose the trail so they do not have as much leisure time for fancy typing.  Depending on how the chase is going, they may not see eachother's emotes, the emotes may fall into the voids when they are in seperate rooms.

Treat the other man's faith gently; it is all he has to believe with."     Henry S. Haskins

I can see there being less emoting during pfighting or any raiding. If I am hunting, I will almost always emote when I'm fighting it out with a beast I know my character can handle.

If I happen to be tackling a stronger, faster or more unexpected beast, I probably won't emote as much because emoting will be taking away my speed of getting out of there had something unexpected happened that could put my character in danger.

I think it it completely neccessary to emote before, during and after any sort of pfight so both sides know where everybody is coming from and what's happening.

Imagine it like this: if you walk into a room and see a character then begin to fight them, it would be as if they appeared in the room, irrelevant to where you both are, their eyes land right over to where you are, then they disappear and reappear right beside you, swinging their weapons away.  :shock:

"Roleplaying (RP) is not a recommendation on Armageddon, it is a requirement."