The feud

Started by Anonymous, September 18, 2004, 03:29:06 PM

I hate people who hate people.
May God have mercy on my foes, because I wont.

Kill4Free, don't think for a moment that your average Nakki won't hate those damned, stinking finger-waggling magicians just because they've got gems on them.  Gemmed magickers are only tolerated because if you start killing them off, the templars (might) get miffed and kill -you-.

None of my chars hated them :(
I guess I just dont have enough hate in me.
May God have mercy on my foes, because I wont.

I guess in the end, the reason to hate, or not hate someone depends on the personality of the PC player.  Some people like to hate others (in the game anyway), some people like to use their power to the fullest extent, and get people to hate them.
But in the end, it comes down to can you bring yourself to hate someone, who never did anything wrong to you.
May God have mercy on my foes, because I wont.

Quote from: "Kill4Free"I guess in the end, the reason to hate, or not hate someone depends on the personality of the PC player.  Some people like to hate others (in the game anyway), some people like to use their power to the fullest extent, and get people to hate them.
But in the end, it comes down to can you bring yourself to hate someone, who never did anything wrong to you.



Don't let your OOG feelings interfere.

If you were in a movie, and had to play a bad guy, could you?

I bet you could. It's just a ROLE.

What's the difference with armageddon?

It's a ROLE.

Sorry if the post comes off too strong. I don't mean to be offensive, but I am slightly tipsy.

Although Zalanthans claim that there is no such thing as a free lunch on the Known Planet, I beg to differ.

Life is still easy, food, water and money comes easily, and hells - there's very little conflict!

What we really need:
1) Strong Northern/Southern conflicts/politics/plots.
2) Constant and public hatred between the two City-states.
3) Constant hatred from all, towards Kurac.
4) Once an RL year, destruction of a randomly-chosen location due to a random reason (be it storm, magickers, comets, earthquakes whatever).

Things are getting TOO easy here, folks are living to the ripe old age of past 100 in certain areas of the Known World. Heck it'd put most places on Earth to shame.

In short - You as a player need to have 2 goals, when you play a PC. First is the goal your PC has to whatever ends s/he has in mind for personal advancement in life. Second _should be_ your PC's goals to undermine the peace in whichever of the two City-states you're not a citizen to.  Folks who are not citizens to either Allanak or Tuluk would probably hate both those societies.

More conflict = more fun RP!

If the players become too complacent, and widespread peace ensues, pretty soon the number of death's will decrease, the average age on Zalanthas will increase, the population will increase, eventually the natural resources will dwindle, and we might end up with a serious situation - but I'm not willing to wait that long!!!
The figure in a dark hooded cloak says in rinthi-accented Sirihish, 'Winrothol Tor Fale?'

And what of those of us who are spiritually enlightened nomads who couldn't care less about city vs city conflict, OR kurac?
quote="mansa"]emote pees in your bum[/quote]

Or people who can benefit from trade with both cities, profits generally smooth minor differences out.
For example, lets say you had a neighbour, and you trade some of your beer, for some of his vodka, you really like beer, and he really likes vodka, and you both think you are getting the better of the deal.
Even if he was irritating, and was loud and stuff, causing minor problems, you are still getting what you want, and he is getting what he wants.
Have you noticed all the wagons in the wagonyards in both cities, there is obviously a lot of trade going on.

If you really wanted to break things up, the templar would have to ban trade basically, also there should be another reason to hate other cities, other then the fact they were at war a long time ago.
For instance, do all you americans still hate the germans?

And agent, it is roleplaying,  but that doesnt change anything really, unless I make a character that has a grudge against someone/something, I wont really hate someone until they show some reason for me to hate them.
May God have mercy on my foes, because I wont.

Another dissapointing thing about feuds is people die off too soon. Just as soon as you get scared and angry and start putting plots into motion they run off and get killed by <insert NPC here>.

Quote from: "Kill4Free"
And agent, it is roleplaying,  but that doesnt change anything really, unless I make a character that has a grudge against someone/something

That's my only point, kill4free. The majority of the PCs should have grudges that reflect the VNPC population.

Read the docs, know what a typical prejudices for the area in which your character grew up, and have them.

Regardless of how good a person YOU are, the -vast- majority of people in zalanthas are not enlightened, pristine-souled people that never generalize someone into a particular stereotype. So play bad guys, play guys that are opportunists, play neutral guys. Play people with a decent heart, but still think all elves are thieves.

A lot of this is not so much that you HAVE TO HATE ELVES AND WANT THEM TO DIE, as, all your characters should have a high distrust for elves. Get what I'm saying?

I understand having a distrust, but that doesnt necessarily mean open war.
Also newbie has a point, most characters that try to start something, end up dying soon.  It would be fun if there was a war, with small NPC groups, having a PC leading them, then it would actually involve strategy on a massive scale, also if the guards had rescue, the PC's wouldnt die off as fast, just the replacible NPC hoards would get killed.
Some people could abuse that to kill mekillots, but I imagin that the Imm's could put some code in to make sure the NPC's wont be in a fight that isnt theirs.  Also to make the NPC soldiers not very adept as the typical town ones are, but could be outfitted by PC's, so the weapon makers, and armor crafters would be in high demand, as well as raw materials, and coin, so every PC will be very highly valued, to produce various things needed for war.

I want a war now dammit!
May God have mercy on my foes, because I wont.

*tries to convert Zalanthas into a massive scale version of axis and allies*
May God have mercy on my foes, because I wont.

Or, instead of NPCs just saving the PCs, which would have some trouble logically, just have NPCs that primarily attack NPCs . . .

Since VNPCs deal mostly only with VNPCs, it would make some sense.

instead of having PCs that get gangbanged by a bunch of NPC Half-Giants.

I'd rather die in a war to a PC over an NPC anyday.

Also makes some strategic sense. Have the HGs focus on HGs. Like tanks should focus on tanks, and not blowing up the little infantry soldiers running alongside.

Now that I think about it, most of my chars grew up in the forest for some reason or other, they dont hate people until given a reason to.
May God have mercy on my foes, because I wont.

Quote from: "Agent_137"Have the HGs focus on HGs. Like tanks should focus on tanks, and not blowing up the little infantry soldiers running alongside.

In Dark Sun wars, the HGs on both sides of the armies are the first to charge, the rest of the armies wait behind.  This is called the clash of the Half Giants.  And after the HGs are done fighting, the rest of the armies join the fray.

And there is a saying like "If you are caught in the clash of the Half-Giants, you are (insert something that means fucked up)" something like that.
Maybe HG fellas are focusing each other, but they are accidentally putting their foot on you?  Who knows..  You are caught in the clash of Half-giants.
some of my posts are serious stuff

Quote from: "Incognito"Things are getting TOO easy here, folks are living to the ripe old age of past 100 in certain areas of the Known World. Heck it'd put most places on Earth to shame.

In short - You as a player need to have 2 goals, when you play a PC. First is the goal your PC has to whatever ends s/he has in mind for personal advancement in life. Second _should be_ your PC's goals to undermine the peace in whichever of the two City-states you're not a citizen to.

More conflict = more fun RP!

I very much disagree with all of this.

I, and I am sure others as well, find it hard to even survive one IC year, without taking risks, and without doing stupid crap. Its not our fault some older players have figured out how to survive more easily. I dont feel like creating a new character every couple days because things arent challenging enough for the veteran players.

I also like to have my own goals, and so do my PCs. They dont see their whole existence as centered around stirring up conflict. Most of their goals are non-destructive. Raising a child. Striving towards having a garden to work with. Etc.

I also definitely dont consider conflict the most fun RP. In my experience conflict = PK = starting over. Do I want to see more non-deadly conflict? Yes. Do I consider starting over constantly without achieving any goal fun? No. The most fun RP experiences I've had were little well-played scenes that didnt have a death sentence sword hanging over them. Magickal research roleplay with another player. (In case you know who you are... you rock. Two thumbs up.) Small scenes with a loved one, and a virtual child. Seeing a templar interact with a VNPC I summoned up. Things like that.

I, and I am sure others as well, find it hard to even survive one IC year, without taking risks, and without doing stupid crap. Its not our fault some older players have figured out how to survive more easily

I find it hard to die in a clan. Just a suggestion.

And also, i think everyone else wants more non-mortal conflict, too. That's what we're talking about. No one really -wants- to lose their character.

It isnt that hard to not lose a char, as the three previous chars I had were all rangers (I was still even pretty new) And they all lasted for a while, in fact woulda lasted ages longer, had I not done stupid things, like one, I forgot to draw my weapons when I attacked a tembo, another I was sparring with a newb, and got knocked out after a lucky hit, but he kept on attacking anyway (lol) and I went into critical, then I typed 'quit test', I was a bit annoyed with that.
May God have mercy on my foes, because I wont.

Quote from: "Agent_137"I find it hard to die in a clan. Just a suggestion.

I find it incredibly easy to die in a clan unless youre someone important. 4 of my characters died to their clans or clans they tried to join. In one case directly, 3 times indirectly in a chain of events triggered by the clan.  :wink:

Finally, I agree with Agent 100% on his last post, its just too risky to get into a war, as most NPC soldiers would kick our asses, and we would die for virtually no reason.
May God have mercy on my foes, because I wont.

The hate does occur. It just depends on who's doing the hating. Much like the booga-rooga dwarf thing, if that 'nak scum is buying your drinks, maybe you don't mind him so much. If you're a nak templar and you run across a northy, you're more likely to smoke him and make a little corpse-monument to honor the tuluki people.

Anyway, my whole point is: It IS occurring. Quite often.