Noob hawks

Started by Anonymous, September 14, 2004, 09:15:59 PM

I just have to bring this up, because I feel something needs to be changed about it. Has anyone else noticed, that when a player comes in with a pack, sleevless cotton vest, and leggings comes into the room, everyone warms up to him, either tries to rip him off, or lure him into a death trap? Maybe I am insane, but I love it when a noob walks into a tavern and sits at a bar, and the entire tavern does "look noob" and then they all warm up to him. Could someone maybe take the time to put in different clothes for noobs, or give them a cloak and less sid or something? :P

I remember when I was a newbie and was sitting in the Gaj with like 15 hp left.  One of these "newbie hawks" came to me...actually a templar, and specifically decided to molest my character.

That experience was the coolest thing I had for my entire first month.

I don't think that it's bad that people can spot new characters, and let's face it, this is better for the newbies.  Most people don't make a living luring newbies into places and killing them for their 'sid, and those who do generally get found out and dealt with.

When I see someone in newbie clothes, I try to determine if it's a true newbie, and if it is, I will see if I can help them somehow.  Maybe I'll recruit them and maybe I won't, but at least they won't be stranded in a foreign land full of spammy (with all our sdesc stuck in every emote) people who ignore them.

About the 'sid, by the way...I think that figure's pretty good, really.  If you want to get your character a tattoo, or a change of clothes or a couple of weapons or a kank or whatever, this money disappears pretty fast.
Quote from: Vesperas...You have to ask yourself... do you love your PC more than you love its contribution to the game?

I was quite grateful when someone warmed up to my first character and recruited him into the Byn.  I credit that experience with being the defining thing that got me hooked on the game.
quote="Larrath"]"On the 5th day of the Ascending Sun, in the Month of Whira's Very Annoying And Nearly Unreachable Itch, Lord Templar Mha Dceks set the Barrel on fire. The fire was hot".[/quote]

I love killing n00bs.

That said,

In all seriousness, there are people who hawk on n00bs, and there are people who try to teach the n00b to RP.

There are also two types of n00bs, those who read the docs, and those who are just retarded.

When I encounter a n00b who seems to have a clue, I try to involve them, get them to join the byn or a house, RP with the world around them etc.

If I meet a n00b who completely clueless, disrespecting the rank of others, bleeding in the middle of the tavern, or sleeping in the streets...I assume OC they haven't read the docs, IC that they must be crazy or retarded or both and are ripe to be taken advantage of.

At which point, I kill them.

EDIT: This of course takes into account whats IC for my char....
If you gaze for long enough into the abyss, the abyss gazes also into you.

Quote from: "JollyGreenGiant"I was quite grateful when someone warmed up to my first character and recruited him into the Byn.  I credit that experience with being the defining thing that got me hooked on the game.

Similar here. Someone snapped me up into a loose band of traders almost as soon as I logged in with my new character, and without them, I probably would not have gotten hooked so quickly, nor would my first character have gone on to survive 18+ days.

I needed every (rare) stinking break I could get as a n00b, and I am still working my ass off to pay them all back.

I won't shower a sleeveless vested wonder with 'sids, but he sure will get my time and attention and the best IC RP I can dredge up at the moment.

Eventually, he will buy a new shirt, and I can begin the complex, vile betrayal.   :twisted:

Sitting in your comfort,
You don't believe I'm real,
But you cannot buy protection
from the way that I feel.

I'd guess that most new players would be appreciative of any interaction from other players (once its not somebody blatantly taking advantage of their lack of knowledge of the game). On other muds I've heard complaints of how its hard initially to get into the RP because the "senior players" won't interact with n00bs. I think that kind of attitude would be far worse than having "n00b hawks". I'd guess that most interaction in the cities is generally pretty benign and from my experiences players will try to prod a n00b in a direction that will likely get them drawn into the game more.
You can't trust any bugger further than you can throw him, and there's nothing you can do about it, so let's have a drink" Dydactylos' philosophical mix of the Cynics, the Stoics and the Epicureans (Small Gods, Terry Pratchett)

QuoteI'd guess that most new players would be appreciative of any interaction from other players (once its not somebody blatantly taking advantage of their lack of knowledge of the game). On other muds I've heard complaints of how its hard initially to get into the RP because the "senior players" won't interact with n00bs. I think that kind of attitude would be far worse than having "n00b hawks". I'd guess that most interaction in the cities is generally pretty benign and from my experiences players will try to prod a n00b in a direction that will likely get them drawn into the game more.

"The Highlord casts a shadow because he does not want to see skin!" -- Boog

<this space for rent>

You guys find some nice people. I had someone when I first logged on tell me where to find free weapons out in the desert, about how they were left there and I could find ANYTHING I wanted...(I had never played before so we went) and then the guy killed me two rroms west of the gates without no emotes or anything.

          There's some good, theres some bad. I think he means the bad ones.

QuoteYou guys find some nice people. I had someone when I first logged on tell me where to find free weapons out in the desert, about how they were left there and I could find ANYTHING I wanted...(I had never played before so we went) and then the guy killed me two rroms west of the gates without no emotes or anything.

Man! Send the log to the account and I'm 100% sure an imm will waste a long time to f*ck him hard. Just don't be too lazy to send the log to the MUD. We're just players here, can't start a manhunt and most imms don't visit GDB all the time. Best way to reach them would be a simple mail. Probably you will still be dead, but that player will be punished nicely that way.
Revenge's good.
quote="Ghost"]Despite the fact he is uglier than all of us, and he has a gay look attached to all over himself, and his being chubby (I love this word) Cenghiz still gets most of the girls in town. I have no damn idea how he does that.[/quote]

I put the bold in.

Armageddon     (Newbie)

The world of Armageddon MUD is known as Zalanthas. It is a harsh desert planet where only the very fittest survive, and competition over extremely scarce resources causes constant strife and bloodshed. In Armageddon, a few things will be apparent:

  1. Role-playing is central to the environment--it is not considered an
     option by the creators of the world, it is a strict requirement. If you
     do not want to role-play, please go elsewhere.

  2. Life is hard. There are no free lunches on Zalanthas. There aren't even
     free drinks of water. It is likely that your character will die, and if
     you are not clever your character will die very fast. Only (and we mean
     only) the very fittest of all live long enough to retire in comfort at
     the end of their careers.

  3. Sometimes people are nasty. There are no rules against being extremely
     mean to others that your character may meet, be it cheating, stealing,
     killing, swindling, or otherwise making a fool out of. The sole
     exception to this is termed 'the rule of consent', and is outlined
     both in "help consent" and in point 5, below.

  4. Complaints of unfairness will not be given an audience. If you think
     your character's situation was unfair, too bad. Live with it or don't.
     See point 2 above.

  5. The sole exception to the above is what we call 'the rule of consent'.
     You can be as mean and nasty to other players as you like, but they do
     have some measure of control over how graphic the depiction is. If
     someone is emoting to a degree which you find bothersome, you can OOC
     for them to stop, and to presume that the action took place offstage.
     This is intended for adult situations, such as torture or rape, which
     some players may not wish to witness in vivid detail. If you engage
     in a graphic scene that another player did not consent to, and if that
     player complains to the account, you will be banned.

  6. Despite all of this, there are virtually no limits to what can happen,
     barring the ludicrous. If your character sets up a mercenary company,
     he/she may one day lead an army of loyal soldiers on an assault of one
     of the great city-states. As a magicker your character may one day become
     a fabled elemental being. Burglars may reach levels of affluence beyond
     imagination, and merchants may likewise become so rich as to own their
     own merchant house and dominate the world's economy. The limits are
     truly whatever you can imagine occurring.

  7. Only ONE living character per player is allowed at a time. If you
     attempt to circumvent this rule by making multiple accounts, you will
     be banned for a month after the first occurence, and banned permanently
     after the second.

The game can be played from 7:00 PM CST (mideastern US time) on Saturday till 9:00 AM CST the following Saturday. Every Saturday from 9:00 AM to 7:00 PM CST, the game will be offline for maintenance.

To play Armageddon MUD, simply connect via telnet to: 4050

Armageddon MUD's official web page is at:

   If your Internet access utilities don't handle names, of if there seems to be a problem with your local DNS, then you can direct your utilities to the following IP address:

All official correspondence should be sent via e-mail to:

   See also:
   clans, death, geography, guilds, faq, help, help character, help newbie, karma, languages, magick, measurement, races, roleplaying, shops, time, wish, zalanthas, consent
New Players Guide:,33512.0.html

Quote from: Morgenes on April 01, 2011, 10:33:11 PM
You win Armageddon, congratulations!  Type 'credits', then store your character and make a new one

Mmm, the only time i could be considered a "newbie hawk" was when i was in the 'rinth, playing a elf. I ran into a human newbie - who asked to do something stupid with my elf - and then told me he was a recruit of a certain clan, that my PC hated...None the less i didn't end up killing this person because he was a newbie oocly. - i did it because of what his PC was.

I donno, i really like it when folk warm up to "newbie" PCs, it makes developing the PC heeps easer.
on't worry if you're a kleptomaniac, you can always take something for it.


"I have more hit points that you can possible imagine." - Tek, Muk and my current PC.

mansa, telling an OOC noob 'free weapons in the desert!' is COMPLETELY ooc and wrong.. Because the guy, the character, would know a hell of a lot better.
The rugged, red-haired woman is not a proper mount." -- oops

Diealot - Ninja Helper (Too cool for Tags)

Right, it's an OOC thought process that leads to "I can tell this guy there's free shit in the desert and he'll run out with just his newb clothes on to get it, and then I'll take his huge sack of newb coins."

It's one thing if some one's like,
"How do I get to red storm?"
and you're like,
"Head out east, and keep heading east . . .until you get there."

I mean, there are city dwellers that don't know where red storm is, or how to get there.

But there are NO city dwellers that would believe some one that tells them there are free piles of weapons in the desert. These people have been brought up within the walls and KNOWING the desert is scary.

While the newb shouldn't get any restitution for what happened to him, the person who tricked him should be punished for abusing OOC knowledge.

I am completely OOC at this issue. I never kill a newbie. In fact, I don't like killling PCs either, but sometimes I have to do icly. Shit, I hate those situations.

I spend lots of time with newbies. lol We need them for better ic life.
Quote from: Sir DiealotHow 'bout, instead of stopping app special apps, because some people are morons, you just stop those accounts from Special Apping? It would stop the mongoloids from constantly bugging you...

I like to be a murderous bastard...

... when my character is a murderous bastard.
New Players Guide:,33512.0.html

Quote from: Morgenes on April 01, 2011, 10:33:11 PM
You win Armageddon, congratulations!  Type 'credits', then store your character and make a new one

No Mansa! I insist! If someone cheats a player with an unbelieveable OOC lie, he deserves a punishment.

By the way... Mansa Mansa Mansa!
quote="Ghost"]Despite the fact he is uglier than all of us, and he has a gay look attached to all over himself, and his being chubby (I love this word) Cenghiz still gets most of the girls in town. I have no damn idea how he does that.[/quote]