Armageddon Player Meetings - What's Fun?

Started by Halaster, September 09, 2004, 07:44:07 PM

After this recent APM, and others in the past, I've been chatting with people about what makes a fun APM and what doesn't. Granted, "fun" is often the perspective of the person.

In the past, we had APM's in different places, such as Baltimore, or North Carolina, or Iowa, or Chicago. We'd basically meet at a hotel, and hang out there all weekend. We'd talk about the game, swap stories, hang out, and maybe go out to eat. The past few years have seen the APM at the same time and place as DragonCon.

DragonCon is a lot of fun, I've been several times when I lived in Atlanta. APM's are also fun, and I've been to a lot of them. But, to me, they just don't seem to mix, because DragonCon is SUCH a distraction. Personally, I went to the APM's in order to meet other players, hang out with them and talk about the game, and .. well.. that's about it (and maybe gawk at how hot Nen was, but I'm married now and that's not an option anymore). If I pay the cost of DragonCon, I wanna do convention stuff, and NOT hang around a hotel room and talk about ArmageddonMUD.  This is the main reason I don't go to APM's anymore, really.

I may be one of only a few who think this way, though, so.. eh. If I am I am. But I'm just curious what others think about this. Do most people enjoy having APM's at DragonCon like they have been the past couple/few years, or do more people enjoy them like they used to be? When we get a hotel out the outskirts of somewhere with not much else to do?

(I'm just speaking as one person, not the staff).
"I agree with Halaster"  -- Riev

Some of the people who go to the DragonCON like it more than meeting other Armageddon players.  It's also a cool thing, when you can just wander around the convention, and see some cool stuff, without having a group of people with you.  Heck, in Chicago, we had some people who just remained in their room the whole time, with three other people, and didn't interact with anybody else but themselves...

Honestly, I agree with you, Halaster.  Chicago was cool in a way that Atlanta hasn't touched on.  There was a greater sense of community, amongst the people.  Perhaps it's because I was a tiny blackmoon player amongst larger blackmoon players, and perhaps I grouped up with the three other people 20 and younger...  

Maybe there should be another 'gathering' of players, earlier in the year, in a small hotel, sorta like what happened this year, in Milwaukee.
New Players Guide:,33512.0.html

Quote from: Morgenes on April 01, 2011, 10:33:11 PM
You win Armageddon, congratulations!  Type 'credits', then store your character and make a new one

Quote from: "mansa"

Maybe there should be another 'gathering' of players, earlier in the year, in a small hotel, sorta like what happened this year, in Milwaukee.

That's not a bad idea... having 2 different APM's.  One for DragonCon, and another for the other kind.
"I agree with Halaster"  -- Riev

Actually, I'd say 90% of the people spent 90% of the time with other Arm people. Usually hanging around the hotel rooms, or at the Arm table.

As far as I can recall, there was only an occasional breakoff now and then, to see a certain show or attend a certain something or another of the Con. Which, is bound to happen in any situation when you have 40 people together.

In fact, I think only about half the people there even had Con passes.

I know I didn't make it to a single Con event this time around, just a couple runs through the shops.

I disagree completely but granted I have only gone to two APMs and both were at the Con.

I like the sense that we are doing something together as a community to better the game and introduce other people to the alternate life we call Armageddon. I like the in and out flux of people who stare at our joking and I know many leave wondering "Who are they, Armageddon Mud?". I like that people who do stop and ask or are approached and indulge our pushy merchants see the variety of folks who play and don't walk away with the mental image of pimply 17 year olds clickety-clacking away at their computers at 4 in the morning... now they know there are 20somethings... and 30 and 40 somethings clickety-clacking away at their pcs at 4am too.  I like that there is a purpose other than story sharing. I like the freedom of going off for an hour or two knowing we have several places to meet and knowing that our table is at the very least drawing attention.

That said, when we're not manning the table and we all get together for dinner or drinks in the various rooms, I really like the fact that there isn't a shouting match for center stage. At the meeting a couple of times things got pretty loud and I can imagine if that's how it would have been for 4 days straight we'd be liable to bitchslap somebody (probably Kronibas).

The APM at DragonCon allows people the liberty to explore on their own or stay within a group. It allows freedom of choice during the day and keeps people entertained which can be very difficult when you have a group of 30+ people wanting to do something else. I'd like more togetherness but I prefer the option to take some time away and maybe go down to the lobby to kilt-check with a couple of my favorite people.

I'm not opposed to various player get togethers throughout the year but I would rather see 1 APM and I like it in Atlanta.  I think Halaster would do well to come and check it out before jumping to the conclusion that it would not be as fun. Have you seen the pictures? We had all kinds of fun, together, in small groups and in escapades.  :twisted:

-who feels a closer sense of community with pretty much everyone despite the distraction of DragonCon and who will still try and make smaller gatherings if they are anywhere near...
I'm taking an indeterminate break from Armageddon for the foreseeable future and thereby am not available for mudsex.
In law a man is guilty when he violates the rights of others. In ethics he is guilty if he only thinks of doing so.

I guess I'm on the fence on this issue.

On the one hand, it was really fun being at DragonCon.  There were a lot of interesting sights, and although I don't think I actually used my pass, it was interesting having so many fellow geeks and nerds in one place.  It's definitely a bonus in my book that we can take the opportunity to lure some of these people into the game.

But, on the other hand, everything surrounding DragonCon is overpriced.  Most of us are not rich. For me, this is the only negative factor.  I spent almost the whole time with Arm people.  I don't know that I could have spent more time with them.  The only difference if we hadn't been at DragonCon would be that we wouldn't be manning the table.  But you have to do something in between the hangover and the next night's drinking, so it might as well be recruiting.

I like the idea of having two seperate APMs, preferably spaced 6 months apart or so, to accomodate the budgets of people who would want to go to both.
Quote from: tapas on December 04, 2017, 01:47:50 AM
I think we might need to change World Discussion to Armchair Zalanthan Anthropology.

Aye! Two APMs. One at dragoncon, one in Austin.

Why austin?

Because it's the best city in texas for chillin' and throwing parties and seeing live music and generally having a good time.

Also, it's a helluva lot closer to me. Like, all I have to do is walk outside close. I mean, I could do Dallas or Houston, but those cities blow comparatively.

So yea. :mrgreen:

I spent 85 dollars on an APM pass and never used it. I would also like to say 90% of the armers there spent 95%
of their time with other armers.
Quote from: roughneck on October 13, 2018, 10:06:26 AM
Armageddon is best when it's actually harsh and brutal, not when we're only pretending that it is.

For anyone that would like to go... Me and Kroni are planning on heading up to Canada in Mid/Late May. Not really sure when. Spends on when our colleges let out. Not sure what part either. I know I'd like to visit mansa and Comrade Canada and a few others that I'm not remembering off the top of my head. I know some other Armers live up north near there as well.

On the note of the actual topic... Quite frankly, not much has happened at the con that I'd really like to do to. About four of us went to a drum curcle really late Sunday night, but most of us did no more than walk around the dealers room to spend money.

-Tortall, who just got done being a "dance hawl gurl"
The man asks you:
     "'Bout damn time, lol.  She didn't bang you up too bad, did she?"
The man says, ooc:
     "OG did i jsut do that?"

Quote from: Shalooonsh
I love the players of this game.
That's not a random thought either.

Having it in a smaller venue, or on the outskirts of a big city, would be much cheaper.  Where I live there are plenty of decent motels for under $40 Canadian, at least in the off season I think they are $10 or $20 more durring the peak tourist season.  Clean, well-kept, 3 star motels.  I'm not suggesting my city for a location though, it is hellaciously expensive to get on and off Vancouver Island, my point was that there are places much less expensive than DragonCon.  

The Con is cool, but there are a lot of cool, quirky things all over the continent.  Like I used to live in Kimberley, BC, a dinky little town of less than 8000 people.  However, it also had a ski resort, that a lot of people seemed to like (I don't ski).  There was a mine tour that was cool in an odd sort of way, once they had you deep under ground they would turn off all the artificial lighting, and you'd get to see what real darkness looks like, darkness with no light at all.  Ok, it's not Disneyland, but there were touristy things to do.  Most towns and cities do have things to do.  Going to an amusement park one day between waking up and passing out could be as fun as going to the Con -- not something everyone would want to do, but something fun for those that need more entertainment than watching tv or taking pictures.  

Two APMs could work.  Since DragonCon is in the south, it would make sense for the other one to be in the north.  Except that if they were going to be 5-7 months apart, that would mean people would be going to an APM in the north, durring the winter.  :shock:  That could be a problem.  Maybe . . . spring break?  In a place that is not a popular spring break destination of course, 'cause that would drive the prices up again.  Or some place in the Pacific Northwest, like the Seatle area, which isn't too bad even in the winter.

Just a couple thoughts, but feel free to ignore me since I never have and probably never will get to an APM.

Treat the other man's faith gently; it is all he has to believe with."     Henry S. Haskins

I like the idea of it being with the Con because you can get away when you wanna, and come back when you wanna. Plus, over the three or four days of the Con, the fact is that much of the awkwardness and barriers in place for many of us drop away, because we grow familiar with each other and more comfortable.

I also don't like the idea of dividing the Con because there are many players who would never meet otherwise. The truth is that there are those of us who wanna kick it with the players, and those of us who don't wanna spend every waking moment with the other players. And that's ok. That's why the Con location is nice.

The lone suggestion I make make is for those who have money not to organize eating places for those who don't. When it's a group eat-out, seriously, there is nothing wrong with Fast Food, or even a picnic in a local park, provided weather accomidates such.
Wynning since October 25, 2008.

Quote from: Ami on November 23, 2010, 03:40:39 PM
>craft newbie into good player

You accidentally snap newbie into useless pieces.


QuoteAlso, it's a helluva lot closer to me. Like, all I have to do is walk outside close. I mean, I could do Dallas or Houston, but those cities blow comparatively.

Actually, I've really grown to dig Dallas alot in the past few years. However, being from Austin, it'll always have a place in my heart, and I'll probably always call it 'home'. I'll let you know next time I'm heading down that way, maybe we can do a little impromptu APM-type-thing.

Now that I look at it, I didn't use my pass much either. To anyone who plans on going to next year's atlanta apm (no damn way are we eliminating it now), and doesn't plan on doing a costume to advertize all weekend, get a single day pass and take care of all your con-exploring then. There's only really so much to see, and most of the really cool stuff happens every day anyway.

In fact, even those who plan on doing a costume or manning the arm table won't need a pass. The main lobby is open to all, as is the area our table will be placed. Nobody checks.

Oh,a nd shouldn't this be in the apm board?

This was my very first APM, I definitely enjoyed the con being a part of it for two reasons.

1. We have a table and there is nothing better to promote the game than dedicated players.

It was funny when people would come up and ask "So, What you guys.. like run this game or something?" and a table full of players would say.. "No we are just players."

"So you came out to Atlanta just to promote the game?"  A table full of players would say, "Yes. It's a great game.."

It's a great venue to promote Arm and the fact that there are so many of us there to support it says a lot about the game itself.. Just wait until we are all in costume next year..  :D

2. Something else to do besides look at all your sorry faces..

That's right!! Nah.. But being around 30 Armers 24 hours a day for 3 days is a lot and can be taxing to your health.. Though I did spend the bulk of my time talking to people and having a great time, it was nice to have the venue of the Con there so that if I wanted to, I could escape.. It provides things to do at night,  parties.. costumes, exhibits.. It's just a really cool thing to see.. And it puts you in a party, within a party..

That said.. I love smaller get-togethers as well. I have met quite a few Armers and now good friends who have been brave enough to come to visit Joe and I in the big scary city. We love having company and so far everyone I have met has been a blast. But they are two different animals.. 4 or 5 people coming to visit sets a much more laid back conversational setting, as opposed to 30 people in a hotel filled to the brim with crazy people and more booze than is good for anyone's health.

I think both have their place, but I wouldn't dare move the main event from Dragon Con.  The Con ROCKS!
Quote from: JollyGreenGiant"C'mon, attack me with this raspberry..."

Secondary APMs could be held in Toronto where I'm aware we have a good concentration of Armers and (kinda)Krath, Ktavialt, Rev. Jeff, and I are all in Los Angeles...</shameless plug>
 wish I was witty enough to have something here.  Alas.

Quote from: "Miee"Secondary APMs could be held in Toronto where I'm aware we have a good concentration of Armers and (kinda)Krath, Ktavialt, Rev. Jeff, and I are all in Los Angeles...</shameless plug>

And there's a few in Phoenix as well.
ssues are issues.  People are people.  Issues should be addressed, people should be loved. - John W. Frye

I went to the APM back in 2001 (the one in Chicago a few years ago where Jhalavar made his presence?)

I really REALLY liked that one. Very intimate atmosphere, fun and whacky but kinda mellow, not overly priced, great stories, great people, great food.

I haven't been to Dragoncon but, personally, from what I've heard of it, I am not terribly into large crowds myself. I would love us to have a couple of APMs, and hopefully one in a location I could actually go to! I agree that one that is less pricey (and more focused on Arm players specifically without all the 'strangers' roaming around) would be good.

'm not defined by what I did in my past-
but who I am in the present,
and who I will be in my future.
I choose to be defined by integrity. -A.W.