NPC Tailors

Started by Flint, September 07, 2004, 03:19:00 PM

Went to an NPC Tailor and went to order an item.  Color, material, type.
I think the types are a bit limited.  For instance, if you want a red cloak made of silk, that's all the description you're going to get.  A red silk cloak.  There should be options on that cloak, hooded or not, whether it has pockets or not, if it's a dustcloak or a stormcloak.  Something a bit more descriptive than 'a red silk cloak'.  Obviously it would cost more that more EXTRAS you add, but I think that tailoring shop would receive more business and players would enjoy it more if there were more options from RED/SILK/CLOAK than just a red silk cloak.  Sure, you can hunt all over Zalanthas in search of that one perfect item, but a tailoring shop like that, SHOULD be able to specialize more than what they currently do.

If the NPC tailors could do what you describe there'd be even less of a market for PC tailors.  Yes, it makes some sense that someone who could afford to run shop would be able to sew a hood on your cloak, but I think this is one of the cases where playability should be considered above realism.

I agree that the tailor in question should be able to create hooded overgarments, but there are also PC tailors and Kadians that need feeding.

Also, every new item added to the tailor is going to need four material and six color variations, or whatever...and that's a lot of work for making a hooded blue silk cloak that two people will use.
Quote from: Vesperas...You have to ask yourself... do you love your PC more than you love its contribution to the game?

Then why have a basic tailor at all then? Mind as well use that shop as another general store or something. I too feel that if is there's going to be a NPC tailor, the tailor should be worth going to, though not more options...I have a slightly different opinion if I am getting at what your thinking, Flint. I'd rather have more descriptive clothing than more options. A hood, red silk cloak would be fine for me, as long as when you look at it, it would actually be descriptive. The last time I used the NPC tailor, it was a very boring ldesc that I got for my clothes.

QuoteAlso, every new item added to the tailor is going to need four material and six color variations, or whatever...and that's a lot of work for making a hooded blue silk cloak that two people will use.
I'm not asking for new items, just to have a bit more variety on what items they have.  Also consider, numerous VNPCs would be happy for more of a variety from the Tailor shops.  And yes, maybe that takes away from the need for a TAILOR subguild, but we don't severely limit the weapons shops so that there'ld be more of a need for Weaponscrafters.

Flint, there are other merchants that sell other types of clothing.  You just have to look about for them.  The Kadian merchants have a rotating style, each month, aswell.  Try and find them in the Bazaar.
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Yes Solas, I like the idea of a better ldesc for the items too, and I agree that the tailor shop should be worth going to.
Let's say that my PC has an urge for a hooded, purple-silk cloak with interior pockets.  The tailor should be able to make something like that for me, albeit at a higher price than a purple silk cloak.  So yeah, I'm looking for a better ldesc on the items I buy from a NPC Tailor shop and I'm looking for a few more options.  That would be great!!   :D

Quote from: "Flint"Yes Solas, I like the idea of a better ldesc for the items too, and I agree that the tailor shop should be worth going to.
Let's say that my PC has an urge for a hooded, purple-silk cloak with interior pockets.  The tailor should be able to make something like that for me, albeit at a higher price than a purple silk cloak.

Find a PC Kadian or independant PC tailor. Then you can come up with a craftable and object for whatever your avaricious little heart desires, AND the interaction is sure to be more fun than making an order with a boring old NPC.

Quote from: "Delirium"
Quote from: "Flint"Yes Solas, I like the idea of a better ldesc for the items too, and I agree that the tailor shop should be worth going to.
Let's say that my PC has an urge for a hooded, purple-silk cloak with interior pockets.  The tailor should be able to make something like that for me, albeit at a higher price than a purple silk cloak.

Find a PC Kadian or independant PC tailor. Then you can come up with a craftable and object for whatever your avaricious little heart desires, AND the interaction is sure to be more fun than making an order with a boring old NPC.

Delirium is right. This game isn't about ph4t l00t. Focus on the interaction. Don't sweat the l33t cloak description. No one cares about it but you. I mean, honestly, is your character going to say, "Shit! This red silk cloak doesn't have enough adjectives! I want another one!!"

Or you could try writing up new descriptions for the existing items, and descriptions for the other items you want, and submitting them to the mud.  It isn't a guarentee that the changes you want would get in, but the chances are higher than if you just complain.

Treat the other man's faith gently; it is all he has to believe with."     Henry S. Haskins

QuoteOr you could try writing up new descriptions for the existing items, and descriptions for the other items you want, and submitting them to the mud. It isn't a guarentee that the changes you want would get in, but the chances are higher than if you just complain.

First off Angela, I wasn't complaining, I was just saying that the tailors should be able do more than just make 'a red silk cloak'.  Like add features to it such as pockets and hoods, and for boots, maybe a sheath for a knife, or hidden pouches in a sash or turban.  Things like that.  As for the extra description, I find nothing wrong with using what descriptions they have now, though it would be nice if it were more descriptive.  The main point was to add the option of getting features sowed into/onto your garment that you want made.

You can already get things you want made, made. By interacting with the merchant house PCs.  There's really no need for that NPC to exist, if you think about it. And I don't know of more than 2 or 3 people who ever use it, because everything you could want in wearable goods is already available elsewhere.

Quote from: "Bestatte"You can already get things you want made, made. By interacting with the merchant house PCs.  There's really no need for that NPC to exist, if you think about it. And I don't know of more than 2 or 3 people who ever use it, because everything you could want in wearable goods is already available elsewhere.

Saying that we don't really need that NPC is like saying that we really don't need NPC shops that sell weapons, because there are PC's that can make weapons for us, and that ups our level of interaction, or the same could be said about NPC shops that sell armor.  We could keep going with this.  MAYBE, only two or three people that YOU know of use that tailor shop because they can't get options like pockets, pouches, hoods, loops, sheathes, and what not on what they order.  All I'm saying is that it'ld be nice, since we already have the shop there, to spice it up a bit and add options like I've listed before.  And no, not everything you could want in wearable goods is available elsewhere.  THAT'S why there are tailors and tailor shops.   :D

You're touching on a dangerous subject flint, one that you don't seem to realize you're hitting.

You seem to think "Oh, i'll just toss in a suggestion that would be neat! yay!"

And that's all well in good. But what other people see is:

"I'm from a hack and slash! I only want ph4t l00t and I don't want to interact if i don't have to!"

Now, maybe they are wrong. Maybe it has something to do with you being new here. Either way, don't get discouraged. It's a good, sensible suggestion on one hand, and on the other, until it becomes a reality (which it likely won't, or not for a long time, that's just the way of ideas,) you should focus on interacting with PC merchants. Fuck, they're far cheaper, anyway. All the NPC merchants to is bend you over and take you for a ride.


Your idea is good.  For reasons already stated, though it is not viable.

On a sidenote, I'm sorry that everyone seems to be jumping down your throat for contributing a good idea.  I don't know what's wrong with them either.

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