Ouch...Luckily, I dont bleed.

Started by WhiteRanger, August 27, 2004, 10:55:58 AM

Ok, I know it has probably been discussed, then discussed some more...and there were probably even discussions about the prior discussions...but guess what I want to discuss. A blood loss code.

I was thinking more about the bandage skill when this thought actually hit me. I love the concept of the skill bandage, that combined with the brew skill and then even on top of that vivaduan healing capabilitys make this the only mud I have ever seen where a healer actually can serve a purpose. But all magikal ability's aside, and lets throw away brew just for kicks...I want to see that rough and tumble desert healer with his few grubby bandages actually serve a purpose after a battle is over. Hence the idea for the blood loss code to be implemented. Now Im not saying every Joe, Bob, and Curt should instantly bleed to death after taking that gith sword in the junk, but if they drop below say....%35 hp, I want to see them start to loose hp little by little. Now as it is, if you drop below about %40-%45 you have to sleep to regain your hp. Thats great, I love that idea, I think the main reason that was put in was to keep people from just riding on with that spear still stuck in thier back. But I still see alot of people who are bleeding all over the place walking around like they are just so happy to have that sword jutting out of thier skull. If the blood loss code were implemented it would not only make those rough and tumble desert healers more useful, it would also force alot of these Bob-The-Invincible-Immune-To-Pain-Warrior type characters stop and lay down on a cot for a while after taking that half-giant's axe to the gullet.

As for coding, I seem to remember this actually being in the game in the past, I cant say for sure, but It sure seems like it was. If not just make it so that the poison code automatically kicks in after dropping below %35 hp and instead of "Burning poison...yadda yadda"..."You suffer from blood loss" and when you see Stat instead of "You are affected by: Poison" you would see "You are affected by: Wounds". Seems pretty simple. It would add realism to the game and make healers serve a greater purpose in the world. Tell me what you think.
oodness, courage, and love is a song. In my travels I have learned one thing, evil creatures can not sing.  -Drizzt Do'Urden-

Realistic yes...fun no.
I like the option of being able to rp out my wounds a bit instead of having it all decided for me.
Enough characters die as it is.
I like the fact that some things have more grey area in which to rp  instead of being cut and dry because it is forced by the code.
Quote from: Fnord on November 27, 2010, 01:55:19 PM
May the fap be with you, always. ;D

As in the past, I love this idea. Some people, as stated above, have always argued that they want it up to them. A lot of things in the game arnt up to the players and I think there is nothing wrong with 'forcing' some things (stats are forced, hp loss, poison, hunger, hydration, etc).
"People survive by climbing over anyone who gets in their way, by cheating, stealing, killing, swindling, or otherwise taking advantage of others."

"Don't do this. I can't believe I have to write this post."

There is a compromise solution.

Instead of losing hp or stun, or even stamina there would just be messages to the player about feeling faint, light headed, body is writhing in pain, sharp searing pain shoots through the body, etc etc.

That way the player is made aware that their character is in serious trouble without taking away from playability.

I like the idea of losing hp a little bit at a time while bleeding profusely.  However, 35% seems a little high to me.  Let's bring that percentage down to 10 instead.  This past week, I've seen at least 3 characters sitting out in 'Nak, bleeding profusely or near death, yet they are just standing there for an IC month.  That's just not realistic.  So yeah, around 10% of your hp, maybe 15%, you should start losing hp a little at a time.  At around 20-25% hp, you should start losing a little stun points as well.  Like what was written earlier, when you bleed, you begin to feel whoozy and faint.  Let's implement that here.  Sounds good to me.

QuoteInstead of losing hp or stun, or even stamina there would just be messages to the player about feeling faint, light headed, body is writhing in pain, sharp searing pain shoots through the body, etc etc.

I like this idea.
Quote from: Fnord on November 27, 2010, 01:55:19 PM
May the fap be with you, always. ;D

QuoteInstead of losing hp or stun, or even stamina there would just be messages to the player about feeling faint, light headed, body is writhing in pain, sharp searing pain shoots through the body, etc etc.

I'll have to ditto on this idea also.  Pain is an involuntary act, it is thrust upon us.  It would also be nice, though not critical, for it to be tied to where and how you were hurt.  A head wound should hurt in the head and not the foot. I think that this would be a great tool to to enhance the roleplay rather than replace it.  Cool idea.   :)
Quote from: "The Philosopher Jagger"You can't always get what you want.

I'm feeling a little silly.  Here's a twist on your ideas.
Instead of giving them blood-loss, which is bad, imo because sometimes people have to go afk...anyways, instead, my idea is to give them echoes or make them think involuntarily, every few minutes.

At 50% or below.

35% or below.
"Owww!  I'm bleeding!  Wow, that's a lot of blood."

20% or below.
"Owww!  I think I'm dying!  I need help!"

10% or below
"I'm definitely dying!  OHH WOE!"

"I'm a goner!  Yes, I am!  Hahaha!  I laugh in the face of death!"


For this to work the code would have to be clever enough to tell the difference between damage that causes degenerative wounds and that which cause non-degenerating wounds.  Cured poisons, gather self, certain magicks, saps and sparring clubs will cause damage that won't make you bleed, and shouldn't cause your health to continue to degenerate -- even if they did 80% hp damage.  

I like Ashyom's idea of echos that remind you that you are in bad shape, without actually causing more stat damage.

Treat the other man's faith gently; it is all he has to believe with."     Henry S. Haskins

Quote from: "Angela Christine"Cured poisons, gather self, certain magicks, saps and sparring clubs will cause damage that won't make you bleed, and shouldn't cause your health to continue to degenerate -- even if they did 80% hp damage.

I'd say all of those would still cause you to slowly die.  As long as it didn't echo to the room that you're bleeding, it would be fine.

And as for whether or not it would be fun?  If your idea of fun is romping around unfettered in the wastes because you're a bad-ass spamwalker and NOTHING CAN HURT YOU, then you're right, it wouldn't be fun.  But if you're a cautious, careful ranger that enjoys laughing when the other idiots get themselves killed due to their inherent idiocy, then it would be very fun indeed.
Back from a long retirement

Interesting thoughts, but I think you'd be removing some playability.  My gosh, but some of you people want things so harsh, sheesh!   :?

I agree, personally, with the sentiment that we can just RP out our wounds, thank you.   No need for code to do it for me... unless of course I'm being a goob and ignoring the fact I'm at 1 hp.
"I agree with Halaster"  -- Riev

Internal trauma mmm yum yum. Such stuff's even worse then 'normal' bleeding as there's almost no easy way to stop it.
But yes, I prefer roleplaying wounds, it can be a lot of fun if you do it. And if you think your character should've bled to death, maybe try wishing up?  :twisted:
Quote from: VanthA well-placed grunt can be worth a thousand words.

Quote from: "Halaster"I agree, personally, with the sentiment that we can just RP out our wounds, thank you.   No need for code to do it for me... unless of course I'm being a goob and ignoring the fact I'm at 1 hp.


The second sentence? Well.. that's what Halaster's for. Right? :>

If there will be a code for bleeding, that actually -does- make a hp loss, then I think there should be a code available for -all- players to stop bleeding.  Not just a class, a subclass and a magicker class.

Quote from: "marko"There is a compromise solution.

Instead of losing hp or stun, or even stamina there would just be messages to the player about feeling faint, light headed, body is writhing in pain, sharp searing pain shoots through the body, etc etc.

That way the player is made aware that their character is in serious trouble without taking away from playability.

I like this idea.

Quote from: "Halaster"I agree, personally, with the sentiment that we can just RP out our wounds, thank you. No need for code to do it for me... unless of course I'm being a goob and ignoring the fact I'm at 1 hp.

some of my posts are serious stuff

The trouble with letting people role-play their injuries is that they rarely role-play bleeding to death.  So it really isn't a good arguement.

But before we have a blood-loss code we need to make the bandage skill a lot less fucked up, and yes, possibly give all classes a small chance to stop the bleeding.
Back from a long retirement

So what are you saying ERS?

You want everyone that gets to poor condition to rp out bleeding to death and wish up to die?

If that's the case, then we may as well cut down the number of hp everyone gets so it's easier to die...oh wait, but then there would still be people not rp'ing bleeding to death every time they reach a certain condition.

I think enough pcs die as it is, with blood loss code implemented,not only is it something I don't like, (which is one reason I play Arm and not another RPI) but it will turn away more players new to the game than we lose already.
I for one,would like to see our player base continue to grow rather than make changes that will turn away more potential players.

If it isn't broken, don't fix it.

Things are fine thus far, I say leave it alone.

At mortally wounded, as far as I've ever noticed you are unconscious anyway and mortally wounded is exactly that, when your wounds are severe enough to be fatal.

I've yet to see a conscious mortally wounded pc in the game.


Edited to add: All the other blood loss codes I've ever experienced don't take into account -how- you got the the condition you did. In some cases like sparring and unarmed combat situations.
Quote from: Fnord on November 27, 2010, 01:55:19 PM
May the fap be with you, always. ;D

Quote from: "jhunter"You want everyone that gets to poor condition to rp out bleeding to death and wish up to die?

No, I don't expect anybody to do that, and I wouldn't do it myself.  That's why there should be a blood-loss code.

Personally, what drew me to this game over three years ago was reading in the documentation that combat was swift and brutal, often resulting in death.  My last character survived being reduced to 20 or less hit points at least four times, and after a while it started to grow old that he always just managed to pull through.

However, I think there should be steps taken to counterbalance the increased harshness.  Right now there are only two real ways to recover from injuries.  Sleep, which is wildly unrealistic, and magick, which is understandably underused.  It's ridiculous how hard it is to get good enough to just be able to bind your own wounds, and that needs to change.
Back from a long retirement


I've seen people do it in game before. If it makes for a good story I'd probably do it myself, but only if my pc's death will add something to it.
Quote from: Fnord on November 27, 2010, 01:55:19 PM
May the fap be with you, always. ;D

People do bleed to death, codewise.  If you land in the never-never land of 0 to -10 you may bleed to death, or you may recover.

Treat the other man's faith gently; it is all he has to believe with."     Henry S. Haskins

Quote from: "Angela Christine"People do bleed to death, codewise.  If you land in the never-never land of 0 to -10 you may bleed to death, or you may recover.

Back from a long retirement

I'd like to see coding where fighting, even sparring if done too much, too rough, can cause broken bones, bruises, and in some severe instances, cracked ribs/skulls depending on where damage occured. These wounds would take -hours- of rl play time to heal depending on the severity, longer if untreated by a physician.

For example:

You get into a spar, and someone lands a good smack on you.

Seen under affected by:

(untreated) A bruise on the throat.

You enter a fight with your sergeant, who is 100 times better then you, he doesn't bother to use a weapon he's less familiar with, and he breaks a wooden sword over your bitchass.

(untreated) A cracked rib.

Physicians could have a treat command, much like the bandage command, or even to replace the bandage command, that improves as you go. Perhaps something will take several treatments to be fully treated, and if you fuck up, they lose a good chunk of hp as you make the wound worse, etc.

Once a wound is treated, the rl time it takes to heal and go away is drastically reduced. Cracked ribs that have been treated take 8 hours rl playtime, instead of 20 to go away. Sounds severe? Sounds realistic to me. How many dumbasses (myself included in some warriors I've played) are beaten within an inch of their life, and then are right back out in 2 hours rl time, doing it again, or even the next day?

Here comes the severe part. Wounds will affect performance. Bruises on the feet/legs will of course make walking painful if untreated (dark ages bloodletting anyone?) and movement will drop faster/drop period in a city.

Cracked ribs if engaged in certain activities like running/combat, etc will take hp slowly.

A broken leg will force you to limp, and move slower, maybe other nasty stuff.

You want to rp this stuff out you say? Then rp it out. I may make a physician. I fully expect you to let me amputate your leg when you get it nearly hacked off by a mantis. I fully expect you to let me slice your bruise open with a lancet and drain it. And I certainly don't want to see any puds out there taking a critical strike in the gut, roleplaying a bandage for a few rl hours, and then being dandy.

Think about it. Physician primary employments. Apprentice physicians who can treat simple bruises, but don't dare try and wrap cracked ribs, or set broken bones, as they may fuck it up and make it worse. Their mentors letting them observe as they use that bone saw to take off that leg that has begun to turn black.

Playability? The hardest lesson I had to learn when I came here was that I can't always be godlike. Deal. I did.

Quote from: "EvilRoeSlade"
Quote from: "Angela Christine"People do bleed to death, codewise.  If you land in the never-never land of 0 to -10 you may bleed to death, or you may recover.


Actually, yes. I've had two characters land in the 0 to -10 range. One was at around -4 and a few minutes later, I saw the mantis head. The other was at -10, and miraculously recovered.

Delirium is correct. There is a small percentage you shall live, and an equally small percentage you shall die.

As for a bloodloss code, that would not be needed at this point. Immortals can apply it to players whom they feel aren't properly roleplaying a given situation. It's my understanding they are doing this as of now. Seems to be working so far, so I say leave it be.

Quote from: "Anonymous"There is a small percentage you shall live, and an equally small percentage you shall die.

Erm, if the total is 100%, and 50% is not a small percentage, then there must be other possibilities?


Quote from: "dolores"
Quote from: "Anonymous"There is a small percentage you shall live, and an equally small percentage you shall die.

Erm, if the total is 100%, and 50% is not a small percentage, then there must be other possibilities?


yes, i am curious about this too.

5% chance of death, 5% chance of survival.
Leaving . . . a 90% chance of being in limbo forever?
