Sold Out

Started by williamson, August 04, 2004, 05:39:06 PM

Is it just me or do shops sell out of many things each week by Sunday afternoon? Does anyone think there should be more frequent scheduled reboots?

"Let sleeping characters sleep naked." -Azroen

They sell out, and run outta cash to buy new stuff from you all the time.  I would be infavor of some kinda of respawning of cash and items that they start with at reboot rather than actual reboots.

this reeks of being a major issue with the whole economy discussion. Probably best to leave it at status quo until we got the economy thing worked out.

I am looking for an armor for about 30 gameplay hours. I started to get frustrated, and hate the economy system of this world.

Quote from: "ermanmutlu"I am looking for an armor for about 30 gameplay hours. I started to get frustrated, and hate the economy system of this world.

Er, have you tried the Salarri shops or if you're in Allanak, the bazaar in general?

You'll always find at least some kind of bone, chitin, leather or sandcloth armour in the Salarri shops and in other stores in the bazaar.
 wish I was witty enough to have something here.  Alas.

Quote from: "ermanmutlu"I am looking for an armor for about 30 gameplay hours. I started to get frustrated, and hate the economy system of this world.

If yer char is gonna be particular about shit, expect it to take awhile, man.

That's why I like my characters to have a good strong sense of apathy. Makes shit a lil' easier. :mrgreen:

I looked at all bazaar (including Salarri). Does rinth have elven bazaar?

Also, you don't really need a full set of armour.  Piecemeal armour suits (leather sleeves, chitin cuirass, sandcloth pants, bone greaves, yadda), especially if you're a poor common guard/Byn person is good too.

If you feel you desperately need armour piece X, you can always work it into your RP especially if you're one of those bald stubby things that walk about and occasionally have the gall to speak.
 wish I was witty enough to have something here.  Alas.

Quote from: "ermanmutlu"I looked at all bazaar (including Salarri). Does rinth have elven bazaar?

I think that would be a bit of IC info.  Also, unless you're from the 'rinth, you SO really wicked badly do NOT want to be walking in there.  That fact is not IC info.

Is it a size problem?  Because there are tailors in the marketplaces who can adjust them for you.
 wish I was witty enough to have something here.  Alas.

it is weight problem.

Then you may have to restrict yourself to sandcloths and leather.  Personally, I prefer using those on my combat-oriented PCs since they tend to run about a lot under the sun or do a lot of work.  I say leave the heavy armour to the guards, myself.  

You could always combine a chitin breastplate and/or neckguard with a variety of sandcloth and leather also.  That way you have some of the protection and more of the lightness and flexibility and your soft vitals are protected.  

Another thing to keep in mind too are that the heavier stuff is more expensive and would, again, usually be worn by guards.  If you are a guard and your employer is expecting you to wear such armour, explain that you "work best" when you don't have a lot of weight bearing down on you and that you're more of a "flexible" type, something about being able to move faster and better or something along those lines.
 wish I was witty enough to have something here.  Alas.

Quote from: "ermanmutlu"I looked at all bazaar (including Salarri). Does rinth have elven bazaar?

Going to shop in the Rinth because Salarr didn't have that knife you need is kind of like going down to Compton because the HMV didn't have that latest Cure album you wanted.

Except, you know, a million times worse.

That was a cool metaphor :D

I agree with the original post.  It seems like more people are playing on average than there were even a few months ago.  The merchants reach capacity so often.  It would be nice if there were some sort of partial reboot of merchant's items at random, or else, as the original poster suggested, there were more scheduled reboots.

Compton isn't that bad.  Of course, if we drove the few miles from our cushy jobs in Redondo Beach, we'd take someone's 1980 Toyota instead of the late model BMW.

Oh, and we'd not go down the alleys where the real world Kuracis hang out.  Those are the only seriously dangerous parts (during the day).

Environments where everyone gets mugged/killed aren't self sustaining.  The labyrinth's reputation is most likely held high by people of socio-economic status and/or don't live near it, rather than by actually being that bad, much like Compton's is, apparently.

So...  for SOME characters that aren't labyrinth types, if they have the right background, which may mean just knowing people that frequent the area and not having grown up or whatever... and know where they're going.. that it's probably ok for them to take very specific trips there for very specific purposes.

Quote from: "Linedel"
Environments where everyone gets mugged/killed aren't self sustaining.  The labyrinth's reputation is most likely held high by people of socio-economic status and/or don't live near it, rather than by actually being that bad, much like Compton's is, apparently.

The 'rinth is actually that bad.  Make a 'rinthi and look around, you'll see.  :twisted:
Quote from: Vesperas...You have to ask yourself... do you love your PC more than you love its contribution to the game?

I wouldn't want schedualed reboots, that just encourages shop-camping.  But if the mud has been up for 100 hours straight, then I wouldn't mind an unschedualed reboot.

Treat the other man's faith gently; it is all he has to believe with."     Henry S. Haskins

Compton's not that bad? Have you ever spent time in Compton?

Additionally, the paragraph about taking a different car translates to wearing different gear, and the statements about the alleys translates to knowing which side of the 'rinth to stay on.

You are correct in stating that an enviroment where everybody is killed is not self-sustaining. However, the muggings can take place, and that same person will come mug you, and the cycle will go on. Possessions come and go.
Wynning since October 25, 2008.

Quote from: Ami on November 23, 2010, 03:40:39 PM
>craft newbie into good player

You accidentally snap newbie into useless pieces.


Heh.  The 'Rinth isn't like fact, there is nowhere in the real world United States that is as bad as the 'Rinth.
Quote from: MalifaxisWe need to listen to spawnloser.
Quote from: Reiterationspawnloser knows all

Quote from: SpoonA magicker is kind of like a mousetrap, the fear is the cheese. But this cheese has an AK47.

Quote from: "spawnloser"Heh.  The 'Rinth isn't like fact, there is nowhere in the real world United States that is as bad as the 'Rinth.

Several places in Miami come close.
quote="Larrath"]"On the 5th day of the Ascending Sun, in the Month of Whira's Very Annoying And Nearly Unreachable Itch, Lord Templar Mha Dceks set the Barrel on fire. The fire was hot".[/quote]

If you need stuff you can't find in a shop, find a PC merchant.
quote="Hymwen"]A pair of free chalton leather boots is here, carrying the newbie.[/quote]

If you find a shop that is out of things, please feel free to bug it with something like "bug <npckeyword> is out of armor items, three days after reboot" and we can take a look.  Making the economy make sense is an ongoing project, and there's a lot of discussion on the staff board about it right now.

"Respawning," or slowly replacing, coins is an easier accomplishment, but ideally should occur via a normal buying/selling process.  What is of greater concern IMO is those shopkeepers selling out of items not otherwise normally accessible, and those shopkeepers who fill up and refuse to buy more of something they perhaps otherwise reasonably would.

Bottom line is that this is a fair point, and the reasons it's happening in some places are accurate -- more players and longer uptimes (generally a good thing of course), versus a PC and AI based economy which isn't developed enough to keep up just yet.

That said, I agree that scheduling reboots isn't the cleanest way to deal with this.  Meanwhile if people can offer specific items, shopkeepers, etc. that are causing regular difficulty & why (specifics being more appropriate in email/bug than here), it would help target changes.

i]May the fleas of a thousand kanks nestle in your armpit.  -DustMight[/i]

Here is a new idea:
There could be a merchant which is not a PC, and he comes to a city at random times. Of course, he is heavily guarded.
With this way, there could be some rp of this thing. In addition some restocking could happen. Let's say this merchant is coming from an unknown land of Zalanthas, and nobody could follow no track of him. In other words, he could be a total mystery. This could add some rumors and roleplaying to game. There could be some more detailed info, I have some in my mind, but that's enough i think.

Quote from: "Savak""Respawning," or slowly replacing, coins is an easier accomplishment, but ideally should occur via a normal buying/selling process.  What is of greater concern IMO is those shopkeepers selling out of items not otherwise normally accessible, and those shopkeepers who fill up and refuse to buy more of something they perhaps otherwise reasonably would.

So do you thing we could slowly replace coins?  I think its is a good idea.  I also think a random regeneration of the items that a shopkeepter starts with, and random removal of items that there is more than 3 of.  Perhaps a 10% chance each IC week?  Just throwing a number out there.