What made you join?

Started by Trenidor, March 13, 2004, 07:39:43 PM

Quote from: "Impska"
Good ole Moosehead Sled. I also started there, thanks to freenet. I had to try Armageddon a couple of times before getting into it. With an interim Hack'n'Slash/RP-encouraged mud called DSL.

Yeah DSL was actually started by an immortal from Moosehead, around the same time Redemption was as well.. DSL is the perfect example of "roleplay encouraged". The immortals thought they were cool and elite because there was roleplay on their mud, with their public channels and levels and experience points and remorts.. fucking stupid RP-encouraged hack'n'slashers. That is not roleplaying!


gossip Hey, anyone level 13-17 want to group?

Been exploring for some time looking for a  realistic envionment.   Heh I was on a pay-for
RP mud.  Nice people.. roleplay enforced, they were really into it, but come on, kill a rabbit
and 10 coins drop out, what is that?  The NPC's were always in the same place. They
could always be killed the same way.  The only adventuring was solving the "quests" aka
"guess the keyword".   I ran across Armageddon a number of times and passed.  I  always
played magic users, arm looked, well, harsh, but the more I ran across it the more interesting
it sounded.  Sad thing is I liked the people at that other mud now I can't see myself going
back.  I also liked having a life, now I just play arm, dream arm dreams. Gads.
Quote from: "The Philosopher Jagger"You can't always get what you want.

Quote from: "sarahjc"I was 24 when I started. My boyfriend turned me on to Arm and I have been plagued by its addictive quality for one year now.

One night at home 11pm..

S- What are you doing?
J- I'll come to bed in a minute...
S- I can't sleep with all that typing. You do this almost
every night, its late..
J- Hold on, I can't quit right now..
S- Why?
J- I'm being tracked by a scrab and I have to find the city...
S-Are you playing Dungeons and Dragons?
J- No!
S-You nerd..
J- Look, I have to concentrate, I'll come to bed in a minute..(10 minutes later, with a sigh.) Finally.. Thank god!
S-What happened?
J- I made it back...
S-What's a Scrab?..

One year later 12:30am.. In game Just before Dawn..

S-Alright, I'll go and fill up our water skins while you get our Kanks. Meet me at the gates..
J- Right, sounds good.
S-(Think) I think we could take on a Raptor today, the skins go for a good price, maybe I can get the skull out of one....

Arm is the only Mud/text base game I have ever played. So two years now, and still addicted.
Quote from: JollyGreenGiant"C'mon, attack me with this raspberry..."

I was playing a MUD based on Dragonlance for awhile (Arctic, was that the MUD your friends were on Grog?  If so, who were they? Clanned?).  It went down for awhile in 94, so I started looking for other DnD themed MUDs..forgotten realms (tried Sojourn for awhile, disliked it), Dark Sun, etc.

And Dark Sun led me to Arm, as it is basically the only Dark Sun based MUD out there.
Evolution ends when stupidity is no longer fatal."

Never MUDded or MUSHed or MOOed before.  No text-based gaming at all.  Wasn't even looking, to be honest.  Probably would have scoffed at the idea.

It all started out with a friendly catch-up e-mail to a very dear friend I hadn't heard from in too many years.  "Take a look at it some time," she said.

It all seemed so harmless at the time.

(I guess I just took a wrong turn... and then kept going)
Sitting in your comfort,
You don't believe I'm real,
But you cannot buy protection
from the way that I feel.

I don't remember how I found arm. I was in college...which is hazy...still.

I had played a bunch of muds...liked em,

I remember trying a MUSH, not knowing much about RP and it going something like:

Other player: Okay, I threw a knife at you.
Me: Um, no you didn't.
Other player: Dude, I threw a knife at you.
Me: Right, right....okay the knife hit me in the arm. I'm bleeding.
Other player: No, no. We have to wait for an Imm so we know if it hit you.
Me: umm, this blows.

And thinking how cool it would be if someone coded the mush imms or killed all the players on the muds that wouldn't stay in char.

I think then I stayed up really late and eventually found arm.
If you gaze for long enough into the abyss, the abyss gazes also into you.


My brother.
Quote from: roughneck on October 13, 2018, 10:06:26 AM
Armageddon is best when it's actually harsh and brutal, not when we're only pretending that it is.

Back in Highschool I was in an AP Computer Science class that we regularly called AP Unreal Tournament as well as other things.

Drunken Salarr and Cappadocias one day were trying to figure out how to get around the firewall to connect to Arm.  I asked about it, and my interest was peaked.

Unfortunatly back then I was stuck with an AOL account and the game wasn't excepting anyone with AOL or free accounts.  So a few months pass, I graduate highschool and move.

One of the first few days of my summer break I notice the policy about AOL accounts has changed and I immediatly apply for a character.  Been hooked ever since.

Viva La Programa


1.   A biped, ungrateful.

I had heard about muds, so tried them out myself, this was like... 1993.  Not -really- my thing.  Few years later a friend of mine discovered RPI muds, and got me into Mirtos and Aldara, very briefly.  I had heard about armag, but never bothered to try it.  Around.. uh, '95, '96 I made a couple armag chars which sucked and failed, and slowly over time made a few more and more... and have been playing off and on since.

-Der Comrade
Mansa to Me: "You are a cancer to ArmageddonMUD."

I've been an extreme on-again-off-again Arm player for something like 5 years now, but I'll never forget how I got clued in, and then sucked in.

I was playing on a World of Darkness MUSH at the time and one of the other vampire guys, the one who typed badly and whom most people avoided because of his MUD-like emotes, started telling me about this game he played on and how, one day, he roleplayed selling a rock to a half-giant PC and that the rock wasn't even an actual object. It was just a virtual rock.

That was intriguing enough to make me check out the website. I'd always had a thing for the Dark Sun campaign setting, so that was all it took. I think I created a character, got approved, and got killed by a gortok 15 minutes later. My second character didn't last a whole lot longer. In fact, it took me about 15 characters (spread out over two accounts because I was embarassed about the rate I was killing my people off) before I had someone live longer than a week.

I wander off when things in Arm slow down and some new shiny graphical game out there pulls my lemming-like attention away, but I keep coming back like Halley's Comet. It might take a while to orbit, but sooner or later I show up again. Today, in fact, is the day I've decided to start playing again. Whee.

Well, I was playing an h&s mud a little bit...was at a friends apartment and he was playing Arm...sat and watched him interact with a certain immense, ebon-skinned fellow and was severely impressed.

Made a couple of chars before real life dragged me away until about a year and a half ago...never forgot the fun I had playing a bit back then and was so happy to see Arm still around, been back since.
Quote from: Fnord on November 27, 2010, 01:55:19 PM
May the fap be with you, always. ;D

My story is somewhat similar to Sarahjc, I started dating this guy and he started telling me about this game he plays. I'd never even heard of such a thing before, but the more he talked about it, the more interested I became. After we'd moved in together I made him teach me how to play, and I've been addicted ever since. That was last July sometime. :)

Mal: "Well they tell you: never hit a man with a closed fist. But it is, on occasion, hilarious."
Inara: "Thank you for the wine. It's very... fresh."

Mal: "To Kaylee, and her inter-engine fermentation system."

Hmm.. alright.. well. I'm still relatively new to muds and all. Started on a mush. And discovered I liked rp A WHOLE LOT! But.. I couldn't stand that the skills were interdepentant on other characters and I would spend most of my time waiting for someone to appear to get a lesson to even beable to practice my skill or whatever. The no.. you didn't cut my neck.. you cut my knee!I could go on and on about it.. but.. I won't :D

That led me to a mud that pretended to rp. I played that for a year until all the OOC bs and unessessary crap that went on IC drove me off (this was a pay to play) So.. I was.. mudless... :cry:  

I found my way to Topmudsites.. don't remember how.. and tried Achaea first.. after three months had enough.. then started a hack and slash Arrdwulf (sp?) Just about a month on that.. I still go back when I don't want to think and just wanna kill.. its good for that..

Tried a couple more muds from that site.. heh.. actually tried all of 'em.. I'd been avoiding Arm for the longest.. I didn't like the name.. sounded all.. MANLY! And mean like.. but then.. I'd gone through all the rest and I figured.. what the hell!

So I started reading the site and starting falling in love.. Ooooooo REAL RP!!! With Skills that are realistically gotten! And no numbers and stuff! Ooooooh.. I could just pass out from joy. I must have stayed up until my application was approved. I kept checking my mail.. hehehe.. can ya tell I was excited? Well.. first character died within an hour.. or actually.. since all you guys keep talking about a mantis head.. I realize she wasn't dead at all.. but just passed out.. so when I logged out she must have died I guess.. learning experience.. well.. here I am! And I'm here to stay! Yay!  :lol:  :D  :twisted:
The Duty Of The One Inspired By The Muse~
So sleep now
my longing heart, do not worry I won't tarry.
We shall be together in your dreams,
to be happy and make merry.

..I know.. I'm a romantic.. its disgusting..

Creeper pretty much sums it up exactly for me.  :shock:

Quote from: "creeper386"I was forced to play by a fellow player of another MUD. I wasn't giving no choice. If I didn't do it I would have been hunted down and killed.

So you can blame them.

anth: *tries to balance an evil laugh with a cheerful, open demeanor*

A sand-stuffed practice dummy looks down at you.

Come see Matrim's Armageddon website at:

I could smell the perma-death and was drawn to the cries of tourtured souls.
Bhagharva the Purulent Carcass

I heard about ArmageddonMud from Bimble Freefoot, if any of you know/remember him.  He's a rarely seen, man-eating cow who occasionally posts here.  :twisted:

I played H&K muds 'cause when I wanna kill someone, virtually speaking, I don't want to fuck around with whether there's a staffer on the mush or moo and have it up to the possibility of that person's whim (and who they know and like) as to who kills/maims whom.

I became very tired of the people who wouldn't play a character.  I figure...what's the point in playing a game system based (however loosely) on AD&D rule sets if you're not gonna play a role.

On one PK mud, Apocalypse III (no relation to the belated hack of Arm), I would coach people in the effort to increase roleplay.  Those who opposed me violently, met with the wrath of a rather powerful sorcerer.  Made alot of enemies in the player base, but also alot of friends.  When the overlord decided to do away with playerkilling because she felt it was getting out of hand, I quit mudding except for 'SillyMud' (because...well, it's silly!)

That's when Bimble (was an imm on Apocalypse III) mentioned this cool new mud that was alot like AD&D's Darksun in genre and was permadeath pkill.  So, I decided to look into it.

Even though I was a clueless twink for a while, I was hooked almost immediately.  That was.....mmmn.  Damn, I'm old!  11...12 years ago?!
-Naatok the Naughty Monkey

My state of mind an inferno. This mind, which cannot comprehend. A torment to my conscience,
my objectives lost in frozen shades. Engraved, the scars of time, yet never healed.  But still, the spark of hope does never rest.

That is funny Naatok, cause I distinctly remember you telling me that you started to play because you heard they had spankings here.

I was probably drunk at the time so..  :twisted:
Bhagharva the Purulent Carcass

James did it he hooked me . Dam him .no! Must MUD and find chicken bones help take down his boss.And drive a grey kank around armed with chicken bones cutting yards. And SALVE yes james i said it SALVE it's good to have SALVE
My characters are mean not me!

Quote from: "Seeker"Wasn't even looking, to be honest.

You just won the irony prize of the day!   :P

Congrats!   :D
"I have seen him show most of the attributes one expects of a noble: courtesy, kindness, and honor.  I would also say he is one of the most bloodthirsty bastards I have ever met."

Many many years ago in a galaxy far far away called perilouse realms,(which is still running by the way) a H&S mud that I had gone to because I was bored with epic mud, I'm playing my level 140/120 mage warrior when somebody gossiped about a darksun RP mud that had just opened to public, unlimited pk.

I was like, darksun, unlimited pk and rp...gotta check it out. So, I went, made a half-giant stone cleric. He was validated in under 48 hours I might add, entered the game sat down at the fountain in tuluk, started practicing spells and reading docs. To tell you the truth, it was the spell system at the time that kept me playing, later it was the RP that brought me back time after time.
A gaunt, yellow-skinned gith shrieks in fear, and hauls ass.
If you -want- me to think that your character is a hybrid of a black kryl and a white push-broom shaped like a penis, then you've done a great job

I got fed up with the mud I used to play and quit, subsequently going in search of another mud which fit my criteria... rp-enforced was a must, and I wanted a comparable playerbase to where I'd been.  I'm not too keen on the idea of "levels" and "xp" in a roleplaying game, so I was looking into muds that were skill based instead of level based.  One of the people from my old mud mentioned that several players had, over the years, migrated from where I had been playing over to Armageddon.  I figured I'd give it a shot... I've been here ever since.
quote="Larrath"]"On the 5th day of the Ascending Sun, in the Month of Whira's Very Annoying And Nearly Unreachable Itch, Lord Templar Mha Dceks set the Barrel on fire. The fire was hot".[/quote]

A somewhat typical story:

I played Dragonrealms for 7 years before getting fed up finally in a huge storm of anger and hatred. Then, after cooling off for a few weeks playing Counter-strike, I went back to topmudsites (this time withOUT voting for Dragonrealms) and looked down for something.

Tried achea, realized how lame it was really quickly. At least Dragonrealms was RP-kind-of-encouraged.

So i decided I needed to find an RP required mud that had perma-death (i came up with the idea of permadeath and how great it would be for a MUD independently in my late days of DR), armageddon was the highest on the list with both, so I tried it out. Made some poor ranger named Rueschen who had a great fantastic background and ideas for the future but got eaten rather quickly by a tembo.   D:

After that, I was like, "Well, that's exactly what I want in a MUD, but I'm so sick of muds, fuggit."

After about a year of owning bitches in Counter-strike, I felt the old pull for some RPing, and since I didn't have time to get into a play, I dug up Armageddon again.

I don't expect to leave for awhile, this time. I even have my next character completely fleshed out, and my current char is stable and moving forward in life.


My husband, then my friend, bugged me for months to try this roleplaying mud called Armageddon. We played a Star Wars based mud (he played, I idled and got plevelled) at the time and I finally got sick of him pestering me and made a guard for his asshole merchant.  Then the fucker stopped playing.  To this day he's constantly asking me what I'm laughing about or what my character is up to and I'm the one telling him he should play.
I'm taking an indeterminate break from Armageddon for the foreseeable future and thereby am not available for mudsex.
In law a man is guilty when he violates the rights of others. In ethics he is guilty if he only thinks of doing so.

I just realized I'd never responded to this thread.

I was also a DragonRealms player for several years.  I would get bored, take some time off, and come back because there was nothing else to do.

Then DragonRealms came up with a spin-off game called DragonRealms: The Fallen.  The basic idea was that unlike in the regular version of DR, there were no rules, no boundaries, nothing to keep you from PKing or swearing or "scripting" (botting) your character to uberness.  Most of the roughest players were going there, people who had been locked out of the Disney-fied version of the game.  People were planning to form gangs for mutual protection.  When you came upon someone in game you would never know if they might decide to kill you, or even if they had a bunch of friends in hiding, waiting to ambush you. The idea seemed like a post-apocalyptic wasteland.  I wanted that edge.

Of course, the reality was nothing like I had envisioned.  The "freedom" of The Fallen ended up just being a void of 1337-speak, in which no one ever actually played, because they were just botting their characters all the time.

Then DragonRealms decided to get listed on TMS.  I voted a few times, checked out the forums, decide to see what else was out there.  Arm was intimidating at first: permadeath, apping, harshness at every turn.  But it was also intriguing.

I stepped onto Zalanthas and never looked back.
Quote from: tapas on December 04, 2017, 01:47:50 AM
I think we might need to change World Discussion to Armchair Zalanthan Anthropology.

I'd been mudhopping for a few years, and I settled on this one mud, EV?, for awhile.  I forget its full name, it's been a long while.  And after about a month or two, I started to complain over gossip about the lack of consistent RP and random PKs, and a player told me about this RPi mud.  I remember asking what "i" stood for, and he said, 'Intensive'.

He both scared and intrigued me so much that I went to the website, read the docs for about a week before nervously making a character.  I expected those mean templars or nobles to kill me with a flick of a finger.  About two days later, I was approved.  This was about three or four years ago.

Yeah, if this rings a bell with anyone, PM me.  I'm curious on who it was, I never figured that out.  :twisted: