What made you join?

Started by Trenidor, March 13, 2004, 07:39:43 PM

I'm not to much of a noobie but the reason I joined was Jhunter introduced me to it and the first time I died I was like wow this game is really hard -I'm hooked-.
In the desert no one can hear you scream."

Quote from: "Larrath"I came here after pretty much seeking refuge from my first RP MUD...
It was a nice place, but most of the people were horrible.  Long, sad story.

Anyway, I was told about this place by a friend.  I also brought a couple of friends of mine, but one left and the other's too busy to play for now.

Same thing. Dark and Shattered Lands is dismal.

I had developed a taste for Mud-ing and good roleplay on another text game. This game eventually was absorbed by a larger company and made pay-to-play. I, being a cheap bastard, bid farewell to the noble people and environs of that world, and struck out to find a new land to call home.

I drifted around, mucking about on different games. Invariably, I would become disappointed with the generally H&S nature of most of these places. Even in ones that had some roleplay, the world was still static and unchanging. The emptiness of my endeavors began to wear on me.

Eventually, I washed up here. Although this world at first appeared harsh and severely unwelcoming, I gave it a shot. What did I have to lose? The roleplay satisfied my desires, perhaps even exceeded them, as I was not used to such a high-roleplay environment, for I had grown lax.

I joined the ranks of Armageddon, and got used to roleplaying again, like getting used to a hot-tub. The flexible nature of the world (it feels like, if I play my cards right, I might actually be able to influence things) and the powerful and diverse skills and roleplay tools at my disposal (even today I have not mastered the use of the emoting system) endeared me to this place.

Sadly, though, I now find myself behind a firewall. Cut off! Oh, the pangs of withdrawal.
he stories are woven
and fortunes are told
The truth is measured by the weight of your gold
The magic lies scattered
on rugs on the ground
Faith is conjured in the night market's sound

Quote from: "Uglyhead"
Sadly, though, I now find myself behind a firewall. Cut off! Oh, the pangs of withdrawal.

There are some legitimate ways to work with a firewall. No guarantees although, as some are way too tight.  Since this seems to be a persistent issue for some I am thinking about creating a checklist for those folks. You are free to PM me if have any questions.  Could always use another victim.
Quote from: "The Philosopher Jagger"You can't always get what you want.

A friend of a friend who liked to embellish stories.  Turns out he wasn't embellishing..

Props to Armaddict

I join because I was introduced it by my lecturer during the summer holiday. :D
rmageddon is the game that I enjoy most!!!!

Went on holiday with no pc, so took a stack of old PC Powerplay mags instead. read MUD article.  Back home to MudConnector.  Read Top 10, saw "the desert"  Here I am :shock:

It's all Praetorian's fault. I blame him.

I was playing a fairly decent RP MUD. And then things went down hill. The staff started becoming extremely possesive. Not letting players play their characters. In general being rude OOC and such. And then the game got further changed since one of the head staff's children started playing and she didn't want them to see anything bad.

Now, from what I see although the code is some of the best I've seen in a MUD, the RP has degraded to sitting around a square chatting, and it's mostly a huge EQ grab fest.

Anyways, someone I played with there, came here, and suggested it.

So, if anyone would like to know who to blame, hunt down Corrine. At least I think it was her. Yeah. Think so.

21sters Unite!

she's the one that started the odd urges thread! easily the funniest thread on the forum.

I had my girlfriend playing for awhile. Then we broke up. Now she's perma-mad at me, so I doubt she'll be back. :\

Gonna try to get the new girlfriend into it.  :twisted:

It's all my friend's fault! He made me do it!  :shock:

It really should just be called "Crackageddon." Shit's addictive.

friend got me into the game around  2001-2002 time period..... now i dont play at all but ya it was so fun me and my 2 budies running around in the rith with the gangs awsome time before tuluk came back

A man polishing a steel cow. Thats all I'm going to say about it.

Quote from: "Kankman"
Finally one day it worked. But it was back before karma and I tried to make a mantis that was a short fat bald man.

Bwahahaha. That would've been the best character ever, you know.

the geeks at my school introduced me to armageddon. i realized i was playing with geeks with greasy hair so i stopped playing.
A foreign presence contacts your mind.

Quotethe geeks at my school introduced me to armageddon. i realized i was playing with geeks with greasy hair so i stopped playing.

Yeah, people like you are generally better off sitting on your thumb anyway.
She wasn't doing a thing that I could see, except standing there leaning on the balcony railing, holding the universe together. --J.D. Salinger

I was playing a hack&slash MUD called Greystone since '98. And one day a friend called Cenghiz "The pale, gay-looking man" told me about ARM after he told Gaare about it. At first, I really hated, because it was a pain in the ass to create a char and see it died permanently at his first attempt to kill a scrab.. Now, ARM is where my heart beats ;)
A foreign presence contacts your mind.

You think:
"No! Please leave me be whoever you are."

You sense a foreign presence withdraw from your mind.

Nyeh, way back when, i heard a few of my friends talking about it. And i had previously played some lame ass Hack and Slash attempt at an RP mud that eventually just gave up RP, called Redemption. I gave that hell up, and have been living happily at Armageddon.org for a few years now.
your mother is an elf.

Cenghiz has all the blame for dragging all of us Turks to Arm and making us nest here.
some of my posts are serious stuff

Yeah, I always seemed to notice an awful lot of you. :)

Turkey was amazing, though--wound up getting to go to Istanbul and Bodrum for a few weeks last summer. I am seriously missing the Efes Pilsen and Adana kebap, not to mention the many great people I met there.

Quote from: "fearwig"Yeah, I always seemed to notice an awful lot of you. :)

Turkey was amazing, though--wound up getting to go to Istanbul and Bodrum for a few weeks last summer. I am seriously missing the Efes Pilsen and Adana kebap, not to mention the many great people I met there.

Don't forget "rakı" my friend,  :wink:

Thanks by the way.
Quote from: Sir DiealotHow 'bout, instead of stopping app special apps, because some people are morons, you just stop those accounts from Special Apping? It would stop the mongoloids from constantly bugging you...

Oh yeah, the raki was good. Knocks you on your ass, though. :)

My hubby 'made' me play, last Summer when I was not working.  Now, I am the monster from Hell that he created.  Mwahaha!   :twisted:
 couldn't help but to point out that my vote counted as '69'...heh!   :twisted:

Quote from: "fearwig"
Quote from: "Larrath"I came here after pretty much seeking refuge from my first RP MUD...
It was a nice place, but most of the people were horrible.  Long, sad story.

Anyway, I was told about this place by a friend.  I also brought a couple of friends of mine, but one left and the other's too busy to play for now.

Same thing. Dark and Shattered Lands is dismal.

I played DSL too.. I started mudding when I was 11, I was really into a tabletop miniature game called Warhammer 40k back then, and I clicked a link to a picture of what I thought would be a miniature, but it instead was a link to a clanpage of Ancient Anguish, a pretty big H&S. I got hooked into that, but by and by I find Dark and Shattered Lands, and learn the rudiments of rp there. Then I see Armageddon on Top Mud Sites, and I got addicted. Now I mostly futilely try to improve the RP of DSL through example on the sat. downtime, but Arm sucked me in.
I tripped and Fale down my stairs. Drink milk and you'll grow Uaptal. I know this guy from the state of Tenneshi. This house will go up Borsail tomorrow. I gave my book to him Nenyuk it back again. I hired this guy golfing to Kadius around for a while.

A Boy and His Dog.

Really great little cult film. Came before Mad Max and Tank Girl. Go find it, rent it, buy it, watch it.

Tried Arm because it was listed as post-apocalyptic on TMC.

Ask me if I'm a tree