Damn! What you been smokin?!?

Started by halfhuman, February 02, 2005, 09:25:03 PM

Quote from: "Spoon"
Quote from: "Tamarin"You know, this is sounding more and more like a cigarette.  And I can assure you that there is no such thing as tobacco in the game.  If there is, the imm who imp'd it should be ashamed of himself.


They coded alcohol and narcotics. Don't get me started on how abused a drug alcohol how damaging its affects are, which, in my opinion, far exceed those of smoking.

In my opinion, you can't really let things like morals intefere with rolplaying. I mean, christ, we have people being murdered in this game. Maybe you should all be ashamed of that?

Dude, my issue isn't about morals.  Its that it would be an anachronism...like, I'd just add it to the list of things that I think shouldn't be in the game, along with Gygpsy peppers.

And Bestatte is right about the growing.

All I'm saying, is there are plenty of substances in game that people haven't even thought of smoking yet.  To illustrate my point, I shall refer to one of my idols, Chris Rock:

Quote from: "Chris Rock"You could get rid of all the illegal drugs in the world.  You could get rid of all the herb, all the smoke, all the blow...people still wanna get high.  Guys will go in their basement and become scientists.  Like, "yo man, check this out.  If you get a baby bottle, right?  Fill it up with a little gasonline and a dead lima bean and suck it, you'll be fucked up!"

Seriously guys...go out there and find some leaf, root, herb, grub...anything, really, and start smoking it.  A lot of edible objects that you -don't- eat the whole thing have some sort of chemical contained in the rest.  Heck, look at apples.  If I'm not mistaken, I believe the seeds have trace amounts of arsenic or something of that nature.  So why not smoke some ginka seeds?  Think about it.
quote="mansa"]emote pees in your bum[/quote]

Ah, yeah, I get you now.

Like I said earlier, I'm fine with anything as long as it is authentic and origional to Zalanthas. Having the word 'tobacco' anywhere would make me slap my forehead.

I agree with Tamarin's later posts. I don't want tobbacco. I like the idea, however, of special Zalanthified smoking products. Leaves, seeds, beetle grindings. All are good ideas. I like coded support for my roleplay, even if it's just an echo that says I puff on my pipe some smoke goes into the air, but I guess it's a not a must-have. And while it's true that Kurac would probably try to get a monopoly on it, if it's something basic and easy to find, like the by-product of a common plant or animal, then they'll probably always have at least some competition from individual merchants, just because of its availability. Also, this doesn't have to be something that's newly invented (seeing as how inventions are rare in such a low-tech society). It could just be something that's been happening in the background, virtually, for a long time, and was only recently brought to the foreground of the PC world. There doesn't have to be some crazy IC justification like a mysterious group of traders introducing it, or a magickal mix-up in a Kuraci lab.
I remember a mercenary character I played with once, who's player would EMOTE about these reddish nettles that were basically chewing tobacco. He'd put them in his mouth, give lots of nasty EMOTEs about his red-stained teeth and saliva, then hack the stuff back up later. It did so much for his image as an ugly, nasty, gruff mercenary-type. It was fascinating to watch, interact with, and... well. I guess I'm just going to have to steal it.
EvilRoeSlade wrote:
QuoteYou find a bulbous root sac and pick it up.
You shout, in sirihish:
QuoteA staff member sends:
     "You are likely dead."

Smoke pech grass.

I hear it f's with your head.

(the point of this post being I don't think anyone is going to say "No way man!  If you smoke that bimbal you ain't getting high!  It doesn't work like that!"  If you like the idea, make it happen.  Say your grandpappy used to do it.  If it catches on you might see some actual coded support.  Joy)
Quote from: ZhairaI don't really have a problem with drugs OR sex
Quote from: MansaMarc's got the best advice.
Quote from: WarriorPoetIf getting loaded and screwing is wrong, I don't wanna be right.

Like I've said two or three times now, I DON'T MEAN TOBACCO.  I, *alsowould be angered to see tobacco in Zalanthas. I just mean something like tobacco.

What FiveDisgruntledMonkeysWit said about the nettles.  Or what Seeker said about the bark.  Is  the kinda think I wanted to see when I started this post.  I also like coded backup for my emotes.

I almost always play in Allanak, cause it is the bomb. In Allanak I have no access what-so-ever to rolling papers, or pipes. The closest place for me to find it would be Red Storm, or I would have to find someone that's selling it in the Rinth, which isn't easy at all. I've tried.  Also, if I ever tried to smoke it in a tavern, I'd likely get in sooo much trouble.

I think it's unlikely that a society would have mind altering substances to smoke, but not a regular old herb that only gives you black lungs, but not a buzz.  I think it would be so sweet to be able to casually have a smoke in your local Allanaki tavern, without having to be looked at funny, threatened, and possibly attacked by the other PC's/templarate.  I don't know Tektolnes's reasons for banning spice, and maybe they would also apply to any other kind of smoking.  Only the imms know his reasons, and I'm not asking that to change.

You can smoke spice in every other city except Allanak, so Kurac could make some mulla finding a way to bring smoking to Allanak. But also some mulla in other places.

A Byn mercenary who likes his spice could finally smoke something on duty without getting really high, and eventually fired or killed.  You wouldn't have to climb ass-deep in silt to get at it, so it would probably be less expensive than spice which could expand regular business to the poorer peoples of Zalanthas.  

I think it would add more depth, and make Zalanthas seem that much more realistic.
i] Sarge's Lifting Advice:[/i] Don't lift with your legs. Your back's the strongest muscle in your body! And look man, your knees aren't even locked. How do you expect to stand up straight? Put your groin into it!

I don't think it should be anything like tobacco.

The only way it should be like tobacco is that you can light it on fire and breathe in the fumes.  That's it.  It should not contain a nicotine-like substance or effect....it should not turn your fingers yellow...Changing the name is not enough.

A rose is a rose is a rose, after all.
quote="mansa"]emote pees in your bum[/quote]

Quote from: "Kalden"
QuoteI've been arrested for smuggling spice when I had NO spice anywhere on my person, some things that don't look like spice are spice

Doubtful. I've had the same thing happen, turned out to be a mistake... some items from Red Storm are wrongly flagged spice.

No, that isn't what I mean.  Hrm, I don't want to reveal ICly sensitive information, which makes it tough to explain what I do mean.  Suffice to say that may be things that the law thinks are spice, that can be smoked like spice, and that have the effects of spice, but that do not look like typical grains of spice and that are gathered far, far away from Sea of Silt.  The world is full of strange things.

Treat the other man's faith gently; it is all he has to believe with."     Henry S. Haskins

Some spice is refined from shit that doesn't look like spice in its current form. So I believe that the gate guards stop that too.
Quote from: Shoka Windrunner on April 16, 2008, 10:34:00 AM
Arm is evil.  And I love it.  It's like the softest, cuddliest, happy smelling teddy bear in the world, except it is stuffed with meth needles that inject you everytime

I didn't mean it'd have to be tobacco with a different name. I mean it would fit into society the way tobacco fits into our society.  Not like, everyone's trying to quite smoking, not that it's even addictive. It doesn't have to turn your teeth and fingers yellow.  It doesn't have to be a green leafy plant, or even a leaf for that matter.  Like I said in my last post, I like the idea of the treebark thing.  

All this post is about is that I think there needs to be something legal to smoke in Allanak, to add a bit to the culture.  I'm not saying that half the damn city should smoke it, but I think it should be there.
i] Sarge's Lifting Advice:[/i] Don't lift with your legs. Your back's the strongest muscle in your body! And look man, your knees aren't even locked. How do you expect to stand up straight? Put your groin into it!

I've always been uncomfortable with 'virtual' objects. Aside from a baby or something that simply -has- to be emoted about, a virtual pouch of 'non-spice' seems like it could conveniently slip someone's mind.

For example: Militiaman Rychard, we'll call him Dyck, is at the tavern. He sees someone smoking a virtual stogey and decides the stench offends him. Well, being that he IS Militiaman Dick, and on good terms with a Templar, drops a hint about this new fad.

Well, it's obvious to the Templar that this is just some rinthi way to get around the spice ban, and decides to heckle some smoker. He thunders into the tavern and begins to search people. For whatever reason, be it simply forgetting to bring his virtual pouch into his emotes, or refraining to because, well, there's nothing there to prove he had a vpouch or had been smoking anything at all, he leaves it out of his emotes while the Templar looks him over. This means that for all the world, the pouch, nor the stuff in it or the smell from it, exists. No sniff echo, no pouch full of bark, nothing... *shrugs* Just a thought that this shouldn't be shrugged off as something to carelessly emote or not to emote, for that matter.

Chewing a handful of nettles or bark is one thing, smoking anything at all in a public place is quite another matter. Do you -really- think that Templar cares if you're smoking spice or dried kank shit? All that matters is your smoking -something-. If I was a Templar I would just kill you and all of your smoker friends, to contain something that was on the surface, just another thinly veiled attempt to get the Nakki population back onto the spice.

If I was somewhere besides Allanak and I really thought I -needed- a smoke that wasn't going to roast my nuts and spice me out, I think I would just buy some spice and emote diluting it with something, a virtual weed that I pick from an alley, or something, sawdust sound nasty to smoke but comes to mind, and then rolling a weaker doober. Like watering your wine.

We were somewhere near the Shield Wall, on the edge of the Red Desert, when the drugs began to take hold...

No. It would be like hanging out with a northern templar with them in their robes in Allanak. You just don't want to be in that light.
Quote from: Shoka Windrunner on April 16, 2008, 10:34:00 AM
Arm is evil.  And I love it.  It's like the softest, cuddliest, happy smelling teddy bear in the world, except it is stuffed with meth needles that inject you everytime

Well...there are lots of coded substances in game.  Go out and get some, then start smoking it.  I really don't see what the problem is.  If you can get it popular enough, they'll code it.  Wouldn't you want to have it that way?  Single-handedly starting a new fad that sweeps over the game world?  Sounds good to me.
quote="mansa"]emote pees in your bum[/quote]

I'm pretty sure no-one has actually said in their posts that they want tobacco imp'd. Just making the point before someone posts "Noooo, tobacco's a crap idea!"

Like I've said before. The reason I made this post is that I want something to smoke in Allanak, and you STILL can't smoke anything in Allanak! I'd need to have rolling papers or a pipe to smoke it, but I'm pretty sure they wouldn't let me just waltz on through the west gate with a book of papers in my pocket.  That's like wanting to go through the metal detector with a bb gun.  It really can't kill anyone, but they still won't let you have it.
i] Sarge's Lifting Advice:[/i] Don't lift with your legs. Your back's the strongest muscle in your body! And look man, your knees aren't even locked. How do you expect to stand up straight? Put your groin into it!

Quote from: "halfhuman"Like I've said before. The reason I made this post is that I want something to smoke in Allanak, and you STILL can't smoke anything in Allanak! I'd need to have rolling papers or a pipe to smoke it, but I'm pretty sure they wouldn't let me just waltz on through the west gate with a book of papers in my pocket.  That's like wanting to go through the metal detector with a bb gun.  It really can't kill anyone, but they still won't let you have it.

Sounds pretty IC-appropriate to me.  The "IMMs" of real life aren't going to change airport security measures to allow BB guns just because we feel like toting them around.  The docs do say that possession of pipes is frowned upon in Allanak, leading me to believe that smoking doesn't have a place in its society.  Just because we as players, or even our characters, want to do something, doesn't mean the game world will allow us to do it without risk.  In order to manage this, we'd have to either change the history of Allanak so smoking paraphernalia was never frowned upon, and guess what, people were virtually smoking X herb all along since the beginning.  Or begin it IC with emotes, but be ready for the IC consequences, which is more than fair.

Should we make a mini-magicker class with harmless cantrips so people can cast in Tuluk?  No, and neither should we just change Allanak society willy-nilly so we can have a coded smoke.  If you want to smoke, go to one of the other cities in the game.  The cities aren't supposed to be all alike, letting us do whatever we feel like just for fun.  They have different societies, different customs, and different laws.  "I want something to smoke in Allanak" just doesn't cut it as a reason to change the entire society.

February 11, 2005, 02:36:27 AM #41 Last Edit: September 19, 2011, 03:29:23 AM by Dystopia

Quote from: "Dystopia"Screw tobbacco. We need an IG spice that is equivalent to RL meth. I think there might already be one, though, but I can't find a help file on the various types of spice :|.

I can't say which one is equivilant to meth, since I have absolutely no idea.. But I can say for once, when someone tells you to 'Find out IG', it might actually be a pleasant experience for your character (as opposed to likely death in other situations) if your talking about spice. Do some personal research, find out which one does what. Sniff it, smoke it, whatever.  :wink:
Quote from: jhunterI'm gonna show up at your home and violate you with a weedeater.  :twisted:

I do know which is roughly the equivalent of meth, but I won't say.

This is something you should find out in game.  Talk to people that might know what effects the different spices would have (*cough*cough*kuraci*cough*cough*) or by experimenting.

> sing (dancing around with a wand in one hand) Put that together and what do you got?  Ximminy Xamminy, Ximminy Xamminy, Ximminy Xamminy Xoo!

One thing:

Tamarin, stop being the one to -bring up- things about tobacco you don't want, please.  They aren't mentioning them, you are.  They said no tobacco, and you went right back to it.  It's just halting the discussion and making them argue with you.

I, personally, see nothing wrong with a 'harmless' substance being available to smoke, with the code.  That's just because I, like WP, am a little uncomfortable with the idea of multiple people dealing with virtual objects on their own.  It leaves a lot of ground for inconsistency.

And I know the meth spice too.  Me and Xamminy smoked it in my backyard.
She wasn't doing a thing that I could see, except standing there leaning on the balcony railing, holding the universe together. --J.D. Salinger

Quote from: "Angela Christine"
Quote from: "Kalden"
QuoteI've been arrested for smuggling spice when I had NO spice anywhere on my person, some things that don't look like spice are spice

Doubtful. I've had the same thing happen, turned out to be a mistake... some items from Red Storm are wrongly flagged spice.

No, that isn't what I mean.  Hrm, I don't want to reveal ICly sensitive information, which makes it tough to explain what I do mean.  Suffice to say that may be things that the law thinks are spice, that can be smoked like spice, and that have the effects of spice, but that do not look like typical grains of spice and that are gathered far, far away from Sea of Silt.  The world is full of strange things.


You mean like in that Cheech and Chong movie where the drug lords are pressing manufactured pot to look like stereos and other plastic items?

Brilliant! "See my boots?" "Yeah?" "Spice." "Uh."