New command:crawl

Started by ashjpd, May 21, 2004, 09:39:05 PM

Should a skill like "crawl" be added?..

23 (56.1%)
18 (43.9%)

Total Members Voted: 40

Voting closed: May 21, 2004, 09:39:05 PM

I think a new command, such as "crawl" would be a great command to add to the game.

You could crawl along, lose less mv. points, and gain health while you do it. Or, during certain terrains, lose more mv. points, and such.

It will add more role-play possibilites, such as not being able to walk at all and such.

I don't know how hard these things are to code, but maybe when you sit down, using the "sit" command, when you try to move to other areas, you automaticly crawl. Since most people only use the rest command when they want to sit anyways.


I think a PC who is down to 0 stamina should be able to crawl through the desert with extreme lag.  30 seconds a room or something, like pilot.  Maybe even more.  Maybe costing HPs for each room as well since you are baking in the sun.

The idea being that with really good luck you can drag your stinky butt to water.  With regular or bad luck you die to NPCs.

I like it.
quote="Teleri"]I would highly reccomend some Russian mail-order bride thing.  I've looked it over, and it seems good.[/quote]

I like it but I think crawling in realilty takes more energy in the long run, I might be wrong.

Quote from: "UnderSeven"I like it but I think crawling in realilty takes more energy in the long run, I might be wrong.

I just picture the old cliche desert scene where a ragged, sun-blistered man crawls through the desert chanting "Water....water."

Then he sees an oasis and rushes to drink only to find he's eating sand.  Moments later Bugs Bunny runs by dressed as an Arabic princess followed by a Sultan with comedically-shortened legs and a big red set of eyebrows that reach his equally-red mustache giving chase while riding a bored-looking camel that the rider urges on by shouting 'Ya mule, Ya!'

Oh yeah, I forgot the lag part.

crawl e
You set to work crawling...

A large salt-worm has arrived form the west.
A large salt-worm has arrived form the west.
A large salt-worm has arrived form the west.
A large salt-worm has arrived form the west.
A large salt-worm has arrived form the west.
A small gortok has arrived from the north.

A large salt-worm vivously bites your head.
You are no longer crawling.


I ssayin here is that I drink alot, and right now I drank alot, and I'm crawling, I love crawlin

best idea ever

The lumpy man crawls in from the north.

The lumpy man says "Gaj's 'appenin t'nigh felleh's"

The lumpy man groans and pukes softly on the ground.

The lump man crawls off to the south.
A single death is a tragedy, a million deaths is a statistic.  Zalanthas is Armageddon.

crawling would take more energy then walking.  Much more.

This has been idead MULTIPLE times in game, mostly because I play a lot of drunks who always end up falling down.   :twisted:

I don't dislike the idea, though I'm not convinced it's needed either.

I do think it should come with a combat penalty comparable to (if not more than) sitting.
So if you're tired of the same old story
Oh, turn some pages. - "Roll with the Changes," REO Speedwagon

I'd rather just do this:

n (crawling drunkenly along)

Seriously, just HOW many leagues do you think your character is going to be able to crawl? Maybe two, and not with 0/5/10 mv.  Can you imagine what it is to crawl a hundred feet on a dune/mound-filled desert floor while wearing (and let's leave the inventory out of this) a heavy over-robe that will drag half a ton of sand along?  Not to mention the winds that may kick up, and the sheer heat of the sand...desert sand is not beach sand.  Desert sand is HOT.

It's insane and I don't think -anyone- is going to really be able to do it.  Could might as well walk barefoot on an obsidian platform in the Tablelands.

The idea could pass for city movement, though I don't think anyone will lose their feel of the game if they see:
"Grumbling to himself in a drunken slur as he crawls dizzily to the doorway, the tall, muscular man walks north.".

But for desert movements, you will not be able to realistically crawl while dehydrated and at the very last of your strength.  Let's face it, 0 movement is BEYOND tired.

0 mv is when you run a marathon on the sand and then go hiking.

I thus believe that this feature is not required.  Crawling in cities is another matter, but I do not believe the code restricts it very much.  Tripping down messages?  So someone kicked you out of their way.
Quote from: Vesperas...You have to ask yourself... do you love your PC more than you love its contribution to the game?

You are right, but it would be nice at some point.


I once had a char who was dying of thirst and had no mv's left. I emoted crawling along and there happened to be a helpful imm about at the time who gave me short bursts of mv's to keep crawling. Eventually ended up passing out as a rider almost squashed me on the road. But I like the idea of having crawl as a command. It's not impossible since the gods above helped me to do it. But we're not all lucky enough to have a guardian angel looking over us when we need it. So a command would be a nice touch. I'd say just make it have a ton of delay, since when you're crawling you're moving really slow.

i like the idea, but it won't be priority since it's a form of movement and you can already both walk and run! heh. Put it on the list!

I was saying the other night how I'd like to have a movement speed between sneak and walk, and walk and run.

Otherwise, I have to give myself a movement delay or spam my walking.  It's not necessary, but I's lazy.
 wish I was witty enough to have something here.  Alas.

You can crawl anyway, I think this is just another idea to codedly Power game.  When you are down on hp you could just crawl away, getting more HP as you go.

Besides, they're already something you can do instead.
east crawling on the ground

so and so has arived from the east, crawling on the ground

So there you have it. This is just a way from someone injured to repair their HP while they walk. None of it is possible IRL, you can't be moving and somehow recover from injury.
Crackageddon.... once an addict, always an addict

The only thing I think crawl should do is almost count as sitting, which will not get you healing if you are past healing threshold, but allow movement with mega delay and no chance of tripping and falling down when drunk...because you're already on the ground.  Give those drunks a reliable way to get themselves home...if they can remember the way.
Quote from: MalifaxisWe need to listen to spawnloser.
Quote from: Reiterationspawnloser knows all

Quote from: SpoonA magicker is kind of like a mousetrap, the fear is the cheese. But this cheese has an AK47.

crawl doesn't -HAVE- to include any type of healing, though it migh. . . oh fuck it. i'm gonna go do something constructive.

I believe they said something about it -costing- hp to crawl..not regaining..
The rugged, red-haired woman is not a proper mount." -- oops

Diealot - Ninja Helper (Too cool for Tags)

You don't pass out from negative stamina, I know because I've had negative stamina.

So here is my proposal for crawling:  

    1)  It is slower than walking or sneaking.

    2)  It takes as much stamina as walking, or perhaps somewhere between walking and running.

    3)  You can keep moving even when your stamina is 0 or less than 0, driving your stamina into negative numbers.

    4)  You are less likely to fall into semi-visible pits, because you  are more likely to see them when you are crawling.  Codewise, you get a small climb check bonus, so if you walk into a room with a pit you are more likely to make your climb check and not fall into the pit.  

    5)  If you are drunk, you will not fall down while crawling.  

What does this mean?  No more collapsing from thirst three rooms from a water source.  I don't think that has a de-harshinating effect, because nearly dieing and crawling to a last minute salvation makes a great story that can be passed on, it makes a much better story than just another corpse in the desert.  It can provide a pivitol event that changes the character and allows them to learn and grow in a new direction.  Death is a pivitol event too, but it pretty much ends the story and nobody learns anything.  Near death experiences are harsher than death.

Treat the other man's faith gently; it is all he has to believe with."     Henry S. Haskins

My thoughts exactly, AC.

QuoteYou don't pass out from negative stamina, I know because I've had negative stamina.

Hmmm... We used to. I remember a special poison lowering your stamina, then forcing you into coma when your stamina hits 0.

I once had an odd orge of having a gith-magicker who waits for the victims to cook under Krath before eating. Your crawling on the hot sands would help that character a lot. That's all I can say. I crawled on grass a lot. That was tiring. I can't even think of crawling under the hot sun on searing sands. Zalanthan human grill?

If people want crawling as a RP tool, fine. No coded help's needed. Wait till your stamina's 20 or so, then hit "sta;e (crawling slowly);sit;change ldesc is crawling to east here" once a minute. I promise to ignore the stand/sit echoes. I'm sure everybody else too, will understand the situation and play it along.

If it would be a coded help for people who lose all their stamina because of waterskins dented by gith-arrows or because of accidentally hitting "e" a little bit too much; err... I don't think being careless should be helped. Of course it's just my idea, I'm sure I may use it if such an advantage's given to us by the imms. That's just my two worthless obsidian coins.
quote="Ghost"]Despite the fact he is uglier than all of us, and he has a gay look attached to all over himself, and his being chubby (I love this word) Cenghiz still gets most of the girls in town. I have no damn idea how he does that.[/quote]

Quote from: "Cenghiz"If people want crawling as a RP tool, fine. No coded help's needed. Wait till your stamina's 20 or so, then hit "sta;e (crawling slowly);sit;change ldesc is crawling to east here" once a minute. I promise to ignore the stand/sit echoes. I'm sure everybody else too, will understand the situation and play it along.

The idea here is that you can keep moving after you hit 0 stamina.  Obviously you can RP crawling via emotes and flavor text appended to movement commands.  But you still can end up in a scenario where you are awake and one room from water but unable to move further because you are no longer regenning stamina due to thirst or hunger.  That's what the crawl command is all about to me.

That's true. It never happened to me but it sucks for sure. So I'll use it if it's added to the game. But I think imms should decide if they should give us such an advantage.
quote="Ghost"]Despite the fact he is uglier than all of us, and he has a gay look attached to all over himself, and his being chubby (I love this word) Cenghiz still gets most of the girls in town. I have no damn idea how he does that.[/quote]

I believe it's a better idea to interpret the code so as to start playing out crawling, or hunchbacked, staggering walking, once your stamina nears its single digits. It is possible to be conscious but too exhausted, both mentally and physically, to crawl.

With the outdoor rooms we have, I can't see anyone tired-out able to crawl for more than one league - and that's supposing it's night-time. Furthermore, the code we're using for 'delays' is quite horrible, and so not something I'd like to see more of. Emote out the crawl, and enjoy the chance for extra thinks and emotes.