Map of Allanak.

Started by warforged32, March 02, 2010, 02:35:48 PM

The first few times I tried to play Armageddon, I ended up linkdead because I got tired of being hopelessly lost. Each time, I gave it about a year before I tried again. I've introduced a few friends to Arm since I finally "got it", and they did the same.

Not being able to navigate your home city is in no way a "fun chance to find things out IC" when you're a newbie. It's nothing more than unnecessary OOC hurdle to jump over, and it's one that I imagine drives quite a few players away.
Quote from: JingoGrovelling to power is probably an even bigger theme in this game than the three word tag-line.

While I agree with most of Booshay said, I do realize that you need to find things out in character. I just thought a very simple map of the roads would be useful.

I now have 2 different versions of the map, 1 for me, and 1 that ONLY has what the ANSI/ASCII map has, (the places defined below the ANSI/ASCII map in the help file).