
Started by Onasaki, November 18, 2008, 09:46:50 PM

I played for years with out any color, and loved the game regardless. But then, one day, I made a thief. Turns out, colors make peeking at people a reasonable feat. At a glance you can tell if someone is decked out in pretty silks, dusty leathers, or plated-chitin. Now that's prime info for a sneak-thief. Now I find it difficult to play without colors. Gotta love all the pretty colors!

BTW: TinTin++ highlights are a great way to go about it.
"Let us endeavor so to live that when we come to die even the undertaker will be sorry."
- Samuel Clemens

There are only two highlights that I cannot live without:

1) Making the title of the room/exits bold
2) Making my prompt a color

That, in effect, frames each "room". Much easier on the brain to process.
Amor Fati

November 19, 2008, 01:20:57 PM #27 Last Edit: November 19, 2008, 01:25:29 PM by Iota
I have says/tells/shouts/whispers/thinks/psis colored white and gray to help keeping me from missing them during spam. When people arrive in a room, the arrival message is colored hot pink; when people look at me, the message is highlighted white. Damage "levels" have different color codings that get closer to or a deeper shade of red the harder the hit. I also have special combat messages blink. In my prompt, movement speeds are stylized differently/color coded; when I'm armed "armed" is in bright red and underlined. I also have a trigger to replace every instance of "templar" with "pirate", which works particularly well for the bearded or rugged looking ones.

Edit: changed a comma to a semicolon and removed a superfluous whitespace after the last period.

I'm actually curious, for you people that use color...

Does it actually add to the game world, in your opinion? Or is it more of an organization thing, knowing when someone is talking to YOU, or knowing just how hard you hit, etc etc?

I'll never NOT use Gmud, basically because I'm lazy and downloading a whole new program would just be annoying. I am, however, interested in what kinds of color schemes people use.
Quote from: IAmJacksOpinion on May 20, 2013, 11:16:52 PM
Masks are the Armageddon equivalent of Ed Hardy shirts.

Quote from: Riev on November 19, 2008, 02:09:52 PM
I'll never NOT use Gmud, basically because I'm lazy and downloading a whole new program would just be annoying. I am, however, interested in what kinds of color schemes people use.

GMud + Laziness for the win! Me too!

Riev +2
I used to have a funny signature, but I felt like no one took me seriously, so it's time to put on my serious face.

Quote from: Riev on November 19, 2008, 02:09:52 PM
I'm actually curious, for you people that use color...

Does it actually add to the game world, in your opinion? Or is it more of an organization thing, knowing when someone is talking to YOU, or knowing just how hard you hit, etc etc?

I'll never NOT use Gmud, basically because I'm lazy and downloading a whole new program would just be annoying. I am, however, interested in what kinds of color schemes people use.

To be honest, having items displayed in the color they are is a big help in general. Sure, it's easy enough to imagine that guy decked out in (fill in clan colors here) but when you don't have time to read the person's mdesc and item descs, you should still be able to notice the general style. I live in a college town, and we see a lot of school colors on the street....especially on game day. I tell you what, I might miss the witty quips printed on the shirts, but you can't miss the glut of color.

For reasons like this, I will now always play with colors.
"Let us endeavor so to live that when we come to die even the undertaker will be sorry."
- Samuel Clemens

Quote from: Riev on November 19, 2008, 02:09:52 PM
I'm actually curious, for you people that use color...

Does it actually add to the game world, in your opinion? Or is it more of an organization thing, knowing when someone is talking to YOU, or knowing just how hard you hit, etc etc?

I'll never NOT use Gmud, basically because I'm lazy and downloading a whole new program would just be annoying. I am, however, interested in what kinds of color schemes people use.

Mine's more organization. I don't need them to enjoy the game. I just need key things pointed at my face since they're important. Like beetles, scrabs...I love those words to scream at me.

I played Arm for the longest time without color probably 8 of the 13 months I've been around. I'll never go back.

It just makes things easier to notice, which allows quicker response times. It also immerses me into the game. I can hardly play without colors anymore, so when I play from a different comp I always bring a flashdrive of my mushclient file with me.

How does color work on MUSHclient? I figure out the highlighting part, but... Other than that I get confused.
The man asks you:
     "'Bout damn time, lol.  She didn't bang you up too bad, did she?"
The man says, ooc:
     "OG did i jsut do that?"

Quote from: Shalooonsh
I love the players of this game.
That's not a random thought either.

Color highlights can be very useful, and I wish we had some support for them. However, I can get by just fine doing it client side, making sure I have triggers to light up things like frightening damage so I know when to flee.

I don't like the idea of having to color every adjective, though. If a templar is in a blue robe, then he's in a blue robe. You don't have to tell me twice.

My eyes start burning when I visit other games and see a sapphire cloak. Yikes.

Books aren't written in technicolor for the same reason Armageddon isn't, IMO. The core of the game should be about the prose. But again, if you want more color, you can always trigger it up to your heart's content.
Quote from: RockScissors are fine.  Please nerf paper.

I'm mildly dyslexic, so I tend to skip over some words because it takes me too long to read everything. What takes me out of the game is when I look at a character and not reading everything, I miss out that he's a senior officer in a black robe or a templar with a red or black robe. Also, generally I avoid looking at templars as to not attract attention but I really think it would be best to know what color the robe is by the time since he's been standing there for a whole hour.

Now colors.. that'll make me jump to attention straight away. As I should. Also, it's good for certain cloaks, armbands, and other things that denote house and rank. I don't really like how most people have to emote to bring attention to their shiny new bands when they get promoted and my character takes a whole day to realize it.
Quote from: Rahnevyn on March 09, 2009, 03:39:45 PM
Clans can give stat bonuses and penalties, too. The Byn drop in wisdom is particularly notorious.

Quote from: Rahnevyn on November 19, 2008, 06:33:02 PM
Color highlights can be very useful, and I wish we had some support for them. However, I can get by just fine doing it client side, making sure I have triggers to light up things like frightening damage so I know when to flee.

I don't like the idea of having to color every adjective, though. If a templar is in a blue robe, then he's in a blue robe. You don't have to tell me twice.

My eyes start burning when I visit other games and see a sapphire cloak. Yikes.

Books aren't written in technicolor for the same reason Armageddon isn't, IMO. The core of the game should be about the prose. But again, if you want more color, you can always trigger it up to your heart's content.

You're just a lazy coder/builder.  You deserve to get canned to make way for a new staffer who can do the really important stuff... you know, like make color.

This game is going to die with your direction.  Lazy.
Tryin' to make friends but people are jerks,
So I'm gonna put some fleas on you.
And the fleas'll have the plague,
And they'll make you cough a lot,
Then you'll be too sick to hurt my feelings anymore.

I dig me some color.

I used to use OHST pack.  Then I got CMUD and made a bastard copy of it and added and tweaked alot of shit and I'm horrible when it comes to scripting on mud clients so yea...

I definitely don't have a problem playing without but I'm glad I have the option to do it.

I also don't understand 'fake' colour.

Quote from: Ghost on December 16, 2009, 06:15:17 PM

you did the biggest mistake of your life

I haven't read a single fantasy novel where colour is put in the text to help me differentiate.  Nore do I expect my Mush to do it either.
Quote from: AJM
Only noobs quote themselves.

I'd like to see more colour with combat.

And maybe with spells.

That'll be a nice eye-catching change.
New Players Guide:,33512.0.html

Quote from: Morgenes on April 01, 2011, 10:33:11 PM
You win Armageddon, congratulations!  Type 'credits', then store your character and make a new one

I have some common and uncommon color words set to color, and you set to red. As well as sandcloth to light blue and fur to brown. It's a little much on the color sometimes, but when you're in a crowded room, it can be extremely helpful in deciphering who's talking, and if they're talking to you, at only a glance.
Quote from: Wug
No one on staff is just waiting for the opportunity to get revenge on someone who killed one of their characters years ago.

Except me. I remember every death. And I am coming for you bastards.

Perhaps we could have a contest and have people submit their Armageddon color codes in ZMUD, Mushclient, and whatever other clients are out there. The best for each client could be posted in the Community Resources section of the website.

The judge could be a member of the staff who feels like color is an asset to the game, and who could judge fairly.
Wynning since October 25, 2008.

Quote from: Ami on November 23, 2010, 03:40:39 PM
>craft newbie into good player

You accidentally snap newbie into useless pieces.


November 20, 2008, 01:33:05 PM #42 Last Edit: November 20, 2008, 01:46:20 PM by FightClub
Ona, I know you might feel the manually colored things are somehow cheapening the mud, which I partially agree to, there are several players that have worked extensively just to make players like yourself have a more habitable experience.  No amount of bitching or ranting is going to change anything, this thread, its comments, its complaints have been introduced a hundred fold.  I have a copy of Spawnloser's world file for Mushclient, if you would like a copy feel free to contact me on aim, or by my e-mail.  I haven't went crazy on coloring, but I've done enough you where you can see most of what's what, and change as need be.

Quote from: mansa on November 20, 2008, 01:43:49 PMPerhaps you should host it on a putfile site, so more people can download it.

Or, perhaps, so that we can go through it, edit it, and make it perfect, as players.

I'll see about it, currently its lacking a lot of the combat responses, bashes, disarms -- stuff like that, which you'd really want coded.
"rogues do it from behind"
Quote[19:40] FightClub: tremendous sandstorm i can't move.
[19:40] Clearsighted: Good
[19:41] Clearsighted: Tremendous sandstorms are gods way of saving the mud from you.

Quote from: FightClub on November 20, 2008, 01:33:05 PM
... I have a copy of Spawnloser's world file for Mushclient, if you would like a copy feel free to contact me on aim, or by my e-mail.  I haven't went crazy on coloring, but I've done enough you where you can see most of what's what, and change as need be.

Perhaps you should host it on a putfile site, so more people can download it.

Or, perhaps, so that we can go through it, edit it, and make it perfect, as players.
New Players Guide:,33512.0.html

Quote from: Morgenes on April 01, 2011, 10:33:11 PM
You win Armageddon, congratulations!  Type 'credits', then store your character and make a new one

November 20, 2008, 01:45:00 PM #44 Last Edit: November 20, 2008, 01:59:40 PM by FightClub
EDIT: I'ma just make my own thread for this. =P
"rogues do it from behind"
Quote[19:40] FightClub: tremendous sandstorm i can't move.
[19:40] Clearsighted: Good
[19:41] Clearsighted: Tremendous sandstorms are gods way of saving the mud from you.

Quote from: AJM on November 19, 2008, 11:45:23 PM
I haven't read a single fantasy novel where colour is put in the text to help me differentiate.  Nore do I expect my Mush to do it either.
Novels don't have combat spam. Nor do they have things like 4 conversations in the room at once or the exits described every time the main character takes a step. Or a 2-line prompt that pops up whenever someone says something.

I'd like colors, or at least different shades, just to tell me which part is the novel and which part is the side stuff.
Quote from: Rahnevyn on March 09, 2009, 03:39:45 PM
Clans can give stat bonuses and penalties, too. The Byn drop in wisdom is particularly notorious.

QuoteI'd like colors, or at least different shades, just to tell me which part is the novel and which part is the side stuff.

That should have been siggable.. But my sig's better...
Q  : Where do you piss?
Yam: On elves.
Q  : And if the area, lacks elves at the given time?
Yam: Scan.

I really and heartily dislike having objects colored the 'color' that they're supposed to be.  Unless you're going to tell me that there's no difference between navy blue, sapphire blue, and royal blue, for instance.  Whee, the words are blue.  They do NOT represent the color they're supposed to.

The ability to have says, tells, psis, room titles, and whatnot highlighted different colors I can see being a benefit to some people.  I don't begrudge them that.

But I have never had any problems not having color.  I two highlights on my client.  One tells me when people disengage from trying to kill me.  The other points out if there's a body in the room.  I appreciate that there will be color in 2.Arm for those people that want it, and appreciate they have the 'off' option, because that's the one I'm going to pick.

I'm sure the Mud will continue to live without it until that time, though, since it's been going along quite well without color for a longer period of time than even any graphically based game I can mention has been.   ;)
"Last night a moth came to my bed
and filled my tired weary head
with horrid tales of you, I can't believe it's true.
But then the lampshade smiled at me -
It said believe, it said believe.
I want you to know it's nothing personal."

The Chosen

Quote from: Shiroi Tsuki on November 20, 2008, 03:07:38 PM
I'm sure the Mud will continue to live without it until that time, though, since it's been going along quite well without color for a longer period of time than even any graphically based game I can mention has been.   ;)

Quote from: IAmJacksOpinion on May 20, 2013, 11:16:52 PM
Masks are the Armageddon equivalent of Ed Hardy shirts.

Quote from: Shiroi Tsuki on November 20, 2008, 03:07:38 PM
I'm sure the Mud will continue to live without it until that time, though, since it's been going along quite well without color for a longer period of time than even any graphically based game I can mention has been.   ;)

Best quote ever. Armageddon forever.
Quote from: Twilight on January 22, 2013, 08:17:47 PMGreb - To scavenge, forage, and if Whira is with you, loot the dead.
Grebber - One who grebs.