weird question.. and yes, I'm an anonymous coward..

Started by Anonymous, June 15, 2005, 06:13:15 PM

Quote from: "RunningMountain"I didn't tell you how to play, so don't tell me how to play, and don't judge my roleplay.

I think they are just stating what is pretty clear in the docs and they are right, sexism is not an issue in the game. If you choose to play a character that looks down on women and sees them as weak or inferior you are acting out of the "norm" and not really within IC reason.

That doesn't mean that you can't do that.. But you will stand out in a crowd as just plain odd/crazy. Similar to a dwarf with a beard or a kank riding elf.
Sometimes I feel less like an immortal and more like a drug dealer.

Quote from: "joyofdiscord"It's definitely true that more males play the game, and most players probably prefer playing their own RL gender.  That alone would be enough to skew the hero quotient toward males.
This is the way I feel.  I think it has nothing to do with the proclivity of male players wanting to be the hero, and just breaks down to simple math.  More male PCs equals a higher chance of those male PCs making an impact on the world as the most famous fighters.

Quote from: "RunningMountain"
Rarely do you see a female PC that is anywhere near the level of power as male PCs, same goes for the NPCs, take a look at the history page and there are -very- few instances where a female is cited to have done something to the caliber as the males, so tell me why they are so equal?

You are apparently forgetting an entire -half- of the game.  Tuluk is arguably visably ruled by females.  It is not a secret that the Lirathan Order is in charge of political, social and mercantile dealings inside that city, nor that Jihaens tend to defer to a similarly ranked Lirathan in most non-military situations.

For this reason, it is not at all unlikely that the citizens of Tuluk could presume that women are in some ways superior, rather then vice-versa.
brainz: it's what's for dinner.

This coming from a female,  :wink:
"A man's reputation is what other people think of him; his character is what he really is."

And two imms.

Tsk tsk RM.  ;)

But uhh...unless we want to argue about it somemore. It seems to be posted, and backed up by the docs.

Topless is out of style, you migth get some disgust from the more dainty, but not at being nude itself, just by being unstylish. As for women being less than men, nope. And Im not a very liberal person, I'm more an asshole really, at least when Im in a bad mood. But...this is arm.
Veteran Newbie

You know it's all in the eye of the beholder, I'm sure Precenter Kul or Isar would have something to say about Naiona's statement.
"A man's reputation is what other people think of him; his character is what he really is."

Me, I don't personally care if you run around topless. But you might get a good deal of strange looks from the other people in the city, because unless you are a whore, or just got stripped down in your sleep, you would want to be clothed as much as possible, the sun is no fun in Zalanthas.

As for RM, I think it's been stated a few times by we the imms and a good deal of other people, Men and women are equal on all levels. If you are acting any other way, you are acting out of character for the game world, it can't be more clear than that. I approve lots of hard ass looking chicks on a daily basis in the que, so people do play them. And Niaona also clearly stated as well that the Lirathan Order runs the north almost entirely.  There is in game precedence for this, it's not some left field notion.

It is true that you see more men than women playing the rugged, muscular person on arm, but you also see more men playing arm. You can't change that. The topic of women being soft in the game has been done to death, so I'm not going to beat on it again here. But even if you don't see a lot of women PC's acting out the part of rough and tumble, as you claim, there are plenty of NPC's that fit the mold.

So my best advice is.. Don't be the Kank riding Elf and try to fit in.
Sometimes I feel less like an immortal and more like a drug dealer.

A couple of points to touch on:

Dress - It has been said, and it bears repeating, that though apparel-types may be different in what they do/don't reveal between men and women in the city-states, each culture's fashion type as far as what is allowably revealed insofar as good/bad taste is concerned is gender-neutral. This means that male or female walking down the street in either city-state in a thong and a halter, which is normally acceptable fashionable within certain areas, would at least draw up eyebrows and at worst get you in trouble with the Important People you offend by showing off so much skin that you disgust them. In most places inside the city that you find people going around topless (or bottomless) there are both males and females who do so. Generally these are more private establishments (whorehouses, taverns, whathaveyou).

This being said, there are other places and circumstances where nudity, partial nudity, or showing off more skin than is tasteful would be acceptable, but even so, these tend to be more private: i.e. locker rooms, barracks, shared-family residences and large residences hosting extended families.  Someone acting shocked or unduly titillated that a woman or male is naked in a locker room for whatever reason (washing themselves comes to mind) or changing would probably be viewed a little weirdly, as for the most part, this is a function of such a room.  Keep in mind, most commoners, unless they've been sheltered, are likely comfortable with nudity in the respect that most have been raised in situations where privacy is not a common occurance. Nudity, therefore, would not be seen as abberant or blatantly sexual in and of itself(unless it's obviously  blatantly sexual). It's not discomfort about nudity that keeps people from running nude down the streets, just tastes about what is fashionably appropriate. Context is very important to keep in mind here.

Sexism - It's been stated time and time again that men and women are equal in Zalanthas in the physical, intellectual and the social power they have the potential to exert. This is in the documentation of the game, and to lightly dismiss it saying "Well they might put it in there but I don't believe it's the case so I'll conveniently dismiss it." is akin to dismissing -any- documented concept of the game, be it elves not riding kanks or nobility being superior. To dismiss it out of hand because of your disagreement is not playing by the rules of the game. It's kind of like saying that you don't believe any place exists with a red sun, and with all your characters emoting that the sun is yellow, and constantly talking or acting with the premise 'The Zalanthan sun is yellow.' The fact that you are doing so purposely points to an active disruption of the game for others who -are- playing the game as it's documented to be played. To paraphrase another poster: you end up playing basketball with hockey sticks and volleyballs. Despite your personal opinions of how the game -should- be played and whether the documentation meshes with that perception of how things are, you must play to the rules currently set forth in this game, otherwise it's not Armageddon you're playing.

Is there a problem with playing a misogynist, or someone who truly does believe that women are inferior? Not inherently, if that is truly a character trait and not a player trait. But if -all- of your characters, despite background differences, races and concepts share this identical trait, then it's not a character trait, it's a player trait. Among a gamut of pc's and NPC's, it would be very rare to have one point up to a red sun and call it yellow. Not impossible, but extremely rare. It would not be inappropriate for everyone else to react to such a person by obviously questioning their sanity. It is the same with the notion that women are inferior or lacking in strength, either physically, intellectually or in the same potential for social power as an equal in their class.

As a rebuttal to the other point made about there not being women in positions of power: if you, personally, have not seen it or experienced it (outside of nobility where it is granted by virtue of birth), it doesn't mean that it has not, does not, and will not happen. I have played (and likely will continue to play) leaders of a feminine persuasion, both combative leaders, financial leaders and social leaders. Have my pc's been dainty or have they used their feminine wiles to secure such power? Sometimes, but not in all cases, or even in most cases, certainly not in the combative cases. Have I played ugly female pc's in power and seen unattractive female (or even attractive) pc's not only rise to positions but maintain them? Certainly so, and not only are they good leaders (as good as and in some cases better than the equivalent males) but many of them are just as or even more dangerous (be it through manipulation, direct control or prone to physical violence) as men. On the other side of the coin, I have also encountered quite a few men who were weak physically, and of unsound mind (to me, any pc who charges out the gates to go fight anything larger and stronger than they are on a whim would be of unsound mind. They might be brave, but bravery isn't equatable to intelligence or even common sense), or who were skittish to physical violence, and quite a bit more domestic and gentle than the females around them.

If you believe that women are only able to gain and maintain leadership and respect through being dainty, helpless, and exerting sexual control, then you are missing the point of leadership and power. It may even be argued that it is possible to gain power through sexual control (and I don't even see that as a particularly bad thing), but if that is the -only- quality a leader possesses, then rest assured, they won't be able to maintain said power. In essence, it is safe to assume that a commoner is in a position of power (be it social/financial prowess, physical prowess or leadership qualities) because they have been able to maintain this power and in doing so demand your respect despite your personal (as a player and not a character) feelings on the matter, if you are in a position where that respect is warranted by virtue of YOUR position. To behave otherwise is to not play to the spirit of the game, and ICly can be viewed as aberrant behavior.

Well said, WL, your post makes a lot of sense.  For me it depends on the character, like with a dwarf, I think if I ever did encounter a female dwarf, it would be highly different the way I roleplay that, but with certain rough male characters, as far as treating woman as equals, it might happen one day, but not until the character in question gets a reason to.
"A man's reputation is what other people think of him; his character is what he really is."

If you were to meet an effeminate male, wouldn't you look down upon him from the perspective of a masculine man? Typically, at least in my opinion, if a woman appears to be effeminate or delicate, then I can reason with RM, the same as if a male appeared fragile. That's first impression now, the intellect of the person can change that perspective in an instant, depending on how well she (or he) proves himself. If that's the outlook that you have RM, I don't find that too OOC. You should just state your positions better.  :wink:  If it isn't, then at least that's how I feel. This is a world of the survival of the fittest, those that don't appear to be fit enough to live tend to get looked down upon by the opposite gender, as well as your own.
Here is only one admirable form of the imagination: the imagination that is so intense that it creates a new reality, that it makes things happen.  -   Sean O'Faolain

That's exactly how I feel about it.  But it depends on the character's personality.
"A man's reputation is what other people think of him; his character is what he really is."

Running mountain, you make me wanna play an extremely 'kick-crotch' female again now... Or a seemingly gay, 'lovely-maiden' soft type man (never even played a male, unless you count 4-year olds)...
A rusty brown kank explodes into little bits.

Someone says, out of character:
     "I had to fix something in this zone.. YOU WEREN'T HERE 2 minutes ago :)"

Be my guest, I'll end up killing you.
Do take this as sarcasm please.
"A man's reputation is what other people think of him; his character is what he really is."

Quote from: "RunningMountain"
However when it comes to the same social level, very rarely would one of my PCs look up to a female, hasn't happened yet, and I don't believe it ever will, females just aren't played equally.

What do you mean when you say they aren't "played equally"?  

Regardless, IMHO maybe a better approach is to set the example rather than add to IC sexism that contradicts the docs.
So if you're tired of the same old story
Oh, turn some pages. - "Roll with the Changes," REO Speedwagon

I hear you, flurry, but I have a certain style of play that I enjoy, however I just might make a female in the near future.
"A man's reputation is what other people think of him; his character is what he really is."

Ironically, most of the femme weakling females are played by men.
Nyr: newbs killing newbs
Nyr: hot newb on newb violence
Ath: Mmmmmm, HOT!

"A man's reputation is what other people think of him; his character is what he really is."

RM, I would recommend you play a female, just to get a feel for it. I did and it was one of the more interesting roles I ever played.  You will have to confront issues you didn't think you would have to, and try to keep it IC which can be very oocly awkward.  Just so you know as well, many of the burly, manly men out there are in truth female.  Some play males so they don't need to deal with the sexist bs.

Quote from: "RunningMountain"Rarely do you see a female PC that is anywhere near the level of power as male PCs, same goes for the NPCs, take a look at the history page and there are -very- few instances where a female is cited to have done something to the caliber as the males, so tell me why they are so equal?
You should think about playing a powerful female character then. I'm not saying you have to, just suggesting you think about it ;)

Quote from: "RunningMountain"The documentation can state it all it wants, I refuse to play my characters like they're going to be liberal in a world with absolutely no liberty.
That's like playing a homicidal maniac for every single character. Do there exist sexists and homicidal maniacs? Sure. But they're the exception and should have good reasons to be like that. I'd recommend including in your background every single time that you're a sexist. It's an important part of your character that should stand out.

It has been a very very long time since I saw a female PC templar in Allanak, though.  :(

Quote from: "Marauder Moe"It has been a very very long time since I saw a female PC templar in Allanak, though.  :(

And believe me, Halaster and I are just waiting for a good female app for one (when we have an opening, that is).

I will note that one of the most powerful NPC Red Robes in Allanak is a female.
brainz: it's what's for dinner.

Quote from: "Marauder Moe"It has been a very very long time since I saw a female PC templar in Allanak, though.  :(

I was just thinking that the other day, actually.

With that said, I now summon forth Delirium, who will act as my substitute Lazloth, and will find all the recent threads that either started out discussing or ended up discussing the same tired topic that this thread is now discussing.  Then, we can all read those instead of saying the same things all over again in a new thread.  Blah blah men blah blah women blah blah sexism, seriously, sometimes, I think the only reason you people manage to survive is that I haven't invented a way to stab people in the face over the internet.
quote="Larrath"]"On the 5th day of the Ascending Sun, in the Month of Whira's Very Annoying And Nearly Unreachable Itch, Lord Templar Mha Dceks set the Barrel on fire. The fire was hot".[/quote]

That's awesome Naiona, but I wish that the players would try to reiterate this equality more, I remember this one bald female PC in the militia that truly scared one of my elven characters to the point where He pretty much rarely went southside because He thought she was gonna rip his balls off.  It was really fun seeing that, but it was the only time I've ever seen it in my 7 years I've been around.
"A man's reputation is what other people think of him; his character is what he really is."

Running mountain. You have inspired me to change a special app.
l armageddon รจ la mia aggiunta.

"Boldly walk into tomorrow with a purpose
                          and a vision for a better world."
                                                        - Henry Leo Bolduc
"A man's reputation is what other people think of him; his character is what he really is."