Longest Lived

Started by Kismetic, October 12, 2023, 03:52:54 AM

Played from 23 years old to 34
Stood 5 cords, 3 inches tall. Weighed 9 ten-stone.
Fighter / Grebber
Born in Tuluk, started play in Tuluk.
Played for 92 days, 0 hours, 38 minutes.

My last PC. Lived to a ripe old age in Legacy.

Quote from: Refugee on June 11, 2024, 10:33:23 AMMy longest was Wyeth, AKA Brand, a Borsail Wyvern and later aide and advisor.  He started at 21 and I played him until he was 71, at which point he couldn't wield a sword or wear his armor.  At that point in the game it was getting hard to find anyone to sit and talk to, and there wasn't a lot else he could do anymore, so I asked staff to come up with a good way to end him.  I made a couple of suggestions but I don't actually know what finally happened.  I'd like to!  (Played for 261 days, 17 hours, 49 minutes.)

I had a lot of fun with Brand, got into a lot of plots.  He used to keep a proud score of the nobles he'd killed, helped kill, or helped destroy the careers of, but I don't remember the number exactly.  Think it was double digits though.  All of those plots were the work of more creative people, and I am grateful to all the players of the templars and Borsail nobles who thought them up!  He had a lot of good friends through his years, and he tried to tell their stories to anyone who would listen.

You got me hooked to the game, so thank you. That PC was fire.

Played from 35 years old to 39
Stood 4 cords, 11 inches tall. Weighed 7 ten-stone.
Assassin / House Servant
Born in Tuluk, started play in Tuluk.
Played for 61 days, 1 hours, 1 minutes.
Sdesc: the tall, stubbled, blond man
Keywords: tall stubbled blond man

Played from 25 years old to 36
Stood 5 cords, 1 inch tall. Weighed 8 ten-stone.
Enforcer / Bounty_Hunter
Born in Allanak, started play in Allanak.
Played for 124 days, 5 hours, 57 minutes.
Sdesc: the spartan, golden-haired man
Keywords: spartan golden haired man nael

Played from 22 years old to 24
Stood 5 cords, 1 inch tall. Weighed 7 ten-stone.
Enforcer / Tailor
Born in Tuluk, started play in Tuluk.
Played for 47 days, 14 hours, 49 minutes.
Sdesc: the statuesque auburn-haired man
Keywords: statuesque auburn-haired man sausage kitten

June 19, 2024, 04:48:56 PM #153 Last Edit: June 20, 2024, 09:36:12 AM by val
According to my notes, my longest played characters have been:

Lady Ostren Oash, 71 days and 11 hours, from November 2018 to March 2019, when I stored. Amazing players in the clan, insanely fun noble culture, great staff.

Lady Rusimell "Ru" Fale/Oash, 54 days and 17 hours, from August 2014 to August 2015, when I stored because of needing an RL break and feeling rather betrayed by my clan staff after a staffing change. The amazing players that I played around, the fun cast and crew of nobles, and the supportive clan staff throughout again made this character.

Apparently, I have a type. j/k these were insanely different characters, one exceptionally outgoing and bubbly and the other a very serious and reserved scholar, but looking through my list, all of my longest-lived characters have been sponsored roles and family role-calls.

Ru is one of my favorite characters of all time.  Was a real golden era for Allanaki noble RP.

Also a fan of Ru and Ostren in the biggest way.
Sitting in your comfort,
You don't believe I'm real,
But you cannot buy protection
from the way that I feel.

I loved both Ru and Ostren, some of my favorite Nobles of all time, too. :))

I see a lot of really fun characters on here and I've only scrolled back a couple pages. Brand. Heejo. Amun-da. Thanks for the trips down memory lane.

Ru was so much fun!  So much RP whenever she was around, and you never really knew what would happen.
Brand wanted very much to kill Ostren and was specifically forbidden several times to try, ha!

Sorry not sorry Ostren corrupted a Borsail Lord with their shared love of books. I bet that one burned Brand's poor soul.

Wasn't he decrepit enough at that point that he was passing out regularly from using the Way? Fell off a mount during a race in the desert for one of the festivals? Or am I thinking of the wrong character.

Quote from: val on June 20, 2024, 11:35:06 AMSorry not sorry Ostren corrupted a Borsail Lord with their shared love of books. I bet that one burned Brand's poor soul.

Wasn't he decrepit enough at that point that he was passing out regularly from using the Way? Fell off a mount during a race in the desert for one of the festivals? Or am I thinking of the wrong character.
It really did hurt Brand badly that you corrupted his lord!  About being decrepit, he would always try any game or competition that came up and kept doing that until he really shouldn't have been.  And there was a point he couldn't way hardly at all without passing out.

Quote from: val on June 20, 2024, 11:35:06 AMSorry not sorry Ostren corrupted a Borsail Lord with their shared love of books. I bet that one burned Brand's poor soul.

Wasn't he decrepit enough at that point that he was passing out regularly from using the Way? Fell off a mount during a race in the desert for one of the festivals? Or am I thinking of the wrong character.
I remember that race now.  He didn't fall off.  The harness on the two creatures drawing the chariot, or whatever it was (were they raptors?), broke and they began attacking him near the Nak gate.

Ha! That's right, I remember this race.. and for some reason my mind went instantly to the movie "A million ways to die in the west"

Somebody always dies at Ocotillo-Fest!    ::)
The glowing Nessalin Nebula flickers eternally overhead.
This Angers The Shade of Nessalin.

Quote from: perfecto on June 20, 2024, 11:53:31 PMHa! That's right, I remember this race.. and for some reason my mind went instantly to the movie "A million ways to die in the west"

Somebody always dies at Ocotillo-Fest!    ::)
If I'd had time to think, he would've stayed to fight.  It would've been a glorious way to end him, and I'd been looking for one.  But my instincts took over and he went into the gate.  Then I took him back out after I had a moment to think, but the Byn or the Arm or someone showed up to rescue him.

Downed by raptors in a chariot race would have been memorable.

Quote from: val on June 20, 2024, 06:19:20 AMI see a lot of really fun characters on here and I've only scrolled back a couple pages. Brand. Heejo. Amun-da. Thanks for the trips down memory lane.
Did you ever find out it was Brand who hired the assassin to take out Puppy?

Quote from: Refugee on July 01, 2024, 04:09:18 PMDid you ever find out it was Brand who hired the assassin to take out Puppy?
Find out? I think Luci asked Ru's permission ;) Ru's consort really hated Puppy, so she was sort of like, 'sure, what presents are you getting me?' If I recall correctly. It's been a hot second.

Quote from: Bogre on June 09, 2024, 10:20:39 AM
Quote from: Seeker on June 07, 2024, 10:21:52 PMVankolith - Dead, Warrior- Lieutenant Vanko of the Amber Wyverns.  Bastard Borsail, Hero and casualty of the Copper Wars.  86 days played.  Murdered by Tuluki forces: 247 to 1.  ("n;e;e;Order all kill Vanko").

Vankolith was cool!


Vanko (a Lieutenant in borsail at the time?????) beat the shit out of my tor scorpion (red?) Kazar for rescuing him in combat from a mantis when I had no business trying or doing so in the copper wars.

I looked for you when I rolled back into the tuluki side (like 3 times because I was dying in 6 hours from combat at that point) but alas. Good memories.

Quote from: val on July 01, 2024, 06:56:34 PM
Quote from: Refugee on July 01, 2024, 04:09:18 PMDid you ever find out it was Brand who hired the assassin to take out Puppy?
Find out? I think Luci asked Ru's permission ;) Ru's consort really hated Puppy, so she was sort of like, 'sure, what presents are you getting me?' If I recall correctly. It's been a hot second.
Don't know anything about Luci being in on it, but Brand wanted to do it but he couldn't afford it, so the female aide to a templar, who also was angry at Puppy, helped him with the money.

Brand drove Puppy nuts though with his constant need for her to express how much she loved him and listen to him go on about how much he loved her. Heejo was a great friend, and she was glad to be able to vent her annoyances to him. Eventually though Brand was just too much drama, and there was that one time when he had come back to the apartment covered head to toe in blood from the arena. He thought this would be a turn-on to the pristine, perfectly groomed, noble-housed Fale bastard, and she thought he was disgusting like that, and even moreso that he thought she'd be turned on by a man covered in blood and gore and filth. So she sent him packing. Even after that - it took awhile before she started having "romantic" feelings toward Heejo. Brand was convinced they were already shacking up but the truth is, Brand basically drove her into Heejo's arms with all that emo.

Things went downhill from there and she ended up being very good at pissing other people off.
Talia said: Notice to all: Do not mess with Lizzie's GDB. She will cut you.
Delirium said: Notice to all: do not mess with Lizzie's soap. She will cut you.

Quote from: Seeker on June 07, 2024, 10:21:52 PMMaheejo – Dead.  Heejo. "Smiley". Alley rat.  Byn Sergeant.  Circus Co-Founder.  Atrium failure.  Borsail Slave.  Dark Moon Co-Founder.  161 days played.  Warrior/Slipknife.  PC murdered.

Was Heejo really a half-elf?  I've always wondered if that was true. 

Quote from: Inks on October 12, 2023, 06:39:04 AMI played one for 2.7-2.8 RL years. When he died I was glad to be able to do something new to be honest and he died how I always imagined and hoped it happen, not falling/ Passing out drunk while logged in/ NPCs thankfully, so I was very satisfied with the death.

Days played around 140.

I took a lot of risks with him so I was very surprised he lived as long as he did. I hope some of you enjoyed interacting with him!

I never intended him to be a leader due to his rigid individualist personality, and the anarco-socialist nature of his clan was designed around listening to each other and freedom and individuality.

He detested Sorcerers and Slaver-Lords and those who served them.

There were a lot of good times, playing with those of you I played with.

You know who you are you diamonds. Kudos to you all over those years, there were some great adventures and battles.

I can't share any specific details for a long time due to game rules.


No Masters, No Kings.  :-*
Just remembered I was Old Man Ozias for a time and got called Granpa alongside Uncle. Ha, wild times those were.
It's @CalmThyPalm everywhere.

July 02, 2024, 05:45:16 PM #172 Last Edit: July 02, 2024, 06:08:36 PM by Inks
Thanks for the warm vibes and quotes which made me see this thread again and gave me a grin.

Checking in every month or so.

My most recent long lived character (and my last character) was a northern breed Byn Sargeant named Krick if anyone enjoyed him.

I really enjoyed interacting with all the fun PCs in the north in that time as the common as dirt breed carved a place socially for himself and his family, and the crudeness of Krick was always fun for me considering the fairly lofty heights and friendship/connections he made through hard work and competence.

For me he was probably one of the more realistic PCs I have played, personality and goals wise. Mostly just wanting to watch his child grow up and have an easier and better life than he did while doing his part. Dad vibes.

Anyway hope someone else enjoyed him! And hope those that are playing are having fun with the game.

Quote from: CalmThyPalm on July 02, 2024, 05:35:41 PMJust remembered I was Old Man Ozias for a time and got called Granpa alongside Uncle. Ha, wild times those were.

Sure were, appreciate you and everyone (including our enemies) being part of that experience! Having the coded rank of Uncle eventually would consistently give me a chuckle.

Quote from: Seeker on June 07, 2024, 10:21:52 PMMaheejo – Dead.  Heejo. "Smiley". Alley rat.  Byn Sergeant.  Circus Co-Founder.  Atrium failure.  Borsail Slave.  Dark Moon Co-Founder.  161 days played.  Warrior/Slipknife.  PC murdered.

That was my idiot HG raider Tosser who got manipulated by Stormers forever ago! Heejo was very accomplished and got a lot done! The account note/bio entry says 2015. Feeling old.

Quote from: Inks on July 02, 2024, 05:45:16 PMMy most recent long lived character (and my last character) was a northern breed Byn Sargeant named Krick if anyone enjoyed him.

Between playing Andon and Griven I kinda hated the Byn, but Krick always made for a good time. Very player-friendly, which I appreciated.