There are number of words that I have seen used in different ways. Thought we should have our own version of the urban dictionary. I will start
1. A small feathered rodent
The tiny Vestric twitched its nose and ruffled its feathers before scurrying up a tree
2. Something of fine or high quality
Lord Amos's vestric attire man him stand out from the common rabble
Is that something characters actually say or did you just make it up?
Quote from: Marauder Moe on January 15, 2013, 11:37:53 AM
Is that something characters actually say or did you just make it up?
I actually had Vestric in a Desc once years ago. I had a handful of other players pick up on it. I did not make that up. I think I picked up using it when I was newb from Prian(sp?) Borsail or Miss Pearl? This was back when the Atrium was new. Used it in maindesc later on to describe my Pcs hair. ;) ;D
I've never heard vestric used that way IG, and honestly, there's nothing about a vestric that suggests quality to me. It's basically a rat-chicken...
Quote from: Drayab on January 15, 2013, 12:15:05 PM
I've never heard vestric used that way IG, and honestly, there's nothing about a vestric that suggests quality to me. It's basically a rat-chicken...
My thoughts exactly.
I support a dictionary though I only know a couple of terms.
1. A wild dog, vicious and often a pack hunter.
2. Anything mangy, or unrefined.
eg: You dirty gortok, quit scratching your ass in my kitchen.
I like the idea of this thread a lot. I think a lot of this stuff gets lost as an influential PC tries to start up the use of a certain phrase but over time it dies out.
1) A small rodent native to the northlands
2) Someone or something cowardly
1) The element of darkness
2) An afterlife where the shades of the dead live on (i.e. Hades)
2) A very loosely fleshed out idea of what happens after you die
noun - A large, antlered, and often territorial quadruped of the northlands
verb - To physically dominate, often with a hint of humor.
"Yeah, old loudmouth Amos was talking shit to Malik at sparring yesterday. Guess Malik didn't care much for it, cos he carrued him pretty good for it."
This one cracked me up for days when I heard it.
1 A small herbivore, known for lean juice meat
2 A reference for male genitalia
I wouldn't feck a magicker, my tandu might fall off
Quote from: Bast on January 15, 2013, 03:09:30 PM
This one cracked me up for days when I heard it.
1 A small herbivore, known for lean juice meat
2 A reference for male genitalia
I wouldn't feck a magicker, my tandu might fall off
I always refer to it as a salt worm myself, cause you know, its salty.
Quote from: SpyGuy on January 15, 2013, 01:24:53 PM
2) An afterlife where the shades of the dead live on (i.e. Hades)
I take issue with this. The average Zalanthan does not believe in the afterlife in any shape or form, not even a sarcastic concept of one. This concept is more like:
2) An analogy for the non-existence that occurs as a result of death.
"Being sent to Drov" is as to "Being sent to oblivion" not "Being sent to hell".
Quote from: Ender on January 16, 2013, 01:01:30 PM
Quote from: SpyGuy on January 15, 2013, 01:24:53 PM
2) An afterlife where the shades of the dead live on (i.e. Hades)
I take issue with this. The average Zalanthan does not believe in the afterlife in any shape or form, not even a sarcastic concept of one. This concept is more like:
2) An analogy for the non-existence that occurs as a result of death.
"Being sent to Drov" is as to "Being sent to oblivion" not "Being sent to hell".
How come no one's put kank yet?
Kank1. Extinct insectoid used as a mount, pack animal and general beast of burden. Also a source of highly prized honey.
2. Slang for coitus.
"Whatcha doin' this Barani, Amos?"
"I'ma get me one of 'em cheap rinthi whores an' spice an' kank till I can't walk no more."
I heard this in game once:
Ginka1. Exotic fruit common to the northlands and consumed by the wealthy in the southlands.
2. Perfect breasts.
"Her supple, ginka sized breasts perk enticingly, demanding attention to her chest".
3. A dangerous but irresistably alluring being.
"That man/woman is a ginka, I tell you, he/she calls on me and I can't say no!"
Quote from: Ender on January 16, 2013, 01:01:30 PM"Being sent to Drov" is as to "Being sent to oblivion" not "Being sent to hell".
Linguistically speaking, is there a difference?
Quote from: Marauder Moe on January 16, 2013, 01:44:01 PM
Quote from: Ender on January 16, 2013, 01:01:30 PM"Being sent to Drov" is as to "Being sent to oblivion" not "Being sent to hell".
Linguistically speaking, is there a difference?
Ayup. Being 'sent to hell' has a connotation of punishment. But 'oblivion' lacks that context.
So what would Zalanthans say instead of "go to Hell" (or whatever form)?
Alternatively, in what situations would a Zalanthan say "go to Drov" but "go to Hell" would be inappropriate, disregarding the lack of supporting mythology?
From the curses helpfile ( : Drov - Hell. e.g. What the Drov just happened here?
I still have to force myself to not say, " oh my God" and " what the hell?" at least once everytime I log in.
Because I mentioned it on other thread,
1. Small, timid, hairless animal known for its very soft leather.
2. Someone cowardly or spineless, to act spineless
I.e. "Amos is a real tregil, you see him run from that skinny guy?"
3. Something soft and or pliable.
i.e. "Those curves are as soft as a tregils assflap."
Edit: missed spyguys post. but expanded on the definition anywho.
Round ear
One of the human species. Pertaining to the general normalcy in them to have non pointed ears.
1. Pertaining to those of the dwarven race, referring to their lack of height.
2. What is left after cutting down a tree, ie. tree stump.
Referring to the race of elves, as generally they have longer thinner necks that the other races.
also see: Sharp
1. Refers to something cutting edge when it is honed keenly.
2. A racial slant towards those of the elven race referring to the fact that they have very long ears that come to a point, often said to be a sharp point like that of a dagger or knife.
3. To be highly aware, ie. Keep Sharp. Stay alert.
4. Or that of being intelligent or wise. A sharp mind.
Re: Drov business ... I thought the common belief was that you die and your soul is lost in the darkness of Drov until eventually you fall in the maw of nilaz, and subsequently, obvilion.
I believe that "necker" is a derivative of "longneck."
Quote from: musashi on January 16, 2013, 10:55:04 PM
Re: Drov business ... I thought the common belief was that you die and your soul is lost in the darkness of Drov until eventually you fall in the maw of nilaz, and subsequently, obvilion.
Yeah, Nilaz is definitely more fitting if the concept if we're talking about complete oblivion for the dead. But to be honest, I didn't mean to imply that all Zalanthans believe they'll end up in Drov or even that those who do think on it a lot. The setting as a whole doesn't have a fleshed out afterlife *tips his hat to Ender* I was putting too much of my own concept of it into that shade business.
Tembo (n) (adj)
A vicious, man-sized lizard creature with an incredibly powerful bite, sharp claws, and a valuable hide prized by hunters.
A word used to describe a foul-tempered, dangerous man
That man's just a tembo, always waving his sword around and threatening to kill people!
Bribe - (verb) 1. To give money to someone of higher status in return for action or favor. (c.f. "payment")
Bribe - (verb) 2. To give money to someone in order to tell them that they have power in the situation (c.f. "raiding")
Bribe - (noun) 1. Money given to someone in authority in order for them to exercise that authority on your behalf.
Bribe - (noun) 2. Money given in order to secure the general favor of someone with power.
Bribe - (noun) 3. Money given in order to show off your financial resources.
Quote from: Ender on January 16, 2013, 01:01:30 PM
Quote from: SpyGuy on January 15, 2013, 01:24:53 PM
2) An afterlife where the shades of the dead live on (i.e. Hades)
I take issue with this. The average Zalanthan does not believe in the afterlife in any shape or form, not even a sarcastic concept of one. This concept is more like:
2) An analogy for the non-existence that occurs as a result of death.
"Being sent to Drov" is as to "Being sent to oblivion" not "Being sent to hell".
Wouldn't that be more of a Nilazi thing?
Probably less than .1% of Zalanthans would know even enough about those two elements to even ask your question, imho.
And besides, Drov has been used so much IG to mean 'the non-existance which comes after life,' much like in English, the word 'Hell' is used in Abrahamic religions to mean the opposite of Heaven, when in fact the word itself is from the Norse/Germanic Hel which is more like Zombieland than Paradise Lost.
We're straying into a derail here, but I do think the elements of Whira and Drov are in the Zalanthan vernacular as a kind of lightly regarded superstition. The magical nature of them might be something the players are aware of, but not your average joe, in my opinion.
1 - the magical element of wind
2 - luck, capriciousness
"Whira sure wasn't with me at the card game... lost all my krath sids!"
1 - the magical element of darkness
2 - oblivion, nothingness - often as a colorful reference to death
"Shut your mouth or I'll send you to Drov!"
Nilaz is probably closer to true 'oblivion' as such.
Drov is where the dead go. Details beyond that are nonexistant to the average Zalanthan, although I guess some might have some hope of reuniting with friends/loved ones beyond the grave.
Nilaz, I imagine, is a very knowledgeable way to call it. Most people call it 'The void'. and I recall some people using the void in some sentences. 'Sent him to the void' or something like that, I forget exactly.
Also, hades is not hell, it is just a place for 'shadows' of people to go to, no? So a non hell place like Drov can exist very easily.
Greb - To scavenge, forage, and if Whira is with you, loot the dead.
Grebber - One who grebs.
Quote from: Twilight on January 22, 2013, 08:17:47 PM
Greb - To scavenge, forage, and if Whira is with you, loot the dead.
Grebber - One who grebs.
That Kuraci whore really knew how to grease the ol tembo
Quote from: Drayab on January 15, 2013, 02:57:31 PM
noun - A large, antlered, and often territorial quadruped of the northlands
verb - To physically dominate, often with a hint of humor.
"Yeah, old loudmouth Amos was talking shit to Malik at sparring yesterday. Guess Malik didn't care much for it, cos he carrued him pretty good for it."
I will state, this is the only one I used before this thread. And i used it as pretty much "ROFLSTOMP"
An alternate to "Fuck."
"Feck you, you dirty fecker!"
1. Shortened form for "Suk-Krath," the name of the sun.
2. (Obscure) A place of fiery torment, generally believed by some parties to exist within or near the sun.
3. An expletive, similar in use to "god."
Derogatory term for half-elves, derived from "half-breed."
Derogatory term or slur for elves. See also: sharp.
Took me awhile to figure those two out.
"Skinny" has also been used, at times, to refer to elves though it is more rare than "necker."
Not sure how "derogatory" breed is, as its used in coded echos as a norm-term for half-breeds and has been accepted as an sdesc for PCs.
Breed is derogatory.
Quote from: Jenred on March 03, 2013, 11:39:48 PM
Not sure how "derogatory" breed is, as its used in coded echos as a norm-term for half-breeds and has been accepted as an sdesc for PCs.
It can be used in that way. I've been trying to think of something else to call them for a while though. my mind keeps going to "Mud Blood" Like from harry potter. it would fit, if there was enough actual dirt on zalanthas for normal people to know wtf mud is.
Shitblood. Thinblood. Half-ear. Half-human. Half-leg.
Quote from: Fathi on March 04, 2013, 03:19:58 AM
Shitblood. Thinblood. Half-ear. Half-human. Half-leg.
I do like those first two.
To this day I get amused about this one scene where an old aquaintance called my half-eleven Sergeant 'Half-ear' and the soldiers she was with got all ready for a rumble... they didn't realize she used to call herself that as a teenager.
Shitblood is pretty good. Half-ear seems kinda mild but I like it for nostalgic reasons. ;)
I can't stand Feck but it's probably irrational. It jerks me out of the dialogue every time I read it because my brain goes 'you misspelled Fuck'
Quote from: Delirium on March 04, 2013, 04:12:00 AM
To this day I get amused about this one scene where an old aquaintance called my half-eleven Sergeant 'Half-ear' and the soldiers she was with got all ready for a rumble... they didn't realize she used to call herself that as a teenager.
Shitblood is pretty good. Half-ear seems kinda mild but I like it for nostalgic reasons. ;)
I can't stand Feck but it's probably irrational. It jerks me out of the dialogue every time I read it because my brain goes 'you misspelled Fuck'
Same. I don't get why you don't just say Fuck. it's a bit silly, and generally makes me think that when I read it. But hey, to each there own.
Quote from: lordcooper on March 04, 2013, 04:47:01 AM
No definition there is close to what it's used as in game. LOL.
and then there's...
Verb meaning 'to steal' (e.g. 'They had fecked cash out of the rector's room.' [1])[2]
That sounds dirty.
Quote from: Delirium on March 04, 2013, 04:12:00 AM
I can't stand Feck but it's probably irrational. It jerks me out of the dialogue every time I read it because my brain goes 'you misspelled Fuck'
For some reason I'm only okay with using 'feck' as a noun. Calling someone a thievin' feck = a-okay. Saying that someone is a fecking loser = 'you misspelled fuck.'
It really doesn't make any sense to me either.
'Feck' sounds cute and endearing. 'Fuck' has a nice deep angry resonance to it. Also, speed causes me to default to 'fuck' when I have to put in my daily >think (a recurring sense of dread) "Oh, fuck me."
Do we have Gyppo yet?
Gyppo - short of Gpysies, can be deragotry.
I don't know if Zalanthan "Gypsy" is itself a slur on the Tan Muark, but it's probably worth noting it refers to a specific tribal nation.
I've used this as a Northern Bynner.
Cock Vestric:
Slang, Derogatory
Noun, Someone who flies from cock to cock quickly.
Aka: A male f'me who likes men, or a female f'me
"You were with Molly last night? You might want to get checked for lovers bleed man, she's a real cock vestric."
Quote from: Fredd on March 04, 2013, 07:02:17 PM
I've used this as a Northern Bynner.
Cock Vestric:
Slang, Derogatory
Noun, Someone who flies from cock to cock quickly.
Aka: A male f'me who likes men, or a female f'me
"You were with Molly last night? You might want to get checked for lovers bleed man, she's a real cock vestric."
This bothers me a bit.
Quote from: Armageddon Quickstart
Avoid imposing your own interpretations and norms on the game world. For example, there is no sexism on Zalanthas; women and men are treated equally. This means that the following would not happen in Armageddon: a man expressing shame at being beaten sparring by a woman; someone referring to women as needing protection or coddling; a woman being shamed for sexual promiscuity while a man is praised for it. Attitudes towards sexuality are broad. Homosexuality is common, and not seen as aberrant. Multiple sex partners are common among Zalanthans, particularly in the upper classes.
This would fall into the real world attitudes category for me and I'd avoid it.
Quote from: ShaLeah on March 04, 2013, 07:10:15 PM
Quote from: Fredd on March 04, 2013, 07:02:17 PM
I've used this as a Northern Bynner.
Cock Vestric:
Slang, Derogatory
Noun, Someone who flies from cock to cock quickly.
Aka: A male f'me who likes men, or a female f'me
"You were with Molly last night? You might want to get checked for lovers bleed man, she's a real cock vestric."
This bothers me a bit.
Quote from: Armageddon Quickstart
Avoid imposing your own interpretations and norms on the game world. For example, there is no sexism on Zalanthas; women and men are treated equally. This means that the following would not happen in Armageddon: a man expressing shame at being beaten sparring by a woman; someone referring to women as needing protection or coddling; a woman being shamed for sexual promiscuity while a man is praised for it. Attitudes towards sexuality are broad. Homosexuality is common, and not seen as aberrant. Multiple sex partners are common among Zalanthans, particularly in the upper classes.
This would fall into the real world attitudes category for me and I'd avoid it.
Multiple sex partners is one thing. The time I came up with it, I was talking about someone that was fucking pretty much every man she could, in every city.
There's a difference.
A vestric is timid by nature, as per the docs... Not sure if it really fits the meaning you're going for.
Quote from: bcw81 on March 04, 2013, 07:29:20 PM
A vestric is timid by nature, as per the docs... Not sure if it really fits the meaning you're going for.
Following your line of thought. You are probably right this was like 2.5 years ago, i was still somewhat new, and I thought it was funny, and worked. but now in hindsight. I agree with you.
The Ivory and The Black.
Shade - a message of departure, and goodwill (as in, "May you find shade.")
Shitcloaks - an employee of the Byn (as in, "The gnarly looking man over there is Lieutenant Amos, with his band of shitcloaks.")
Mindbender, mindworm - someone possessing latent and powerful psionic ability (as in, "That woman over there knows everything, a few of us think she's a mindworm.")
Gicker, Wiggler - an elementalist (as in, "Today was good, I made a year's salary for a bounty on a wiggler's head.")
Defiler, Asher, Ashlayer, Abomination - a sorcerer; lesser known as Preservers (as in, "The trail of ash tells us the defiler was on the run.")
Sid, Black, Obsidian - a common reference to Allanaki minted coins (as in, "Gimme the sid, or I'll gut ya like a jozhal.")
Mantishead - an OOC term for death (as in, "Ah, damn! Mantishead again!")
Githclit - an OOC reference to the appearance of the Armageddon logo (as in, "Awwyeah, I'm totally gonna rock the githclit tee in public.")
Quote from: Kismetic on March 04, 2013, 08:44:21 PM
Mindbender, mindworm - someone possessing latent and powerful psionic ability (as in, "That woman over there knows everything, a few of us think she's a mindworm.")
Gicker, Wiggler - an elementalist (as in, "Today was good, I made a year's salary for a bounty on a wiggler's head.")
Defiler, Asher, Ashlayer, Abomination - a sorcerer; lesser known as Preservers (as in, "The trail of ash tells us the defiler was on the run.")
I just wanted to point out to new players that, unlike in most Arm players' lives, where Rule of Law is more of less assumed (and people aren't usually in life-threatening circumstances), the above terms are almost never used as jokes or brags in game.
You will almost never:
>say (chuckling) Malik's smart. We should call him "mindworm" or something.
>say (from the shadows, flipping a dagger in the air) You can call me...The Abomination.
And when you do, it is generally a call-out to every PC in the know, even enemies who hate each other, to put down what they're doing and come stomp on your face. A lot. (c.f. "mantis head")
That's a good point about the psionicist. If someone's making an actual dictionary helpfile, though, I'm sure some better example sentences can be thought up.
Mind freak- A psionist. Someone with more psychic abilities then normal people. Generally killed when found.
Quote from: Kismetic on March 07, 2013, 08:40:56 PM
That's a good point about the psionicist. If someone's making an actual dictionary helpfile, though, I'm sure some better example sentences can be thought up.
Psionicist: That asshole that ruins plots.
Quote from: Fredd on March 07, 2013, 09:38:06 PM
Mind freak worm - A psionist. Someone with more psychic abilities then normal people. Generally killed when found.
aka "mindbenders," "brainworms"
I'm really disappointed there isn't more lingo, you guys are clutching at straws with the psi stuff!
Quote from: Maso on March 08, 2013, 05:03:17 PM
I'm really disappointed there isn't more lingo, you guys are clutching at straws with the psi stuff!
I always make up my own, but this is more for traditional words, I think.
Spratling - Young children; Generally those under the age of seven.
Chub - Rinthi term denoting how someone is a chub. General consensus on what a chub is is still up for debate.
I fucking love "Chub".
Chub can be negative or friendly, depending on the context.
"Shade and profit, chubs."
"I'll fuckin' gut you if you don't drop your pouch, chub."
And on that note, sometimes "profit" is used as a farewell in the Rinth. It's like a Rinthi' equivalent of "shade".
I didn't post because I thought I was the only one who said this, but I recently found out at least a few people use elf as a verb!
Elf: v. To get over, steal, cheat, lie, do someone wrong via dishonesty.
Finding this out totally made my day and made me feel like one of the cool kids!
Quote from: Barzalene on March 09, 2013, 09:25:50 AM
I didn't post because I thought I was the only one who said this, but I recently found out at least a few people use elf as a verb!
Elf: v. To get over, steal, cheat, lie, do someone wrong via dishonesty.
Finding this out totally made my day and made me feel like one of the cool kids!
I totally do this too. It seems apt if thieving is such a racial/cultural part of an elf's life. It makes me giggle OOC when I use it though, because I can just picture how bemused the other person is if they don't get it, but it's so perfect!
In a similar vein, I've used "to neck" as a substitute for "elf" because it also sounds like "nick" and that's funny to me.
Quote from: AmandaGreathouse on March 09, 2013, 10:56:06 AM
Quote from: Barzalene on March 09, 2013, 09:25:50 AM
I didn't post because I thought I was the only one who said this, but I recently found out at least a few people use elf as a verb!
Elf: v. To get over, steal, cheat, lie, do someone wrong via dishonesty.
Finding this out totally made my day and made me feel like one of the cool kids!
I totally do this too. It seems apt if thieving is such a racial/cultural part of an elf's life. It makes me giggle OOC when I use it though, because I can just picture how bemused the other person is if they don't get it, but it's so perfect!
Quote from: Fathi on March 09, 2013, 08:21:45 PM
In a similar vein, I've used "to neck" as a substitute for "elf" because it also sounds like "nick" and that's funny to me.
I use the term "elfed" like people use the term "Jewed"
Not that I have ANYTHING against jews, as my best friend IRL is jewish (and he plays here too)
That's where I got it too. And I am Jewish. I think that sort of thing is disgusting in real life, but so completely appropriate for the game world.
Quote from: Barzalene on March 09, 2013, 09:17:48 PM
That's where I got it too. And I am Jewish. I think that sort of thing is disgusting in real life, but so completely appropriate for the game world.
Yes, racism in Zalanthas is not only acceptable, but supported and required by the documentation. No elf will ever get away with claiming "racial profiling."
Quote from: typical necker"Corporal Funishment just stopped me 'cause I'm an elf!"
Quote from: Lord Templar Hardnose"Yup. Guilty."
Quote from: Barzalene on March 09, 2013, 09:17:48 PM
That's where I got it too. And I am Jewish. I think that sort of thing is disgusting in real life, but so completely appropriate for the game world.
It helps when written Allundean has the attributes of a Semitic language and the elves are currently in diaspora post the Great Coming Together 8)
Quote from: Drayab on January 15, 2013, 12:15:05 PM
I've never heard vestric used that way IG, and honestly, there's nothing about a vestric that suggests quality to me. It's basically a rat-chicken...
Agreed about Vestric. I think about their nasty little hands/paws when I think of 'em.
Same with "cock vestric" doesn't work for me.
But I'll give you:
Chips: another word for obsidian coins because they are basically chips of obsidian. *sigh* I've used it with a number of characters. Don't think anyone else does, though!
That's me, though, always on the cutting edge! ;-)
Mud-blood, mixed-blood: halfbreeds (didn't see it yet)
Wiggler, 'gicker : magick-using folk (slang which I personally despise)
Witch: better slang for magick-using folk
Ash-maker: defiler
I LOVE salt-worm for male genitalia. I'm going to start using that - thanks to whomever suggested that. Perfect for southern characters.
Little Templar: seen this used for male genitalia
the sweet or the black: (as in "a little of the sweet/black") for a hit of Thol spice. Just thought I might have to start using "Red Storm Tar." =)
Terms for people: Southie, Northie, Stormer.
Desert elves: Sandhoppers, runners
Gith: Hunchies, clawfeet
Magickers: Witches, abominations, 'gicks, 'gickers, wigglers, and my personal favorite, callers. Sandcaller, Stormcaller, Windcaller, etc.
Breed out/ breeding out:
The tendency for half elves to have mood swings.
The moody half-breed says in sirihish, as he drinks whisky
"This is the best day of my life"
the amos says in sirihish, glancing at The moody half-breed
"Must not have had an interesting life"
The moody half-breed exclaims in sirihish
"Fuck you asshole! I'll rape your chaltons and impregnate your daughter!"
The amos says in sirihish
"Damn, i didn't mean for you to breed out on me"
Quote from: Maso on March 08, 2013, 05:03:17 PM
I'm really disappointed there isn't more lingo, you guys are clutching at straws with the psi stuff!
Antually I've seen mind Freak used for years, it's just not -that- popular