Your most satisfying deaths

Started by Tired and less sad, August 27, 2006, 06:23:21 PM

As the original poster for "Your most dissatisfying deaths" post, I've felt just a little bit, eh..unhappy about not adding what I originaly wanted, that being another section for your most satisying deaths.  I made the other in a time of depression and just couldn't bring myself to get out of wallowing in some form of self pity :roll:

Anyway, mine:

Can't realy remember when this took place, but I was running a character that was makeing a living by tradeing back and forth between Tuluk and Allanak.  I was on the north road when a group of Raiders stoped me and demanded all my goods.  I made a brake for it and manage to keep ahead of them and climb up a cliff to get away.  Upon reaching the top of the cliff, I find myself faceing a rather hungry looking largish creature that should NOT have been there(must have been led there by someone trying to get away).  Anyway, I run back to the edge of the cliff, loose my balance and fall over the edge.  I hit the ground, regain my feet, only to have the raiders attack me.  During the fight, the beast actualy falls from overhead and, upon regaining it's feet, decimates both me and the raiders.

Not much RP during this, but I still get a warm glow whenever I remember that scene and the shouts of "Oh FECKING SHIT!!" when the thing hit the ground.

I dont know if it was satisfying or just because I knew it was coming so it made me laugh. I had a pc once that got into a situation where a noble ordered them in to investigate a place. OOCly I knew exactly where I was and that it was -not- a good place to be but ICly my pc didnt know squat.  She reported back to the noble waiting outside whom in turn ordered everyone in thinking to trap the quarry he was after. Needless to say, we all died.


I still find it humorous.
 staff member sends:
    "The mind you are trying to reach is disconnected or no longer in service.
If you feel you have reached this recording in error... trust us. We know. = message A-16"

My single most satisfying death was that of my Borsail aide.

A magicker scared him off so he ran out of Allanak and hid out in Tuluk, without bothering to deny he's a former Borsail employee.  The poor guy.
After being forced into slavery by a Lirathan, he was eventually disappeared because of his sheer disloyalty.
It was a prolonged execution, and I really loved it.  Best death ever; I had dreams about it for almost an entire year later.

I find that my most satisfying deaths tend to be the executions, so long as I have enough time to react and get both my character's inner and outer monologues going.  If the executions are too abrupt, I don't get that sense of closure and it's much less fun afterwards.

I've had plenty of really cool deaths really, and other deaths that are both incredibly awesome but very heart-rending - I personally don't count a death as a good death if it leaves me with a strong heart ache.  Either way, executions ftw.
Quote from: Vesperas...You have to ask yourself... do you love your PC more than you love its contribution to the game?

But.. there are so many...

Arm isn't about the good life - it's about the interesting death!
nless explicitly stated, the opinions of this poster do not necessarily represent all staff.

Halaster the Shroud of Death sings, in unnaturally gutteral sirihish:

I've never had a satisfying death.   :(

My ideal death, however, would be long, public, and bloody.  A prolonged arena execution, or public torture with a sermon by a templar.

Well, I suppose those are realistic, satisfying deaths.  I suppose we all dream of going out in a very cool way, like grappling an elder sorceror and jumping over the shield wall or something, but such fates are very unlikely due to both the code and the setting.

Quote from: "Marauder Moe"I've never had a satisfying death.   :(

My ideal death, however, would be long, public, and bloody.  A prolonged arena execution, or public torture with a sermon by a templar.

Well, I suppose those are realistic, satisfying deaths.  I suppose we all dream of going out in a very cool way, like grappling an elder sorceror and jumping over the shield wall or something, but such fates are very unlikely due to both the code and the setting.

Oh, I don't know. We can always work something out...

nless explicitly stated, the opinions of this poster do not necessarily represent all staff.

Halaster the Shroud of Death sings, in unnaturally gutteral sirihish:

I died in the arena once. It was not very happy for me because it was with a fairly new character that I had a lot of plans for. Having been falsely accused of being a mindbender, there was basically no way of surviving once the templar's pet HG grabbed me.

However, there is something fun about dying in the arena. Everyone is watching you. Everyone gets to see your emotes. The dull roar of the crowd yelling for your blood helps send the helpless situation home. Plus the templar in question was very well played, and that made what would have been a very OOCly frustrating situation a fun and scary IC situation.
eeling YB, you think:
    "I can't believe I just said that."

Oddly enough, the two I enjoyed the most were my two shortest-lived characters.  Both at the hands of other PCs.

One of them (my very first character), died in prison in a pretty unusual way.  It wasn't a big elaborate scene, but I appreciate that the other player put some creativity into the way it happened.

I'll be a little vague about the other one.  It came after some bad luck that eventually brought on a very unpleasant day for my character, to say the least.  The ultimate end was in front of a large audience, which made it loads of fun.
So if you're tired of the same old story
Oh, turn some pages. - "Roll with the Changes," REO Speedwagon

Without being too IC, it involved base jumping off the shield wall in a brown military aba, a destroyed wagon, and the inhabitants therein. It was so n00b, it just amuses me to no end to look back on.
Amor Fati

Had a pc die along with his buddy during a jail break in Luir's. That was definitely the coolest death of any pc I've had.
Quote from: Fnord on November 27, 2010, 01:55:19 PM
May the fap be with you, always. ;D

I had a character for a long while, who eventually left Blackmoon to join Borsail in a more powerful position in life.  Eventually died in the prison of Allanak with two red robes and two blue robed templars.

Not too many people leave a group of ex-slaves raiding gang to join a rich noble slaving house.


The other one was dying for the last half of his life, and finally had his face kicked in by his old drinking buddy friend.  And I swear that I didn't know he was going to kill me when he did.
New Players Guide:,33512.0.html

Quote from: Morgenes on April 01, 2011, 10:33:11 PM
You win Armageddon, congratulations!  Type 'credits', then store your character and make a new one

I haven't had any particularly interesting deaths. In fact I've mostly stored or died to NPCs or the environment in boring or ridiculous ways.
b]YB <3[/b]

My most satisfying death was dying in the arena...before my two newbie hours were up.
Child, child, if you come to this doomed house, what is to save you?

A voice whispers, "Read the tales upon the walls."

D-elf tribe, running to somewhere in my character's lead, gets surrounded with nasty beasties.  Trying to defend the tribemates and shouting "RUN!  RUN AWAY!" and fighting ferociously for their safety until they all flee away or drop dead...

EDIT:  Though I had very cool close to death scenes with another character.  Do they count?
some of my posts are serious stuff

Mine was when I ended up in the sewers(not telling why) and almost escaped(finding many secrets) and finaly died when he almost was out(not telling how) :D .

Mine was when I ended up in the sewers (not telling why) and escaped (with many secrets) and escaped the massive bounty on his head only to run afoul of gith on a spice run.

Mine was when I played a (not telling) who was sent to attack (not telling) and survived it running afoul only to die from (not telling). I got resed because it was a build bug, and then died when I was captured by (can't say) and the person who had me subdued coup de graced me (he swears he typoed).
nless explicitly stated, the opinions of this poster do not necessarily represent all staff.

Halaster the Shroud of Death sings, in unnaturally gutteral sirihish:

Borsail recruit (just made private) who was tossed in the larvae pit by a NPC templar and half-giant.  The pre-torture session and infliction of pain by the guard, along with the brutality of the guy's Sergeant made it a truly wonderful rp experience. :)

Once Naiona appeared before me and I typed 'hug naiona' just for giggles.  She killed me!

This was my most satisfying death because she killed me during the grace period and I was therefore ressurected.

True story.  Ask her if you don't believe me.  I hugged her.  She killed me.  Just like that.

Satisfying deaths...well, one would be when I was playing an aide in Borsail. Died to spice overdose under the order of my char's boss, watched by a group of Wyverns.

IT was an interesting death, I mean hey...whoever heard of being force-fed with spice before? ;) To this day, I'm really grateful for the creative way Borsail thought up on in killing off my char. Gave me a chance to rp out accordingly even though oocly I was like OMFG NO!!!

Another one would be when my unfortunate char was poisoned by a halfling (NPC) and was left to die in the forest after losing all her stamina. Though it was entirely solo rping, I had fun rping out her puking her blood and innards out until the mantis head poppped up.

I remember thinking to myself, "Hey, since I'm going to die anyway, make this as interesting as possible"

So I trying to emote out the most grisly details as the halfling poison spread through her body.
Quote from: Majikal on August 20, 2009, 05:53:09 PM

Running after Carru, catching them, then eating them while they are still breathing is a Red Fang's version of 'fast food'.

My very first character was a few hours old and just getting to grips with this amazing new world around them.
When i say "getting to grips" I really mean "getting very drunk" in a tavern with some friendly looking faces.
After blowing most of my character's starting money on booze i stumbled out into the street and wandered up and down the road, head spinning and belching merrily.
Passing by the same tavern 5 mins later, i spy one of my new-found drinking buddies engaging in some fisticuffs with a guard. "Hey!" I drunkenly think, "Ma besh pal's gettin' a kickin, I' d besh 'elp 'im out. Hick!". So I whip out my trusty axe and pile into this soldier.
2 hits later i'm laying in the road five cords away from my head, which is laying, severed, on the other side of the road.
Note for newbs... stay off the booze.
quote="Dakkon Black"]Found salty oasis. Actually mek pee.[/quote]

Most satisfying was way to recent, but it was really public, humiliating and gory.

Second most satisfying was fighting to the death in the arena, dying when I know my character could have lived had he not been so careless.

For me though, no deaths are really that satisfying. My characters tend to want to live.

I've posted this story a few times on the board before, but I never get tired of repeating it.
My character was a tough Byn sergeant, out in the desert on a fairly standard mission with a very green newb recruit. My character began to puff his chest out, regailing the runner with the many grisly stories my PC had accumulated during his long, fairly eventful life. I told him about the horrors of gith, of sand raptors, of dehydration, and then moved onto the topic of desert tarantulas. I said something to the effect of:
"Now, a lot of people are worried about meks and shit. But a mek you can see coming. The real danger is gith, and scrab, and especially tarantulas. I've seen more people die to tarantulas then I'll ever see see die to meks."
Moments after I said that, our party was beset by what must've been at least a dozen tarantulas. The newb escaped, but I was ripped to pieces. The timing was just perfect, and whenever I look back on that death, I just have to smile.
I hope that newb is still playing. What a story that must've been, from his perspective...
EvilRoeSlade wrote:
QuoteYou find a bulbous root sac and pick it up.
You shout, in sirihish:
QuoteA staff member sends:
     "You are likely dead."

Most interesting death, wow there are a -lot-! One stands out though above all else, which left me with a proud aura.

My character was a Borsaili Sergeant, his lover was a Borsaili Lieutenant whom were both hired fresh from the Byn. My character was long lived and was pretty buff for a warrior (not really though), anyways, his IC brother was a magicker and got into some trouble, since the bond was close between the two brothers, my character attempted to help him out and succeeded. His brother was not executed, but the templars ended up capturing him and held him until I gave myself up to them. So being the -NICE- guy my character was, he gave himself up to the templars, who made his brother watch his 'death' in the arena. The death was suppost to be to the prized mul <not saying his name>, which at the time was on the ic board in the tavern for anyone who can defeat him would win a 10,000 coin purse. I was tossed in the arena with my blades and killed <the mul> in one-on-one combat. The crowd was stunned and I was acting all bad and shit, emoting my ass off -- then the trap door opened and the Gaj that came out ate me in two hits :)

Needless to say, the point leading up to the death gave me a big adrenaline rush. Thanks for everyone who planned that thing :-P