Axe Making Skill

Started by trachsis, July 26, 2004, 02:09:22 PM

Has anyone produced anything with this?  With most other skills, I can find some object that I can start with - the helpfiles generally being helpful...  I'm having a hard time with this one.

The help files give the example of making a haft, but I am reasonably sure that haft making is part of another skill...  If I'm wrong, please correct me.

If I'm just being an idiot, and the skill works fine and I need to find out IC just lemme know and I'll keep trying.


I think most hafts are constructed with bone, or wood. Is that what you're asking?

Try finding branches and whatnot...

And uh...haft making is apart of other skills. Perhaps spear making? Sorry I couldn't be of much help.

My guess from the help file, is that you need to find some kind of branch to make the haft, and a shard of obsidian to make the head, both with the axe making skill.  Perhaps if you can't make the haft, your skill level is just not high enough, try making the head from an obsidian shard if you can find one, or try some other rocks.

Vettrock, do "chunks" work? It's been so long I can't remember. =/

I'm pretty sure I could make hafts before I got axe making.  I'm thinking its based on the lumberjacking skill?   That's what's confusing me.  

As I said, I could be wrong about that.

I don't know for sure.  Usually the help files are correct.  I have found at least one help file skill ropemaking, where you can't make the tendril rope with your skill at the starting level, you have to practice with something else first.   it could be that the object can be crafted based on more than once skill?  I know I have found at least one object that might fall under more than one catagory, but I haven't been able to confirm my suspicions.

Well, you need the axe making skill to actually make the axe, but i think hat making is a lumberjacking skill, not sure, but you'd probably have to find someone who can do it, or perhaps you learn how to when you become very good. Just ideas, don't quote me if im wrong.
Quote from: Saikun
I can tell you for sure it won't be tonight. So no point in poking at it all night long. I'd suggest sleep, or failing that, take to the streets and wreak havoc.

LMAO Ya, i meant haft, not hat making. Damn typos. :oops:
Quote from: Saikun
I can tell you for sure it won't be tonight. So no point in poking at it all night long. I'd suggest sleep, or failing that, take to the streets and wreak havoc.

Hm... I think I may have figured it out.  There seems to be one type of haft that uses the axemaking skill, and another that uses lumberjacking.  

Confusing for dim bulbs like myself.

Am I losing my mind, or is this a little IC?

help skill axe making states that you can make hafts and heads and then you can make the half and head into an axe, so no I don't think its too IC.

The skill is very similar to spear-making. You need to shape a head, a haft, and then connect them.

OK - can someone just confirm for me that they have successfully made an axe?  Hafts seem no problem but I have tried and tried and I can't seem to make a head as its shown in the help file.  Or any other way for that matter...  

Can someone confirm that it is, indeed possible?

Note:  I've failed at haft making a fair number of times, so I don't think its a lack of skill.  Could be though...

From my experience, shaping weapon components is very similar to fletchery in that it is very difficult if not impossible at first, and then gradually, you begin to be able to do it on a semi-reliable basis. Which does make sense.

Its not that I fail.  Its that I can't find anything that is craftable into an axe head.  I've tried a lot of different things.  What I want to know is if anyone has actually created an axe head before or if there is maybe a bug with the skill.

The help files say that some sort of obsidian shard should do the trick, but I've tried the two types of obsidian shards that I know of to no avail....

I just checked and it is possible, and not hard to the point you wouldn't be able to if you have the skill. I'd suggest either looking harder... or Im not sure. Eitherway it is a skill in development and not as fully fleshed out as something like clothworking.