The Mortal Wound

Started by Anarchy, July 17, 2004, 01:16:12 PM

Im just tossing up an idea here, im not certain how hard it would be to code, and its off the top of my head, so bare with me. but what do you think (for PKing) if players could speak and emote when they hit 0 HP? And slowly bled out to -10 then die. Having Mercy on would perhaps trigger this, if you have it off, they die as normal.

I mean, how often have you wanted to RP out a player's death, only to have it foiled with killing them, or making them unable to hear you speak, when they hit negitive HP. Take, assassins, for example. I would be careful about emoting before i attacked, but if i had them beaten, i would speak/emote/gloat before i finished them off, or even RP how i stabbed them.

Would any of you like to see, once you "defeat" a PC, the PC is forced to rest, and is unable to stand, use the way, or shout, and slowly bleeds to death, the defeated PC would be unable to stop the blood loss, but another PC could "bind" them to stop them from dying.
Anyone feel like perhaps building on this, or anyone have any comments, im sorry its not in much detail, but im writing this at 3 in the morning, so belch.
on't worry if you're a kleptomaniac, you can always take something for it.


"I have more hit points that you can possible imagine." - Tek, Muk and my current PC.

Sometimes its not appropriate if they would talk, and unlike the movies, alot of times you don't have the energy to speak and act when you've just had the kankshite beaten out of you and your lying battered and broken on the desert floor.

I would try to get any last words in before being struck down.

Or wait until a new system is devised to allow speaking/emoting while mortally wounded, which I dont think is even in a conceptual stage.

It would be a nice addition. For now, just emote "binding" wounds and use the bandage skill. That's what it's for.

QuoteSometimes its not appropriate if they would talk, and unlike the movies, alot of times you don't have the energy to speak and act when you've just had the kankshite beaten out of you and your lying battered and broken on the desert floor.

Firsthand experience?
"We pay for and maintain the GDB for players of ArmageddonMUD, seeing as
how you no longer play we would prefer it if you not post anymore.

-the Shade of Nessalin"


Quote from: "Carnage"
QuoteSometimes its not appropriate if they would talk, and unlike the movies, alot of times you don't have the energy to speak and act when you've just had the kankshite beaten out of you and your lying battered and broken on the desert floor.

Firsthand experience?

Common sense =)

Quote from: "Forest Junkie"It would be a nice addition. For now, just emote "binding" wounds and use the bandage skill. That's what it's for.

Not all classes have that skill and not all would want to use it.  Correct me if I'm wrong but if bandaged above 0 hp you could use the way, thereby letting you call your buddies and make a mess of things.  At least, you could in theory.

I like the idea alot, or at least some way to do it.

Not to mention, just because you have the skill doesn't mean you can successfully bandage someone. Somewhere in the doc's about playing a physician it mentions until you get -real- good at it, you'll likely do more damage than good when you try and bandage someone, may even kill them if they're already hurt real badly. Which I have firsthand experience with, someone unsuccessfully bandaged a char of mine and shaved off about 10 more hp. So, the 'bind' idea isn't a bad one combined with the slowed death. You wouldn't be restoring any hp like a successful bandage, but they'd stop ticking off hp and not bleed to death.. Until you stuck another knife in their gut.  :twisted:

The physicians kill more people than raiders do... They're PK machines, trust me.
quote="Ghost"]Despite the fact he is uglier than all of us, and he has a gay look attached to all over himself, and his being chubby (I love this word) Cenghiz still gets most of the girls in town. I have no damn idea how he does that.[/quote]

As to the original post.

Here here.

...obviously there could always be some bad rping, or even misuse, but we have plenty of opportunities for that, and thats one of the many reasons for the imms.  it could even be trigged to send up a call flag like wishing up. just to bring attention to a pk...etc.
itd be a good rp tool in my opinion.
Veteran Newbie

Quote from: "Xan"
Quote from: "Forest Junkie"It would be a nice addition. For now, just emote "binding" wounds and use the bandage skill. That's what it's for.

Not all classes have that skill and not all would want to use it.


I like most of Anarchy's idea...not the slow death but the only where you don't could go like this if your in a fight and you go down below 0 between -10 (and stun is still above 1) you fall, can't shout, use way, or stand (move), but you could still speak and gain heath you would have to sleep and you would need to sleep til your full life points are restored (to keep people from sleep til they have 1 point and running away).  

               The reason for having this is because real in-game fights go real fast and are usually so unexpected people barely have time to think of emotes let alone think of things to say.   In real life some people are serious hurt and they are still consious, stun point should dictate wheather they are consious or not.   With this the victim and the attacker could exchanges words and roleplay some really cool deaths.

ex. The victim might be able to beg for mercy or ask why he is about to die or something, emote begining afraid or angry.

        While the attacker could laugh or have a moment to ravish in his revenge...or whisper that the victims friend are next as he slowly rams his knife through the victims throat.

Um you can emote when you are at negative hps.  You can't speak, or hear, but you can see emotes by others in the room.

Quote from: "Vettrock"Um you can emote when you are at negative hps.  You can't speak, or hear, but you can see emotes by others in the room.

You can watch the emotes, but you can't make any of your own.
Kofi Annan said you were cool.  Are you cool?

Actually, you can emote while mortally wounded, unless something has changed very recently. I don't believe you can hear people say anything, but you can see emotes.

Quote from: "Delirium"Actually, you can emote while mortally wounded, unless something has changed very recently. I don't believe you can hear people say anything, but you can see emotes.

yea, like when unconcious, or asleep.