Gemmed interaction - a wake up call.

Started by Akaramu, July 13, 2004, 12:38:32 PM

Quote from: "Koala"Yes, Xygax, I also like to see appropriate RP examples and they are really good most of the time but sometimes I don't feel comfortable when people start telling me what to do..

Did anyone? No one has complained about any particular PC, it is just the current situation as a whole that feels wrong. I dont mind the one or maybe two PCs I know have IC reason to befriend magickers. But when everyone does it, it starts to look really odd, and gives new players a wrong impression.

anon for obvious reasons

there are also legitimate IC reasons why some people really would have no problem with magickers even if they aren't magickers themselves. but some of those people can't explain to anyone without getting themselves or their clans in trouble. if someone is 'being nice' to a magicker it is important to know who they are before deciding that theyre being inapprorpiate. Maybe they are maybe not.

Anonymous Kank:  Those same people should probably consider making their dealings with magickers more secretive.  Just because magickers are useful doesn't mean you want to be seen in public with one.

Ok after calming down a bit to write this...

(apologies in advance for a multitule of spelling errors)

Let me give you my perspective as to why people, probably mostly new PC tend to "appear" to be friendlier than folks believe they should be.   This is -not- an excuse for poor behaivour, simply a perspective on why it happens IMHO, hopefully leading to a rewarding way for -everyone- to improve thier RP.


1: Ignorance.  Simply put, documentation is not the same as experience.  Quite frankly I have seen the gemmed ones initiating the friendly contact.  "think They don't seem so bad"

2: Limited possiblities for new PC's.  Life as a newbie is much harder than life as most anyone else.  It consists of simple mundae, mindnumingly repeitive tasks to just keep alive long enough to know what to do next.  Job opprotunities are often scarce, and your ability to counter someones open hostility to you is near non-existant. Hell 99.9% of the PC's and NPC's for that matter could kick my ass.  What I'm gonna get in thier face and antagonize them? Get real.  So after a long, face it dull day of mundane tasks, I may go sit in a tavern, and try to interact with most -anyone-. and not piss them off.

3: Clueless or simply don't care.  Yes I've encountered a few of these.

4: Maybe it's intentional.  That "bunny hugger" over there may be one of the most coniving,  dangerous people you will ever encouter... behind your back.  I could be that person is gaining some trust, to learn how to defeat you and everyone around you. How do you know.  You don't.  (life is harsh, deal with it).


I don't see near enough -constructive- feedback, nor nuturing of newbies.  Zalantahas creates plenty of  enemies.  But a successfull and --enjoyable-- RP experience does not consist -solely- of enemies.  Friends or at least allies are just as importaint. Unfortunatlly a newbie has few if any of these.  I still find myself gravitating to folks with newbie clothes with the thought, "maybe this is someone I can talk to safely"  Sadly this leads to the trend of newbies teaching newbies.  I would like to see an IC "mentoring" program.  Not a "My name is Jim I'll be your mentor today" type of thing, but rather people who are skilled enough to seek out PC's that are obviously struggling with the RP    or seem to have a problem moving themselfs forward, and give them some constructive IC advice.  Bad example:  "whisper n00b  Hey man, what are you doing talking to the filther, you want to get us all killed, come over to the table, lets talk".    I have seen some people do this effectivly.

QuoteIf complaints build up against someone, then an IMM should use a couple of shadowy thugs to contact the person, interrogate her, beat her up and tell her she has two days to leave town. It shouldn't be often necessary, but it should be a really cool way to make the point, and more importantly it should contribute to game atmosphere. Game atmosphere is really what I'm trying to preserve here.

Good idea... but.. if the person is not in some way made to know thier behaviour is inconsitant with good RP, they may never correlate the action with thier behaviour.  If you don't let them know, either though IC means or RL means, how will they know what they did wrong.  Or more importiantly how to do it right.  Yes it's a lot of work.

Lets hope that people are not expecting -everyone- to be an asshole to everyone else.  If all I have to look forward to online is 40-60 people ready to humilate, and belittle me -all- the time, and that -no one- should be a decent honest hardworking person, thats fun to be around, then something is seriously wrong.  And just remember, just because I may be nice, that doesn't mean I'm not up to something... eventually.

my 2 (hard earned) sid
Quote from: "The Philosopher Jagger"You can't always get what you want.

I am a person who pays attention to the world around me ig Koala, I also have a short attention span. When I have to watch people massacre the premise of rp ig, it snaps me out of my trance. It's hard for me to focus on whats happening ig, when I am constantly reminded of real life or something completely different then what is going on in armageddon. I guess its my fault that I get so agitated, and that I can't ignore it. But they are the ones who can't bother to do two three simple things: 1) Read the docs thoroughly before you create a character. 2) Try using the letters e-m-o-t-e ig once and a while. 3) Read the descriptions of your surroundings carefully so you can rp accordingly. Some people choose to disregard one, two, or all three of these things. What this post is saying, I completely agree with. I am really losing a feel for the game world because of some of the players around me ig. A newbie I can understand, and rp around, a high ranking official in a merchant or noble house I can not.
ere it comes..

Quote from: "Armaddict"Agreed with Teleri.  Something I've -always- wanted to see.

Even in the helpfiles, it talks about distrust between certain elements, such as Drov and Suk-krath.  Hell, even some inter-magicker troubles would be nice.  Then they wouldn't have to depend on the rest of the populace so much for their conflicts.  The elementalists quarter, could, in all essence, become a sort of sub-city.  One where most elementalists wouldn't have to leave it.

That would be cool, but for that you would need more gemmed to be active.  Say at least 5 Vivaduans, 5 Rukkians, 3 whirans, 3 Krathians, 2 Elkrosians, 2 Drovians, and 1 Nilazi . . . if Nilazi are even allowed to be gemmed.  That would provide enough PCs for gemmed-gemmed interaction and conflict.  As it is the gemmed are almost like a defacto clan, they are nice to eachother because they have no one else to play with.

The elementalists quarter can easily get to be a barren wasteland  RP-wise.  A role almost as restrictive as being a noble, but with none of the perks.  Try playing a gemmed before you criticise them.

Quote from: "sheep"I personally would like to see fewer magickers overall, at least until there is a larger playerbase.

The fewer gemmed you have, the more they are FORCED to move into the commoner's quarter to look for interaction.

Fewer magickers overall, meh.  I've seen people suggest fewer independants and fewer hunters/wanderers, close the tribes, fewer nobles/noble servants, or that people should concentrate in cities "at least until there is a larger playerbase."  The thing is, that doesn't really work.  Yes, you can forbid certain types of roles, but you can't force people to play other types of roles, because you can't force people to play at all.  If a player can't play the type(s) of roles they enjoy, eventually they will leave the MUD.  

Removing 10 magicker roles doesn't necessarily create 10 non-magikers, instead it might create 5 non-magickers and 5 non-players.

Because of the Karma system you come into this gameworld knowing it will probably be at least a year before you can play a mage.  That isn't a totally bad thing since it gives you time to learn about the world, but it is discouraging for new players that enjoy playing arcane roles.

You basically can't play a scholarly PC at all, which is also discouraging.  Most commoners can't be all that scholarly because they don't have the rudiments of education on which to build.  The Noble, Templar, and Merchant Family roles availible (people who may have some education and be able to read and write) are not scholars, because those few roles are reserved for "workhorse" members of their organizations, the ones who arrest elves or sell doo-dads to the public.  All the scholars, and they do exist, are virtual.  No rogue librarians.  Ok, it's not that kind of a game, I can deal with it.

For a while it was almost, but not quite, impossible to play a "classic ranger" a lone desert wanderer in the south.  Luckily the uber-critter population boom eventually went bust.  But I dealt with that too, in fact I went through 30+ PCs figuring out how to deal with it.  ;)

Playing a city mage is very difficult, but not quite impossible.  You either have to be a mage that doesn't use magic, or a mage that is almost totally isolated from society.  It should be a hard life ICly, but it shouldn't be so damned OOCly hard.  There are some spells that are clearly meant to be used in co-operation with others, but the opportunities to use them are few-to-none.  Few clans will knowingly hire mages, and even those are unlikely to promote co-operation between mages and non-mages.  Is it really any wonder that mage PCs are desperate for interaction, any interaction?

Treat the other man's faith gently; it is all he has to believe with."     Henry S. Haskins

Hmm... Back to the subject.. I like playing gemmers, because I like conflict. I like people teasing my char, then the char going to find an elven assassin, paying 1000 sids in a dark alley just before escaping from the elf and his four buddies to start a new plot to whack that elf.
I hate when someone asks me: "Hey there.. How you doing?" when I play a gemmer. I usually remark slightly that I would like to use that char's skull as a spell component. But some do have reasons to see me as a wise one instead of a dangerous one.
Gemmer gemmer interaction? Why not? There are not much opposing elements.. Krath hates Drov, everyone hates Nilaz... Anything else? None. I'd willingly buy some water from that nice vivaduan then chatter about the horns of God with that Elkran. *shrug* We're the only ones with brains anyway.. At least we think that way. Of course there are some exceptions, magickers that want to be left alone. But that is an exception, as I experienced. And they play it too well. Thanks to imms some cursing spells don't start a fight or mark you as guilty in temples, so some chars showed me why I should leave them alone. They were great experiences either.
Some IC events will solve the problem soon. No need to worry. The gemmers will be in gemmers' quarter and at least my char won't like seeing some stinking commoners in *my* quarters.
quote="Ghost"]Despite the fact he is uglier than all of us, and he has a gay look attached to all over himself, and his being chubby (I love this word) Cenghiz still gets most of the girls in town. I have no damn idea how he does that.[/quote]

First off, some roles are more of a challenge to be played when they fall outside of the "cookie-cutter" bynner, merchant, ranger, assassin, etc. Magickers being one, muls, and half-giants to name a few. They are a challenge and the person may not be a newb to the gameworld, but to that particular concept they may not know exactly how their character would act in a moments notice, so there must be given some slack for such error.

As far as the Akaramu's post concering the people going out to see what could be done as entertainment... it would have been for them. Too IC already, but it was not improper so far as I could tell. It might not have snapped into place with the gameworld as good as it could have, but there are some roles that leave you few options in challenging others IC actions due to race restrictions and established backgrounds.

I've played mayby a dozen gemmed magickers, two out of twelve had a 'friend' in the game. Meaning, someone that wouldn't try to kill them when they were in a lawless area. A ranger in the isolated wilds can come into the city and chum it up with anyone, a magicker is already in the city and can't just go make friends. A gemmer cannot go north of Luirs, or mayby not even to Luirs. They cannot go to Red Storm (for extended periods of time), a gemmer is isolated -to- an unfriendly place, Allanak. I would think they would take friends where they can find them, even if they decide they have to kill them later on for whatever reason.

I would go so far as to say that the current gemmer situation in Allanak is just a phase that a minority of PCs are going through. I would bet that in a month or two things will be back to the normal. Meaning that there will be three gemmed pcs that don't talk to each other or anyone else, becuase these players are gluttons for punishment.

Touching on one point of AC's post... there are spells with other PC's benefit in mind, why would the gameworld be set up to make these spells useless? It wouldn't. To go in another direction, I would actually like to see that Whiran selling his spells for enough to scrape by, or the Vivaduan who trades water for food. As far as I can tell there is conflict in the docs that creates conflict between players over these topics. If everyone is so scarred of magickers, then who exactly are these Whirans selling their spells to? Where are the Rukkian scouts for small hunting parties or armies, however that guild doc paints that picture... etc. I think a line needs to be drawn, where though, I am not sure.
It matters not how strait the gate,
How charged with punishments the scroll,
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.

Someone being nice to a magicker snaps you out of your trance?  It's still happening in game.

That 'snapping out of trance' would be something your character probably finds jarring.  There -are- people who would be nice to magickers.  It is also so rare that most people would find it thoroughly strange.  Have your character let them know...somehow, whether it be an involuntary expression, a feeling of enmity, etc.  The idea?

-You- be the example to them.  If it's a newbish mistake, they'll gain the knowledge at how most people act.  If they have an actual IC reason, they may explain it, or somehow make it known to you that they know what's happening is strange, and if they don't care, they'll probably just talk shit back and you have an excuse to slug them :P
She wasn't doing a thing that I could see, except standing there leaning on the balcony railing, holding the universe together. --J.D. Salinger

I think what many players don't realize is the humanistic approach a "harsh" game like ArmageddonMUD requires.  You need to look at the other player's point of view and ask, "is this a fun environment for them too?"  No, I'm not saying we should all embrace one another and be kind, nor that I should worry if the person I just Pkilled is enjoying the fact that he just lost his character.  I'm talking about longterm interactions here between conflicting roles.  A role should be designed to be fun, not boring.

Snubbing spellcasters (in a city which offers them sanction) is all well and good, provided the spellcasters have something more to do than simply be snubbed or soloplay in a temple.  Believe it or not, but they're there to be used, and each has a service to offer.  You can argue this until you are blue in the face (and I probably shouldn't say that, knowing how longwinded some of these threads can get :roll:) but any Joe Shmoe can hire a mage, if (s)he really wants.  Sure, yeah, I know, maybe .. MAYBE the "average commoner" would be too afraid to and we should reserve the hiring of mages to a very specific set of people.  After a while you gotta just say "fuck that shit" and make the game a tad more playable.  Otherwise you got a lot of characters sitting around with naught to do and why?  Because we're being IC.  Serious dude.  Fuck that.  Are you joking?  If you got a problem because I'm chatting it up in a 'Naki tavern with some Rukkian in hopes of hiring him, well, I guess I don't know how to say this any more politely other than .. piss off.

I guess I miss the days when shit actually happened in game rather than everyone grunting and nodding at tables, doing the same old predictable restricted social crap.  I remember when Borsail actually used to go on slaving runs (REGULARLY, not once in a great blue moon); these days the ranks are setup in such a way that no one will ever a) have the authority and/or b) the playerbase required to stage such an event.  And I remember when templars in the city-states saw battle on a regular basis, instead of the usual jerking-off-at-a-table-for-hours routine and every once in a while getting involved in some nifty (or not so nifty) plot/RPT.  And as far as spellcasters go, I remember the T'zai Byn being paid to hunt down a sorcerer long ago, and do you know who they hired to take with them?  Me and my whiran ass 8).  These days it's like "Oh god no, can't do that!  We're supposed to hate magickers!  Run!  RUN!"  Okay, well I guess you all can go ahead and have fun hating and snubbing, sitting around and doing nothing.  But me?  I plan to see some shit happen in game.

Quote from: "Pantoufle"Snubbing spellcasters (in a city which offers them sanction) is all well and good, provided the spellcasters have something more to do than simply be snubbed or soloplay in a temple.  Believe it or not, but they're there to be used, and each has a service to offer.

If they are afraid of having nothing to do well, they shouldnt play a gemmed magicker. I'm all for designing roles in a way that are enjoyable, but please, lets keep them enjoyable in a realistic way. Personally, I dont play desert elves because I KNOW I would be bored. Simple as that. I wouldnt play a desert elf and then try to interact with half a dozen city people because I'm bored and the game is supposed to be fun. I havent played a gemmed magicker either, for similar reasons, but very much enjoyed my ungemmed one.

Please, dont pick roles that bore you and expect the world to bend around you and entertain you.

There's a place for gemmed and jobs and things going on available for them. The interaction is supposed to be hush-hush, no one would realistically want to be seen in public as buddy-buddy with a magicker. That doesnt mean that there could not be a lot of behind the doors action going on. In addition to all this, one clan is known to officially hire gemmed, and others who do so secretly.

I dont like how every Joe commoner all of a sudden doesnt mind sharing a drink with a Krathi, for example. It just looks REALLY odd. Arent your friends and family looking at you funny? Where is your virtual business partner pointing fingers and accusing you of being a magicker yourself? The templar starting to ask you unpleasant questions because you openly questioned an Elkran at the bar about what exactly it is they can do?

If you cant handle the realistic downsides of a role, dont play it. It really is that simple.


Quote from: "Akaramu"If they are afraid of having nothing to do well, they shouldnt play a gemmed magicker.

Bullshit bullshit bullshit. Every role comes with lengths of boredom. Do not ever attempt to discourage someone from trying out something new.

Quote from: "Akaramu"Please, dont pick roles that bore you and expect the world to bend around you and entertain you.

Where the hell did you get that from?

Quote from: "Akaramu"I dont like how every Joe commoner all of a sudden doesnt mind sharing a drink with a Krathi, for example. It just looks REALLY odd.

This looks odd -to you-. Perhaps their pc doesn't give a da-da-damn what you think, hrrm? I agree, it does not flow with the documentation. But so what? Let them have fun in their own way.

Quote from: "Akaramu"If you cant handle the realistic downsides of a role, dont play it. It really is that simple.

...See the first quote.

I thought the point here was how people were reacting to these magickers, not the people playing gemmed magickers themselves? I certainly don't see magickers asking the world to 'bend around them to entertain them'.  

I can agree with some of the points here, there is a little to much friendliness to magickers, elves, half-elves, ugly mutants...  But I don't necessarily think that the friendliness towards them has anything to do with a magicker being bored in their role.
Passion.... makes us brutal and sanguinary" -- Broome.

People need to start picking on people more often, period - elves, mutants, mages, half-elves, other scum of lifes.. but on the flip side, saying 'yo mamma' shouldn't mean a death sentence. Heh.

Sure, an argument or enemity between two people could eventually escalate to attempts on the others' life or at least physical violence, but I do think people let their characters get pushed to 'I AM <NAME> YOU HAVE INSULTED MY HONOR PREPARE TO DIE' a bit too quickly.

Maybe that's why people are afraid to start arguments and cause conflict? It's a vicious cycle. I give you all full permission to hate on my characters, if it helps!

There was a post someone made about sustainable conflict - it's one of the most rewarding and interesting things to RP out I have found, but unfortunately it also seems to be fairly rare in Arm.

Now, excuse me while I crawl off to get my coffee.

Ditto to Akaramu and Delirium. I will hold my tongue on this issue because I know it will

A> Piss people off
B> Make me look like a Big asshole and RP Policeman
Quote from: roughneck on October 13, 2018, 10:06:26 AM
Armageddon is best when it's actually harsh and brutal, not when we're only pretending that it is.

Not gonna respond to Forest Junkie because he just loves to flame me for some reason. Plenty of other players agree, enough said.

Quote from: "Lirs"I thought the point here was how people were reacting to these magickers, not the people playing gemmed magickers themselves? I certainly don't see magickers asking the world to 'bend around them to entertain them'.  

I can agree with some of the points here, there is a little to much friendliness to magickers, elves, half-elves, ugly mutants...  But I don't necessarily think that the friendliness towards them has anything to do with a magicker being bored in their role.

That portion of my post was directed at what Pantoufle wrote:

Quote from: "Pantoufle"After a while you gotta just say "fuck that shit" and make the game a tad more playable. Otherwise you got a lot of characters sitting around with naught to do and why? Because we're being IC.

Thats the viewpoint I disagreed with.

Akaramu...please, don't accuse of flaming unless you are sure.  I really don't think FJ was flaming you.

On topic, though, I agree that people don't show the proper prejudices enough in game...and when they do, everyone gets all huffy like they've never received such prejudice before in their life, but should have received it on a regular basis for some time.  This goes back to what Delirium said about people too quickly going into, "YOU HAVE INSULTED ME AND MUST DIE!" mode.  People that should show prejudices are probably scared of doing so for the reaction of those players that do this.

Perhaps more than just the people showing lack of prejudice needs to analyze their actions, hmm?
Quote from: MalifaxisWe need to listen to spawnloser.
Quote from: Reiterationspawnloser knows all

Quote from: SpoonA magicker is kind of like a mousetrap, the fear is the cheese. But this cheese has an AK47.

And furthermore!

(I really love saying that)

How do you know that you're avoiding a role that bores you, if you've never tried it? I don't understand that concept at all. "Don't play roles that bore you" - well um - all roles get boring from time to time. That's just a fact, Jack.

If you're referring to magicker roles being boring - how do you know they're more boring than others, if you refuse to try one? That doesn't make any sense at all.

I've played three magickers so far. One was awesome most of the time. One was really boring most of the time. One was kinda in the middle, but heavier on the "not boring" side.

Desert elves boring? Says who? And since when?

As for the topic at hand - there are some people with legitimate IC reasons to hob-nob with magickers. There are some without legit IC reasons. There are the occasional player who can't accept that this game is SUPPOSED to be harsh, and refuses to ever roleplay someone with any semblance of hostility toward anyone else. And there are some who are on the other end of the spectrum, who will play a character that most other characters will automatically be hostile toward, and not understand why everyone's being mean to them.

Such is the nature of muds. There exists no mud that I have ever experienced or tried out where everyone plays exactly as they "should." And how everyone "should" play is not your decision to make. Nor mine. That responsibility falls within the scope of the staff. If you see someone you think is fucking up royally, let the staff know, and RP however you think YOUR character should RP. And then deal with the consequences, for good or for bad.

Grumble all you like - but don't try telling me I'm not supposed to be nice to magickers. It is none of your business, unless you take the time to RP your character finding out why. And don't be disappointed if you never learn the answer.

Wow! Calm down.. Sheathe those axes!
Both sides are right. Gemmers should be teased, people should be afraid of gemmers. As I said, I hate when a char comes to my gemmer's table just for chatter.
There's an easy way to make newbies behave more RP-wise.. Act as they were people from outside, then whisper them the truth with your gemmer. I did it a few times.. A newbie who's trying to learn the commands says "hello" to me (with no capitals :) ) then it is easy to tell him the rules: "You're new in 'nak eh? Look.. This is a gem. I'm a gemmer.. Now please don't be afraid because I'll do nothing to you but I wield _magick_ (OOC: Maybe you can read about RP'ing magickers in main page docs.)"..
But magickers should have something to interact, too. Why not? The guild may hire Drovians. The Tor already hires Elkrans and Krathis. Kadius or Salarr may hire a Rukkian to assist his hunters. So people would still hate me as a gemmer, but they'll use me, too.
Why not?
quote="Ghost"]Despite the fact he is uglier than all of us, and he has a gay look attached to all over himself, and his being chubby (I love this word) Cenghiz still gets most of the girls in town. I have no damn idea how he does that.[/quote]

-I didnt say desert elves and gemmed magickers are boring. I said they would be boring to play for me personally. Maybe something awesome would happen and I'd enjoy them anyway, but chances are it would not, so I dont play them. I have reasons for knowing what I like or dont like to do in advance, and they work out well for me.

-I particularly didnt RP police particular people. I complained about the situation as a WHOLE, with almost every PC commoner that is active adding to it. I even mentioned cases I know of where it is IC. It doesnt bother me that those people do it. It bothers me that its pretty much everyone I see.

-I didnt try telling Bestatte anything, so for Krath's sake calm down.

-I didnt say it is my decision. I only said it bothers a large amount of current players. If it bothers a lot of people as opposed to one, something's wrong.

-I honestly play Armageddon because its the only place where people have, so far, acted realistically to the world and culture. I'm sure in time things in Allanak will turn back to normal, this whole thread was just supposed to be a wake-up call hoping to motivate more people to hate gemmed with their next PC concept.

And if it -doesn't- bother a lot of people, then maybe it's not nearly as "wrong" as you think.

Bear in mind that the people who post on this forum is not representative of the entire player base, comprising over 200 players (Sanvean once said she thought it was closer to 400 awhile back).

It's just a bunch of us with big mouths who enjoy debating and discussion.

If it truly was an issue, you'd see a lot more people posting here. Particularly more people who don't normally post but REALLY are riled up about it and need to say their peace.

If it truly is an issue - the best place to post this is in e-mail, to the staff, and not on the GDB. It is not our job to inspire players to hate magickers. In fact - I don't recall reading anywhere in the documentation that the general public of ALLANAK hates magickers. Tuluk, yes. Allanak, no. They don't trust them - they are suspicious of them - they fear them. But no, they don't hate them, in general. Some do, some don't, and there's absolutely no rule saying that the majority of PCs should approach all gemmed magickers with hostility.

That is your interpretation and your desire, but it certainly is not part of the game documentation and you'd be a lot better off just calming down and stop trying to impose your interpretation on everyone else with a "wake-up call" as you titled this thread.

Quoted from the Magicker FAQ:

"Magickers are hated and feared by the populace. This is a fact of life on Zalanthas."


1.   A biped, ungrateful.

Quote from: "Akramu"

Quote from: "Pantoufle"After a while you gotta just say "fuck that shit" and make the game a tad more playable. Otherwise you got a lot of characters sitting around with naught to do and why? Because we're being IC.

Thats the viewpoint I disagreed with.

I am in no way advocating we all blatantly disregard IC realism purely for playability.  It's one thing to prance down Commoner's Way singing "I love mages, I love mages!" and it's another to roleplay discretion and wariness while still interacting.  What I am saying is this.

I find on many occasions various characters throughout the game refusing to roleplay with one another or in any way involving themselves simply because it is IC for them to do so.  Let me tell you something, a snotty, high-ranking Nenyuki agent could find a reason to shoot the shit with a Rinth elf if (s)he really used his head.  Besides, you needn't be involved directly.  Sadly for many people, because it's "IC" for them not to talk to you, you essentially do not exist in any way shape or form.  Might as well be playing a different MUD.  Let me expound on this a bit...

Let's say, for the sake of argument, that the overall concept for half-elves was that they are all loners who shun other people at all costs.  Now let's also say that 9 characters out of 10 in game were half-elf, for whatever reason.  I don't care how "IC" you tell me they may be acting, watching 5 PCs sit around at separate tables in a tavern, all refusing to speak to the other (because it's IC) is boring with a capital B.

It's simple.  A magicker in Tuluk is toast.  A magicker in Allanak is a tool that people should and will use.  Deal with it.

Newbies are going to be magicker friendly in the beginning.  You're just going to have to get used to that real quick, or else you'll see this topic posted on the GDB again and again and again (well, I guess that's already happening).

Interesting. That is on a page titled "Magick Roleplay" in the Roleplay docs. I guess the reason I never knew it existed - was because I never had any need to look for how to roleplay a magicker. When I played one I asked a couple of helpers and read the easier to find docs about what the class entailed. I'm guessing I'm not the only one...since it doesn't say "Roleplaying WITH magickers" - it says "Magick Roleplay" as in - how to roleplay if you ARE a magicker.

I stand corrected - too bad there's no search engine to look for that kinda stuff. It isn't in the help files, or anywhere else I could find. All I saw was that Allanak made good use of magickers, and that Vivaduans are valued citizens because they can provide water, and Rukkians are valued because they make great guides outside the city, etc. etc. etc.