Damn those imms!

Started by The Lonely Hunter, June 12, 2004, 07:29:47 PM

I was reading reviews for varius MUDs at diffrent sites and the majority get bad comments for their staff. Sure, even Armageddon has had some negative reviews but they are not nearly as numerous as some of the others I've read about.
I've been here a few years now and I realized that I have never had any problems with the staff here and they always seem helpful and curtious. I think I've 'butted heads' with one staff member about a year or so ago but it was minor. I am very greatful to have such a great team of staff working on Armageddon, thanks guys and gals.

Not only the staff got bashed in the reviews for the other games but the players did as well. Our players here at Armageddon are the best of the best for this genre of game. You won't find better RPers anywhere out there and beleave me, I've looked.
So, thanks to all you players out there to. You guys make the game seem like so much more then just that. You make the world come alive in ways that can only be rivaled by table-top and I am very greatful.

So, to sum it up...
Thanks to all you staff and players of Armageddon. You are the best of the best! Thanks for the years of fun!
"People survive by climbing over anyone who gets in their way, by cheating, stealing, killing, swindling, or otherwise taking advantage of others."

"Don't do this. I can't believe I have to write this post."

Since I just got an IM calling me a kiss ass from someone I don't know who then logged off or blocked me, I thought I would comment here.

No, I am not kissing ass for karma or anything else. I am just expression my feelings and honest apreciation. There is nothing I could gain by kissing ass except maybe a stained nose and bad breath ;)
"People survive by climbing over anyone who gets in their way, by cheating, stealing, killing, swindling, or otherwise taking advantage of others."

"Don't do this. I can't believe I have to write this post."

Yeah Mister Kiss ass, it really disgusts me when people like you make not only the hard work of the staff but the efforts of the players appriciated. Why don't you take the selfless light hearted shit somewhere where we can't enjoy it and add our own piece of gratefulness to the pile eh? Posts like this are bloody ridiculous, I hope we never congratulate the staff on all the time they put into this again, hopefully if we band together we can really teach those that work hard for everyone a lesson about how worthless they are.
A single death is a tragedy, a million deaths is a statistic.  Zalanthas is Armageddon.

Hey guys, get with the program, it isn't cool to post concerning the Imms or other players unless you have a complaint! I've gotten called an ass kisser before just because I praised the Imms too. That won't prevent me from doing so in the future though, I think expressing genuine appreciation and thanks for the time the Imms put into providing a free source of entertainment is a good thing. I don't understand the mindset that brings people to jump on someone just because they have a nice thing to say about the staff. Put yourselves in their position, wouldn't you like to be thanked for the efforts you put into volunteering for nothing in return?

I've been on the other side of the fence and it can get disheartening over time because usually the negative things are heard more often than the positive. A little bit of praise goes a long way.

Selfish assholes note:If you must, think of it this way, the happier the Imms are the more motivated they are and in turn the more mud content they produce for you like good trained monkeys shackled to their keyboards!  :twisted:

Quote from: "Werd"Put yourselves in their position, wouldn't you like to be thanked for the efforts you put into volunteering for nothing in return?
If they didn't get anything in return, they wouldn't be imms.

Same with players. If you didn't get anything in return for playing, you would not be playing.

I could write a post a novel long, but according to Nessalin I'll be able to special app and get special positions again if I don't post anything bad about staff.
"We pay for and maintain the GDB for players of ArmageddonMUD, seeing as
how you no longer play we would prefer it if you not post anymore.

-the Shade of Nessalin"


I didn't wan't to start a whole new post just to kiss arse, but I would like to say that Nidhogg is a really nice immortal. She/He animated an npc even though I was the only PC around to enjoy it; no requests were even made for the animation, and I think that's really great.

Oh umm...I better kiss some ass as well, I WANT KARMA!


I'd like to thank all the imms that answer my wishes...I'll wish up thinking something shouldn't be the way it is, they then correct me, and give me a reason it should be that way. Kinda made me feel stupid, but at least I knew the right thing for the roleplay I do afterwards.
Crackageddon.... once an addict, always an addict

The humble TLH is a riot to play with too, so coming from you, thanks for the kind words.
color=darkred][size=9]Complaints of unfairness on the part of
other players will not be given an audience.
If you think another character was mean
to you, you're most likely right.[/color][/size]

I say thanks for the unexpected little things that add flavor to the gameplay for us, such as room echos, impromptu kank animations, and other things that don't "need" to be done - the fact that you find time to do those on top of all the other demands that staffing makes on you speaks on its own.

As for "sucking up", I really don't see why it's such a big deal to say thank you every now and then. It's easy to forget how thankLESS and stressful staffing can be, from a player perspective.

I dunno, some of you are idiots. I think the imms are jerks some times, but they don't get payed to do this! I dont think they sghould be praised or insulted. So this is a waste of time, and if I hadnt drinken 3 cups of expreesso before hand :shock: with nothing to do, I would,t have writtin this.
iNg oF tHe SqUiD
WoRsHiP Me UnDeRlInGs!

I'm going to ping in on this with a more positive note.  I do think the IMM's get payed for doing this.  Not in money, but in the satisfaction of a well executed game.  The joy of seeing people excited and thrilled with what they have accomplished.  Thier bonues are when people say thanks.  If it wasn't for IMM's this game would pale in comparision to what we have now.   I have personally been amazed at the level of involvement and comitment they have shown.  I do not in any way consider this sucking up, just a statement of the facts as I see them.  I have nothing to gain.  I don't care to play the karma roles, or to special app anything for quite some time, as I still have a lot to learn.  I do have something to lose however by not letting them know I appreciate thier work.  I stand to lose the potential this place could achive if the IMM's get discouraged and disinterested.  Keep up the good work.

-- my 2 sids.
Quote from: "The Philosopher Jagger"You can't always get what you want.

What can they complain about?
Ah.. "my character always dies!"
'the people IG are evil and will kill you if they had a chance!"
Those sound good to me :D :twisted:
l armageddon รจ la mia aggiunta.

Heh heh

would it seem that you people bashing the "ass kissers" as you call them, are not canadian.

Err... now my 2 cents worth

umm thank you for letting me do stuff and other stuff too. It was fun.

ne man can make the world tremble, or in this case four?

The staff should be kissing our asses.  If we didn't play, they'd have no mortals to police.
quote="mansa"]emote pees in your bum[/quote]