On the price of T&A...

Started by Jacques, May 26, 2004, 08:58:34 AM

Quote from: "Agent_137"
But then, saying that your usually in the barrel drinking, to me that's ok. It's no worse than clanners making appointment times ooc.

Krath, i just derailed this thread, didn't i? forget i ever said this.

Well Im glad not everyone is so anal and bitchy about it! Besides I never said who my character was anyway....this is agame right? you know we are supposed to be having FUN......lighten up people please!

Quote from: "NewGirlJasmine"
Quote from: "Agent_137"
But then, saying that your usually in the barrel drinking, to me that's ok. It's no worse than clanners making appointment times ooc.

Krath, i just derailed this thread, didn't i? forget i ever said this.

Well Im glad not everyone is so anal and bitchy about it! Besides I never said who my character was anyway....this is agame right? you know we are supposed to be having FUN......lighten up people please!

Oh c'mon - everyone who has any knowledge of some atrium chick who didn't bow fast enough for a Borsail lady now knows that you are that chick's player. Personally - I don't give a damn who plays who, as long as they RP consistent to their character's personality, and keep IC info off the GDB. So now - I, who -might- be some abusive twink playing a southern sneaky assassin type, can easily take this info, go to the Borsail noble chick, claim "word got around" about someone who was annoying her, and offer my assassin services at a low low price.

And your character could end up getting whacked - all because you decided to post this IC info on the GDB.

Fortunately for you, MOST players of this game won't abuse this kind of info. Fortunately for you, even if I -was- the type to do so, my character isn't a sneaky assassin type who would give two shits about Borsail or the Atrium. But there are some players who haven't grasped the notion yet - and you just advertised, right here on the GDB, that an Atrium commoner pissed off a Borsail noble. This can cause all kinds of interesting things in-game as a result of your spilling the beans to other players OOCly.

This is why, on the very top of every single page of this GDB, no matter where you click - it reads - in big bold print: no IC-sensitive info.

That doesn't mean - no IC-sensitive info unless you don't care who knows who you play, or no IC-sensitive info except this one thing because you don't think it's important.
ugar and Spice

Quote from: "NewGirlJasmine"
Quote from: "Agent_137"
But then, saying that your usually in the barrel drinking, to me that's ok. It's no worse than clanners making appointment times ooc.

Krath, i just derailed this thread, didn't i? forget i ever said this.

Well Im glad not everyone is so anal and bitchy about it! Besides I never said who my character was anyway....this is agame right? you know we are supposed to be having FUN......lighten up people please!

I intended to come off as a casual and friendly reccomendation, not anal and bitchy...i figured it'd be clear by the big -green- happy face, but w/e.

I'm one of the less anal and bitchy people on this board. If you think that was bad. . . get ready. :O

Yeah, be grateful that Carnage and I didn't get into an argument over this topic...maybe because everyone's advice to the new chick has been pretty good.
Quote from: MalifaxisWe need to listen to spawnloser.
Quote from: Reiterationspawnloser knows all

Quote from: SpoonA magicker is kind of like a mousetrap, the fear is the cheese. But this cheese has an AK47.

Agent +  :mrgreen: = Don't get pissed off, he's not being very serious.

Quote from: "Bardex"

And your character could end up getting whacked - all because you decided to post this IC info on the GDB.

Then there's people who will just IC whack your IC character for the OC reason that they now know that you're the OC girl posting IC on the OC boards.

EDIT: That said....When you're thinking of giving out ic info, think about how you can ruin a player's experience. I don't want to know who you are OC, when I'm playing my character. It significantly reduces my experience. So plz, keep it to yourself.
If you gaze for long enough into the abyss, the abyss gazes also into you.
