
Started by darksheep, February 07, 2004, 11:04:23 PM

So why is there no metal on Zalanthas? I understand that it's a game concept and I think it adds alot to the world, but why? The absence of water is explained by the life sucking done by the dragon and his minions, but what about metal? Wouldn't a planet like Zalanthas have to have been composed of some amount of metal at some point?

[edit] Wasn't thinking too much when I posted; why is there so little metal?

There is metal, I know for a fact icly. If you want to find out so bad and stuff, find out ic. It would be a pretty fun thing to accomplish if you play your cards right.

Think of it as an RL concept. Usually, you don't find the shit lying atop the ground.

You have to work for it; as in, do what you would do in the real world. =)

Woops, posted this in the wrong post, sorry.. This one is edited.

Zalanthas is not Earth. Zalanthas may be a flat square of land floating in a pool of lava for all you know!

Keep in mind the known world we play on (as called the known world) Is actually a very small part of the entire planet.  We very well could be in the only desert there and the rest could all be lush and green.  Heh, wouldn't that suck... Or a flowing lake of lava.  As far as the metal question goes, or even water for that matter bare this in mind...

Your char, nor their parents, ever saw the world any differently, therefore would they question the absence of metal?  Or water? No.  They're not from earth, they wouldn't question it any more than we question the rarity of saffron.

QuoteThey're not from earth, they wouldn't question it any more than we question the rarity of saffron.

Speak for yourself.
musashi: It's also been argued that jesus was a fictional storybook character.

Yes, the known world is like the middle east on earth.. Very sandy, some green northern wise.

we live close to a known sea.. that is very salty.. or silty..
Ok.. this is scaring me, I quit.
Quote from: Cutthroat on September 30, 2008, 10:15:55 PM
> forage artifacts

You find a rusty, armed landmine and pick it up.

Because its a corn-producing plant (or the dried aromatic stigmas thereof)... and I don't think corn exists in Zalanthas.

Quote from: "John"Why is saffron rare?

I hope it will help. And I love saffron-rice!

And I hope your question were OOCly... :lol:
Do you know what you're doing, man?"
"Why should that stop me?"

as for saffron on Terra, you have to do most of the work with it by hand, making it even more expensive.

as for metal on Zalanthas, with the technology, there are only about two ways to get metal:
1. Stumble upon an exposed vein.
2. Talk to an earth elementalist about it.

Now, once you have some raw metal, you'll have to extract it from its ore, which requires astounding heat. and furnaces. With so very few trees and wood not so cheap, you'd need a fire elementalist, really. As for working it, you'd probably need another elementalist for that...maybe earth and water could do something with it. Dunno. But the tech isn't there, and never will be there. The magic....might just do the trick.

*Disclaimer: I'm a total n00b to armageddon, I've never played a mage, all this is speculation based on logic and much reading of the docs and message boards.

P.S. If you're really interested in metals and why there's few on zalanthas, look at the history of human development, when the first metal age arose, and how the first humans got ahold of the first metals.

Metal is on Zalanthas. It's rare, but people have had metal weapons. Hell, step outside Allanak. That giant statue of a dragon?

It's made of steel.
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