Brewing feedback

Started by strangeloop, August 11, 2024, 04:00:06 PM

August 11, 2024, 04:00:06 PM Last Edit: August 11, 2024, 10:17:00 PM by strangeloop
I'm not sure if this is the right place, please move if there is a better one.

The bit about hand waving away fermentation is understandable, however I think there could be an opportunity for long duration fermenting to drive more Social gameplay.

You could potentially need stills and such in a warehouse that have a coded timer on them.

Putting player goods (investment) into the world to be potentially interacted with (stolen, poisoned, etc) means players would have a thing they need to "defend" and would drive organizing around.

There could potentially be player run breweries and wineries that create a new time share economy. You could also consider having some of the great houses get in on this aspect of the economy, driving rivalry related gameplay.

Food for thought.

+1. Waving away fermentation timers is dope. But it should also be rewarded to long-ferment/age something.

Could be that Zalanthian yeast is on fucking roids and it eats up all that sugar in a super hot fermentation of a few in game hours. (one of the fastest yeasts known to the modern world is kveik and its fast because it runs hot and its acclimated to heat, so it could even be plausible in Zalanthas).

But because its so fast it makes the initial product taste very rough, lower quality but serviceable even for player-ran taverns.

Then make it so the longer its aged, the better quality. It also opens up brewing houses such as Oash to have a reason to keep their recipes super secret, some noble yeast strain that requires super fancy conditions or something and is slower but makes the stuff taste unass'y.

Its a LOT of heavy lifting for staff, but might be worth it in the long haul.
The man puts his tongued, grotesque, translucent groin rig on over his eyes.

I don't think fermentation needs to be modeled since it really is a quick process IRL, days. I'd be down for distillation to be modeled, as well as aging of wine/beer and spirits. But the only way to really model those things without new code is interim steps. I like interim steps but maybe not all players do.
Quote from: Vanth on February 13, 2008, 05:27:50 PM
I'm gonna go all Gimfalisette on you guys and lay down some numbers.

To clarify, I am for these additions with or without the suggested long timers. A nice way to approach this interim step is with Jarvis' suggestion of allow instant crafting of liquor but make the quality low so you can backfill in aged recipes later.

Having something you need to defend in a game where people go offline to live their lives is not as good as it sounds.  Offline raids are no fun for anyone even the raider.  Guard duty is also boring if there's no attack. So you're left with this defense either being PC vs npc guards and staff, or PC guards vs npc raiders and staff.  Which would be cool for kurac and oash but not indies and player clans.

That's true! But most MMO's handle this via aggression timers. Scope is creeping up quite a bit here but something to chew on as the seasons develop as a means to create meaningful micro-RPT things that sort of run themselves.

I wonder if one way to go about it might be to manipulate the rarity of the ingredients, rather than make fermentation and aging more realistic.

For example, maybe the berries for your special brew are tied into the SimDesert, and only grow in Gol Krathu during Low Sun. Maybe the wheat for your brewskis only grows in Red Storm East during storm season. Lord Oash's special award-winning vintage would be easy to brew at any time, if didn't require the woody undertones of mekillot musk during rutting season.

That sort of thing.

I like the idea of there being a reward for some types of alcohol that is kept or maintained in ideal environments in game, but I also think the idea that it has to sit around in a still or whatever and be attended to slowly probably makes for more trouble than reasonable. It sort of harkens back to why leathers don't need to be made in the way we actually make leathers. It's not just scrape a hide and then an hour later you're good. We've always known this, but it isn't great to have to put an object down, and leave it for real life days to become what you want.

Besides, I believe the idea of the future "mastercraft" of brewing essentially handles an "expert" liquor, and has the imagined time constraints. Because if you think about it, for that one specific cask, you (may) have treated specially and kept on shelf for longer and so on, it will be unique and better than the others. Like producing a unique food, but you can only make it once a year or whatever (to the RL restrictions of master crafting a unique object).

That's just my idea and thoughts on it, though. I haven't messed with the new brewing. :)