Backstab and Sap in an age of mdesc hiding EQ

Started by Dresan, July 19, 2024, 12:52:51 PM

What if we had a new field: "masked mdesc" that was your mdesc when masked and shared some things that would be visible when fully covered and trying to hide your identity. But it would be written separately from your mdesc so people can't just match them up.  But they would be able to see a difference between masked people.

Otherwise I just don't see mdesc hiding being better than status quo. And I also don't see how a coded system would work if it was splitting up mdesc into parts. You'd cover your face but people can still see your unique other bits and match you up.   

Another code approach might be adding a delay, interruptibitly, and echo to looking at a masked person before you can get their full mdesc. Of course then people who do it will have carte Blanche to recognize you where at least now it's bad RP.

I dunno as someone who tries to be good about not seeing through face wraps and hoods, and who hasn't played enough naughty roles to be unfairly identified... it's hard to see a problem with the status quo.  We're all friends now playing fair right? I'm sure my attitude would change if my mdesc got posted after a single naughty thing in full covering gear. But it hasn't. And I hope that hasn't happened this season and won't.