Some initial feedback about camping skill

Started by Dresan, June 30, 2024, 12:55:32 PM

June 30, 2024, 12:55:32 PM Last Edit: June 30, 2024, 01:12:25 PM by Dresan
Its overall a good addition to the game, I really love the fact that different environments have different camp messages.  Kudos for that.

Having had a chance to play around with this here are some initial thoughts:

1. I think there should be a stamina cost to making camp. At the moment you can just make and break camp until you get a decent result.
2. The delay to making camp should increase just a longer and should probably require having free hands. This will enforce the need to scout areas and add a small element of risk when preparing camps.
3. There should be a character limit to one camp at the most. At the moment it seems like you can make camps side by side. When you create a second camp the other should disappear. This limit could be increase to 2 with master skill.

Some additional considerations:

With exception to providing improved regen rates to animals, the skill feels subpar to tents in a couple respects. The most important thing this skill should be doing is providing protection from harsh storm, and giving a group the room-only visibility to RP but it doesn't do that.

I also recommend the skill work to enhance other camping gear such as tents by providing additional measure of protection. Regular tents would get +camo flag while camo tents would only be seen if someone enters the room. The same should be done with the distance visibility of resting mount, giving them a +camp flag within camps. Also please consider making camp rooms give a +stealth wilderness bonus, this would give camps a nice tactical advantage especially now with increased dangers in the desert.

Finally, this is somewhat minor but the lack environment appropriate places to sit is jarring to me, whether that be log or rocks would be nice to have a place for couple people to sit on, even if these only appear with higher skill levels.

I agree with some of this, from my own experience. The camp should never trump a tent, cause well, its a free skill, and tents are expensive for a reason. I agree to limits in a single area, and would force a large group to spread out, also tents, and items should enhance the camp, or each other. Campfires and seats would be an amazing QoL addition as well.

>  room-only visibility to RP

OMG yes please i'd care about making camps just for this, no other benefits

Camps should be worse than tents. Tents are heavy and expensive, you should be rewarded for carrying them around, that's my take. Although I do think a tent should compliment a camp, adding some sort of bonus.
I make up for the tiny in-game character limit by writing walls of text here.

June 30, 2024, 02:53:00 PM #4 Last Edit: June 30, 2024, 02:58:21 PM by Dresan
Quote from: Kavrick on June 30, 2024, 02:29:09 PMCamps should be worse than tents. Tents are heavy and expensive,

It is probably a separate thread on how cheap some stuff is being sold, even after taking into account the fact that cost is relative, and some class/subclasses can make a lot of coins.

But camo tent is a often a one time cost that I've seen being sold cheaper than some decent weapons. Also some of the tents do weigh less than two handed weapons in some cases and can be carried on mounts.  However, even if the price increased to ten times its current cost and was twice as heavy, it still shouldn't match the value of class/subclass limited skill.

That said, camps should not negate tents, but enhance their value. 

Quote from: Dresan on June 30, 2024, 02:53:00 PMIt is probably a separate thread on how cheap some stuff is being sold, even after taking into account the fact that cost is relative, and some class/subclasses can make a lot of coins.

But camo tent is a often a one time cost that I've seen being sold cheaper than some decent weapons. Also some of the tents do weigh less than two handed weapons in some cases and can be carried on mounts.  However, even if the price increased to ten times its current cost and was twice as heavy, it still shouldn't match the value of class/subclass limited skill.

I just personally don't like the idea of taking away one features just to give it to another feature. Keep in mind that camping allows delves to have camps without worrying about how heavy tents are, especially considering they don't use mounts. You can say it's easy, but another thing I want to point out is that I don't think the game should be balanced around the people who are really good at the game. I'm personally pretty great at wilderness play but that doesn't mean I think things should be changed around my experiences. Newer players or more casual players might struggle with managing the weight of a tent or earning the coin for it.

Also, I've had plenty of my tents destroyed, so I wouldn't say that it's a one-time purchase. Mobs insta-destroy tents when they enter your room.
I make up for the tiny in-game character limit by writing walls of text here.

June 30, 2024, 03:31:16 PM #6 Last Edit: June 30, 2024, 03:47:32 PM by Dresan
Quote from: Kavrick on June 30, 2024, 03:05:05 PM...

I disagree with most of what you said there.

I prefer the idea meaningful choice. Lets not forget that earning coin is easier when choosing a crafter class/subclass .  Also while city elves and desert elves can't ride mounts, they can still hitch animals and have them carry the tents, logs or whatever else. Assuming they can't find a light enough tent to carry which is doable with even with modest elven strength.

Again I don't think a change to tents is being suggested, but rather that a class/subclass limited skill is mostly being made moot by something anyone can purchase and use. 

The primary purpose for creating the skill was so that someone with the skill could provide a Quit-safe room for others in the wilderness.  The secondary purpose is the regen bonuses.  That's not to say all the other suggestions aren't good ones, I just think it's important to remember why it was made.

I started this thread where I first talked about this pre-opening, but I do intend to iterate on this a good bit, I just haven't had time.  These are cool ideas.
"I agree with Halaster"  -- Riev

Quote from: Halaster on July 01, 2024, 09:30:21 AMI started this thread where I first talked about this pre-opening, but I do intend to iterate on this a good bit, I just haven't had time.  These are cool ideas.

I use this skill all the time. And I really, really like its usefulness - mostly for taking other people out into the wilderness, because the people that get it already can quit in the wilderness, but providing a quitsafe room for everybody with you is just outstanding. I'd love to see a way to improve the regen rates, but honestly, if you never touch this skill again, I'll still use the hell out of it for what it does.