Am I Weird?

Started by DustMight, December 24, 2022, 05:26:05 PM

Hugely weird.

Three of my better friends from college and high school still play, and between the four of us, we have 76 years played, not counting gaps.

Am I the only one with a T-Shirt?
28 years

Quote from: Kronibas on December 28, 2022, 11:01:25 AM
the four of us, we have 76 years played, not counting gaps.

reminds me of the sleazy sales pitches we did for hunting new clients  :D

I started playing in 2003.  I wouldn't say I'm as old as dirt as some of you have said.  More like a fine wine.  ;D

Quote from: Brisket on December 26, 2022, 10:14:59 PM

you play a text game where we pretend to be mighty desert warriors and thieving elves in tyool 2022 - we're all weird, my man.

Also, several of us are similarly aged.

I love this.

Quote from: Olafson on December 27, 2022, 09:58:16 AM
Some of us have been around for 30 years pretty consistently and taught certain members (maybe one member) 25 years ago.  Some of our kids make fun of them for playing a text based game and don't understand that some of us will probably play well into retirement (which some of us are getting close to, imagine how much they'll play then!) as long as Arm keeps going.

Is this someone weird?  You bet and have been for thirty years, ,and maybe another thirty more?  Keep it coming!

<3 I remember you.

We are all weird, my friend. But welcome back, the game is in a very good state right now.

Quote from: Olafson on December 27, 2022, 09:58:16 AM
Some of us have been around for 30 years pretty consistently and taught certain members (maybe one member) 25 years ago.  Some of our kids make fun of them for playing a text based game and don't understand that some of us will probably play well into retirement (which some of us are getting close to, imagine how much they'll play then!) as long as Arm keeps going.

Is this someone weird?  You bet and have been for thirty years, ,and maybe another thirty more?  Keep it coming!

Holy Shit.... Van-Olafson!?  The myth, The legend... The man responsible for single handedly feeding our young impressionable souls to Ginka all the way back in.. what, 96? 

(smirks his way into a wry grin) 

Bless your heart Teach, Truly.  I've [we've] never come across another game worth playing -Basically Consistently- for 27 solid years!

Let that be a warning to all you new freshmen weirdos.. Buckle up!
The glowing Nessalin Nebula flickers eternally overhead.
This Angers The Shade of Nessalin.

Quote from: burble on December 28, 2022, 02:04:29 PM
Am I the only one with a T-Shirt?
28 years
I did a secret santa a decade ago and someone sent me a Team Allanak T-shirt for it.
"This is a game that has elves and magick, stop trying to make it realistic, you can't have them both in the same place."

"We have over 100 Unique Logins a week!" Checks who at 8pm EST, finds 20 other players but himself.  "Thanks Unique Logins!"