All Kings and Queens die, but how do they live?

Started by Shabago, October 24, 2022, 11:48:56 AM

My Lord/Lady, we have your seat prepared

We understand there is much to do and little time to do it. Your people are hungry and injured after the battle, but you have lead us through well as ever. How shall we proceed, My Lord/Lady? Do you wish to crack down on those in your realm with new laws to avoid protest and cull the weak so we strong remain so?

Will you instead desire to focus on repairing our home to your specifications and take the diplomatic route to feed your people and supply the labor?

We trust in your leadership, my Lord/Lady. Do not let lead us astray. Your enemies are many and they wish to take over this would-be new kingdom from you. Always question friend and foe to avoid betrayal. We will help guide and advise you in these matters, of course.

Nessalin: At night, I stand there and watch you sleep.  With a hammer in one hand and a candy cane in the other.  Judging.

So you want to be the new Sand Lord?!

"I don't feel like I can accomplish anything in Zalanthas."
"The glass ceiling is too low."
"The world doesn't change enough."
"Things are stagnant for player stories."

Does any of this sound familiar? Do you wish you had the power to change this? Maybe you just wish you could just make others bow to you!

Now you can!
After various staff side discussions, we're looking to have a pilot project where player(s) not only get to run an area as their own, but function as it's own Sand Lord/Lady. Institute laws that you and yours can enforce. Make your own taxes. Make your own trade deals. Build up and defend your town!

Want to have friends and or soldier types patrolling the streets that will beat the hell out of anything that messes with you? Done.
Want to build yourself a miniature hole in the wall tavern? Do it.
Want some archer nests set up to rain death down on pesky critters or people if they come to attack you? Build it.

You, are the Lord/Lady of the Mul Outpost. Welcome!

The Rules

- Any building projects will require thematic or RP'd effort to gather materials, and function as a custom-craft submission (1 per month) whether crafter or not and only by the LEADER of whatever group holds power. Get a consensus before hand.

- There will not be locked gates to prevent people from getting in or out of the area. Ever. We have zero interest in having this be an impenetrable fortress. Both in the thematic sense like Tuluk gates being ever open (save threat), you are expected to secure your own things.

- You CAN recruit people to your growing city. This can be with PCs, NPCs, Vnpcs. But you will need to account for how they're being housed, fed, work, etc.

- Remember that the Outpost (or if you haven't been there yet IC) is relatively small in nature. You will need to chose what you build carefully. You will run out of space.

- The Outpost will not expand outward. Consider its walls the same as Allanak's. Everything contained within.

- If you die, you die. You should really have a second in command. The "assisting clan" will take over in the event there is not and look for a new ruler.

- A group on group battle for ownership will be arranged through RPT and staff communication. Failure to show up and defend will fall into one of the following categories.
1) Time zone conflict. If this can not be overcome within an RL week or two from attacker/defender on a mutual time arranged through staff, staff will need make a judgement call based off of gathered numbers and resources. Should a successful attack be pulled off due to this, you will been considered fled from the city as the attack came (trans'd next log in)
2) Failure of communication/awol/not wishing to participate in said battle and/or so on, is an automatic defeat.
3) Extended RL circumstance - Have a second in command that will need to defend on your behalf. Failure of a second command is defeat.

- Others as applicable.

Remember this is a pilot project, and thus, may expand based upon success of it.

There will be a supporting GDB forum for this, with posted rules.

In one weeks time, I will open a role call for this that *includes* existing PCs, rather than strictly new applications for consideration. The week delay between now and then is for a general discussion thread to be open and further feedback, suggestions, rule updates/additions to be hashed out or made more clear.
Nessalin: At night, I stand there and watch you sleep.  With a hammer in one hand and a candy cane in the other.  Judging.

Role call now open for one week. As mentioned previously, this can be existing or new PC.

Additional details can be found here:,58555.0.html

Looking forward to seeing who applies!
Nessalin: At night, I stand there and watch you sleep.  With a hammer in one hand and a candy cane in the other.  Judging.

Reminder this closes tomorrow.
Nessalin: At night, I stand there and watch you sleep.  With a hammer in one hand and a candy cane in the other.  Judging.

Closed in roughly 5 1/2 hours. Those who submitted can expect replies pre-weekend. Thanks to each of you who have, and I look forward to working with you.
Nessalin: At night, I stand there and watch you sleep.  With a hammer in one hand and a candy cane in the other.  Judging.