Spice in 'Nak

Started by FiveDisgruntledMonkeysWit, November 19, 2003, 09:22:23 PM

I've always wondered how your average 'Nakki would react to a roll of spice, assuming that they've lived within Allanak and adhered to the anti-spice laws religously (because, keep in mind, there is little difference between law and religion in Allanak).

The first issue to tackle is just -how- common is spice in Allanak. Hard-coded spice is, in my experience, pretty rare in the Common Quarter, which is good in my experience. Having commoners rolling joints with VNPC militiamen and templars peeking over their shoulders just screams bad RP, in my opinion, so I'm happy I don't see many people smoking up in the Barrel. I've never played in the 'Rinth, and considering it's seedy nature, I'd imagine a good deal of drug dealing takes place up there, but I think spice would still be relatively rare there.

However, I could be wrong. Maybe the streets of Allanak is riddled with shady spice dealers with a flock militia men and furious templars chasing after them. I'm not sure which makes more sense ICly... Very few PC and VNPC drug dealers, or enough to support the VNPC addicts?

Strongly tied to the issue of just -how- common spice is in 'Nak is how your average commoner would react to it. Personally, I've always thought that a 'Nakki loyalist would react to spice as if it was defiling or kank-raping, an evil that the Highlord Tektolnes was wise enough to rid Allanak of. Now, this probably doesn't mean your character would go on a scimitar-wielding rampage through the nearest spice den, but it would mean that you character would probably turn up his nose when offered spice, possibly even be horrified at the notion.

However, I'm certainly open to other ideas on this. I'm pretty sure that in the docs it mentions that spice trade still continues within Allanak, and that a good fraction of the nobility enjoys the occasional fatty. Perhaps spice is a sign of the rich, just like a fine silk robe or a mul slave? But still, even this does not neccasarily mean every commoner in 'Nak would accept spice when offered. I mean, how would you react if some one walked up to you and tried to hand you a steel dagger or a Borsail-bred champion gladiator? You might think that such a luxury was too good for you, you might fear a trap, you might fear getting mugged by the jealous later on, you might smoke up, but then become ultra-paranoid as you re-enter proper, hard-working 'Nakki society with spice-saturated clothing... Any number of things.

There's a few other considerations for would-be 'Nakki spicers. Would some one who has never seen spice before even know what to do with it? Know what to do with a pipe? Wouldn't they naturally cough and sputter? Wouldn't they not know what types of spice do what?

What are your opinons on these issues... I'm hardly convinced my own are right, and I'd like to encourage people to think a little bit more before having their born-'n-raised 'Nakki trot off to smoke some spice while they're out of town.
EvilRoeSlade wrote:
QuoteYou find a bulbous root sac and pick it up.
You shout, in sirihish:
QuoteA staff member sends:
     "You are likely dead."

The problem with spice trade in Allanak is that there isn't much of it, at least with PC commoners.  Back in the day nobles used to be another story, but I am not sure how they fair now.  I recall playing a militia member who had to search a noble's estate for something and helping myself to some illegal treats.  I could barely walk by the time I finished my 'search'.

Some people have tried to discreetly trade spice, but as far as I know it general lasts until they make their first sale, at which point a templar nabs them.  People will turn you in on the drop of a hat.  There are too many people who want a templars favor and not enough true addicts to survive long if you ever step out of the 'rinth.  Now, how realistic is this?  I personally think it would be a little easier then it is.  The problem is that if you are trading spice in Allanak, you are the only game in town, and so you are probably the only target in town.  If you really want a coherent spice trade in 'nak, I think it would be up to Kurac.  Of course, Kurac might have a coherent (no virtual) spice trade in Allanak and I just don't know about it.  Kurac is without a doubt one of those clans where even though you might not see it, doesn't mean it isn't there.

My personal opinion is that while spice would be frowned upon in the commons, it would be something that happens.  It would be treated like a hard drug perhaps, but I could see people doing it regardless.  Spice is addictive, and all culture find a way to get their addictive fix regardless of how scary the law is.  I think that it is just such a small population in a class of people that players rarely play, and so remains virtual instead of supported by PC drug dealers.  That is not to say that you can't pay the right people for the stuff, just that I don't think anyone is getting rich selling just spice to PCs.

There are echos in some very popular spots, regarding 'spice'.  I think most people know -of- it, and at least half might recognize the smell of it.

Propaganda regarding spice is probably like it is in North America.  It's bad.  It causes you to kill people.  Everybody in the 'rinth are spice addicts, and sell their own families to get their next hit.
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Quote from: Morgenes on April 01, 2011, 10:33:11 PM
You win Armageddon, congratulations!  Type 'credits', then store your character and make a new one

I would look at it much like booze in Prohibition. Illegal, but not too scandalous. I've seen templars overlook spice if the person was powerful/influential enough, and I've also seen them indulge at a Fale party or the like.

Perhaps, in its own way, the Spice-Ban's taken in a viewpoint all to itself by the untouchable echelons of the nobility.

In my experiences with decadent lounges, spice plumes, and silken-clad dreamers, it would always be offered to guests-- even sometimes those below the nobility in station. It was, essentially, a peer pressure thing. The ones receiving didn't want to offend, plus the cool powerful nobles were doing it-- hell, everyone was doing it, so why not?

The powerful can -afford- to do it, the powerful are worthy of doing it, and so, they do it-- you'd want to taste a piece of it, too, if the nobles were offering you something akin to a seat on their rockin' out tour bus full of sex, drugs, and rock n' roll.

As for commoners.. and most especially commoners that get hooked onto bad habits by taking a whiff of Lord Haijiib Kasix's spice-tubes, the problem is obviously more solid. Such activities'd be reserved for opportunities that come few and far between.. and come with great cost, only to be used in shadowy, lonely corners.
"The most important thing is to find out what is the most important thing." -- Shunryu Suzuki

I've come across some shady characters who have loads of spice on them at all times, nobles and just wealthy players looking for it all in Allanak. Being that the tales tell all shady/poor/theives come from the northern part of Allanak its only a mystery i'm sure if theres spice there. If you play a different type character, get to talk to some different people I'm sure you'll find what your looking for;)