Age with respect to stats

Started by Tamarin, October 30, 2003, 01:23:57 PM

Was just wondering about age and stats.

As your character ages from teens, his strenth/agility/endurance are supposed to go up, right?  And then as you get older, they go down and wisdom goes up (as best I understand it)

Does this happen only to people who play chracters starting in the low teens, say 14 or 15 (speaking in human years), or will a 19-year-old-start character also eventually see this shift?
quote="mansa"]emote pees in your bum[/quote]

I don't think this is anything you're going to get settled here, on the GDB.  Some people insist that you don't automatically get stat raises, but that you have to write into the MUD.  Others insist that they, or their roommate, or their roomate's girlfriend's brother's neighbor's cousin, have actually been online during their character's birthday and seen it happen, live, in front of them.

I would email the MUD.
Quote from: tapas on December 04, 2017, 01:47:50 AM
I think we might need to change World Discussion to Armchair Zalanthan Anthropology.

I've heard similar things, myself.  Though I am well aware that Arm has had many signifcant changes over the years.

What bothers me I guess, is that I forgot to reroll when I first created, and now i'm stuck with fairly shitty stats for my class.

I've rp'ed this at length...about twice a week IRL I roleplay a lengthy weightlifting session using various obsidian get the idea.

It would be nice if a staffer caught this...maybe not even for a stat raise, i could care less about that, but maybe just for a nice comment or something?

Maybe this should have been on the RP board...oh well.
quote="mansa"]emote pees in your bum[/quote]

I agree with mercycri, and that the best thing to do is to email the mud, and ask them.
New Players Guide:,33512.0.html

Quote from: Morgenes on April 01, 2011, 10:33:11 PM
You win Armageddon, congratulations!  Type 'credits', then store your character and make a new one


Keep in mind that crappy stats are more the rule for young or old characters than the exception.  I really regret a reroll I made, because the stats looked so dreadful - except for one outstanding one.  I rerolled and two of them got worse and the other two stayed the same - going from the worst stats I had ever seen to the new worst stats I had ever seen.  (And losing that one really good stat. :cry: ) But I think it was not as much bad luck as just the age of the character and me not realizing that it was normal to have terrible stats at that age.

Sometimes the aging affect is so tiny that you won't realize it. In that case your stats won't change. Also to have that aging affect, you have to be online at your birthday, which is silly, in my opinion.

No matter young you start (say 14 or 19) when you reach 20 years old that the affect may occur.

If you copy your log and sent it to the staff for every time you train, they may increase your scores a bit, but that has no guarantee at all.
"A few warriors dare to challange me, if so one fewer."
"Train yourself to let go everything you fear to lose." Master Yoda
"A warrior does not let a friend face danger alone." Lt. Worf

Quote from: "Anonymous"uber,

Keep in mind that crappy stats are more the rule for young or old characters than the exception.  I really regret a reroll I made, because the stats looked so dreadful - except for one outstanding one.  I rerolled and two of them got worse and the other two stayed the same - going from the worst stats I had ever seen to the new worst stats I had ever seen.  (And losing that one really good stat. :cry: ) But I think it was not as much bad luck as just the age of the character and me not realizing that it was normal to have terrible stats at that age.

I had the same thing happen to me and it was a youth also. But I decided to just move forward as not everyone is the greatest at this or that. Some are mediocre (sp)  Even though I know some say write the staff when the official 'child' age is over, I dont think I will. I am happy with my character's developement and though the pc isnt the 'best' that's okay. That pc is just how that pc should be.
 staff member sends:
    "The mind you are trying to reach is disconnected or no longer in service.
If you feel you have reached this recording in error... trust us. We know. = message A-16"

There's a very popular rumor going around that stats will only change on your birthday when you're online, and that the changes are so insignificant that you don't notice them.

I'd suggest not paying attention to this rumor; it's something that has spread around the Arm playerbase like a bad spam chain letter. If you forward it to other people you know, you'll just be spreading more misinformation.

Of course, like any chain letter, you can opt to spread it around because it's fun or because you believe in whatever superstition goes along with it, but for anyone who cares for the true answer, stats do not change with age.

Maybe the helpfiles should be changed to reflect this fact, if it is true.  From :

QuoteAs citizens of Zalanthas gain years of existence, their bodies begin to change to conform to their age. Generally, a person will grow stronger and tougher from adolescence until they hit their prime, gradually increasing their stamina and endurance. After this peak, they will begin to lose that strength and health slowly. Wisdom nearly peaks early in life and increases slowly until death, and agility peaks in adolescence and slowly decreases into old age.

Now, if this helpfile was meant to give a "virtual" idea of how to roleplay your character at various ages, then it should say so. But as I read it, since it -is- a helpfile, it seems to me as though these primary stats - strength, endurance, agility, and wisdom, -do- change with age.

Might be nice for a clarification on that, even if we don't get told "how" it changes or any secrets like showing up on your birthday or that it only changes during an age that's divisible by 5 or whatever.

QuoteThere's a very popular rumor going around that stats will only change on your birthday when you're online, and that the changes are so insignificant that you don't notice them.

Um, as far as I know it's true considering Sanvean was the one who stated this.
"We pay for and maintain the GDB for players of ArmageddonMUD, seeing as
how you no longer play we would prefer it if you not post anymore.

-the Shade of Nessalin"


I wish it were public knowledge which birthdays the stats changed on, only to make it a little more likely to be playing then and not have to mail the mud.    Or at least to know if you missed an important one.  

I supposed there are ways this could be abused, so I understand it not being info that's shared with players.   Still it would be nice.
So if you're tired of the same old story
Oh, turn some pages. - "Roll with the Changes," REO Speedwagon

Quote from: "flurry"I wish it were public knowledge which birthdays the stats changed on, only to make it a little more likely to be playing then and not have to mail the mud.    Or at least to know if you missed an important one.  

I supposed there are ways this could be abused, so I understand it not being info that's shared with players.   Still it would be nice.

The way I've always heard it is that you have a chance of a stats increase if you are logged in on your b-day.  I've never understood it to be a guarantee, but I believe Sanvean or someone said players are welcome to mail the mud after missing a bunch or birthdays.

Ahh..interesting.   I was thinking that it was that on certain birthdays you get an automatic boost.    If it is that on every birthday you have a chance for improvement or decline, that is a little more comforting.
So if you're tired of the same old story
Oh, turn some pages. - "Roll with the Changes," REO Speedwagon

how about instead of mailing the mud everytime you train, maby.... we should have it so that when you do train your stats increase, over a long period of course I mean its only realistic. :twisted:
 have wandered the dunes for days to come here and now you tell me you dont have a steel katana?

If you mean practicing or using your skills..keep in mind that the game world is designed to be realistic. And realistically, you don't -gain- strength after you hit a certain age. You lose it. Same with agility and endurance, in addition to health, stamina, and the ability to "take a blow" (stun) and recover efficiently.

Using skills might have some affect on these things, but age seems to play a much bigger part. You can bench-press 200 pounds at 20 reps 5 times a day when you're young, but it just ain't gonna happen when you start creeping up to 50 and 60 years of age.

Since Sanvean suggests that after a few "years" of your character's life, if you see no changes (up OR down!) in your stats you can e-mail mud to ask about it, I don't see any problem with the system as it is now.