The Gem

Started by nauta, November 03, 2016, 10:03:59 AM

Yeah, I think they both knew what they were doing and neither made it out alive.

I think, if you're going to use coded fireballs on a noble (probably it should miss and hit a noble's aide) in Red's, then you should tell staff in a character report before you go do it. I'm not saying spare the noble, I'm saying they may be at the center of several plots and it might not be a good idea to end all those plots prematurely. (i.e. burn the fucker.)
Do yourself a favor, and play Resident Evil 4 again.

Quote from: a french mans shirt on November 15, 2016, 12:30:21 AMI think, if you're going to use coded fireballs on a noble (probably it should miss and hit a noble's aide) in Red's, then you should tell staff in a character report before you go do it. I'm not saying spare the noble, I'm saying they may be at the center of several plots and it might not be a good idea to end all those plots prematurely. (i.e. burn the fucker.)
The idea that before entering into a PK scenario that you need to fill in a report to staff is a dangerous one that needs to die as quickly as possible. Wishing up, should be the absolute maximum required (and only because this would be such a public situation that crimcode doesn't necessarily take into account).

The more paperwork you require of players, the less they achieve in the game. If you need to fill in a report BEFORE you go killing people, then a lot of people just won't bother and the end result is a world that is less harsh. Have people abused their coded ability to kill people? Sure. Have some people used their coded power to grief the game? Definitely. Is requiring people to not kill certain PCs due to teh plots or to fill in paperwork simply so their character can act in an IC manner an appropriate response? Hell no.

The idea "will this kill plots" should never enter anyone's thought when they're playing their character. They should be thinking "what would my character do" and have that be their final decision on the matter. Does it suck to have plots come to a standstill because someone died? Yup. I've been on the receiving end of that. But that is the game. I'd rather have a harsh game with plots occasionally getting stalled then one where people avoid killing others simply because they can't be worried with the paperwork.

As far as I know, you only have to send a report through the request tool if you are *planning* to kill someone, not if you are in the process of killing them. And even then (as far as I know) you only are *required* to do it if you are playing a leadership, sponsored, or higher-karma role, or if you are in a subordinate role in a clan and are planning to whack your clan leader.

Random PKs don't require a submitted report in advance, as far as I know.
Talia said: Notice to all: Do not mess with Lizzie's GDB. She will cut you.
Delirium said: Notice to all: do not mess with Lizzie's soap. She will cut you.

I think its mostly just so folks know there was thought put  into it rather than; Kill newb;get boots newb

i file reports on murders if i murder people, and i wish up as it's happening or immediately after.

i was not aware you ever had to report your plans or intents to kill anyone ever. you 'should' if you're leadership, but sometimes things happen.
Quote from: Adhira on January 01, 2014, 07:15:46 PM
I could give a shit about wholesome.

If I was a leader and planned a midnight raid on a bunch of folks, damn right I would report that.
If I had to whip the ever loving shit out of a bad mouthing minion I would report that. Afterward sure.

All I want to say I guess, is that there is one thing I think an Allanaki commoner wouldn't do.

And that's break or damage the Templarate's, and by extension the Highlord's, "toys."

Cause it ain't worth it in my opinion.
At your table, the badass dun-clad female says in tribal-accented sirihish, putting on a piping voice, incongruous not the least because it doesn't get rid of her rasp:
     "'Oh, I killed me a forest cat!' That's nice; I wiped me bum after taking a shit.

Allanaki commoners will happily try to break the Templarate's toys if they think they can get away with it, as the History page and recent (<2RL years) in-game events attests. Typically requires a complete breakdown in social order for people to think they can get away with it, however.

"Burn the City,
Smash the State!"

Quote from: BadSkeelz on January 28, 2017, 09:40:12 PM
Allanaki commoners will happily try to break the Templarate's toys if they think they can get away with it, as the History page and recent (<2RL years) in-game events attests. Typically requires a complete breakdown in social order for people to think they can get away with it, however.

"Burn the City,
Smash the State!"

I can agree with that.  But like you said, complete breakdown.  Not on any random day in the Gaj.  Dunno.
At your table, the badass dun-clad female says in tribal-accented sirihish, putting on a piping voice, incongruous not the least because it doesn't get rid of her rasp:
     "'Oh, I killed me a forest cat!' That's nice; I wiped me bum after taking a shit.