The Gem

Started by nauta, November 03, 2016, 10:03:59 AM

Quote from: nauta on November 07, 2016, 09:56:10 AM

I also think that a tdesc masking a gem, providing you have the equipment to back it up, is 100% kosher.

Forgive me if I've missed something along the way, but are you meaning RP-Kosher or IG-Legal-Kosher?

On the one hand, I'd say that it's perfectly acceptable to role-play having a scarf or something covering the gem.  But you do have to keep in mind that this IS a MUD and the "physical" code will often times trump your non-coded role-play..unless people go along with it.

On the other hand, the legality of covering the gem will vary from location to location and from person to person.  In Luir's?  Declared yourself to Kurac by showing it off/telling them what you are?  The Fist sergeant or House Agent might be fine with you covering the thing the next few times you're through the Outpost.  After all, you already let them know.  However, the other Sergeant or Agent might not be cool with it and say that you're violating Outpost law by not keeping in view and may give you the option to drop the covering, or just cart you off to the jails.  It's the same option Templars have in Allanak and I have had personal experience from Gemmed-past who faced this exact situation.
Quote from: Dalmeth
I've come to the conclusion that relaxing is not the lack of doing anything, but doing something that comes easily to you.

November 07, 2016, 12:50:51 PM #51 Last Edit: November 07, 2016, 12:56:12 PM by Dunetrade55
Quote from: Pale Horse on November 07, 2016, 11:18:14 AM
Quote from: nauta on November 07, 2016, 09:56:10 AM

I also think that a tdesc masking a gem, providing you have the equipment to back it up, is 100% kosher.

Forgive me if I've missed something along the way, but are you meaning RP-Kosher or IG-Legal-Kosher?

On the one hand, I'd say that it's perfectly acceptable to role-play having a scarf or something covering the gem.  But you do have to keep in mind that this IS a MUD and the "physical" code will often times trump your non-coded role-play..unless people go along with it.

On the other hand, the legality of covering the gem will vary from location to location and from person to person.  In Luir's?  Declared yourself to Kurac by showing it off/telling them what you are?  The Fist sergeant or House Agent might be fine with you covering the thing the next few times you're through the Outpost.  After all, you already let them know.  However, the other Sergeant or Agent might not be cool with it and say that you're violating Outpost law by not keeping in view and may give you the option to drop the covering, or just cart you off to the jails.  It's the same option Templars have in Allanak and I have had personal experience from Gemmed-past who faced this exact situation.

Before the pelvis wearloc, my PCs got called out several times for their choice of underwear. After enduring this a while, I called it out, and staff informed me that however a player wishes to view that bit of code is legit... even if it was as rediculous as wearing a speedo outside my spandex like I was fricking superman or some shit.

EDIT: Except substitute pants for skirt or dress at times... it really does seem like some players take X-ray vision as far as they'd like, perhaps they should be ICly held accountable for possessing x-ray vision.
Quote from: Synthesis on August 23, 2016, 07:10:09 PM
I'm asking for evidence, not telling you all to fuck off.

No, I'm telling you to fuck off, now, because you're being a little bitch.

Quote from: Pale Horse on November 07, 2016, 11:18:14 AM
Quote from: nauta on November 07, 2016, 09:56:10 AM

I also think that a tdesc masking a gem, providing you have the equipment to back it up, is 100% kosher.

Forgive me if I've missed something along the way, but are you meaning RP-Kosher or IG-Legal-Kosher?

On the one hand, I'd say that it's perfectly acceptable to role-play having a scarf or something covering the gem.  But you do have to keep in mind that this IS a MUD and the "physical" code will often times trump your non-coded role-play..unless people go along with it.

On the other hand, the legality of covering the gem will vary from location to location and from person to person.  In Luir's?  Declared yourself to Kurac by showing it off/telling them what you are?  The Fist sergeant or House Agent might be fine with you covering the thing the next few times you're through the Outpost.  After all, you already let them know.  However, the other Sergeant or Agent might not be cool with it and say that you're violating Outpost law by not keeping in view and may give you the option to drop the covering, or just cart you off to the jails.  It's the same option Templars have in Allanak and I have had personal experience from Gemmed-past who faced this exact situation.

I meant the first hand there -- the fact that you can't codedly hide it might make it seem like you can't use tdesc to attempt to hide it.  But from what I can gather from the discussion above and its description, nothing suggests that you can't place a scarf over it (provided you have one in your inventory).  (I wouldn't get worked out of shape if someone missed the tdesc or chose to ignore it either -- I just don't think there's anything wrong with placing a scarf over it, based on what it is described as.)

Of course, I also agree: there will be IC consequences to doing this, which is your other hand.
as IF you didn't just have them unconscious, naked, and helpless in the street 4 minutes ago

Quote from: nauta on November 07, 2016, 12:57:19 PM
Quote from: Pale Horse on November 07, 2016, 11:18:14 AM
Quote from: nauta on November 07, 2016, 09:56:10 AM

I also think that a tdesc masking a gem, providing you have the equipment to back it up, is 100% kosher.

Forgive me if I've missed something along the way, but are you meaning RP-Kosher or IG-Legal-Kosher?

On the one hand, I'd say that it's perfectly acceptable to role-play having a scarf or something covering the gem.  But you do have to keep in mind that this IS a MUD and the "physical" code will often times trump your non-coded role-play..unless people go along with it.

On the other hand, the legality of covering the gem will vary from location to location and from person to person.  In Luir's?  Declared yourself to Kurac by showing it off/telling them what you are?  The Fist sergeant or House Agent might be fine with you covering the thing the next few times you're through the Outpost.  After all, you already let them know.  However, the other Sergeant or Agent might not be cool with it and say that you're violating Outpost law by not keeping in view and may give you the option to drop the covering, or just cart you off to the jails.  It's the same option Templars have in Allanak and I have had personal experience from Gemmed-past who faced this exact situation.

I meant the first hand there -- the fact that you can't codedly hide it might make it seem like you can't use tdesc to attempt to hide it.  But from what I can gather from the discussion above and its description, nothing suggests that you can't place a scarf over it (provided you have one in your inventory).  (I wouldn't get worked out of shape if someone missed the tdesc or chose to ignore it either -- I just don't think there's anything wrong with placing a scarf over it, based on what it is described as.)

Of course, I also agree: there will be IC consequences to doing this, which is your other hand.

An easy coded workaround would be to have the neck wearloc cover the about throat wearloc and sit back and watch the chaos.
Quote from: Synthesis on August 23, 2016, 07:10:09 PM
I'm asking for evidence, not telling you all to fuck off.

No, I'm telling you to fuck off, now, because you're being a little bitch.

That would completely defeat the purpose of moving the gem to the <about throat> wear location, which was to allow gemmers to actually finally wear neck armor.

Back in the day, if you were gemmed, your entire neck was always completely exposed, which kinda sucked.
Quote from: WarriorPoet
I play this game to pretend to chop muthafuckaz up with bone swords.
Quote from: SmuzI come to the GDB to roleplay being deep and wise.
Quote from: VanthSynthesis, you scare me a little bit.

Quote from: Pale Horse on November 07, 2016, 11:18:14 AM
Quote from: nauta on November 07, 2016, 09:56:10 AM

I also think that a tdesc masking a gem, providing you have the equipment to back it up, is 100% kosher.

Forgive me if I've missed something along the way, but are you meaning RP-Kosher or IG-Legal-Kosher?

On the one hand, I'd say that it's perfectly acceptable to role-play having a scarf or something covering the gem.  But you do have to keep in mind that this IS a MUD and the "physical" code will often times trump your non-coded role-play..unless people go along with it.

On the other hand, the legality of covering the gem will vary from location to location and from person to person.  In Luir's?  Declared yourself to Kurac by showing it off/telling them what you are?  The Fist sergeant or House Agent might be fine with you covering the thing the next few times you're through the Outpost.  After all, you already let them know.  However, the other Sergeant or Agent might not be cool with it and say that you're violating Outpost law by not keeping in view and may give you the option to drop the covering, or just cart you off to the jails.  It's the same option Templars have in Allanak and I have had personal experience from Gemmed-past who faced this exact situation.
For your first part.
I forget if it's Nakki law or something but hiding your gem is mega illegal, atleast in the city. I think.

On the one hand... maybe.  On the other hand... do you really think the purpose of the gem is to warn common scum that a particular person is a magicker?  Would the templars really care about that?

Quote from: Riev on November 07, 2016, 09:32:55 AM
Quote from: The Lonely Hunter on November 07, 2016, 09:18:23 AM
An "INTERACTIVE MULTIPLAYER game" that happens to be a RPI where magickers are distrusted and hated. When I referenced the 'bar' I didn't mean the building itself, I assume there are some who visit the Gaj. I meant at the actual bar. If magickers vNPCs are in the Gaj I imagine they are sitting alone or with other gemmed (in pairs or trios, larger groups would likely make people too nervous) at some dark table in the back.

And often times, when the PC attention shifts as it always does, AoD will come in and tell that gemmed to get off -their- bar stool, or some rough and tumble Bynner will berate them and threaten calling a Templar because that gemmed is trying to curse the food.

Its the "If you're sitting at a bar with a known gemmed you're doing it wrong" that is the incendiary comment. The Gaj is for everyone. If the gemmed is sitting at the bar, and you are too, you are well within your rights to ignore them, move your seat further away, decide you want to leave, decide you want to hit them, or anything.

But I think you'll get a lot of reaction on the "you're doing it wrong" portion. Most especially when considering that some of these gemmed are KNOWN to work for the Templarate or even the Highborn Nobility. Who are you to decide that House Oash, those noble few, are 'wrong' or 'disgusting' for using the gemmed the way they do?

I have to agree with this, the idea of commoners that outright picking a fight with a gemmed in the gaj or telling them to get lost is when they're known tools of the templarate, not to mention, why would someone want to piss a gemmed off in the first place? unless you got good connections you won't know if that gemmed will hold a grudge.

hatred is well roleplayed, but sometimes i find the fear of the gemmed is lacking. its a matter of a character balancing fear with hate. wants to do X, but is scared Y will happen if they do thus they do Z instead.

Quote from: Rokal on November 07, 2016, 11:02:22 PM
I have to agree with this, the idea of commoners that outright picking a fight with a gemmed in the gaj or telling them to get lost is when they're known tools of the templarate, not to mention, why would someone want to piss a gemmed off in the first place? unless you got good connections you won't know if that gemmed will hold a grudge.

hatred is well roleplayed, but sometimes i find the fear of the gemmed is lacking. its a matter of a character balancing fear with hate. wants to do X, but is scared Y will happen if they do thus they do Z instead.

The gemmed are in a unique position, having overwhelming power to harm that is near that of Templars while being thousands of feet below elves on the social ladder, and a lot of newer players, including gemmed, don't seem to understand how to play this out (myself included, at one point.) I am NOT citing anything recent; always assume there are reasons. But that drovian who cracks a joke to a normal about being able to see through them? Yeah, I'd make my fright clear, unless you're kanking that gemmed. Or, especially if you are. Way them, psi Why the heck did you say that? We're trying not to draw attention to ourselves, remember?

One thing I've noticed tends to linger for players who haven't played a certain number of witches is that they treat witches as humans wearing jewelry and having unusual powers, rather than how the world sees them: as unnatural, filthy abominations that look like humans, and can speak and salt and eat and all those things, but have most likely lost their souls if they'd had any in the first place and may turn their ire on you at any second, and at that point, nothing will save you because by the time the witch is caught you will have already been killed.
Do yourself a favor, and play Resident Evil 4 again.

November 08, 2016, 02:25:50 AM #59 Last Edit: November 08, 2016, 02:27:47 AM by Reiloth
Anything beyond the subtle snubs and eye movements and basic judgements flies in the face of a superstitious understanding of the mystic arts in Zalanthas. The Common Wo/Man believes that a Gemmed can look at them funny and cause them to lose a child, or give them impotence, or make their mate fall in love with someone else. We have to keep in mind as players that Magick doesn't begin and end with a spell list -- There is a virtual 'Magic' that is psychedelic, beyond mortal ken and understanding, and isn't 'coded'. Magic, to those who cannot cast it or understand it, believe a magicker is capable of anything.

The idea of a Common Wo/Man picking a fight with a Gemmed or calling them out in some macho way is...Stupid. Wanting them dead? Sure. Thinking it all to yourself? Sure. Not going out of your way to help a Gemmed that got shivved in the street at dusk? Not a problem. Taking your time to help a Gemmed who's apartment got broken into? Makes sense. Suddenly running out of that trade good a Gemmed is interested in? Happens all the time. Unable to find a Gemmed's order, even though it's in the warehouse? Things get misplaced.

The more we move away from the fart joke macho teenager mentality in the Gaj, and further into the subtle discrimination, the better.
"You will have useful work: the destruction of evil men. What work could be more useful? This is Beyond; you will find that your work is never done -- So therefore you may never know a life of peace."

~Jack Vance~

Quote from: Reiloth on November 08, 2016, 02:25:50 AM
Anything beyond the subtle snubs and eye movements and basic judgements flies in the face of a superstitious understanding of the mystic arts in Zalanthas. The Common Wo/Man believes that a Gemmed can look at them funny and cause them to lose a child, or give them impotence, or make their mate fall in love with someone else. We have to keep in mind as players that Magick doesn't begin and end with a spell list -- There is a virtual 'Magic' that is psychedelic, beyond mortal ken and understanding, and isn't 'coded'. Magic, to those who cannot cast it or understand it, believe a magicker is capable of anything.

The idea of a Common Wo/Man picking a fight with a Gemmed or calling them out in some macho way is...Stupid. Wanting them dead? Sure. Thinking it all to yourself? Sure. Not going out of your way to help a Gemmed that got shivved in the street at dusk? Not a problem. Taking your time to help a Gemmed who's apartment got broken into? Makes sense. Suddenly running out of that trade good a Gemmed is interested in? Happens all the time. Unable to find a Gemmed's order, even though it's in the warehouse? Things get misplaced.

The more we move away from the fart joke macho teenager mentality in the Gaj, and further into the subtle discrimination, the better.

AMEN. From the POV of the person who shows up out of chargen with a gem, the one who manifests with the gem after years of getting to know people as a mundane, and as the mundane who has to interact with either/both. Sometimes I feel like I'm in a "Which cartoon character will our PC most closely resemble" game and not a gritty low-tech rather adult-oriented fantasy game (btw it's not low-magic. It's not even low-fantasy. It's just low-tech).
Talia said: Notice to all: Do not mess with Lizzie's GDB. She will cut you.
Delirium said: Notice to all: do not mess with Lizzie's soap. She will cut you.

I've had characters "chummy" with magickers, and others that refuse to work or talk to them unless coin or direct orders are involved, and the gamut in between.

My feeling on it, is that you can be 'friendly' to a gemmed because you think otherwise they'll turn your dick to sand. Or because the Templarate keeps them on a leash anyways. Or because you've been around a few and found out some aren't so powerful.

You can be 'unfriendly' to a gemmed for nearly the exact same reasons. Don't tell people HOW to play, just let them know there are options, and take care of it ICly. I can think of a very recent example where this has happened, and I think its great!
Quote from: IAmJacksOpinion on May 20, 2013, 11:16:52 PM
Masks are the Armageddon equivalent of Ed Hardy shirts.

Quote from: Riev on November 08, 2016, 08:13:04 AM
I've had characters "chummy" with magickers, and others that refuse to work or talk to them unless coin or direct orders are involved, and the gamut in between.

My feeling on it, is that you can be 'friendly' to a gemmed because you think otherwise they'll turn your dick to sand. Or because the Templarate keeps them on a leash anyways. Or because you've been around a few and found out some aren't so powerful.

You can be 'unfriendly' to a gemmed for nearly the exact same reasons. Don't tell people HOW to play, just let them know there are options, and take care of it ICly. I can think of a very recent example where this has happened, and I think its great!

That's sort of the way I've always seen it.

There's also multiple levels as to how you interact with them (or filthy neckers, etc.). I may react one way when we're sitting in the Gaj but a completely different way if I run across them in the Canyon of Wastes with an exhausted mount.

Quote from: Miradus on November 08, 2016, 09:28:56 AM
Quote from: Riev on November 08, 2016, 08:13:04 AM
I've had characters "chummy" with magickers, and others that refuse to work or talk to them unless coin or direct orders are involved, and the gamut in between.

My feeling on it, is that you can be 'friendly' to a gemmed because you think otherwise they'll turn your dick to sand. Or because the Templarate keeps them on a leash anyways. Or because you've been around a few and found out some aren't so powerful.

You can be 'unfriendly' to a gemmed for nearly the exact same reasons. Don't tell people HOW to play, just let them know there are options, and take care of it ICly. I can think of a very recent example where this has happened, and I think its great!

That's sort of the way I've always seen it.

There's also multiple levels as to how you interact with them (or filthy neckers, etc.). I may react one way when we're sitting in the Gaj but a completely different way if I run across them in the Canyon of Wastes with an exhausted mount.

The idea "this guy is a gemmer and can't run, I can probably take him out" probably shouldn't occur to folks, anymore.  Not that it ever should have.  It's like bum-rushing a dude with an assault rifle.
Quote from: WarriorPoet
I play this game to pretend to chop muthafuckaz up with bone swords.
Quote from: SmuzI come to the GDB to roleplay being deep and wise.
Quote from: VanthSynthesis, you scare me a little bit.

I think he means if the mundane has an exhausted mount in the unknown reaches. Makes you -real- nice to anyone you see.
Do yourself a favor, and play Resident Evil 4 again.

Yeah, that was what I meant. :)

But there's a range of responses to any character.

A character of mine who has never seen a real gick do anything? Terror.

A character of mine who was attacked by a gick and sank a couple of unspeakables into the guy before he ran away reeling? Not terror.

Different strokes for different folks makes for a diverse and interesting roleplay experience. I want to play a collaborative roleplaying game, not read someone else's novel with pre-scripted responses.

Quote from: Miradus on November 08, 2016, 03:32:09 PM
Yeah, that was what I meant. :)

But there's a range of responses to any character.

A character of mine who has never seen a real gick do anything? Terror.

A character of mine who was attacked by a gick and sank a couple of unspeakables into the guy before he ran away reeling? Not terror.

Different strokes for different folks makes for a diverse and interesting roleplay experience. I want to play a collaborative roleplaying game, not read someone else's novel with pre-scripted responses.
I feel like the latter is completely justified as it can be easily changed when you meet that one gick that does [Redacted] to you and then you wake up and [redacted] and then [redacted] and then you're back to square one of "Pure terror"


Gicks, like carru, apparently load with a wide range of skills and you can run into wimpy ones and deadly ones.

Quote from: Miradus on November 08, 2016, 03:46:01 PM


Gicks, like carru, apparently load with a wide range of skills and you can run into wimpy ones and deadly ones.

Okay, then.  Hope that works out for you.
Quote from: WarriorPoet
I play this game to pretend to chop muthafuckaz up with bone swords.
Quote from: SmuzI come to the GDB to roleplay being deep and wise.
Quote from: VanthSynthesis, you scare me a little bit.

Quote from: a french mans shirt on November 08, 2016, 01:14:26 AM
Quote from: Rokal on November 07, 2016, 11:02:22 PM
I have to agree with this, the idea of commoners that outright picking a fight with a gemmed in the gaj or telling them to get lost is when they're known tools of the templarate, not to mention, why would someone want to piss a gemmed off in the first place? unless you got good connections you won't know if that gemmed will hold a grudge.

hatred is well roleplayed, but sometimes i find the fear of the gemmed is lacking. its a matter of a character balancing fear with hate. wants to do X, but is scared Y will happen if they do thus they do Z instead.

The gemmed are in a unique position, having overwhelming power to harm that is near that of Templars while being thousands of feet below elves on the social ladder, and a lot of newer players, including gemmed, don't seem to understand how to play this out (myself included, at one point.) I am NOT citing anything recent; always assume there are reasons. But that drovian who cracks a joke to a normal about being able to see through them? Yeah, I'd make my fright clear, unless you're kanking that gemmed. Or, especially if you are. Way them, psi Why the heck did you say that? We're trying not to draw attention to ourselves, remember?

One thing I've noticed tends to linger for players who haven't played a certain number of witches is that they treat witches as humans wearing jewelry and having unusual powers, rather than how the world sees them: as unnatural, filthy abominations that look like humans, and can speak and salt and eat and all those things, but have most likely lost their souls if they'd had any in the first place and may turn their ire on you at any second, and at that point, nothing will save you because by the time the witch is caught you will have already been killed.
As much as this is true its also important to know that many gemmed were normal, ordinary people before they manifested, and adjusting to such a life might take a long of time, not only that, someone becoming gemed like this is certanly a shitty thing to happen, but it wouldn't at the core, change how someone behaves - it might effect how someone thinks of themselves and their situation, but people dont change in personality so easily.

The most important thing, in my opinon, is to RP that part of their character - the side that was a mundane before they no longer were mundane, and also the side that is magical - and the conflict, confusion, and struggle between the two.

just my 2 sids on that.

That's true---- a lot if not most players of gemmed play their witches as having been gemmed recently. A lot of gemmed tend to or have to stick to Allanak, where 'acceptance' of gemmed is less hostile because of their pc numbers.

I'm just saying that maybe your elf gemmed shouldn't be openly kanking a human in the Gaj, like that one person did.
Do yourself a favor, and play Resident Evil 4 again.

I think the biggest issue is that folks assume that because gicks used to be mainguild and thus mostly gick, it was like they were only magick things. They just couldnt -be- mundane and that it is so ingrained into the population of people here that it is viewed as the norm.

Quote from: a french mans shirt on November 13, 2016, 04:30:57 AM
That's true---- a lot if not most players of gemmed play their witches as having been gemmed recently. A lot of gemmed tend to or have to stick to Allanak, where 'acceptance' of gemmed is less hostile because of their pc numbers.

I'm just saying that maybe your elf gemmed shouldn't be openly kanking a human in the Gaj, like that one person did.

in the GAJ?!

Quote from: Adhira on January 01, 2014, 07:15:46 PM
I could give a shit about wholesome.

I'm actually okay with that sort of thing rarely happening... IF they're both brutally tortured then executed in semi-public fashion leaving a rumor post for a few years to come.

Quote from: evilcabbage on November 13, 2016, 07:07:03 AM
Quote from: a french mans shirt on November 13, 2016, 04:30:57 AM
That's true---- a lot if not most players of gemmed play their witches as having been gemmed recently. A lot of gemmed tend to or have to stick to Allanak, where 'acceptance' of gemmed is less hostile because of their pc numbers.

I'm just saying that maybe your elf gemmed shouldn't be openly kanking a human in the Gaj, like that one person did.

in the GAJ?!
