Funniest things you have been a part of in game.

Started by Hauwke, December 31, 2015, 06:12:10 AM

Quote from: LauraMars on December 31, 2015, 04:14:39 PM
Spluttering as she forces her face above the wash of feces and other bodily wastes, you shout in sirihish:

Oh, Sewer RPTs.

I still remember when someone had the bright idea to bring a Whiran down in with us. Who, being a Whiran, decided to fly everywhere. I believe the term "shit tornado" was used.

Quote from: BadSkeelz on December 31, 2015, 04:48:48 PMI believe the term "shit tornado" was used.

I heard that story ICly. And I laughed. A lot.  I guess the majority of us are eternal 6 year olds.
Child, child, if you come to this doomed house, what is to save you?

A voice whispers, "Read the tales upon the walls."

Poop jokes always get me. I'll never outgrow that. I laughed just typing this.
A staff member sends you:
"Normally we don't see a <redacted> walk into a room full of <redacted> and start indiscriminately killing."

You send to staff:
"Welcome to Armageddon."

You guys have so many stories, grabted probably been playing longer but hey I have my own and just cant remember them. (Not cos im a stoner which im not) but because my memory sucks balls. Actually I do have a recent one which cant be told since it is too new sadly but I found it hilarious regardless

Also, anytime a newb is curbstomped in the gaj for trying to brawl and getting it wrong is mildly amusing. Thank fuck I read helpfiles.

My memory sucks AND I'm a stoner.

Some of my most recent fond memories that were funny was just playing Scowler when he was a nooby warrior in the Byn. That guy was so demented and funny. It's really hard to act like a badass when everyone beating you down, but I never gave up on it. Bleed'm like breeds. Snap the spine, crush the skull... Wish I could remember his favorite saying. Something about death or the dead, not sure.

Anyways there were countless situations where he had a ridiculous, macabre answer for every question he was asked. Everyone had good laughs.

Armageddons has a lot of very funny moments. You're all some witty motherfuckers.

I remember scowler. Cant remember shit other than that saying and the name though but he was fairly cool.

My proudest Arm moment is seeing more than one exploit of mine in this thread.

Funniest: the Byn trooper Milo, a human who was played as sharing an IQ with Forrest Gump. Fucking hilarious without being too silly about it.
It is said that things coming in through the gate can never be your own treasures. What is gained from external circumstances will perish in the end.
- the Mumonkan

A player accidentally wayed me 'w', to which I replied "I can't, there's a wall".

Pretty sure it was Lyvren too.

Quote from: Case on December 31, 2015, 08:16:08 PM
A player accidentally wayed me 'w', to which I replied "I can't, there's a wall".

Pretty sure it was Lyvren too.

Were you dragging anything behind you?

Quote from: Rathustra on December 31, 2015, 09:06:37 PM
Quote from: Case on December 31, 2015, 08:16:08 PM
A player accidentally wayed me 'w', to which I replied "I can't, there's a wall".

Pretty sure it was Lyvren too.

Were you dragging anything behind you?

Can we kill off this joke already?
It is said that things coming in through the gate can never be your own treasures. What is gained from external circumstances will perish in the end.
- the Mumonkan

Quote from: Large Hero on December 31, 2015, 09:11:38 PM
Quote from: Rathustra on December 31, 2015, 09:06:37 PM
Quote from: Case on December 31, 2015, 08:16:08 PM
A player accidentally wayed me 'w', to which I replied "I can't, there's a wall".

Pretty sure it was Lyvren too.

Were you dragging anything behind you?

Can we kill off this joke already?

I've got one joke. I'm going to keep at it until I get another.

I, too, was making a joke. kill off this joke. Dragging his kill behind him!

Get it?

It is said that things coming in through the gate can never be your own treasures. What is gained from external circumstances will perish in the end.
- the Mumonkan

Funniest bash moment. Was fighting... something I forget what, i figure Eh im stronk warrior guy! And proceed to try and bash it. Lo and behold I had to write up another character...

Two words can describe the funniest thing I've seen in game.

Captain. Laurentide.
Quote from: IAmJacksOpinion on May 20, 2013, 11:16:52 PM
Masks are the Armageddon equivalent of Ed Hardy shirts.

Quote from: Hauwke on January 01, 2016, 09:08:29 AM
Funniest bash moment. Was fighting... something I forget what, i figure Eh im stronk warrior guy! And proceed to try and bash it. Lo and behold I had to write up another character...

Oh, that was YOU. Sorry, I was afk.

Left vague cause reasons, during an adventure.

Volunteer elf

[insert creepy shrine that glorifies an elves]

An elf shuffles his feet uncomfortably.

*a strange shadow*

It got me.  ;D
A staff member sends you:
"Normally we don't see a <redacted> walk into a room full of <redacted> and start indiscriminately killing."

You send to staff:
"Welcome to Armageddon."

It's hard to recall the funniest situations I've been in, but I've kept a log of some of the funnier exchanges (I think I haven't updated the log in years, though, so these are all pretty old):


[An elf is waying my Merchant character about wanting to buy something, but describing the crazy Skellebain bender he is currently on as he is attacking things in the wilds.  Then:]

The [tribal elf] sends you a telepathic message:
     "I thought I would have the fang of a great beast for you, but it was just a stick. Hopefully this will pass soon and I can safely enter your walls."


At your table, the [big man] says in sirihish, to the [small man]:
     "Yeh hear 'at Ecks's deed?"

At your table, the [small man] says in sirihish, blinking a few times:
     "Who the feck is Eck?"


The [high society man] says to the [leader man], in sirihish:
     "I, personally, have one of their Jihaen [weapons] and a Lirathan amulet hanging across from my dining table in my house. "

The [mercenary man] says to the [assistant woman], in sirihish:
     "I got a dead plant sittin' 'cross from m'dinin' bench."


The raven-haired, slender woman looks at the slender, raven-haired woman.

>l room
The slender, raven-haired woman is sitting at a long, carved wooden bar.
The raven-haired, slender woman is sitting at a long, carved wooden bar.
Quote from: Lizzie on February 10, 2016, 09:37:57 PM
You know I think if James simply retitled his thread "Cheese" and apologized for his first post being off-topic, all problems would be solved.

Quote from: James de Monet on January 01, 2016, 05:33:06 PM
The raven-haired, slender woman looks at the slender, raven-haired woman.

>l room
The slender, raven-haired woman is sitting at a long, carved wooden bar.
The raven-haired, slender woman is sitting at a long, carved wooden bar.

I'm trying to decide which is funnier: this, or the times where two PCs have literally identical sdescs.

January 01, 2016, 07:44:44 PM #47 Last Edit: January 01, 2016, 07:47:30 PM by IAmJacksOpinion
I once had a Whiran who had an incredible fondness for pranks. One of my favorite things to do was shadow other gemmers into their temples and use chalk and the "scribble" command to graffiti the opposition's turf. I remember drawing "an under-endowed, vine-inked dwarf" in the Rukkian temple one time. (Sorry Enri. :p)

This same Whiran was out on patrol with a templar and some other gemmers once out in the Pah. We ended up in a room at the top of a huge, ancient spire out there which we believed was being occupied by a Sorcerer or Nilazi or something. IIRC, it was a bedroom with a four-poster bed and a chest full of gear / magic goodies. After poking around, the Templar told us all to take anything we wanted. I didn't want much, so I settled for scribbling chalk dicks all over the wall.

The Templar, looking at another member of the party, says something like:  
  "I swear, sometimes I think he acts as though I'm not standing right here."

I may have also pissed on the bed. I'm not positive.

This one time, I was idling in the Byn Compound when something bizarre and hilarious happened. It was so funny, I immediately cleaned it up the log for just such an occasion. I should note that I have no idea who this dwarf was. I think he was in the Byn for less than an IRL week, and at that point I was a jaded enough Trooper that I didn't bother learning your name unless you had a Trooper stripe.

*  An amusing scene in the Byn Compound.
*  The evening before, Runner Jihae had left the workshop heading for the
*  latrines. An hour later, in the barracks...
*  POV: Runner Mace - the rugged, claw-raked young man
*  Runner Jihae - the red, weather-worn dwarf

The red, weather-worn dwarf has arrived from the east, his face covered in shit and bits of straw.

You look up at the red, weather-worn dwarf.
  The dwarf has a thick frame, muscled well but not without a hint of
portliness.  Pointed ears show on the sides of his bald head, between them
two red eyes atop a wide, crooked nose.  His skin is leathery, worn from
work and exposure and is the color of red clay.  Dust and dirt are settled
about him constantly.
The red, weather-worn dwarf is in excellent condition.

The red, weather-worn dwarf is using:
<across back>            a bone-studded backpack
<on torso>               a simple sandcloth shirt
<as belt>                a heavy, bone-ringed leather swordbelt
<hung from belt>         a short bone sparring sword
<around body>            a hooded, brown military aba
<on legs>                a smelly pair of light-brown pants
<on feet>                a smelly pair of chalton leather boots

He is carrying:
nothing obvious

Using an old rag, the grey-maned, wooden-legged man scrapes off some crusted blood and flesh from a
stone worktable.

With a shocked and disgusted look on his face, you ask the red, weather-worn dwarf, in sirihish:
    "Did you sit on the shitter face-first?"

The red, weather-worn dwarf raises his fist to his mouth and clears his throat, looking about

Shaking his head, the red, weather-worn dwarf says to you, in sirihish:
    "Nawp. I was sitting on it and lost my balance due to the force comin' out my backside and fell

The rugged, claw-raked young man stares at the red, weather-worn dwarf.

Using his hooded, brown military aba, the red, weather-worn dwarf wipes his face off.

The red, weather-worn dwarf brushes excrement off of his hooded, brown military aba onto the ground
when the grey-maned, wooden-legged man is looked away at an injured Runner.

The red, weather-worn dwarf shuffles up to a cot.

The red, weather-worn dwarf sits on a small leather cot.

You think:

The red, weather-worn dwarf rests on a small leather cot.

As the thin, chestnut-haired woman scans the room, spotting the dung heap in the floor, the red,
weather-worn dwarf raises the hood of his hooded, brown military aba.

The very short figure in a hooded, brown military aba curls up, facing the wall.

Shaking his head as he works on an unconscious, brown-aba clad young man, the grey-maned,
wooden-legged man says, in sirihish:
    "Dumb fuckin Runners."

The very short figure in a hooded, brown military aba stands up from a small leather cot.

Hopping off from a small leather cot, one of ^the very short figure in a hooded, brown military aba
feet hits the dung he scraped off earlier and he slides onto the ground.

The very short figure in a hooded, brown military aba raises his short arms and legs, looking like a
Gurth on its back trying to roll around.

Whistling merrily, the grey-maned, wooden-legged man does his best to patch up a deep neck wound on an
unconscious Runner.

The very short figure in a hooded, brown military aba Rolls over, standing.

The very short figure in a hooded, brown military aba dusts himself off.

The very short figure in a hooded, brown military aba walks east.

The very short figure in a hooded, brown military aba has arrived from the east.

Trudging in, with a demanding tone, the very short figure in a hooded, brown military aba exclaims, in
    "Somebody get this shit off the floor!"

Grumbling, the very short figure in a hooded, brown military aba sits on a small leather cot.

The black-skinned half-elf has arrived from the east.

Pointing at the floor, the very short figure in a hooded, brown military aba says to the black-skinned
half-elf, in sirihish:
    "Look out, ye half-wit breed, there's shit on the floor."

Sitting up in his cot, you say to the very short figure in a hooded, brown military aba, in sirihish:
    "You put it there you fuckin' stub."

Crossing his arms, the very short figure in a hooded, brown military aba says, in sirihish:
    "Don't go slippin' on it, now."

You think:
    "What the fuck is his game?"

Looking appalled, the very short figure in a hooded, brown military aba looks over at you.

The red, weather-worn dwarf lowers the hood of his hooded, brown military aba.

The black-skinned half-elf sits on a colorful linen pallet.

The red, weather-worn dwarf says, in sirihish:
    "I did no such thing! I'm going to be leader of this organization sometime shortly. I don't go 'round shittin' in the barracks."

Raising an eyebrow, you say to the red, weather-worn dwarf, in sirihish:
    "Don't gimme that fuckin' look, we all gotta sleep here. Get your shit outta here."

The red, weather-worn dwarf says, in sirihish:
    "I did no such thing! I'm going to be leader of this organization sometime shortly. I don't go 'round shittin' in the barracks."

Raising an eyebrow, you say to the red, weather-worn dwarf, in sirihish:Raising an eyebrow, you say to the red, weather-worn dwarf, in sirihish:
    "Don't gimme that fuckin' look, we all gotta sleep here. Get your shit outta here."

His whole head turning red, the red, weather-worn dwarf stands up from a small leather cot.

Looking at you, the black-skinned half-elf says, in sirihish:
    "And no one calls me a fucking half-breed."

Raising a fist in the air, the red, weather-worn dwarf exclaims, in sirihish:
    "I'll do it, but only t'show you lot what a shinin' example o' leadership I am!"

The rugged, claw-raked young man stares at the red, weather-worn dwarf, seeming perplexed.

The red, weather-worn dwarf borrows some linen bandages from the grey-maned, wooden-legged man's stock and begins to clean shit off the floor.

You think:
    "What in the Vrun...."

The rugged, claw-raked young man blinks a couple times, shaking his head, and lays back.The rugged, claw-raked young man blinks a couple times, shaking his head, and lays back.
You think:
    "Teks Balls... I think Bones' got it right... Dumb fuckin' runners..."

The red, weather-worn dwarf stands up from the floor, placing the shit-stained bandages back where he found them.

Nodding a few times, the red, weather-worn dwarf says to the grey-maned, wooden-legged man, in sirihish:
    "Soaked in Bimbal, those are."

Sitting back up, scowling, you say to the red, weather-worn dwarf, in sirihish:Sitting back up, scowling, you say to the red, weather-worn dwarf, in sirihish:
    "I think Bones'd know the fucking difference.."

The red, weather-worn dwarf reaches into his smelly pair of light-brown pants and curses something about gith-disease under his breath.

Removing his hands from his pants after a few scratches, the red, weather-worn dwarf says to you, in sirihish:
    "Think you know somethin' 'bout medicine? Those bandages would cure more than a water gick, now."

Snorting, you say to the red, weather-worn dwarf, in sirihish:Snorting, you say to the red, weather-worn dwarf, in sirihish:
    "I know 'nough to know that those'd cause fuckin' infections. Maybe an amputation er too."

You think:
    "Is he fuckin' serious?"

Looking over at a nearby young medic as a wounded Runner screams in agony, the grey-maned, wooden-legged man says, in sirihish:
    "Yer supposed to straighten th' bone first, -then- splint it."

Waving a hand dismissively, the red, weather-worn dwarf says to you, in sirihish:
    "Bah, I jus' shoved one down my pants and can already feel my crotch itch going away."

The rugged, claw-raked young man shakes his head and just lays back down in his cot, closing his eyes.

The red, weather-worn dwarf drinks water from a tun of water.

A loud horn blast sounds from the northeast.

The red, weather-worn dwarf walks east.

Quote from: musashiengaging in autoerotic asphyxiation is no excuse for sloppy grammer!!!

January 01, 2016, 08:28:56 PM #48 Last Edit: January 01, 2016, 10:31:58 PM by Bogre
Quote from: James de Monet on January 01, 2016, 05:33:06 PM

The [high society man] says to the [leader man], in sirihish:
    "I, personally, have one of their Jihaen [weapons] and a Lirathan amulet hanging across from my dining table in my house. "

The [mercenary man] says to the [assistant woman], in sirihish:
    "I got a dead plant sittin' 'cross from m'dinin' bench."


Was that Magistrate Otikus?
I tripped and Fale down my stairs. Drink milk and you'll grow Uaptal. I know this guy from the state of Tenneshi. This house will go up Borsail tomorrow. I gave my book to him Nenyuk it back again. I hired this guy golfing to Kadius around for a while.

And my favorite:

You way to the so and so Oashi noble,
"Yes, dear Lady, my name is Lord Templar Snorvellus Tor. I'm really quite thrilled to be invited to your birthday party."

emote leans back in the spartan room, peering out the window over the lush gardens of the Ivory Quarter.
I tripped and Fale down my stairs. Drink milk and you'll grow Uaptal. I know this guy from the state of Tenneshi. This house will go up Borsail tomorrow. I gave my book to him Nenyuk it back again. I hired this guy golfing to Kadius around for a while.