Surviving a Raid - tips and hints

Started by Lizzie, November 18, 2015, 09:17:29 AM

Since my 'gem' example shifted us off-topic, two comments on it. 

First, I tossed it out as a hypothetical -- so don't worry, CodeMaster, it wasn't you!  I've never had it happen in-game, although I've had similar things happen in-game.

Second, here are Nauta's tips on tdesc usage.

1. The secret tdesc.  I like making my mdesc end perfectly on a line, so then I can add a tdesc if I like that will blend perfectly in with my mdesc to the casual observer.

2. The in-your-face tdesc.  You can add a blank line as the first line of the tdesc (or split your tdesc with a blank line).  I like to think our eyes are drawn more to things after the blank line, so REALLY important things can be highlighted by adding a blank line first.

3. Emote.  I recognize that a lot of people (myself included) don't re-look, especially if they know someone well.  So emote that aspect of your tdesc if it's important enough.

4. Keep a notepad filled with tdescs.  I have a notepad filled with tdescs, so I don't have to retype them out when I change something small, e.g., I can keep my awesome haircut (cut-and-paste) then tack on a line about a black-and-blue eye, or whatever.

5. Don't power tdesc.  The code here might allow us to get away with some things, but try to be realistic with your expectations -- we're not all super ninja, and so even if you tdesc being all wrapped up, one or two of your wrappings might slip down, or whatever.  Absent some code solution to this -- based on dice rolls and skill checks -- there's going to be mutual trust between the masked and the looker here to both play realistically.

All that said, absent a coded solution, I still prefer the tdesc/emote-being-wrapped-up route towards anonymity/masking yourself over the you-look-I-kill-you route, for a lot of reasons -- but I understand the frustrations when someone by accident or on purpose overlooks your attempt at anonymity/masking yourself.
as IF you didn't just have them unconscious, naked, and helpless in the street 4 minutes ago

There should be a skill where you can instantly turn yourself into a corpse (pretending you're dead) - that idea came from witnessing my last mudsexing partner

"When I was a fighting man, the kettle-drums they beat;
The people scattered gold-dust before my horse's feet;
But now I am a great king, the people hound my track
With poison in my wine-cup, and daggers at my back."