Stupid Things You've Done

Started by i love toilets, March 28, 2015, 06:55:09 PM

I once spamwalked into the silt sea.

I once tried to climb the city walls of Allanak, but the character was insane, so I guess that doesn't count as much.
Eat your fries with mayonnaise next time

I tried to steal a mekillot from the Tan Muark by starting a stampede.
All the world will be your enemy. When they catch you, they will kill you. But first they must catch you; digger, listener, runner, Prince with the swift warning. Be cunning, and full of tricks, and your people will never be destroyed.

Using the packets of water you get from X to fill a waterskin.
I junk the packets when done to prevent having bladders and shit everywhere.
You know
Pour bladder waterskin
Junk bladder
Pour bladder waterskin
Junk waterskin
Wait what

I've lost three this way so far.

Giving items to merchants figuring out how to barter.

I've humiliated myself by trying to banter with staff over 'wish' but instead shouted out something stupid to other players in the room.

I've tried to create a scene for some of my friends which involved luring a scrab in to meet them. While trying to do this I spammed way too far and straight into a giant spider i've never seen before.

I've trusted other players with sensitive plot information.

Back in the day, I didn't realize the s-desc of an inix would change room to room, so one day a guy left his inix outside one of the taverns... I 'look <not specifying direction because you'll know which tavern :)> and see something like 'a giant something forages about here' --. Only to react something akin to "OMFG GUYS GET OUT OF HERE WHAT IS THAT".

As a half-elf ranger with the equivalent of 0 days of combat training, I once traversed spider territory to find a cozy little nook in the wilderness which I promptly left and traversed spider territory again in order to bring furniture (crossing the place a third time) so I could make a home there. The first time I think two spiders followed me, but attacked each other.

I once tried to drive a silt skimmer without having direction sense. I was lucky I made it back to land.
Eat your fries with mayonnaise next time

I put stop in helper chat because I thought I had my Arm client selected and felt stupid.

  • I once forgot I had barrier up and then tried to contact someone.  My character had a freak-out/melt-down thinking he was under psionic attack.  Actually I think I've done this more than once.
  • >think Huh, neat.  A red robe.
  • First character tried to walk to Tuluk because Allanak was boring.

Quote from: Marauder Moe on March 30, 2015, 10:19:37 AM

  • First character tried to walk to Tuluk because Allanak was boring.

Moe, I have done this before successfully. I assume since you said "tried" you attempt was not successful.

Let's see...dumb things I've done:

  • My first Bynner was a total disaster and was constantly fumbling everything up (first PC ever)...was assigned laps by the Sergeant and just ran around the Sparring Hall, then got yelled at more.
  • I once walked around an area on foot, aggro'd a tregil, and died to said tregil because I didn't have the weapon skills to actually hit it, nor the ep to run away. I wished up for Staff to kill me faster, but they did not. (I would not recommend wishing up for this)
  • An Allanaki templar tried to get me to come into the Gaj one time because I had just immasculated the militia. I Way'ed him back and said "I'm busy." -- this was the same Bynner. His legs got broken by a warhammer.
  • My FAVORITE PC ever...I was not used to poison codedly. I thought I was RP'ing well to believe a skellebaine hallucination, so I attacked Tulukis...ended up whacking a guard, died. Staff said "Sorry to see X bought the hallucinations! Thanks for playing" -- and I was sitting there in front of the email like "WHAT? I DIDN'T HAVE TO? RES PLS." -- I have never forgiven myself for this. I wish I still had that character.
  • I was trusted with an important task, you could say, and I tried to play hero a bit and ended up dead. (I can't say exactly what this was, because it was within a year, just barely) -- safe to say, if it ain't your concern directly, just leave it be.

Quote from: Jeax on March 30, 2015, 10:28:37 AM
Quote from: Marauder Moe on March 30, 2015, 10:19:37 AM

  • First character tried to walk to Tuluk because Allanak was boring.

Moe, I have done this before successfully. I assume since you said "tried" you attempt was not successful.
Indeed.  Gith'ed.

I was playing a grizzled dune trader named Tarquin from Red Storm East one time who had been hopping about wheeling and dealing around the Known. He had gotten fairly good at the merchant thing and was being offered a wagon from a noble benefactor to improve his dune trader operations!

One day in the Gaj a Militia corporal or sergeant, I forget which, was bragging about his new PC girlfriend. Tarquin, being a sleazy womanizer just smiled and said something like "Yeah, I've banged that. She was a good lay!" which started a bar brawl.

During which I typed 'Kill' instead of 'Hit' :(
Quote from: MorgenesYa..what Bushranger said...that's the ticket.

I had a great stat'ed bad ass ranger who's mix of personality made him a blast to play.
Bunch of IC stuff and typed Kill Elf in the table lands.

I miss that character.

Quote from: Jeax on March 30, 2015, 10:28:37 AM
An Allanaki templar tried to get me to come into the Gaj one time because I had just immasculated the militia. I Way'ed him back and said "I'm busy."

Ahahahahahaha, I love you for this. If I was playing this Templar I would have that moment of stunned silence behind my keyboard where I go, "WTF? Does this guy know who I am?".

Quote from: James de Monet on April 09, 2015, 01:54:57 AM
My phone now autocorrects "damn" to Dman.
Quote from: deathkamon on November 14, 2015, 12:29:56 AM
The young daughter has been filled.

Quote from: Desertman on March 30, 2015, 03:26:57 PM
Quote from: Jeax on March 30, 2015, 10:28:37 AM
An Allanaki templar tried to get me to come into the Gaj one time because I had just immasculated the militia. I Way'ed him back and said "I'm busy."

Ahahahahahaha, I love you for this. If I was playing this Templar I would have that moment of stunned silence behind my keyboard where I go, "WTF? Does this guy know who I am?".

Yeah Jeax that's awesome! Don't consider this something stupid - it's something awesome! (until you got the character's legs smashed by a warhammer)
Quote from: MorgenesYa..what Bushranger said...that's the ticket.

I've wayed some pretty silly things to templars and nobles (north and south), but it was their fault!  They'd contact my PC out of the blue and be like: Hello, AwesomeName.  'Sup? And so I'd be super chatty back, and then they'd pull out the: By the way, don't speak like this to your superiors.  And I'd be like: Wait.  Who are you?  Then: Warhammer to the legs.

(Actually, I noticed that whereas the sdesc of a templar at least up north includes the word templar, it doesn't when they way you.  So totally not my fault.  I just thought that was a towering, chisel-jawed golden-haired muscular krath-haired dimple-chinned graceful man, who totally wanted me.)
as IF you didn't just have them unconscious, naked, and helpless in the street 4 minutes ago

Quote from: nauta on March 30, 2015, 03:34:55 PM
I've wayed some pretty silly things to templars and nobles (north and south), but it was their fault!  They'd contact my PC out of the blue and be like: Hello, AwesomeName.  'Sup? And so I'd be super chatty back, and then they'd pull out the: By the way, don't speak like this to your superiors.  And I'd be like: Wait.  Who are you?  Then: Warhammer to the legs.

(Actually, I noticed that whereas the sdesc of a templar at least up north includes the word templar, it doesn't when they way you.  So totally not my fault.  I just thought that was a towering, chisel-jawed golden-haired muscular krath-haired dimple-chinned graceful man, who totally wanted me.)

Templar robe/capes change the last word in the sdesc (or the man/woman part) to 'Templar'. When they way you, their way image is totes nekkid - I hope this helps your 'they want me' fantasy.

QuoteA female voice says, in sirihish:
     "] yer a wizard, oashi"

Quote from: hopeandsorrow on March 30, 2015, 03:10:14 PM
I had a great stat'ed bad ass ranger who's mix of personality made him a blast to play.
Bunch of IC stuff and typed Kill Elf in the table lands.

I miss that character.
I'm more so curious.
Did the elf destroy you.
Or did elf train 2015 do it.
The world will never know.

1) First ever character, a half-elf ranger got new equipment and decided to walk into the Grey. He avoided several NPC halfling hunters only to see some sort of ginka vine or something and thought "Great food." Only he became the food not the ginka.
2) I've allowed characters to be locked in rooms with people they didn't quite trust and even with people they did. Usually these things ended badly. Some were actually fun though.
3) Had a character that got drunk and passed out to find his pants missing when he came to.
4) Ran around crazily hunting gurth only to run into a hidden tembo and die, also got another PC killed by doing this.
5) All time favorite accident: Had a HG assassin fall into the Crater in Tuluk, he survived but someone came along and finished him off.

I'm sure there have been others, but these are my most memorable ones.
I am unable to respond to PMs sent on the GDB. If you want to send me something, please send it to my email.

Quote from: Jihelu on March 30, 2015, 05:16:23 PM
Quote from: hopeandsorrow on March 30, 2015, 03:10:14 PM
I had a great stat'ed bad ass ranger who's mix of personality made him a blast to play.
Bunch of IC stuff and typed Kill Elf in the table lands.

I miss that character.
I'm more so curious.
Did the elf destroy you.
Or did elf train 2015 do it.
The world will never know.

Choo choo.

I believe that after a few west side rinthi characters, my understanding of elves made me grossly under estimate desert elves. 

Lesson learned the hard way.

I over estimate everything.

My favorite scene was when I attacked a gurth, only for three gurth to come out of no where and hit me.
I didn't die or get close to death.
But I laughed so hard I almost did.

Fucking tribal gurth twinks and their assist training.
You take the last bite of your scooby snack.
This tastes like ordinary meat.
There is nothing left now.

Quote from: Patuk on March 30, 2015, 06:31:35 PM
Fucking tribal gurth twinks and their assist training.
I'm putting in a player complaint right now.
Fucking rescue spamming turtles.
Atleast their twink cousin Met' didn't show up.

Had a warrior that I had been playing a while, first ever character. He was a bit of a beast, I had no idea what I was doing, so I just kept killing stuff. Then I walked into the Grey, got attacked by a tembo and a kryl. Got away but left my inix (and all my sids pack on it), so I went back in. Killed the tembo, had the kryl in poor condition, then I got blinded, that was it for me.

Then I made a dwarf assassin, and cut myself with the vomiting poison on my first attempt to poison a knife, he died vomiting in the stables.

Then I made a 'rinth elf assassin, running around the 'rinth. Hit some old npc and a different npc attacks me, knocks me out, then just leaves me be. However every time I wake up I get immediately knocked out again. This went on for about 40 minutes before I asked staff to just kill me or something. Instead he took all my stuff and left. I died to a scrab trying to find something to trade for food outside the walls.

3/21/16 Never Forget

I could probably spam half this entire thread with my dumbassery, but..

- I decided to make a whore my Kadian's money sink, and made the mistake of not using the estate.

- I kept forgetting to junk magical stuff while in Allanak proper on my gemmed rukkian

- I banged out a predator quote and attacked a baby sewer horror as a 0 day byn recruit because I felt like it.

- I accepted a templar's mission even after knowing I'd have to follow a giant through sandstorm country. I found out silt is tasty at least.
You take the last bite of your scooby snack.
This tastes like ordinary meat.
There is nothing left now.

Quote from: Patuk on March 30, 2015, 07:07:04 PM
I could probably spam half this entire thread with my dumbassery, but..

- I decided to make a whore my Kadian's money sink, and made the mistake of not using the estate.

- I kept forgetting to junk magical stuff while in Allanak proper on my gemmed rukkian

- I banged out a predator quote and attacked a baby sewer horror as a 0 day byn recruit because I felt like it.

- I accepted a templar's mission even after knowing I'd have to follow a giant through sandstorm country. I found out silt is tasty at least.
But did you kill the horror?

Quote from: lostinspace on March 30, 2015, 06:47:01 PM
Had a warrior that I had been playing a while, first ever character. He was a bit of a beast, I had no idea what I was doing, so I just kept killing stuff. Then I walked into the Grey, got attacked by a tembo and a kryl. Got away but left my inix (and all my sids pack on it), so I went back in. Killed the tembo, had the kryl in poor condition, then I got blinded, that was it for me.

Then I made a dwarf assassin, and cut myself with the vomiting poison on my first attempt to poison a knife, he died vomiting in the stables.

Then I made a 'rinth elf assassin, running around the 'rinth. Hit some old npc and a different npc attacks me, knocks me out, then just leaves me be. However every time I wake up I get immediately knocked out again. This went on for about 40 minutes before I asked staff to just kill me or something. Instead he took all my stuff and left. I died to a scrab trying to find something to trade for food outside the walls.

This all sounds pretty standard to me.