Winning! The (highly) Unofficial Armageddon Scoring Sheet

Started by James de Monet, September 18, 2013, 01:08:26 PM

September 18, 2013, 01:08:26 PM Last Edit: September 18, 2013, 01:18:44 PM by James de Monet
Winning! The (highly) Unofficial Armageddon Scoring Sheet

Only the lowest negative or highest positive FROM EACH CATEGORY applies, IN THAT ORDER, except as otherwise noted.  Add all applicable category values together for each character.

Feel free to list your achievements if one is listed in after the points bracket for an applicable line.  Please DO NOT list achievements less than 1 year old, but you can count the points for them. Also, please do not out any other players. They may have reasons for not stating their achievements (like concealing who they played, or soul-wracking shame).

PLEASE DO NOT DISCUSS DETAILS OF YOUR CHARACTERS' LIVES OR DEATHS IN THIS THREAD.  That means no names, and don't break the points down by character!  Just add them together and post your total (and your achievements, if you want).

General Points
  • Died (1 pt - does not count if anything else applies)
  • Stored (0 pts - does not count if anything else applies)
  • Suicide (-1 pts - positives do not count)

Deaths to Players
  • Death by normal/random PK (2 pts - does not count if anything else applies)
  • PK'd for racially appropriate roleplay (3 pts) Doing It Right
  • PK'd for Pking someone else (3 pts)
  • PK'd by a "friend" (3 pts) MCB
  • PK'd by magicker (3 pts)
  • PK'd by defiler (4 pts)
  • PK'd by magicker/defiler openly, in a public part of a city (5 pts) Really Irritating
  • PK'd by Templar for stupidity/insolence (-1 pts)
  • PK'd by Templar (for something other than stupidity/insolence) (3 pts)
  • PK'd by Templarate contracted hit (4 pts)
  • PK'd by Templar in secret (South only) or in public (North only) (5 pts) Very Bad Man

Circumstances of Death
  • Killed with a single hit (assassin, magick, mek, half-giant, etc.) (4 pts) F-L-E- oh damn
  • Killed by something unspeakable (no docs or GDB reference) (6 pts) [REDACTED]
  • Died during HRPT (3 pts)
  • Died during RPT (2 pts)
  • Died right before HRPT (-1 pts)
  • Died right after HRPT (2 irony pts)
  • Killed by falling off shield wall (-1 pt)
  • Killed right after surviving a fall from the shield wall (2 irony pts) Gith Pararescue
  • Killed by a mundane mob while somewhere uber magickal/dangerous (-1 irony pts)

Fabled "Win" Scenarios
  • Force stored due to promotion (5 pts) Congratulations, You're Fired
  • Stored when your character was too old and too rich to carry all their money (4 pts) #Winning
  • PK'd when your character was too old and too rich to carry all their money (5 pts) #Winni-!
  • Died to anything outside the walls when your character was too old and too rich to carry all their money (-1 pts) Dumbass Safari

OOC Considerations
  • Died while linkdead (-1 pts)
  • PK'd while linkdead (2 sympathy pts - negatives do not count) Strangely Stoic
  • Died while AFK (-1 pts)
  • PK'd while AFK (-2 pts)
  • Died while playing on your phone (-1 pts)
  • Died from typo (2 pts if hilarious or resulted in PK, -1 pts if not)
  • Died while playing drunk (-1 pts)

MUD Considerations
  • Killed by Imm for cause (stupidity/lack of realism) (-3 pts) Smitten
  • Killed by Imm for fun/realism (not related to stupidity) (3 pts)
  • PK'd by race option now closed (Player kills only! NPCs do not count) (4 pts)
  • PK'd by clan option now closed (Player kills only! NPCs do not count) (3 pts)

Environmental Considerations
  • Died of starvation/dehydration (-1 pts)
  • Died of disease (2 pts)
  • Died of intentional poisoning (3 pts)
  • Died of unintentional poisoning (2 pts if hilarious, 1 pt if not)
  • Died of unintentional self poisoning (-1 pts)
  • Drowned in silt (-1 pts) What Does "Shoulder Deep" Mean?

Achievement Points (These Stack Limitlessly EXCEPT FOR SUICIDE)
  • Died while sparring (-1 pts) Runnerific!
  • Died right after being healed (-1 pts) Back In The Fight
  • Died to a creature you attacked, fled, rested, and attacked again (-2 pts) Darwin Award
  • Died to a creature from which you fled...just not far enough (-1 pts) I Think We Lost Them
  • Died after running out of stamina to flee (-1 pts) Couch Potato
  • Killed by own mount (-2 pts) Whoa, Nelly
  • Died to something you attacked (-1 pts) I Got This
  • Died to someONE you attacked (-2 pts) Surprise, Asshole!
  • Died to a creature you have never seen before or since (2 ballsy pts) Hello, Ugly
  • Died in a place you have never been before or since (2 adventure pts) Follow Me, I Know The Way!
  • You have no idea how you died (2 pts, does not stack with linkdead/AFK) WTF?!
  • If you could type fast enough, your PC's last words would have been, "Oh, shi-!" (3 pts) Welcome to Armageddon
  • Your PC's last words actually were, "Oh, shi-!" (4 pts) Not My First Rodeo

Finally, yes, I realize some of the point values are kind of random, and may seem contradictory.  This thing is for giggles.  It's not serious.  Try to have fun with it!

[Just for the record, this thread was cleared by staff, but please observe the rules noted at the top!]
Quote from: Lizzie on February 10, 2016, 09:37:57 PM
You know I think if James simply retitled his thread "Cheese" and apologized for his first post being off-topic, all problems would be solved.

Can staff play too?
Quote from: LauraMars on December 15, 2016, 08:17:36 PMPaint on a mustache and be a dude for a day. Stuff some melons down my shirt, cinch up a corset and pass as a girl.

With appropriate roleplay of course.

September 18, 2013, 01:52:13 PM #2 Last Edit: September 18, 2013, 01:59:25 PM by LauraMars

F-L-E-oh damn x 2
What Does Shoulder Deep Mean? x2
Surprise, Asshole!
Whoa, Nelly
Follow Me, I Know The Way!
Welcome To Armageddon (I don't even know how many times)
Not My First Rodeo (does the think command count?)


Fun fact: I got a surprisingly large amount of death by templar negatives in that list...mostly due to my propensity for attempted robbery and...shenanigans.
Child, child, if you come to this doomed house, what is to save you?

A voice whispers, "Read the tales upon the walls."

By the way, this is hilarious.
Child, child, if you come to this doomed house, what is to save you?

A voice whispers, "Read the tales upon the walls."

Quote from: Nyr on September 18, 2013, 01:51:00 PM
Can staff play too?

Of course! But deaths of animated NPC red shirts don't count.   ;)
Quote from: Lizzie on February 10, 2016, 09:37:57 PM
You know I think if James simply retitled his thread "Cheese" and apologized for his first post being off-topic, all problems would be solved.

Quote from: James de Monet on September 18, 2013, 02:05:59 PM
Quote from: Nyr on September 18, 2013, 01:51:00 PM
Can staff play too?

Of course! But deaths of animated NPC red shirts don't count.   ;)


...ok, I need to rethink my strategery, then...
Quote from: LauraMars on December 15, 2016, 08:17:36 PMPaint on a mustache and be a dude for a day. Stuff some melons down my shirt, cinch up a corset and pass as a girl.

With appropriate roleplay of course.

Haha, pet NPCs are fine, just not the throwaways. But really, if you want to post the red shirts, who's going to stop you?  :D  This test isn't graded.
Quote from: Lizzie on February 10, 2016, 09:37:57 PM
You know I think if James simply retitled his thread "Cheese" and apologized for his first post being off-topic, all problems would be solved.

If anyone is embarrassed by your point values, you shouldn't be. I've been playing for over a decade (with long lived characters and longer absences), and here's the ugly breakdown:

Welcome to Armageddon
Back In The Fight
I Got This
Couch Potato
I Think We Lost Them


There are a couple characters I need to verify, but that's close.
Quote from: Lizzie on February 10, 2016, 09:37:57 PM
You know I think if James simply retitled his thread "Cheese" and apologized for his first post being off-topic, all problems would be solved.

• PK'd by a "friend" (3 pts)
• PK'd by defiler (4 pts)*
• Killed with a single hit (assassin, magick, mek, half-giant, etc.) (4 pts)
• Killed by something unspeakable (no docs or GDB reference) (6 pts)
• Force stored due to promotion (5 pts)

• Died to a creature you attacked, fled, rested, and attacked again (-2 pts)
• Died after running out of stamina to flee (-1 pts)
• Died to something you attacked (-1 pts)

All three of these negatives are from the same death on my short-lived half-giant.

*Actually it was a mindbender, but that's not on the list? I picked defiler cos they're the same karma tier...



F-L-E-oh damn x 2
Congratulations, You're Fired!
Darwin Award
Couch Potato
I Got This

I just haven't died enough times! I think there should be more achievement points for living. But this is awesome.
subdue thread
release thread pit

Heh, yeah, this chart only gives you points for your last moments. Getting points for promotions and revenge kanking is a different chart.

Don't group your points by character, though. We don't want to figure out who you were by your unique demise! (Well, we do want to figure out who you were, we're just not supposed to ;)). 
Quote from: Lizzie on February 10, 2016, 09:37:57 PM
You know I think if James simply retitled his thread "Cheese" and apologized for his first post being off-topic, all problems would be solved.

Is there an option for dying to the gate guards of Allanak because you had spice?  That's got to be at least minus 1-2.
"It's too hot in the hottub!"

-James Brown

Quote from: Molten Heart on September 18, 2013, 03:25:52 PM
Is there an option for dying to the gate guards of Allanak because you had spice?  That's got to be at least minus 1-2.

There definitely should be.  I'd have to subtract 4 points from my score.
Quote from: Gimfalisette
The rest of you, if you see a blingy, buff brunette-blonde pair hanging out together pretty soon at your local bar,'s nothing. Move along. (Do not hit on them.)

Yeah, that's a good one.  If I made it again, I might include more about deaths to the law that didn't include Templars, but I can't really change it now without making people recount.
Quote from: Lizzie on February 10, 2016, 09:37:57 PM
You know I think if James simply retitled his thread "Cheese" and apologized for his first post being off-topic, all problems would be solved.

Okay my total points are 11 but I can't reveal what because they are all less than a year, because I don't exactly remember any of the others because they were over five years ago.

I believe there should be points for a well acted out death scene such as you are sitting in a "mortally wounded" situation for a while and you act it out through emoting while you are in that state rather than just sitting there looking dumbfounded at your screen. That should be worth hmmm 5 points? Which would up mine to 16 points.
I am unable to respond to PMs sent on the GDB. If you want to send me something, please send it to my email.

I'd also like to nominate:

  • Death by spice overdose - 3 points if intentional, 2 points if accidental
  • Death by being subdued and then thrown off a cliff / into a pit / down a well - 2 points (and maybe a "Going Down" achievement?
  • Died while naked - 2 points if while mudsexing, 1 point if for any other reason
  • Died due to crime code - -1 points (-1 additional if you didn't intend to commit crime in the first place, or -2 additional if you wanted to be arrested but had incorrect nosaves on)
subdue thread
release thread pit

* premeditated death: you kill your PC off deliberately, i.e. Childbirth, non-coded illness. 3 pts.

The Armageddon Circle of Life- You died while wearing the boots your character started with. 1 Pt.

oops, I did it again - you die to an NPC while embroiled in a heated PvP plot

-2 points

I think I'm gonna do this per character, as I don't remember half the stuff that's happened to 90% of my PCs. >_>

Very Bad Man 5
Follow Me, I Know The Way! 2
F-L-E- oh damn! 4



  • [I Got This] x7
  • [REDACTED] x3
  • [Hello, Ugly] x3
  • [I Think We Lost Them] x2
  • [Follow Me, I know the way!] x2
  • [What does "Shoulder Deep" Mean?] x2
  • [Whoa, Nelly] x2
  • [MCB]
  • [WTF?!]
  • [F-L-E oh damn]
  • [Doing It Right]
  • [Couch Potato]
  • [Not My First Rodeo]
  • [Welcome to Armageddon]
  • [Surprise, Asshole]

This is what I can remember. Characters not on my account notes (from before accounts) have not been included.

Total Score: 67
Quote from: MorgenesYa..what Bushranger said...that's the ticket.


But that's missing a significant number that would have probably dragged the number down.

September 19, 2013, 06:03:43 AM #23 Last Edit: September 19, 2013, 06:05:53 AM by a french mans shirt

I am really happy about my Circumstances of Death score.

I'm not saying I'm an interesting person to be around, but I feel that sometimes it is interesting to watch me die.
Do yourself a favor, and play Resident Evil 4 again.

Doing It Right
F-L-E- oh damn
What Does "Shoulder Deep" Mean?
Back In The Fight
Darwin Award
I Think We Lost Them
Couch Potato
Whoa, Nelly
I Got This
Hello, Ugly
Follow Me, I Know The Way!
Welcome to Armageddon

I'm trying to figure up my score...but it's hard without account notes. I forsee quite a few account notes requests for the purpose of this thread.