Discussion of Changes to ArmageddonMUD

Started by Adhira, March 31, 2013, 01:34:50 PM

Discussion on this thread is fine. Please keep that up, we do want to hear your thoughts.

If you have a complaint or a question regarding your roleplay specifically please use the Request Tool to submit these. I'd rather not have to spend time going through this thread and moderating it. Thanks!
"It doesn't matter what country someone's from, or what they look like, or the color of their skin. It doesn't matter what they smell like, or that they spell words slightly differently, some would say more correctly." - Jemaine Clement. FOTC.

Quote from: Barsook on March 31, 2013, 08:39:03 PM
Quote from: ShaLeah on March 31, 2013, 08:38:37 PM
Quote from: Adhira on March 31, 2013, 08:34:22 PM
At the end of the day the staff have to make the decision on what is best for this game we all love.  

This proposed version of Arm is NOT the mud we all love. Not even close. I for one will NOT be continuing to play if these changes happen and I -will- be very verbal about my discontinuing the use of this MUD.

I will be very sad to not be able to play with all of you.



Quote from: Maso on March 31, 2013, 08:40:16 PM
I haven't read through this whole thread...but I'm going to assume that I'm not the only one that hopes this is an April Fools?

Player retention is all great as a focus...but can't we focus on solutions to retain players to Armageddon...rather than changing what Armageddon is? Not interested in playing a PG mud...would rather the legal issues were overcome by not allowing underage players. Don't wanna RP with twelve year olds anyway. Not a good trade off.

I know I'm only one player...but if there was a vote...my vote would be on 'I won't be playing Arm anymore if all of these actually go though', not in some kind of tantrum...but just because it wouldn't interest me anymore - and I don't even mudsex.

Don't fix what ain't broke!

I know I certainly hope it is. I think it is. But I'm not positive.
Quote from: Wug
No one on staff is just waiting for the opportunity to get revenge on someone who killed one of their characters years ago.

Except me. I remember every death. And I am coming for you bastards.

I remember once the staff posted a big long post saying that WOTC took ownership of the mud and wanted to charge us to play it. I call
Shinanigins on this one too. Though not quite as good as the WOTC but still highly effective.

Two dwarves get into a small fist-fray over who owns a pile of dung at the roadside.

You think:
     "Get your shit together"

Quote from: shadeoux on March 31, 2013, 08:56:34 PM
I remember once the staff posted a big long post saying that WOTC took ownership of the mud and wanted to charge us to play it. I call
Shinanigins on this one too. Though not quite as good as the WOTC but still highly effective.


     I don't know, Shadeoux, this one's pretty damn darn good.  It might just dislodge the WOTC one; I know I've been laughing non-stop for almost the entire thread now!
No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.

- Eleanor Roosevelt

     For comparison/the reader's delectation:

No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.

- Eleanor Roosevelt

I'm checking in here every so often in hopes of seeing staff cry "April Fool's" at us...

I personally wouldn't be able to play in such a game with those proposed changes.  I do like some of them and would agree to some of them getting implemented, but some are just a bit far fetched to even believe so...  April Fools it is.

Could just be it.
i love being a nobles health points

I think you'll have to wait about 26 hours for that.
Varak:You tell the mangy, pointy-eared gortok, in sirihish: "What, girl? You say the sorceror-king has fallen down the well?"
Ghardoan:A pitiful voice rises from the well below, "I've fallen and I can't get up..."

Why 26?
i love being a nobles health points

Server time it's about 26 hours until April Fool's day is over. 27 Actually.
Varak:You tell the mangy, pointy-eared gortok, in sirihish: "What, girl? You say the sorceror-king has fallen down the well?"
Ghardoan:A pitiful voice rises from the well below, "I've fallen and I can't get up..."

They'd be unlikely to spoil the joke before April Fool's day is over in the areas of the world not fortunate enough to live ONE DAY IN THE FUTURE like us Aussies and Kiwis are.
Quote from: Wug on August 28, 2013, 05:59:06 AM
Vennant doesn't appear to age because he serves drinks at the speed of light. Now you know why there's no delay on the buy code in the Gaj.

Quote from: Barzalene on March 31, 2013, 09:16:56 PM
Server time it's about 26 hours until April Fool's day is over. 27 Actually.

i love being a nobles health points

As a relatively new player, I do not have the experience of years that many of the rest of you do. Much of the game world is still a mystery to me. But even with my limited experience of Armageddon, I have seen a flavor of gameplay not found in any other MUD. The sheer brutality is what has led me to fall in love with this game, for better or for worse, and I will be very sad if the changes proposed are implemented. I'm going to miss the public mutilation of breeds, even if it was graphic. I'm going to miss hearing old time Bynners swear in Allanak. I'm going to miss the spice trade. I feel that much of what makes Armageddon as incredible as it is will be lost if we do indeed switch to a more PG setting.

That said, these changes will create a MUD that I did not intend to play. That is not the Armageddon that I fell in love with. I would rather see it turn into a game for ages 18+ than censor it for the sake of a larger player base. In all honesty, I think the player base we have now, even if it is small, works well enough for the game environment. Why sacrifice the heart of Armageddon for more players?

At this point, I am going to join those of you who are not voting for Armageddon on TMS or TMC until this is confirmed as a joke. This new Armageddon is not what I have been voting for. I will not support these changes.

Quote from: Skyra on March 31, 2013, 09:34:10 PM
At this point, I am going to join those of you who are not voting for Armageddon on TMS or TMC until this is confirmed as a joke. This new Armageddon is not what I have been voting for. I will not support these changes.

i love being a nobles health points

Yes, this has got to be the best April Fool's I've seen in awhile.  I'm eating up these serious responses.  Guys, who would sacrifice 50+% of their veteran playerbase to bring in a handful of newbs that might not even stay?  Lulz, you guys ...


Those of you considering not voting until Staff "takes it back," I implore you go ahead and vote until the April Fools costume is either confirmed or denied in a post-April 1st setting.


Let's keep the momentum going.


"I have seen him show most of the attributes one expects of a noble: courtesy, kindness, and honor.  I would also say he is one of the most bloodthirsty bastards I have ever met."

Quote from: Morrolan on March 31, 2013, 09:42:31 PM

Those of you considering not voting until Staff "takes it back," I implore you go ahead and vote until the April Fools costume is either confirmed or denied in a post-April 1st setting.


Let's keep the momentum going.




This was posted at 06:33:57am April 1, 2013 (NZ time) so please assume it's a joke when it comes to voting please!
Nothing to see here

Hey guys I'm staging a meeting on Furcadia (Slave Cell Area) to discuss the appeal we need to submit to Armageddon staff concerning this change in the rules. Should go down next weekend, PM me for details.
Quote from: Fathi on March 08, 2018, 06:40:45 PMAnd then I sat there going "really? that was it? that's so stupid."

I still think the best closure you get in Armageddon is just moving on to the next character.

Quote from: Adhira on March 31, 2013, 08:34:22 PM
At the end of the day the staff have to make the decision on what is best for this game we all love.  


Quote from: Is Friday on March 31, 2013, 09:46:02 PM
Hey guys I'm staging a meeting on Furcadia (Slave Cell Area) to discuss the appeal we need to submit to Armageddon staff concerning this change in the rules. Should go down next weekend, PM me for details.

Are you really one Furcadia?
i love being a nobles health points

Quote from: hyzhenhok on March 31, 2013, 09:47:27 PM
Quote from: Adhira on March 31, 2013, 08:34:22 PM
At the end of the day the staff have to make the decision on what is best for this game we all love.  


Nice catch. All I was thinking was "stupid sports metaphors have really been taken to the next level."
"I have seen him show most of the attributes one expects of a noble: courtesy, kindness, and honor.  I would also say he is one of the most bloodthirsty bastards I have ever met."

Quote from: Is Friday on March 31, 2013, 09:46:02 PM
Hey guys I'm staging a meeting on Furcadia (Slave Cell Area) to discuss the appeal we need to submit to Armageddon staff concerning this change in the rules. Should go down next weekend, PM me for details.

Quoteemote pees into your eyes deeply

Quote from: Delirium on November 28, 2012, 02:26:33 AM
I don't always act superior... but when I do it's on the forums of a text-based game

long as we can chop muthaf*ckers up with bone swords, i'm down with it.