Family role call!

Started by Lutagar, December 23, 2012, 11:43:02 AM

December 23, 2012, 11:43:02 AM Last Edit: December 23, 2012, 11:50:55 AM by Lutagar

I have two family roles open - three humans in the labyrinth, one female, two male - of ages ranging from 13-16. The two males have certain restrictions in terms of physical appearance, and each character will have a certain outline which I would be more than happy to work through with any applicants, aside from that you're pretty free-range in terms of guilds/sub-guilds.

My play times are GMT.

I could go on to list all the promising opportunities for fun playing in this family offers, but instead, I'll ask you to think of a single reason why you shouldn't want to be in it. Really, I dare you. Because you can't. The vague details I've supplied about this family are the coolest you've ever seen, ever.

As another note - I'll probably be slow to reply to any posts/interest, if any, but I've not died (I hope) or started dragging my feet - since I will probably be busy stuffing my face with chocolates and recovering from a hangover until at least a few days after Christmas, but therefore after I will be back to getting my Arm doses.

Clarification question: You have "two family roles available" and then you list two males and one female.

Is it the two males that are open, or what?

Thanks :)
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December 23, 2012, 12:45:49 PM #2 Last Edit: December 23, 2012, 12:52:42 PM by Lutagar
Quote from: Harmless on December 23, 2012, 12:21:55 PM
Clarification question: You have "two family roles available" and then you list two males and one female.

Is it the two males that are open, or what?

Thanks :)

Sure thing!

As it is, two of the three family slots are open to other players - I intend to take the third.. whatever's left. So the two males and the female are open, I'm just keeping a space for myself.

Damn, I've been wanting to play a family role. Well maybe if I die as fucked up in the past, I still may have time.

Nnnngh! Sounds tempting... gotta skip this one though. :/
Sometimes, severity is the price we pay for greatness

I want it. I wanna play the girl. Pick me, pick me.

I'm sorry to say we've managed to fill up all the free slots!

Thank you to those who took an interest.