From ATS: Satisfy my idle curiosity?

Started by Morrolan, June 15, 2012, 03:33:09 PM

Quote from: ShaLeah on June 15, 2012, 04:40:22 PM
My first character, ShaLeah (because I had no idea wtf I was getting into) had a start date of: Sun Sep 16 21:51:32 2001
I made her an amnesiac because I was too lazy to read the docs and decided to wing it, which led to the Quick Start submission. I made her to look like me with the same age as me. I sucked. I somehow managed to survive with a lot of help from Imms that took pity on me, I think.

I started when Tor was led by the ugliest motherfucker in the known who commanded a room when he entered it, when Ysania was a breathing person and not a Way, when Tuluk had tons of mutants and still under Nakki occupation. One of my characters owned a honey kank, I saw halflings shnack on corpses, totally thought Samoa's orange eyed pc was creepy (cause my name is Tammy) and once was logged in over 30 hours straight. Don't ask me what I was snorting.

I took a break from 2005 till 2011 and I feel more like a newbie now than I did back then.

Now I have the strangest want to start singing Barbra Streisand's Memories.

I started a little bit before Shaleah. I was on my third char, the previous two having lasted four and eight days played respectively. I got hooked by Travis (I forget his GDB name). Anyway, we were in computer class, and I saw him playing a MUD. He started talking about this maze called the 'rinth, and he had watched some guy have a heart attack, then proceeded to loot his body. I thought, 'Heart attack? That's pretty cool.' After checking, I am currently on my 24th character.
Quote from: BhagharvaWhat you don't know can kill you. What you do know, can kill others.

To the north
A lanky, brown-skinned gith is here, humping the rusty brown kank.
The rusty brown kank to the north bleats miserably.

Eh, I joined after playing the historically famous LP Mud Realmsmud for awhile.  I had heard about the game on ISCA BBS and while my first character sucked, it was my water elementalist (no karma back in the day) that got me hooked.  This was back before clans were coded up and halflings were often seen within the city (friendly-like), blackmoon raiders (NPC) scoured the landscape and Gith actually had good gear on them!

I remember some famous Saturday quest line for the Waxen man - some sorcerer, I think and Templars riding split-hooved horses.  Later, with my indy dwarf merchant who later built one of the Kuraci wagons, we went on a quest to try and unseat Isar (northern templar dude) and failed terribly! I forget the templar's name that had gotten us all into this, but he ended up staying in Luir's for a time and then I think he disappeared. 

I still get a kick when I see that wagon now and again.

Anyway, the biggest thing that gets me (especially when I look back on the old GDB) is how many of the discussions we had then in 96 and 97 are still being had today.

And, I miss Thanas.  What an amazing player.  Was he immortal?  Also, Irishman - I remember playing with a couple of his characters back in the day - really taught me a lot.

Quote from: Sakra on July 06, 2012, 08:44:06 AM
Quote from: ShaLeah on June 15, 2012, 04:40:22 PM
My first character, ShaLeah (because I had no idea wtf I was getting into) had a start date of: Sun Sep 16 21:51:32 2001
I made her an amnesiac because I was too lazy to read the docs and decided to wing it, which led to the Quick Start submission. I made her to look like me with the same age as me. I sucked. I somehow managed to survive with a lot of help from Imms that took pity on me, I think.

I started when Tor was led by the ugliest motherfucker in the known who commanded a room when he entered it, when Ysania was a breathing person and not a Way, when Tuluk had tons of mutants and still under Nakki occupation. One of my characters owned a honey kank, I saw halflings shnack on corpses, totally thought Samoa's orange eyed pc was creepy (cause my name is Tammy) and once was logged in over 30 hours straight. Don't ask me what I was snorting.

I took a break from 2005 till 2011 and I feel more like a newbie now than I did back then.

Now I have the strangest want to start singing Barbra Streisand's Memories.

I started a little bit before Shaleah. I was on my third char, the previous two having lasted four and eight days played respectively. I got hooked by Travis (I forget his GDB name). Anyway, we were in computer class, and I saw him playing a MUD. He started talking about this maze called the 'rinth, and he had watched some guy have a heart attack, then proceeded to loot his body. I thought, 'Heart attack? That's pretty cool.' After checking, I am currently on my 24th character.

Heh.  That was my deformed character, I think.  Heart attack came because of meaningless arguing via wish with who I am pretty sure was Nessalin.  The debate?  "Those can't fit in those wristsheathes."  "But the code lets me do it, so obviously....they do."
She wasn't doing a thing that I could see, except standing there leaning on the balcony railing, holding the universe together. --J.D. Salinger

Quote from: Armaddict on July 06, 2012, 10:32:13 PM
Quote from: Sakra on July 06, 2012, 08:44:06 AM
Quote from: ShaLeah on June 15, 2012, 04:40:22 PM
My first character, ShaLeah (because I had no idea wtf I was getting into) had a start date of: Sun Sep 16 21:51:32 2001
I made her an amnesiac because I was too lazy to read the docs and decided to wing it, which led to the Quick Start submission. I made her to look like me with the same age as me. I sucked. I somehow managed to survive with a lot of help from Imms that took pity on me, I think.

I started when Tor was led by the ugliest motherfucker in the known who commanded a room when he entered it, when Ysania was a breathing person and not a Way, when Tuluk had tons of mutants and still under Nakki occupation. One of my characters owned a honey kank, I saw halflings shnack on corpses, totally thought Samoa's orange eyed pc was creepy (cause my name is Tammy) and once was logged in over 30 hours straight. Don't ask me what I was snorting.

I took a break from 2005 till 2011 and I feel more like a newbie now than I did back then.

Now I have the strangest want to start singing Barbra Streisand's Memories.

I started a little bit before Shaleah. I was on my third char, the previous two having lasted four and eight days played respectively. I got hooked by Travis (I forget his GDB name). Anyway, we were in computer class, and I saw him playing a MUD. He started talking about this maze called the 'rinth, and he had watched some guy have a heart attack, then proceeded to loot his body. I thought, 'Heart attack? That's pretty cool.' After checking, I am currently on my 24th character.

Heh.  That was my deformed character, I think.  Heart attack came because of meaningless arguing via wish with who I am pretty sure was Nessalin.  The debate?  "Those can't fit in those wristsheathes."  "But the code lets me do it, so obviously....they do."

Ha. I had a similar debate with Halaster. But it was more 'You're a giant, so you probably -could- put swords in a wrist sheath you're wearing. But the code won't let you do it. Oh well.'
Quote from: BhagharvaWhat you don't know can kill you. What you do know, can kill others.

To the north
A lanky, brown-skinned gith is here, humping the rusty brown kank.
The rusty brown kank to the north bleats miserably.

This post inspired me to do a bit of searching.  I think the timing code was inconsistent, so we couldn't really do math to figure out the first ingame year, but it might help those who started that early and have logs/remember to get an even more accurate guess.

Santiago Zorzopulos  
May 23 1992, 11:53 am

   Ok, we'll be open for playtesting in about a month from now, if all
goes well, which it has been, for the most part.  Prob is, we're a bit
short on creators who aren't just goofing off.  We have online creation
code for rooms, objs, mobs and even zone files, and tons of really
new shit.  The MUD is semi-based on Dark Sun, and is set entirely
on a desert world inhabited by strange creatures.  If anyone is interested
in becoming a creator, please send mail to,
or  Thanx.

-------------------------------------   Dan Brumleve, AKA Jhalavar
A       M       G       D       O
   R       A       E       D       N  

So looks like June 1992 it was expected opened.

Meh, I just thought it was interesting.  May be slightly off topic, since it doesn't actually say much about the ingame year.
QuoteSunshine all the time makes a desert.
Vote at TMS
Vote at TMC

Started in 2003 after reading something about permadeath, I think. This was around the time the mantis started wrecking crap all over the known, and Sujaal was just beginning to come into prominence. I remember thinking that Wyverns were shapeshifters who turned into dragons. Had my first Guild experience with Digger after wrecking shop against the Allanakis in the big sewer battle, "Kill them all," and being like one of the 3 rinthis who made it out. One of my other first characters was told to avoid Sujaal when he headed up to the north. Another was involved with some back-and-forth with Winrothol and Tenneshi, and I still remember being frightened by Marcello? Winrothol (think that was his name).

I remember:
-Elithan being a new templar
-Assassin training with Serpent, with Falka disapproving
-Mansa's fat Kadian who smoked everywhere
-Fighting mantis with the mul-arm wrestler
-The bones of one Haedith Oash being dumped all over the Sanctuary
I tripped and Fale down my stairs. Drink milk and you'll grow Uaptal. I know this guy from the state of Tenneshi. This house will go up Borsail tomorrow. I gave my book to him Nenyuk it back again. I hired this guy golfing to Kadius around for a while.

Quote from: Bogre on July 14, 2012, 08:01:11 PM
-Elithan being a new templar

The Winrothol one?
i love being a nobles health points

I started in the late 90s, I guess, which makes me feel really old. It was way before this version of the GDB, and I played a few years with Saturday downtimes, which I thought was the cruelest thing ever. It was also years before the Think command was added, something I still haven't gotten the hang of using. I've had 3 characters who each lived longer than 18 RL months. My first character was a pickpocket who was female, because I (correctly) assumed that other nerds would be more trusting of a female character than a male on. I used to nick everything and twink out so terribly, like sell things to PC's, but just 'emote gives ~sword to ~amos' instead of 'give sword amos'. My first long-lived character was around when Pearl started, he also met that Fale noble with the sock puppets, whatever his name was. He also might have accidentally started a Halaster HRPT that accounted for 80+ deaths.

Also, when I was a kid, I once put out a role for children who were not actually my IC children. Ooops. I fucked up like 6 people's plots with that one. Sorry!!!

For the first 4-5 years, I refused to play anywhere but allanak, so I wouldn't fuck up my character with ooc knowledge of other cultures. This made it awesome when Tuluk rebelled against the occupation, because I had so much time invested in our side.

Quote from: Uberskaapie on July 19, 2012, 10:24:09 PM
he also met that Fale noble with the sock puppets, whatever his name was.

That was most likely Kojiro. HOW did I not know Fale had sock puppets? I even PLAYED a Fale!

The belgoi raiders that used to swarm outside Tuluk with their little bells were just so cute (and very '90s).
Was there no safety? No learning by heart of the ways of the world? No guide, no shelter, but all was miracle and leaping from the pinnacle of a tower into the air?

Virginia Woolf, To the Lighthouse

I remember getting my stomach sliced open by the expert slash of a hobbit, and my hands coming automatically to my stomach to stem the flow of my colorful guts spilling out. A beautiful way to die, especially given I had left Tuluk to unintentionally die in the wilderness from long, boring dehydration. I wish I had that logged, or remembered what was actually the killing blow, because they were beating the shit out of me for two more rounds.
gorgio: someone who is not romani, not a gypsy.
kumpania: a family of story tellers.
vardo: a horse-drawn wagon used by British Romani as their home. always well-crafted, often painted and gilded

My earliest memory was my very first character walking around in Red Storm asking the guards how to get out of town? A staff member finally animated one for me and pointed me in the right direction. I then got all the way to Allanak without seeing a single animal (this was back in the day where the longer Arm had gone without a reboot, the less animals there were roaming the wilds).

I got to Allanak where I promptly got lost. I said I was new in town and they a couple of people were nice enough to show me where the Gaj was and even sit down with me for a couple of drinks. Given they were my friends, I told them about how I secretly didn't like slavery and how a mul taught me how to read and write. One of them had to leave soon after, but the others kept talking with me as we got some more drinks.

Shortly afterwards a templar entered the bar, walked over to me and a soldier grappled me. He took me outside the tavern down the street loudly proclaiming there was going to be some entertainment. I was accused of "spreading lies about being able to read." I defended myself and said I could read. I was gagged and then beheaded.

Welcome to Armageddon.

From that point on I was hooked. That was back in 2002. These days I don't play anymore, although I will roll up a new character for a short while. The problem is I become very antisocial when I play because all I want to do is play Armageddon. That is just how much I love this game.

But yes, that's my earliest memory of this game. Funnily enough whenever I'm in Red Storm I know how to get to Allanak. But I can never reverse it without aimlessly walking around for 30 minutes completely lost. I can never remember if Red Storm is south-east or south-west of Allanak. AND YET I can always go home to Allanak from Red Storm without any trouble (well I had trouble one time but that's because I got caught in a sandstorm and couldnt' control the direction I was walking)

Quote from: Adj on June 24, 2012, 02:00:16 AM
I remember being griefed by the consider code in redstorm.
The pudgy, brown haired man eyes you morbidly.

Quote from: The7DeadlyVenomz on June 24, 2012, 05:01:56 PMLuir's had no Baily or Arena.
Luir's has an arena now? Man, this game has changed.

I think my first PC managed a total of three or four hours played. Probably the first PC I actually remember was Called Gar, he fell in with Kissagrah, got called 'Little Gar' by a Jahien of the same name, died to hawk...Possibly the worst assassin in the known.

I think that was...2008/09. I'm a newb.
Quote from: BleakOne
Dammit Kol you made me laugh too.
A staff member sends:
     "Hi! Please don't kill the sparring dummy."

Quote from: Kol on July 26, 2012, 12:57:30 PM
I think my first PC managed a total of three or four hours played. Probably the first PC I actually remember was Called Gar, he fell in with Kissagrah, got called 'Little Gar' by a Jahien of the same name, died to hawk...Possibly the worst assassin in the known.

I think that was...2008/09. I'm a newb.
We're all newbs compared to someone else.

And even us old timers who make resolutions never to play again get drawn back and feel like newbs all over again.

Quote from: John on July 28, 2012, 08:14:06 AM
Quote from: Kol on July 26, 2012, 12:57:30 PM
I think my first PC managed a total of three or four hours played. Probably the first PC I actually remember was Called Gar, he fell in with Kissagrah, got called 'Little Gar' by a Jahien of the same name, died to hawk...Possibly the worst assassin in the known.

I think that was...2008/09. I'm a newb.
We're all newbs compared to someone else.

And even us old timers who make resolutions never to play again get drawn back and feel like newbs all over again.

I'm taking an indeterminate break from Armageddon for the foreseeable future and thereby am not available for mudsex.
In law a man is guilty when he violates the rights of others. In ethics he is guilty if he only thinks of doing so.

I started in 99 or 2000. Joined the Byn a few times and got into the game, but it really started to shine for me the summer of 03 with Serpent and Rocker and wackiness in the rinth. Damn.
We were somewhere near the Shield Wall, on the edge of the Red Desert, when the drugs began to take hold...

Quote from: Tenua on July 20, 2012, 10:17:17 AM
Quote from: Uberskaapie on July 19, 2012, 10:24:09 PM
he also met that Fale noble with the sock puppets, whatever his name was.

That was most likely Kojiro. HOW did I not know Fale had sock puppets? I even PLAYED a Fale!

Heh, that was Favstian Fale. He was a blast to play, even though I lost interest in him after a couple months.

On my return to Arm I logged in with him, at 150 or so years old, and wished up to be killed off so I could make another.. and I was sent "Hmm, I vaguely remember Mr. Tek (The puppet)"

And then the mantis-head!

I blame Shal. I thought his staff-controlled NPC was a PC, and he saved my noob butt a few times. (I didn't figure it was Shal until at least a couple years afterwards.) Eventually my character ran into something or the other really mean rinthis while off on a suicide rescue, he was promptly killed when I spazzed out and tried to run away. That PC ran into some (if not all) of the more famous characters of Allanak back when I started (07 I believe). I somehow managed to stumble into a lot of scenes by simply wandering around and taking wrong turns (walking into temples in the middle of some amazing ritualistic shit comes to mind).

What got me hooked was the unforgiving nature of the world, really. And at the time Allanak was really crowded and happening and had a decent off-peak hour population. Besides, I was just starting uni-studies, what better things did I have to do?
Modern concepts of fair trials and justice are simply nonexistent in Zalanthas. If you are accused, you are guilty until someone important decides you might be useful. It doesn't really matter if you did it or not.

I am sitting here trying to remember where I first found Armageddon. It was either on the University of Minnesota Gopher Hole - MUD listing or on ISCA. Regardless, I started playing Armageddon in 1995 - 1996. Some of my earlier memories:

  • Playing PCs inside the Blackwing Tribe. I was fortunate enough to play with some amazing PCs there. Mordaga, Kahann (sp).
  • When d-elfs were actually c-elfs that were modified. Could be assassins as well.
  • I remember playing with Goldie and Silver in the Guild.
  • I remember a Red Robe PC Templar by the name of Octavian or Octavius. He use to openly walk around 'Nak with a silver sword.

These were some of my earlier memories. I am sure there is a ton of stuff that I would remember if prompted. Just had too many good times playing on Armageddon, glad I'm still here.

Quote from: John on July 28, 2012, 08:14:06 AM
We're all newbs compared to someone else.

And even us old timers who make resolutions never to play again get drawn back and feel like newbs all over again.

You'll always be a newb to me  :-*


1.   A biped, ungrateful.

I think I started playing 2006? Around there..
My first char I don't remember, I'm sure it died fast.  I seem to remember wandering in the Rinth.
I had the advantage at the time to have this game introduced by another player at another MUD, so I had extra help.
I don't think that player plays anymore.

I still consider myself a great noob, because I on and off play this game.   And have taken large breaks in between.