New Characters

Started by DustMight, June 24, 2011, 04:43:08 AM

This is what happens when we call ourselves the mudsex mud.
Varak:You tell the mangy, pointy-eared gortok, in sirihish: "What, girl? You say the sorceror-king has fallen down the well?"
Ghardoan:A pitiful voice rises from the well below, "I've fallen and I can't get up..."

I don't read romance novels. However, I do read translations of varied Greek literature.

Luckily, I've never played a character capable of turning into a swan.  ;)

QuoteYou'd think they never read romance novels.

I don't know a single guy that has. LOL.
"Life expectancy would grow by leaps and bounds if green vegetables smelled as good as bacon."
~ Doug Larson

"I tried regular hot sauce, but it just wasn't doing the trick, so I started blasting my huevos with BEAR MACE."

July 08, 2011, 02:20:18 PM #78 Last Edit: July 08, 2011, 02:31:51 PM by wizturbo
I think people just need to make a distinction between "F-Me" characters who are literally just interested in mudsex, and "F-Me" characters who are just seeking deep emotional connections.  Spending RL hours mudsexxing sounds boring and more about OOC interest than IC, and I see where such 'anti-f-me" sentiment can come from that.  

On the other hand  I can see where a player may be offended if people refer to their character as an "F-Me", just because they happen to have a "lulz-I'm-hot" description.  For example, the actual roleplay behind them may be some deep and elaborate character with aspirations to become a concubine so they can elevate themselves socially, or achieve some other goal.  A PC like that actually adds a lot to the game, encouraging nobles to be more active, and generating all kinds of conflicts and oddities that can enrich the game.  Now more than ever, that kind of stuff is important under the "PC run" plot regime.

I'm not trying to suggest that most "F-Me" types fall into the same category as my example, but there are definitely some that do, and they're some excellent roleplayers who I wouldn't want to discourage by pigeon holing their roles into something that's generally viewed as undesirable.

July 08, 2011, 02:37:29 PM #79 Last Edit: July 08, 2011, 02:40:24 PM by Semper
I think the thread has derailed quite a bit... why not start another thread about all this if you really care?

As for my own new character rituals, I'll probably do the whole reroll self check, log out and wait a little, then try and get a feel for what the IG situation of that starting location is (what PC's are around, who are the 'bosses', what kind of jobs can I get, etc). Probably get new clothes and props in the process so I don't look like a 0-day newb.

[Right. If you think 'f-me' is derogatory, don't use the term.]
"And all around is the desert; a corner of the mournful kingdom of sand."
   - Pierre Loti

Shhh, the word f-me was banned from these boards years ago.

If your description reads like the exaggeration of a barbie doll, I'm going to have a hard time taking you serious as a player. Otherwise, we're cool.
A rusty brown kank explodes into little bits.

Someone says, out of character:
     "I had to fix something in this zone.. YOU WEREN'T HERE 2 minutes ago :)"

Quote from: Nao on July 08, 2011, 02:38:17 PMIf your description reads like the exaggeration of a barbie doll, I'm going to have a hard time taking you serious as a player. Otherwise, we're cool.

Exactly this, except also include "Ken Doll"

I don't care very much about F-mes. I find that most early female pcs are prettier than subsequent ones. Really it's all pretty much fine.

What's not fine is name calling and mean-spirited defenses of silliness.

But when someone goes on to explain that the issue is a lack of familiarity with the romance genre I have no choice but to feel far more forgiving.
Varak:You tell the mangy, pointy-eared gortok, in sirihish: "What, girl? You say the sorceror-king has fallen down the well?"
Ghardoan:A pitiful voice rises from the well below, "I've fallen and I can't get up..."

Then there's times when you look at your PC's skills and think to yourself, huh. My last PC of the exact same guild had different skills.  And then you start to wonder if a staff member has changed your skills or if perhaps races effect the skills that come with each guild.
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
    l̡̡̡ ̴̡ı̴̴̡ ̡̡͡|̲̲̲͡͡͡ ̲▫̲͡ ̲̲̲͡͡π̲̲͡͡ ̲̲͡▫̲̲͡͡ ̲|̡̡̡ ̡ ̴̡ı̴̡̡ ̡͌l̡
ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ:・゚ KAWAII WAVE!!:,,ø¤º°¨ ¨°º¤KEEP THE KAWAII GOING ¸,,ø¤º°¨ ¨°º¤øº LETS GO KAWAII !¤¤º°¨¨°º¤øº¤ø,,¸¸ø¤º°¨,, ø¤º°¨¨°º

This thread makes me feel crappy about my character and RP.  As if I wasn't already burned out enough.


Don't let us get you down. Sadly, we are not on our best behavior today. If anyone should apologize it's probably me.
Varak:You tell the mangy, pointy-eared gortok, in sirihish: "What, girl? You say the sorceror-king has fallen down the well?"
Ghardoan:A pitiful voice rises from the well below, "I've fallen and I can't get up..."

/collapses to his knees.


Also please don't flame and/or insult people. It's bad.

I just find it absurd ppl would flame someone over RPing a PC that does not go against docs, race or clan creed.

F-mes, anti-f-mes and all others are welcome in my book as the add color to the game and frankly, I've had a lot of fun RP'ing w/ f-me PCs as they actually do sit in taverns rather than run around and twink all alone. So kudos to f-me's and piss on those who spit on them. If you don't like them? Don't play one. Simple as that.
Czar of City Elves.


Quote from: WarriorPoet
I play this game to pretend to chop muthafuckaz up with bone swords.
Quote from: SmuzI come to the GDB to roleplay being deep and wise.
Quote from: VanthSynthesis, you scare me a little bit.

Rabble! Rabble rabble rabble rabble rabble!!!  :D

This thread got awesome while I was sleeping.

Look, people are gonna complain about beautiful prim big boobed commoner women ... and dwarves ... and mages ... and rangers ... and assassins ... and half giants ... and templars ... and indies ... and bards ... and the merchant houses ... and Nyr.

Welcome to the GDB. Just complain back in good fun and don't get butt hurt for real. People who get butt hurt for real over the Internet are ... sad  :'(
Quote from: Marauder Moe
Oh my god he's still rocking the sandwich.

Quote from: Kismetic on July 08, 2011, 04:48:58 PM
This thread makes me feel crappy about my character and RP.  As if I wasn't already burned out enough.

Don't worry, your whole clan's going to die soon anyway.

Rabble rabble rabble!

Anyway, just ftb if something about it bothers you. Problem solved, and no need to throw petty insults around.
Quote from: Wug on August 28, 2013, 05:59:06 AM
Vennant doesn't appear to age because he serves drinks at the speed of light. Now you know why there's no delay on the buy code in the Gaj.

You mean I was supposed to be good at mudsex too? Sorry, I didn't know my job as player of Armageddon was to provide orgasmic text to the player on the receiving end.

And no, I'm not a teenage boy who's never read a romance novel. I'm a 50-something year old woman who thinks that the very *idea* of getting some kid off, is disgusting.
Talia said: Notice to all: Do not mess with Lizzie's GDB. She will cut you.
Delirium said: Notice to all: do not mess with Lizzie's soap. She will cut you.

I'm pretty sure I'm horrible at mudsex, but neither teenage nor a boy. Wat to do now?
A rusty brown kank explodes into little bits.

Someone says, out of character:
     "I had to fix something in this zone.. YOU WEREN'T HERE 2 minutes ago :)"

Quote from: Nao on July 08, 2011, 07:05:16 PM
I'm pretty sure I'm horrible at mudsex, but neither teenage nor a boy. Wat to do now?
Roll a Guild_burglar and shadow an f-me until they follow somebody into an apartment for tips on how to improve.
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
    l̡̡̡ ̴̡ı̴̴̡ ̡̡͡|̲̲̲͡͡͡ ̲▫̲͡ ̲̲̲͡͡π̲̲͡͡ ̲̲͡▫̲̲͡͡ ̲|̡̡̡ ̡ ̴̡ı̴̡̡ ̡͌l̡
ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ:・゚ KAWAII WAVE!!:,,ø¤º°¨ ¨°º¤KEEP THE KAWAII GOING ¸,,ø¤º°¨ ¨°º¤øº LETS GO KAWAII !¤¤º°¨¨°º¤øº¤ø,,¸¸ø¤º°¨,, ø¤º°¨¨°º

We should make a "just what is an fme" thread  :)
Quote from: Marauder Moe
Oh my god he's still rocking the sandwich.

Quote from: musashi on July 08, 2011, 06:00:16 PM
Welcome to the GDB. Just complain back in good fun and don't get butt hurt for real. People who get butt hurt for real over the Internet are ... sad  :'(

Oh, eat a dick, musashi.  How's that?  ;)  <3

I've been frustratedly pushing through the same character for six months after these doubts began developing.  Obviously, I'm thicker skinned than that.  But, if for the THOUSANDTH MOFO TIME, I have to hear the same thing?  Man, sometimes, I really feel pushed to store.  Is it that hard for people to keep the game inside the game, and not bring it all up in your bitchfest?

To be clear, though, the one message that I did take personally was resolved privately, and she gets a big hug from me.

Quote from: jstorrie on July 08, 2011, 06:02:02 PM
Quote from: Kismetic on July 08, 2011, 04:48:58 PM
This thread makes me feel crappy about my character and RP.  As if I wasn't already burned out enough.

Don't worry, your whole clan's going to die soon anyway.

Oh, ho ho!  I can't wait for this day, it's going to be AWESOME!

Lastly, sorry people broke your thread, DustMight.  It wasn't me, duder.

I'm sorry. It was me. Sometimes I don't know when to shut the fuck up.
Varak:You tell the mangy, pointy-eared gortok, in sirihish: "What, girl? You say the sorceror-king has fallen down the well?"
Ghardoan:A pitiful voice rises from the well below, "I've fallen and I can't get up..."

But I'm going to be good from here on.
Varak:You tell the mangy, pointy-eared gortok, in sirihish: "What, girl? You say the sorceror-king has fallen down the well?"
Ghardoan:A pitiful voice rises from the well below, "I've fallen and I can't get up..."