Pump your brakes. Yes. You.

Started by Dan, March 25, 2010, 08:36:33 PM

Pretty much the only two things I've learned about magickers from the GDB are:

A) Those bastards skill up quickly.

B) They can OMGWTFPWN you with their retarded coded power-- even the elementalists that don't seem all that bad at first.

I haven't learned any well-hidden secrets, most anything I've ever seen about them I could have easily found out from reading their respective docs.

I'm still afraid of them OOCly and ICly.

I learned of the existence of space vestrics. Seriously wish I didn't know that.

But honestly, I have learned a few things on the GDB, I wish I learned in game. Even like the existence of one or more secret groups.
Now you're looking for the secret. But you won't find it because of course, you're not really looking. You don't really want to work it out. You want to be fooled.

Quote from: jhunter on March 28, 2010, 11:14:12 PM
Sorry Dan, I understand what you are saying but it has never been against the rules to talk about magick/magickers. It has only been against the rules to speak specifics. You make it sound as if people are out of line to discuss magick/magickers, -at all-. If I'm mistaken then I apologize.

There's a tendency for people who post about magick or skills to feel they're being fairly non-specific, and are probably keeping to the spirit of the forum rules.  One of the issues though, is that often there's a group of people that bring the discussion as close to the borderline as possible without their individual post breaking any rules.  However, when you read through the multiple posts and multiple threads, it's really not that difficult to discern a few facts that weren't overt in any one single post, but become obvious when taken as a whole.

And Dan is saying there seems to be a current surge in these type of borderline discussions on skills, magick, and other areas of the game where he, and perhaps others, would like to read the thread or debate without sacrificing their ignorance of certain mechanics.  The veteran player that has learned these secrets is much more likely to treat somewhat specific details as generalities, simply because they've played a given class so many times that it seems impossible (to them) for someone not to have made the same assumptions, and I think that's where a lot of the issues can spawn.

I've been guilty of it myself, so I don't think there's any harm in being reminded that not everyone knows everything or has assumed everything, and that having something revealed to them through a string of semi-factual posts can sometimes inadvertently ruin the mystery of the game for people -- new and old.


Quote from: LoD on March 29, 2010, 06:25:53 AM
However, when you read through the multiple posts and multiple threads, it's really not that difficult to discern a few facts that weren't overt in any one single post, but become obvious when taken as a whole.

... and that having something revealed to them through a string of semi-factual posts can sometimes inadvertently ruin the mystery of the game for people -- new and old.

This is most true. Further, these manner of posts or post-groups are extremely difficult to moderate, as no one person overstepped the bounds.

Sometimes there are complaints about "this" being true, or "that" being their experience, or "the other thing" being a complaint, or question. And you know that the only way to answer the quesiton, or address a concern, or calm a frustration, is to divulge IC info. Or to say "this is IC info, but you're wrong. I can't tell you why." And thus, piss off whoever addresses it, and anyone else who thinks you're being a real snarky dork (which you are - if you can't answer a question, don't answer it. It's not rocket surgery :) )

Talia said: Notice to all: Do not mess with Lizzie's GDB. She will cut you.
Delirium said: Notice to all: do not mess with Lizzie's soap. She will cut you.

Even a couple of posts as recent as today let slip a bit of info I should not have known.

Come on people!
Now you're looking for the secret. But you won't find it because of course, you're not really looking. You don't really want to work it out. You want to be fooled.

This has always bothered me.  I'm a very old-time player of Armageddon and know surprisingly little about the Known World / how the Code operates.  I don't know if this is because my expertise is limited to a very small area or because I'm not observant or because I'm the type that gets so immersed in the RP that I don't really pay much attention to anything else.

But I will say that I've learned (unfortunately) more about the world / code from reading the GDB than playing the game.

I understand it is difficult to strictly moderate all the posts and also that players WANT to talk about the game they love so much, but it does suck to have something revealed that I didn't know before.

I also understand that something the poster knows might seem like common knowledge when in fact it is not.  Example: I was once accused of taking advantage of a combat bug (years ago) but I had know knowledge of said bug.  Obviously the player was pissed that I would use OOC knowledge to my advantage but in reality, he revealed it to me by posting about it on the GDB.

Another example, in which I am at fault - I posted what was to me very common knowledge but was in reality super-secret.  Luckily that was moderated pretty quickly.

I'm not sure of a solution.  I suppose that why it's best to maintain a good seperation of OOC/IC.

That said - once a character has discovered that a certain food-item is poison, will their other characters - when given the opportunity - try it?  Or will each one of them find an excuse to avoid it?  Is that realistic? 
"When it is dark enough, you can see the stars."

April 06, 2010, 10:43:00 AM #32 Last Edit: April 06, 2010, 10:46:17 AM by Agent_137
Quote from: Sinna on April 06, 2010, 06:20:02 AM

That said - once a character has discovered that a certain food-item is poison, will their other characters - when given the opportunity - try it?  Or will each one of them find an excuse to avoid it?  Is that realistic?  

When reasonable, i try to make sure my characters have a background that matches my OOC knowledge. If I make a new ranger, I give him a good decade already spent wandering the world. If I make a new magicker, I put his manifestation a good decade in the past. So, story wise, RP wise, he spent the first 10 years doing things that would give him the same knowledge I have OOCly, and then when I start playing he spends it doing other things, like getting better at FIREBALL OF DOOM or BOW SHOT OF AWESOME.

But if I roll a city-bred and city-bound servant who is barely 14 years old. . . shit no he won't recognize something as poison even if I know it OOCly.

if you really want spoilers . . . read all the help files!

the GDB really isn't worth reading, IMHO, especially for new players. I'm just do because it allows me to play vicariously through you guys even when I don't have time to actually log in. It should be discouraged, especially with the new helper chat we have.

I could never start a char from 10 years in the past. I'd be dying a lot. "YEAH I GOT SKILLZ" *Mantis Head*

players of older characters just have to be *gasp* creative about what they spent their time doing besides skilling up. It's not hard. for a ranger just study the new flower helpfiles and say your character spent years studying plants in the wild, and as a result he knows all the names and effects of every plant on sight.