Prompt Addition: Health + Endurance

Started by Dahomey, September 12, 2009, 10:13:49 AM

So I was thinking one day, what if I played a character purely for the roleplay? What I mean is, not care so much about the stats and skills and so forth, but focus more on the character's interactions with others and itself.  I know, not the greatest revelation that an Armageddon player can have, but I don't usually play characters with the express intent of social interaction, so it's a rather new thing for me. But there was just something that bothered me, if I did try this.

an example
[98/98hp 105/105st 107/114e] early morning>

Wouldn't this be a lot less distracting?

You are: excellent condition and not tired> It is: early morning>

You would have to add: "You are:" "and" ">" "It is:" into the prompt, but I would definitely like seeing that more than numbers. If you can somehow show your stun as well, even better.

I like this idea.
Quote from: Dalmeth
I've come to the conclusion that relaxing is not the lack of doing anything, but doing something that comes easily to you.

That's a fine idea.
Wynning since October 25, 2008.

Quote from: Ami on November 23, 2010, 03:40:39 PM
>craft newbie into good player

You accidentally snap newbie into useless pieces.


That would be kinda cool actually. For my social characters. Terrifying for my combat characters.
Quote from: Cutthroat on September 30, 2008, 10:15:55 PM
> forage artifacts

You find a rusty, armed landmine and pick it up.

it's very possible to script this into most any decent mud client, in the mean time.

make your prompt more unique so it's easy for you to pick it up with regex, then do a replace for a given range.

Quote from: Agent_137 on September 12, 2009, 01:47:10 PM
it's very possible to script this into most any decent mud client, in the mean time.

make your prompt more unique so it's easy for you to pick it up with regex, then do a replace for a given range.

I actually played around with the infoprompt and prompt, but unless there's directions and stuff on how to do it, best I can do is add some spacing and change the text to the basic colors, hehe.

if you use my infobar script, i'm preparing a version that will do just what's requested by the OP.

if you don't use my infobar script, you should.,34979.0.html

Fucking great idea, dahomey.  And I love Agents infobar, and everyone should use it, even more so now that this is added.

I think it would be awesome if we only had those descriptors to go by, rather than the exact numbers we have now. If health and stamina (and stun) was depicted to the player the same way it is when looking at another player's character, it would feel much more realistic.

Quote from: Greve on September 20, 2009, 10:31:42 AM
I think it would be awesome if we only had those descriptors to go by, rather than the exact numbers we have now. If health and stamina (and stun) was depicted to the player the same way it is when looking at another player's character, it would feel much more realistic.

I've had situations where dwarf and mul sparring partners would spar into the "poor condition" and worse. I'm sure they have plenty of HP to justify it to themselves, but it really creates an awkward RP situation. Why would my character keep wailing on someone who's in "poor condition"?

Of course, that's why I constantly look at myself if I'm injured, so I can see how other players see my condition and roleplay accordingly.

Quote from: hyzhenhok on October 12, 2009, 02:08:24 PM
Quote from: Greve on September 20, 2009, 10:31:42 AM
I think it would be awesome if we only had those descriptors to go by, rather than the exact numbers we have now. If health and stamina (and stun) was depicted to the player the same way it is when looking at another player's character, it would feel much more realistic.

I've had situations where dwarf and mul sparring partners would spar into the "poor condition" and worse. I'm sure they have plenty of HP to justify it to themselves, but it really creates an awkward RP situation. Why would my character keep wailing on someone who's in "poor condition"?

Of course, that's why I constantly look at myself if I'm injured, so I can see how other players see my condition and roleplay accordingly.

I don't know what you're talking about, really. What I suggested was to have health show up to the player of the character the same way it does when they look at other players' characters. Instead of looking at your prompt and seeing 60/100hp, you would see "you are not looking well" or whatever it is. I don't see where sparring or wailing on someone with poor condition comes into play. This just makes things a little more realistic and prevents players from being able to just know exactly how much health they'll have left after some activity. A crude example is the coded rose bush which costs 5 health to pick a rose; if someone had to pick as many roses as they were able in order to survive, they could pick until they were within <5 health of death and then stop knowing that they had picked the maximum number of roses allowed by their health pool. Some coded activities allow players to use these numbers for things much less inconsequential than picking roses.

Quote from: Greve on October 12, 2009, 05:20:21 PM
Quote from: hyzhenhok on October 12, 2009, 02:08:24 PM
Quote from: Greve on September 20, 2009, 10:31:42 AM
I think it would be awesome if we only had those descriptors to go by, rather than the exact numbers we have now. If health and stamina (and stun) was depicted to the player the same way it is when looking at another player's character, it would feel much more realistic.

I've had situations where dwarf and mul sparring partners would spar into the "poor condition" and worse. I'm sure they have plenty of HP to justify it to themselves, but it really creates an awkward RP situation. Why would my character keep wailing on someone who's in "poor condition"?

Of course, that's why I constantly look at myself if I'm injured, so I can see how other players see my condition and roleplay accordingly.

I don't know what you're talking about, really. What I suggested was to have health show up to the player of the character the same way it does when they look at other players' characters. Instead of looking at your prompt and seeing 60/100hp, you would see "you are not looking well" or whatever it is. I don't see where sparring or wailing on someone with poor condition comes into play. This just makes things a little more realistic and prevents players from being able to just know exactly how much health they'll have left after some activity. A crude example is the coded rose bush which costs 5 health to pick a rose; if someone had to pick as many roses as they were able in order to survive, they could pick until they were within <5 health of death and then stop knowing that they had picked the maximum number of roses allowed by their health pool. Some coded activities allow players to use these numbers for things much less inconsequential than picking roses.

I'm more concerned with people focusing more on their numbers than the world. If I'm sparring someone and thinking "time to stop, he doesn't look well" and he's thinking "80 hp left, we can keep going until I get down to 70," there's a potential conflict there.

I could care less about people abusing the numbers. For that kind of stuff, hiding the numbers will only cause people to be a little more conservative. They'll pick roses until they're at X condition rather than until people at XXhp, because they'll still have figured out how much they can take before they can no longer regen without sleeping. I have enough confidence that the Imms will catch someone who picks roses (or does something else) until they are almost dead.

We should be able to see how others see our condition in the prompt, but I don't think the numbers should be eliminated.