Suffocating in the Silt Sea

Started by Sephiroto, June 25, 2009, 11:49:00 PM

If you fell into the Silt Sea would you like enough time to roleplay suffocating or maybe even scrambling for purchase on the off chance a skimmer crew can rescue you?

Yes, and then you die.
4 (16%)
Yes, with an extremely slim chance of climbing back aboard the skimmer.
16 (64%)
No, leave it like it is.
5 (20%)

Total Members Voted: 25

I've already proposed hacking the insta-death script in favor of suffocation if you fall into the Silt Sea in areas where that insta-death script is applicable.  Many people have stated that they do not like the insta-death either and I think that gradual suffocation (around 1 RL minute) is adequate to cover any chance of rescue, recovery, or the imminent death of your character.  Others have proposed massive hits to health and stamina for the chance to move one room.  I don't think that solution properly reflects what is going on, so I have not included it as an option.  Instead I am proposing to have a suffocation period during which there is an extremely slim chance of climbing back to the surface where you can roleplay grabbing at the bottom of the skimmer, trying to swim upward, or grabbing for the wheels of the skimmer or a rope to climb back up.

If need be I am ready to offer input to the staff on how to make a suffocation solution without rewriting every single room for the insta-death trap.

Cast your votes.

the core problem is that falling off a skimmer is unrealistic and a pain in the ass. fix the problem, don't code around it the symptoms.

who the fuck falls off boats?

I don't really mind the insta-death aspect:  there are PLENTY of things out there that can (and should) wtfpwn you.  Silt is probably one of them.

But yeah, falling off the skimmer ? Not too hot on that one.
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I play this game to pretend to chop muthafuckaz up with bone swords.
Quote from: SmuzI come to the GDB to roleplay being deep and wise.
Quote from: VanthSynthesis, you scare me a little bit.

Quote from: Agent_137 on June 26, 2009, 02:34:33 AM
the core problem is that falling off a skimmer is unrealistic and a pain in the ass. fix the problem, don't code around it the symptoms.

who the fuck falls off boats?

Who, these days, goes into a canoe into the middle of the Atlantic Ocean?

And if someone were to, do you suppose they'd probably fall in due to the breaking waves if they stood up and weren't very agile?

Quote from: Wyx on June 26, 2009, 02:51:03 AM
Quote from: Agent_137 on June 26, 2009, 02:34:33 AM
the core problem is that falling off a skimmer is unrealistic and a pain in the ass. fix the problem, don't code around it the symptoms.

who the fuck falls off boats?

Who, these days, goes into a canoe into the middle of the Atlantic Ocean?

And if someone were to, do you suppose they'd probably fall in due to the breaking waves if they stood up and weren't very agile?

Sure they'd fall out. But people don't instantaneously die the nanosecond they touch the ocean in real life.

I don't think "falling off is stupid" is the point people are trying to make.

I think they are more irritated with the fact that falling off is always, 100% of the time, no-questions instant death, when realistically, they believe there should be measures other PCs could take to attempt to rescue the person, or perhaps more the PC could do to prevent falling in the first place.
And I vanish into the dark
And rise above my station

The poll second option already exists.

Quote from: Morgenes on June 25, 2009, 10:10:41 PM
You can stand on them, but whenever the skimmer moves you have a chance based on your agility to slip and fall.  If you fail that there's another check to see if you fall overboard.  So long as you're sitting when the skimmer is moving you should be fine, or if you are very agile it won't be an issue at all.

Quote from: Fathi on June 26, 2009, 05:58:58 AM
Sure they'd fall out. But people don't instantaneously die the nanosecond they touch the ocean in real life.

I don't think "falling off is stupid" is the point people are trying to make.

I think they are more irritated with the fact that falling off is always, 100% of the time, no-questions instant death, when realistically, they believe there should be measures other PCs could take to attempt to rescue the person, or perhaps more the PC could do to prevent falling in the first place.

The ocean isn't toxic.  Silt is.  You can't swim in silt.  It screws with magick.  Silt is not water, though it does possess some of its properties.

Yes, falling into it is 100% of the time, no-questions instant death--and realistically, there are no other measures PCs could take to attempt to rescue the person apart from lashing the person to the silt skimmer in advance.  The PC can prevent falling by not standing up on the skimmer, certainly, or not falling over if they are standing (which is subject to two checks already as Morgenes stated). 
Quote from: LauraMars on December 15, 2016, 08:17:36 PMPaint on a mustache and be a dude for a day. Stuff some melons down my shirt, cinch up a corset and pass as a girl.

With appropriate roleplay of course.

Can we get the exact syntax in the help file for "skimmer" and cross-reference for "pilot" and "skimmers" and "ride" please?

Is it - stand skimmer
sit skimmer

embark debark

and if you're on a skimmer, and want to get off on the docks, and the skimmer is in the silt, AT the docks..but not ON the docks..what is the syntax to get from your position on the skimmer, to the docks, without falling into the silt?

It would be great if the exact syntax was placed in all of those help files, or cross-referenced some other way.
Talia said: Notice to all: Do not mess with Lizzie's GDB. She will cut you.
Delirium said: Notice to all: do not mess with Lizzie's soap. She will cut you.

Quote from: Lizzie on June 26, 2009, 09:55:16 AM
Can we get the exact syntax in the help file for "skimmer" and cross-reference for "pilot" and "skimmers" and "ride" please?

Is it - stand skimmer
sit skimmer

embark debark

and if you're on a skimmer, and want to get off on the docks, and the skimmer is in the silt, AT the docks..but not ON the docks..what is the syntax to get from your position on the skimmer, to the docks, without falling into the silt?

It would be great if the exact syntax was placed in all of those help files, or cross-referenced some other way.

You can either stand on the skimmer or sit on the skimmer, either one will get you on.  Once on you can use sit or stand by itself to change your position.  To get off a skimmer you have to use 'stand' by itself while already standing.  If you try and do this while out in the deep silt you will be stopped by the code and told that doing that would be suicide.

Per your request, this (and more) is now in 'help skimmer' or 'help skimmers' or 'help silt skimmer' or 'help silt skimmers'

Armageddon Staff