Gems and necks

Started by Salt Merchant, June 18, 2009, 06:21:02 AM

The poll choices pretty much say it all. Personally, I see no reason why gems couldn't be made wearable about the throat.
Lunch makes me happy.

Almost every other similar type of item can be worn about the throat as well, in my experience. Granted, I could be wrong. Either way, it seems to me that the gem ought to be wearable about the throat.
"Life isn't divided into genres. It's a horrifying, romantic, tragic, comical, science-fiction cowboy detective novel. You know, with a bit of pornography if you're lucky."

--Alan Moore

Speaking off hearsay, I thought they can be. They just by default go about the neck, like (most?) neck/throat-related gear. The difference with a gem is, you can't take it back off so you have to get it first time proper. Or ask a staffie to remove it so you can place it about throat.
Rickey's Law: People don't want "A story". They want their story.

Definately isn't about throat wearable, though it should be ONLY about throat wearable imo. I suppose when it was wrote up the idea was safety of the gem has the drawback of keeping neck exposed? I've heard it argued that collars and such would hamper vision of the gem and the gem must be kept in plain view at all times by law etc.

No true reason it shouldn't codedly be able to be worn there.
A staff member sends you:
"Normally we don't see a <redacted> walk into a room full of <redacted> and start indiscriminately killing."

You send to staff:
"Welcome to Armageddon."

I wonder if it's possible to have the gem be coded in as a tattoo object, but still be codedly possible to have the "side-effects."

Maybe have the "side-effects" codedly search for and target only those things that have the parameters "dull-black gem" and carry the "tattoo" flag.

This way, you could wear something over the gem, obscuring it and giving yourself some protection and/or hidding what you are.  If you're caught in places where it's against the law to obscure the thing, you suffer the consequences.

I'll leave the discussion of whether or not it's an IG design that the things can't be covered up, or just a quirk of the code that prevents it, to a different post/thread.
Quote from: Dalmeth
I've come to the conclusion that relaxing is not the lack of doing anything, but doing something that comes easily to you.

Quote from: Pale Horse on June 18, 2009, 07:34:47 AMThis way, you could wear something over the gem, obscuring it and giving yourself some protection and/or hidding what you are.  If you're caught in places where it's against the law to obscure the thing, you suffer the consequences.

Personally, I like that idea a lot, but I can't see it not getting flamed to hell in this very thread. I think it's realistic, practical, and desirable. I don't at all expect that the gem will be able to be covered up in this version of the game, but it'd be fun.

Failing that, though, it's up to interpretation how loose or tight the gem is around the neck to begin with. If it's loose, like a necklace--which is how I and several artists have interpreted it--then it should be possible not to cover it up while still wearing something else around your neck. One of my gemmers wore a scarf all the time and I just figured the gem was laying over the scarf. I don't see why it couldn't be the same for a collar or a gorget or anything like that. If it's wearable "about throat," then I think that'd be totally fine.
"Life isn't divided into genres. It's a horrifying, romantic, tragic, comical, science-fiction cowboy detective novel. You know, with a bit of pornography if you're lucky."

--Alan Moore

I think keeping the gem as a piece of equipment would work best, and that it should be wearable about throat, because I always thought it was something that hangs loosely.

A large black beetle pinches you very hard about your throat, doing horrifical damage.
You reel from the blow!
The sword is sharp, the spear is long,
The arrow swift, the Gate is strong.
The heart is bold that looks on gold;
The dwarves no more shall suffer wrong.

I understand why you want this on the throat - having armor on your neck is a plus.

Makes sense to me.

Quote from: LauraMars on December 15, 2016, 08:17:36 PMPaint on a mustache and be a dude for a day. Stuff some melons down my shirt, cinch up a corset and pass as a girl.

With appropriate roleplay of course.

Woooo!  Thank you kindly, staff.
The sword is sharp, the spear is long,
The arrow swift, the Gate is strong.
The heart is bold that looks on gold;
The dwarves no more shall suffer wrong.

That was like  fast, thank you!


Thank you so much.  This is appreciated.

"I have seen him show most of the attributes one expects of a noble: courtesy, kindness, and honor.  I would also say he is one of the most bloodthirsty bastards I have ever met."

Excellent news, something I had been wondering about. Thanks Salt Merchant for bringing it up and the staff for fixing that!
Talia said: Notice to all: Do not mess with Lizzie's GDB. She will cut you.
Delirium said: Notice to all: do not mess with Lizzie's soap. She will cut you.

Wow. Thanks!
"Life isn't divided into genres. It's a horrifying, romantic, tragic, comical, science-fiction cowboy detective novel. You know, with a bit of pornography if you're lucky."

--Alan Moore

Also, this will stimulate the PC economy.  ;D
Quote from: Synthesis
Quote from: lordcooper
You go south and one of the other directions that isn't north.  That is seriously the limit of my geographical knowledge of Arm.

About time...I'm getting a kick out of people going "wow fast". I know I have idea'd this since at least 1998, I doubt I'm the first or 100th and I've done so more then ten times.

Still, thanks guys...even if I won't be playing another gemmed.
A gaunt, yellow-skinned gith shrieks in fear, and hauls ass.
If you -want- me to think that your character is a hybrid of a black kryl and a white push-broom shaped like a penis, then you've done a great job

Seriously good news. The kind of change that I like to see.
Quote from: Fnord on November 27, 2010, 01:55:19 PM
May the fap be with you, always. ;D

I think this change has now closed about 500 'idea' and 'typo' tickets.
New Players Guide:,33512.0.html

Quote from: Morgenes on April 01, 2011, 10:33:11 PM
You win Armageddon, congratulations!  Type 'credits', then store your character and make a new one

June 18, 2009, 02:59:08 PM #22 Last Edit: June 18, 2009, 03:06:34 PM by Nyr
Quote from: mansa on June 18, 2009, 02:55:33 PM
I think this change has now closed about 500 'idea' and 'typo' tickets.

Badass, I didn't even think about looking for those...I'm totally going to cash this in.

EDIT:  Not that many, turns out.
Quote from: LauraMars on December 15, 2016, 08:17:36 PMPaint on a mustache and be a dude for a day. Stuff some melons down my shirt, cinch up a corset and pass as a girl.

With appropriate roleplay of course.

FWIW, there was code changes to allow it to be worn both around the neck and about throat since March of 2006 according to our records.  Still not 1998, but it's been possible.  The default was still neck though, not about_throat.

Armageddon Staff

Really, huh, and I could have sworn I assessed my last one...Oh well, still cool.
A gaunt, yellow-skinned gith shrieks in fear, and hauls ass.
If you -want- me to think that your character is a hybrid of a black kryl and a white push-broom shaped like a penis, then you've done a great job

My most recent gemmer character was brought into game since then.  I assessed the gem and it only gave me the option of 'neck' when I entered game and got my gem.  Perhaps the script loading gems for templars is loading an old copy of the gems?
Quote from: MalifaxisWe need to listen to spawnloser.
Quote from: Reiterationspawnloser knows all

Quote from: SpoonA magicker is kind of like a mousetrap, the fear is the cheese. But this cheese has an AK47.

I voted for #2 - because I feel that anything "wearable" around the neck, should also be wearable around the throat, and vice versa. No matter what the item and coded benefits/hindrances, it should provide the same in either "wearable" location.
Talia said: Notice to all: Do not mess with Lizzie's GDB. She will cut you.
Delirium said: Notice to all: do not mess with Lizzie's soap. She will cut you.

The poll is really moot at this point.  Changing all armor to be worn "about throat" would be far more work than the already-achieved task of changing the gem to be worn about the throat.
Quote from: LauraMars on December 15, 2016, 08:17:36 PMPaint on a mustache and be a dude for a day. Stuff some melons down my shirt, cinch up a corset and pass as a girl.

With appropriate roleplay of course.

Thanks Nyr.  :)
Lunch makes me happy.

I recall a day when you could pick which wearloc when you first applied the gem. I always preferred about throat. I can't believe how fast you guys are lately! Is it a competition? What does the winner get?