HP,Stam, and Stun

Started by Medivh, September 06, 2008, 08:40:38 PM

So "Whats his face" was mantis headed and I made a new character.

My stats were acceptable and my wisdom was very nice, my endurance however was very bad.
So I reroll.
All my stats go up except endurance and possibly wisdom. (I know stats have a low-end and high-end in the same name.)
However, my HP went up 2 points, my Stam went down 1 point, and my Stun went down 6 points.

I could generally say my endurance went lower on the "below average" scale, but my HP went up.
So I am wondering if there is some sort of random roll (Within your range for endurance.) for each of them?
Backstab is actually the only dialog option an assassin has.


You get a random roll for health, stamina, mana, and stun.

If you reroll, it may go up and down, even if your endurance and wisdom stayed the same.
New Players Guide: http://gdb.armageddon.org/index.php/topic,33512.0.html

Quote from: Morgenes on April 01, 2011, 10:33:11 PM
You win Armageddon, congratulations!  Type 'credits', then store your character and make a new one

Also. If I understand correctly, and I might not be. Strength gives some hp too.

Quote from: Thenne on September 06, 2008, 09:35:23 PM
Also. If I understand correctly, and I might not be. Strength gives some hp too.

Incorrect.  Let's check the helpfiles for references:

QuoteStrength     (Character)

Strength is an attribute that measures one's physical prowess, which is made up of size, muscle mass, and sheer power. This attribute affects several things within the game world, such as the amount of weight you can carry before you begin to suffer penalties, how hard you hit in combat, and modifiers on subduing the inhabitants of Zalanthas.

The help file says nothing about hit points.

However, the endurance helpfile says:
Quote Endurance     (Character)

Endurance is an ability score that measures the maximum amount of wear and tear that your character's body can withstand. Instances where endurance is used are: to determine hit points, and stun points; when poison is encountered; resistance to hostile transformations (such as polymorphing); living through extreme physical shock; and walking across long distances.
-bolded for importance.
New Players Guide: http://gdb.armageddon.org/index.php/topic,33512.0.html

Quote from: Morgenes on April 01, 2011, 10:33:11 PM
You win Armageddon, congratulations!  Type 'credits', then store your character and make a new one

September 06, 2008, 11:38:50 PM #4 Last Edit: September 06, 2008, 11:47:48 PM by Medivh
Thanks mansa.
Backstab is actually the only dialog option an assassin has.