Hard To Roleplay

Started by Is Friday, June 28, 2008, 02:45:28 PM

I once played a character who had no grasps of the basic constructs of human life, due to raising themselves solo in the wildnerness. Having to play somebody who couldn't laugh at jokes, couldn't retort snippy one-liners when they were made her way, didn't understand -any- slang or sayings, and didn't understand concepts like sex without the direct intent to make babies or killing things without the direct intent to eat them was... very challenging.

Little things that people didn't even realise they were doing would freak her out, such as sitting on the same furniture as her or closing doors when she was in the room.

It was extremely hard to roleplay, but developing that character into a semi-functional human being was probably one of my most rewarding Arma experiences.

As far as roles that I don't tend to find myself attracted to at all? Schedules. Meh. My playtimes are too sporadic these days.
And I vanish into the dark
And rise above my station

I apparently like restricting myself to tiny geographical areas with nearly no interaction from anyone, except POSSIBLY over the Way.
There is no general doctrine which is not capable of eating out our morality if unchecked by the deep-seated habit of direct fellow-feeling with individual fellow-men. -George Eliot

I'm usually terrible at playing people who are stoic, people who aren't connected to others emotionally, and people who are just outright evil and manipulative and have no cares for anyone else.  I intend to practice the last more, though.  Try to at least gain some kind of minimum proficiency in that, since I could see it working better in this game than others I've played.
That's the kind of wooley-headed liberal thinking that leads to being eaten.

Quote from: Tisiphone on June 29, 2008, 03:52:53 PM
I apparently like restricting myself to tiny geographical areas with nearly no interaction from anyone, except POSSIBLY over the Way.

I know who to go to before posting that "GIMP WANTED" ad on Player Announcements now!
And I vanish into the dark
And rise above my station

July 02, 2008, 11:30:34 AM #29 Last Edit: July 02, 2008, 11:35:01 AM by NoteworthyFellow
Quote from: Dakkon Black on June 29, 2008, 12:48:42 PMOne was a noble. I can't play nobility for crap. I'm sure it could be fun in terms of organizing stuff. But the fact that you can't even even come along for the wagon ride? Meh.

House Badass--er, I mean, Tor would like a word.

Man, easy typo to make.  I mean, the keys are right next to each other.

Anyway, to stay on topic, I find that I have trouble playing purely social roles and even more trouble playing loners.  It's only been recently that I've been able to get over my touch of OOC shyness and have my characters be a bit more socially proactive and risk-taking, too.
"Life isn't divided into genres. It's a horrifying, romantic, tragic, comical, science-fiction cowboy detective novel. You know, with a bit of pornography if you're lucky."

--Alan Moore

Military or "lower" houses are good options for being non-frou-frou nobility.

Tor, Lyksae, and Hlum chosen come to mind.

Quote from: Fathi on June 29, 2008, 03:41:23 PM
I once played a character who had no grasps of the basic constructs of human life, due to raising themselves solo in the wildnerness. Having to play somebody who couldn't laugh at jokes, couldn't retort snippy one-liners when they were made her way, didn't understand -any- slang or sayings, and didn't understand concepts like sex without the direct intent to make babies or killing things without the direct intent to eat them was... very challenging.

Little things that people didn't even realise they were doing would freak her out, such as sitting on the same furniture as her or closing doors when she was in the room.

It was extremely hard to roleplay, but developing that character into a semi-functional human being was probably one of my most rewarding Arma experiences.

As far as roles that I don't tend to find myself attracted to at all? Schedules. Meh. My playtimes are too sporadic these days.

Did she bite? If it's the same pc, she was wonderful.
Varak:You tell the mangy, pointy-eared gortok, in sirihish: "What, girl? You say the sorceror-king has fallen down the well?"
Ghardoan:A pitiful voice rises from the well below, "I've fallen and I can't get up..."

While I haven't tried very many, I'm currently having difficulty with guilds other than ranger.  Maybe it's the thrill of survival, but as the OP said elsewhere:

Quote from: Is Friday on May 24, 2008, 03:32:16 PM
I end up trying to ranger my way around with my non-rangers. I'm going to give up and just play rangers from now on.

Hard to play a character who doesn't talk much.
Hard to play a male (a male who doesn't talk much, that was such a futile attempt)
Hard to play a non-ranger.
Hard to play a character who -doesn't- have "listen" or some kind of crafting skill.
And surprisingly, hard to play a character who doesn't have barter.
Talia said: Notice to all: Do not mess with Lizzie's GDB. She will cut you.
Delirium said: Notice to all: do not mess with Lizzie's soap. She will cut you.

Hard to play a dwarf (the right way). Obsessing on the focus with little thought to anything else is tough for me.

Extremely hard to play the stoic badass. My characters never shut up, and they're kind of goofy more often than not.

Challenging to play a parent. I have very, very little experience IRL with that.

Hard to play a criminal among a group of criminals. My last guy who did any dirty deeds tended to be a loner.

Can be kind of hard to play a sober character.  :P
Quote from: nessalin on July 11, 2016, 02:48:32 PM
hidden by 'body/torso'
hides nipples

I have trouble playing badasses.

I always have the urge to take care sending my character into anything and think about how other people are going to react.

Unfortunately I also get frustrated when I know something OOC but can't do a thing about it IC. I used to stay on and do silly things, now I just log out if I can or distract myself if I can't.

I have trouble playing... is harsh the word?  Characters.  I'm very empathic myself, so I have alot of trouble playing characters who don't give a feck about others, or actively harm them, or anything like that.  I always get into a conflict of 'Well, my character should gut them and take their cash' and 'But that is someone's character! They've worked hard to get that stuff, I can't just take it, and kill off their character in the process!'

Odd perhaps that I picked exactly that kind of character for my first on Arm :P
Food for thought:
Every time someone uses the phrase 'food for thought' a penguin turns to cannibalism (two if used in a pun about actual food)

Quote from: Zoltan on July 03, 2008, 09:22:55 AM
Hard to play a dwarf (the right way). Obsessing on the focus with little thought to anything else is tough for me.

Can be kind of hard to play a sober character.  :P

Both quite true for me.  8)
"Don't take life too seriously, nobody ever makes it out alive anyway."


Just having the word 'dwarf' at the end of my sdesc irks me. It brings me back to reality and makes me feel as if I'm part of some regular high fantasy setting rather than a gritty desert wasteland. If that word 'dwarf' didn't have to go at the end of the sdesc then I would be fine w/ them. I don't wanna be a 'dwarf'. It's so fantasy-generica. So unexotic. So western. So bland.

It makes me think of Snow White.  :-\
"When the spirits read the writing on the skulls Shiva wears
around his neck, they know, 'This one is Brahma, this one is
Vishnu, this one is Indra, this is death,' as they play happily
with them, Shiva smiles, he laughs, our god."   --Basava

Quote from: Lord of Charas on July 15, 2008, 06:59:45 PM

Just having the word 'dwarf' at the end of my sdesc irks me. It brings me back to reality and makes me feel as if I'm part of some regular high fantasy setting rather than a gritty desert wasteland. If that word 'dwarf' didn't have to go at the end of the sdesc then I would be fine w/ them. I don't wanna be a 'dwarf'. It's so fantasy-generica. So unexotic. So western. So bland.

Zalanthan dwarves are so different that I don't have that problem.  The bald, tattooed, thick-skinned dwarves of Zalanthas always provoke a certain bit of kick-butt, fearless attitude with me.  The focus and personality is obviously a challenge, though.

Yeah, I was about to say...if you still think of dwarves as bearded and jolly, you haven't been playing Arm long enough.
Quote from: WarriorPoet
I play this game to pretend to chop muthafuckaz up with bone swords.
Quote from: SmuzI come to the GDB to roleplay being deep and wise.
Quote from: VanthSynthesis, you scare me a little bit.


*chuckles* well, maybe not then. ;D 4 yrs now I've been an Armer, and I'm -still- somewhat of a noob, you know.

Maybe another two, three years, and all those wrong associations built up by up by Disney, or else Lord of the Rings will be overpowered ! :D yAY !

(that's if 1.Arm is still around by then. who knows, maybe it will.)
"When the spirits read the writing on the skulls Shiva wears
around his neck, they know, 'This one is Brahma, this one is
Vishnu, this one is Indra, this is death,' as they play happily
with them, Shiva smiles, he laughs, our god."   --Basava

Well, you probably aren't alone... because unfortunately (unless I've gotten the wrong idea) dwarves are not going to be in Arm2.  I'll miss them.  I like the ideas of the new races, and I've heard enough about the Cendi that I'm already getting a bit of a mental picture... but I'll still miss the common fantasy races (zalanthafied of course).

July 16, 2008, 05:27:38 AM #45 Last Edit: July 16, 2008, 06:15:16 AM by number13
I think I'm pretty good at playing extreme personalities, that have an obvious "hook" to them. I'm not so good at the 'normal' guy living out his day to day life. I have trouble caring about who's kanking who, etc. etc... the trivia that fills up an everyday conversation.

Like Maso, I oddly tend to feel more extroverted in the Rinthi bars than the their southside cousins. Maybe it's because the conversation northside tends to have more of a point to it.

QuoteJust having the word 'dwarf' at the end of my sdesc irks me. It brings me back to reality and makes me feel as if I'm part of some regular high fantasy setting rather than a gritty desert wasteland. If that word 'dwarf' didn't have to go at the end of the sdesc then I would be fine w/ them. I don't wanna be a 'dwarf'. It's so fantasy-generica.

Seems to me people do tend to rp dwarves to a generic Dungeons and Dragons stereotype. I half expect to see them emoting ":strokes his carefully braided beard as he swills down a tankard of ale." The best dwarves I've seen in game have a hyperfocus. They don't tend care about brawling, heavy drinking -- hard partying as a form of relaxation should be considered a waste of time and energy.  (unless their focus is to become the Ultimate Party Dwarf)

In short, I don't think a Dark Sun/Arma dwarf should resemble a Klingon with a Scottish accent.  imo. I'm obviously outvoted in that regard. :P

Quote from: number13 on July 16, 2008, 05:27:38 AM
In short, I don't think a Dark Sun/Arma dwarf should resemble a Klingon with a Scottish accent.  imo. I'm obviously outvoted in that regard. :P

Haha, the scottish accent is classic, on of my first characters was a dwarf like this that didn't wear anything but pants, used an axe two-handed and eventually died when he lost his hot-temper and attacked a Templar.

I can't seem to play anyone that is happy, content or light-hearted.  I think I've just come to accept that Armageddon is where I explore my shit and escape obligations of regular life.  My characters are generally depressed often aggressive and usually have little-self confidence or esteem. They're self-loathing outcasts that display the things I don't feel permitted to IRL.

I also have trouble playing a character that would be percieved as decidedly 'good' or 'evil'.  I don't play a character being heroic or generous very well while I also don't get anything out of playing a sadist.  I enjoy playing a coward as well, again it's a stress relief from the requirements IRL to always be a champ.

Maybe I should quit Arm and just start being a man haha.

I can't play winners.  All my characters are underdogs that have something either holding them back, or giving them a nicely messed up outlook, even if its tucked down deep and hidden.

Never have, and probably never will be able to play a bynner either *shrugs*
Previous of note: Kaevya the blind Tor Scorpion, Kaloraynai 'Raynai' the beetle Ruk, Korenyire of SLK, Koal 'Kick' the hooved Whiran, Kocadici/Dici/Glimmer, Koefaxine the giant Oashi 'Aide', Kosmia 'Grit' the rinthi
Current: Like I'd tell you.

Very hard for me to play an incautious character.
The sword is sharp, the spear is long,
The arrow swift, the Gate is strong.
The heart is bold that looks on gold;
The dwarves no more shall suffer wrong.

Quote from: brytta.leofa on July 16, 2008, 08:43:31 AM
Very hard for me to play an incautious character.

DItto.  I like thinking before acting.
Any questions, comments, or condemnations to an eternity of fiery torment?

Waving a hammer, the irate, seething crafter says, in rage-accented sirihish :
"Be impressed.  Now!"